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Author Topic: EnglishPhoebe - Derby DE22  (Read 3391 times)


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Day 1 of my mini tour.  Meeting 2.
I walked. 
I politely told the SP that I didn’t fancy her and couldn’t go through with the booking. I showed her the photo I relied on when booking.  She said it wasn't the best likeness of her and that the selfies are better.

[Image removed on request - 09/05/2016]

She confirms that the photo was her.  I don’t want to be a cunt. It’s not a case of bait and switch. I offer a cancellation fee and we agree a number. I add £10 onto this because this is a very awkward situation for her and it’s Christmas.

I understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However I have never been so disappointed with a meeting. She is well reviewed on here and described as gorgeous.


Ask Phoebe to tell which photo on her profile most represents how she looks.  Make sure her hair is down. She had it up when I saw her.

Offline j122

One week in advance, research done, meetings booked

I showed her the photo I relied on when booking.

Not being funny but that's not a lot of research done if you relied on one photo, she's got plenty in her free gallery on AW & there's enough links on here to videos of her to see how she looks.


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Busy day today Mr President, shame this didn't work out for you. 

Will part 3 of EM tour be out today ?


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Yes. Third review will be out later


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Not being funny but that's not a lot of research done if you relied on one photo, she's got plenty in her free gallery on AW & there's enough links on here to videos of her to see how she looks.

What's your point. I arrived, she didn't do it for me. She didn't look like her photos. I walked.

I paid a cancellation fee and I'm not accusing her of bait and switch.

Offline Chezzie John

It's a bit harsh giving her a negative as it's not like she messed you about or was shit. Just not your type and there's loads of pics in her free gallery and video's if you do your research. She's a nice lass and I enjoyed seeing her.

I hope your other punts go ok  :)


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If the OP thinks thinks the photos are misrepresentative then a neg is fair enough - remember its HIS review. 

However this wont stop me seeing phoebe, she's been in my radar a little while and hoping to sort something early 2016.

Online threechilliman

Fair do's Mr President, you had the bollocks to walk.....


Offline Iloveoral

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[Image removed on request - 09/05/2016]

Would it be fair to say this is accurate? It looks fairly recent, not that I've seen her

I would have put it down as neutral as you offered a cancellation fee (which is decent of you) by obviously it's the OP review not mine, I'd still see her based on this review to be honest.

Offline stevedave

I'd probably have gone neutral, given the circumstances and the fact no punt took place, but it isn't my review so fair do's.

Good on you, Mr President, for having the balls to walk when you didn't fancy her - not many would, I guess. Also, fair play for having the stones to place the review up, as a neg - given recent events, we need more of these honest appraisals  :drinks:

Online threechilliman

fair play for having the stones to place the review up, as a neg - given recent events, we need more of these honest appraisals  :drinks:

Indeed we do, particularly it would appear, in the East Mids as there seems to be quite an army of white knights in the area....


Offline fitasfuck

[Image removed on request - 09/05/2016]

Would it be fair to say this is accurate? It looks fairly recent, not that I've seen her

I would have put it down as neutral as you offered a cancellation fee (which is decent of you) by obviously it's the OP review not mine, I'd still see her based on this review to be honest.

I saw her about 18 months ago & I would say this above quoted pic is probably closest to her in real life as opposed to the one you went by!

Fair play to you OP. It's your review & you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. Personally, as it wasn't a case of bait & switch and not an attempt of deliberate misrepresentation, I would have gone with a neutral but I can totally understand your point of view. It was good of you to have offered cancellation fees!

Offline cueball

The president has spoken

I know why it's a negative and he walked....

She had no oil, the president loves a bit if crude :D

Offline Bangers and Gash

Indeed we do, particularly it would appear, in the East Mids as there seems to be quite an army of white knights in the area....


... who are noticeable by their absence.  :rolleyes:

Well done to the OP for walking and reporting back to base with an honest appraisal.  :hi:

 FWIW, I thought about booking Phoebe some time ago, but she descended into the usual pro$$ie trap of over pricing herself, wanting feedbacks, bookings to be done thru AW and written references from your current employer and bank manager. This affliction usually stems from having an over inflated ego after being told how amazing you are by deluded fluffy wankers.



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What's your point. I arrived, she didn't do it for me. She didn't look like her photos. I walked.

I paid a cancellation fee and I'm not accusing her of bait and switch.

His point was do some research next time to avoid turning up on the door and finding out that she's not your type after all.
Tho if you want to keep wasting time and money you keep doing what you do pal, no worries to anyone here  :thumbsup:

As for your review, its a little harsh as many have said but it's your review and you can say and rate as you please keep it up

Offline arthur

She has loads of face pics but does seem to look different from pic to pic so hard to tell what you'll be getting, theres videos of her posted on a thread on UKP that may help some (search her AW Number on here)


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His point was do some research next time to avoid turning up on the door and finding out that she's not your type after all.
Tho if you want to keep wasting time and money you keep doing what you do pal, no worries to anyone here  :thumbsup:

As for your review, its a little harsh as many have said but it's your review and you can say and rate as you please keep it up

I'm glad to say my research produced some fucking awesome meets on my trip to the East Midlands. Links are in the thread below.

Offline Iloveoral

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She's Isabel Kay? Crap quality porn with bad lighting lol but you get the idea what she can do, good face fucking in the video, that's got me interested :)

Offline Picti

What's your point. I arrived, she didn't do it for me. She didn't look like her photos. I walked.

I paid a cancellation fee and I'm not accusing her of bait and switch.

This is simple - your money equates to your preferences and your pleasure; you weren't inclined to proceed so you left in what sounds like a decent and respectful manner.  I may personally have gone with a neutral as I don't think that she misrepresents herself and the photos are current / recent. 

I have to say that I found Phoebe extremely attractive (and accurately depicted in her profile photos), very intelligent and personable, and an excellent GFE.  But we're all entitled to our views and to act on them; you did.  I haven't seen her again as our conversation revealed a remote possibility that our personal lives could potentially intersect. 

Judging by your other reviews I also think that Phoebe may not have matched your preferences.  She offers a high quality GFE, but a GFE nonetheless.

Offline arthur

She's Isabel Kay? Crap quality porn with bad lighting lol but you get the idea what she can do, good face fucking in the video, that's got me interested :)

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A search of her ID throws up 40+ results but one of them has this youtube video linked which shows pretty much what youd get in good quality. I found it by luck so cant blame the OP but I bet it would've saved the trip and cancellation fee. Next person who reads this thread or searched her reviews will know of the risks now of being potentially disappointed, that's what the forum is for.


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OP its your money & your choice to do with what you wish & grade a punt how you see fit , however a cancellation fee?

I must be easily pleased as once at the door it takes a serious misrepresentation of looks & size for me to walk away without at least getting my cock sucked, In for a penny & all that.

But there again I'm more of a performance punter who goes for girl next door types with the correct attitude as opposed to a stunner.

I very nearly booked said prossie last year until I noticed she was taller than me & I prefer much smaller petite girls.

I look forward to more of your reviews  :hi:

Offline cueball

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Aye, she's a bonny un for a vulcan resident, Spock would be proud

Live long and prosper


Offline Placebo88

I have had Phoebe on my hot list for several months now.I have not seen her but still know that she has facial looks that will divide opinion and , based on having seen her internet porn , she has many representative photos in her public gallery.The photo used by the reviewer is very recent , a professionally done one by the looks of it that makes the best use of angle and makeup , but it is no bait or switch , not out of date and does not appear photo shopped.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and plenty of other reviewers on UKP have complimented Phoebe's looks.She is using her best photo to draw punters to the profile which is standard practice.

 I am no White Knight or any of that crap but no way I'd give this a negative,It was a negative experience for the reviewer but a negative review to me means that the WG has done something out and out wrong.If the face is a deal maker or breaker for you at least look through the WGs public galleries , it does not seem like this happened here.

In other recent EMids reviews ( nothing to do with Phoebe but of another WG I had hot listed ) I agreed with one Neutral and thought the other should have been a negative based on the description.Objectively I don't agree with this one and don't think it is of any help to punters other than a reminder to check the profile thoroughly before making a booking.A negative implies deceit , poor attitude or poor service and is undeserved here as far as I can tell.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 08:02:40 pm by Placebo88 »

Offline arthur

I agree its funny/ironic that a WG with actual face pics gets a negative for this reason considering 95% of those on adultwork hide their face.

But it matters not, the review tells of the OP's experience.. anyone interested in seeing her will read the content of the review and make their mind up by looking at the vids/photos. The review simply tells us theres a RISK of disappointment, not guaranteed for every punter, its just additional info on the prossie through the eyes of one punter.

Offline Placebo88

I agree its funny/ironic that a WG with actual face pics gets a negative for this reason considering 95% of those on adultwork hide their face.

But it matters not, the review tells of the OP's experience.. anyone interested in seeing her will read the content of the review and make their mind up by looking at the vids/photos. The review simply tells us theres a RISK of disappointment, not guaranteed for every punter, its just additional info on the prossie through the eyes of one punter.

Yes , the review tells exactly what happened so I am not knocking it in that respect , but some punters will see a red negative as the latest review on her and not bother to see why she was given it , assuming something a lot worse.

GBush has done a couple more reviews in the EMids today , both very informative and well put together.One of them , Erica does not have any face shots in her public gallery that are not obscured by blurring or a mask.What I can see does not suggest a stunner so it does come across as inconsistent.

Offline azrael

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Day 1 of my mini tour.  Meeting 2.
I walked. 
I politely told the SP that I didn’t fancy her and couldn’t go through with the booking. I showed her the photo I relied on when booking.  She said it wasn't the best likeness of her and that the selfies are better.

[Image removed on request - 09/05/2016]

She confirms that the photo was her.  I don’t want to be a cunt. It’s not a case of bait and switch. I offer a cancellation fee and we agree a number. I add £10 onto this because this is a very awkward situation for her and it’s Christmas.

I understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However I have never been so disappointed with a meeting. She is well reviewed on here and described as gorgeous.


Ask Phoebe to tell which photo on her profile most represents how she looks.  Make sure her hair is down. She had it up when I saw her.

So let me get this straight, i've only been punting for a year now so fairly new to this. We can give negative reviews if we simply dont fancy the wg? As most of the lads said its OP's review and i havent seen her or being a "white knight"  but a negative is a bit harsh considering there was nothing wrong on her end, apart from not getting OP turned on. As he says he offered compensation for cancelling on her. Let me know guys if this is acceptable as i have walked from several wg's recently, and could do with whacking a few more negative reviews up  :drinks:

Offline Iloveoral

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A search of her ID throws up 40+ results but one of them has this youtube video linked which shows pretty much what youd get in good quality. I found it by luck so cant blame the OP but I bet it would've saved the trip and cancellation fee. Next person who reads this thread or searched her reviews will know of the risks now of being potentially disappointed, that's what the forum is for.

Wow thanks for that, not sure why she would do that on YouTube but good find

Offline Iloveoral

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So let me get this straight, i've only been punting for a year now so fairly new to this. We can give negative reviews if we simply dont fancy the wg? As most of the lads said its OP's review and i havent seen her or being a "white knight"  but a negative is a bit harsh considering there was nothing wrong on her end, apart from not getting OP turned on. As he says he offered compensation for cancelling on her. Let me know guys if this is acceptable as i have walked from several wg's recently, and could do with whacking a few more negative reviews up  :drinks:

Did you pay a cancellation fee when you walked?

Offline azrael

Did you pay a cancellation fee when you walked?

Nope, but i never offered to either.

Offline Placebo88

So let me get this straight, i've only been punting for a year now so fairly new to this. We can give negative reviews if we simply dont fancy the wg? As most of the lads said its OP's review and i havent seen her or being a "white knight"  but a negative is a bit harsh considering there was nothing wrong on her end, apart from not getting OP turned on. As he says he offered compensation for cancelling on her. Let me know guys if this is acceptable as i have walked from several wg's recently, and could do with whacking a few more negative reviews up  :drinks:

Tough call.If an escort had no face pictures I would be glad of someone giving an opinion.If you mean looks as in you simply did not find her attractive, rather than she looked like a druggie or was a dirty mess then I think a full review harsh , maybe a post on the regional board instead.Depends how much more you can add to make it a review , your own call.

In this case though the review was pointless to me.Phoebe has clear photos on her profile and in her free gallery.I have just checked and she even has a no make-up selfie that is only a month old.The reviewer might as well have given a negative for her not having anal on her likes list.
   Based on the photo issue your own recent West Midlands review would be a lot more worthy of a negative as you said the photos were a few years old and she is not as pretty and a fair deal bigger than they show.Most punters tend to allow a degree of leniency as far as photos go.Each punter can only make there own call , FWIW I thought that you got it about right with yours.


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We can give negative reviews if we simply dont fancy the wg?

No, his reason for the Negative isn't because he did not find Phoebe attractive it's because he thinks her photo's make her look better/different (miss represents.) than she is in the flesh. Much like a size 12 girl using last years pic's of when she was a size 8


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Each to there own, appearance wise I would of put Erica way below Pheobe, but I've never met Erica I am just judging her photos. Well done for having the courage to walk mate. If you were not satisfied with what you saw then I suppose the experience for you was negative.

Thanks for the review  :hi:

Offline Placebo88

Each to there own, appearance wise I would of put Erica way below Pheobe, but I've never met Erica I am just judging her photos. Well done for having the courage to walk mate. If you were not satisfied with what you saw then I suppose the experience for you was negative.

Thanks for the review  :hi:

As you have recently had a booking with Phoebe and reviewed her would you say that the photos in her public gallery are an accurate representation of what she looks like in the flesh ?


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As you have recently had a booking with Phoebe and reviewed her would you say that the photos in her public gallery are an accurate representation of what she looks like in the flesh ?

Phoebe is very natural and very pretty. She doesn't wear make up so if he is basing it on her professional photos and the ones in her gallery with make up and lipstick then I can see his confusion. I guess it depends how she presented herself when she saw him. He states her hair was up, I'm not sure it would of made that much difference but I saw her with her hair down and had no issues with her appearance.

Offline Placebo88

Phoebe is very natural and very pretty. She doesn't wear make up so if he is basing it on her professional photos and the ones in her gallery with make up and lipstick then I can see his confusion. I guess it depends how she presented herself when she saw him. He states her hair was up, I'm not sure it would of made that much difference but I saw her with her hair down and had no issues with her appearance.

She does even have a no make up photo as one of the most recent in her public gallery.

This is a site for punters to help punters and that is why I am commenting here.I get the impression that the punter has messed up in this case by being very slack with his research and not even looking at her public gallery , that is probably why he felt the need to offer some form of recompense.If it was a case of deliberately misleading photos there is no way you should give them anything other than a piece of your mind , some stern advice and admittedly a mention on UKP.


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Personally not sure what he is achieving by posting a neg. Makes himself look like a dick if he books a meet with a girl who has plenty of face shots available then pays her not to go ahead with the meet, then post a negative review.

Absolutely bizarre attention seeking behaviour IMO.

I'd have walked and left it at that.


Offline meat_sweats

I showed her the photo I relied on when booking.  She said it wasn't the best likeness of her and that the selfies are better.

Ask Phoebe to tell which photo on her profile most represents how she looks.

Confused as to why she would say the pic she uses as a profile pic isn't the best likeness of herself?!?

Beyond strange.

Offline Iloveoral

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A lot of the thai's I visit have the glossy pro photos, you know it's not going to be the same behind the front door waiting to suck your cock but a level of similarity is required obviously, I guess maybe she looked rough on the day? We all have off days, me more than most  :D As mentioned bizarre her comment?

I'll add my missus is extremely glam all make up'd up, but coming out the shower there is a significantly noticeable difference when she is 'plain Jane' , women have different looks especially for different moods lol
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 01:01:26 am by Iloveoral »

Offline Iloveoral

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This is heading for another 5 pager isn't it  :dance:


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This is heading for another 5 pager isn't it  :dance:

Well there does appear to be a lot of supposed East Mids WK bashing at the minute, when the reality is that we actually have a tightly knit community that engages well with each other. No bullshit or aspiring trolls in our midst.


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maybe, tho it'll be without drama this time, two pages and its all laidback so far


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maybe, tho it'll be without drama this time, two pages and its all laidback so far

Nothing at stake apart from the President's reputation as a credible reviewer. Can't see anyone cancelling Phoebe as a result myself included. She's still on my hotlist. Nuff said.


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I think the moral of the story here is don't book a girl without looking at all her pics, especially the selfies. It's only natural a girl will put the most glam image as her first point of contact. It's then up to the consumer to do the deeper research into her profile and galleries. And I don't just mean Phoebe, this applies to all WGs. A standard advertising technique whatever your business.

Personally she looked great to me when I saw her on her own and looked great when I saw her with Mandy  (review imminent when I have time) and services were as required and expected.

Offline Picti

This is heading for another 5 pager isn't it  :dance:

Let's hope not!
However I've just reminded myself of Phoebe's public gallery and with the caveat that I met her in September 2014 the pictures there represent her face and body accurately as I recall.
I've also just read all of GBush's previous reviews and there is a pattern there of domination and rough sex. Nothing wrong with that and I'm very partial myself. However, a bit of research would've clearly indicated that this was highly unlikely with Phoebe. I realise that's an assumption on my part and that maybe he likes to vary his punts or they may have negotiated / agreed a scene.
I still uphold his right to walk but there are questions about his research and the extent to which he should accept some responsibility for this situation.
Considering my experience yesterday on another thread I'll be clear that I'm engaging in nothing other than an attempt to clarify this.

Offline Iloveoral

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Well there does appear to be a lot of supposed East Mids WK bashing at the minute, when the reality is that we actually have a tightly knit community that engages well with each other. No bullshit or aspiring trolls in our midst.

+1 on that GN

Offline j122

What's your point.

The point was as others have mentioned, its a bit of an unfair negative. you said yourself that you did research before hand & then contradicted it by basing this meeting on one picture. if you'd really put the leg work in & did the research you'd of seen her other pics & links to her vids, granted most vids are back from her porn days but show how she looks facially.

Oh & while on on my trusty steed why do you feel the need to start a look at me I wrote a review post on the normal east mids section? Geez its not like the site doesn't let's us know there's a new review when we log in  :dash:

Offline redt4

Personally not sure what he is achieving by posting a neg. Makes himself look like a dick if he books a meet with a girl who has plenty of face shots available then pays her not to go ahead with the meet, then post a negative review.

Absolutely bizarre attention seeking behaviour IMO.

I'd have walked and left it at that.



Offline Owwhatanight

Each to there own, appearance wise I would of put Erica way below Pheobe, but I've never met Erica I am just judging her photos. Well done for having the courage to walk mate. If you were not satisfied with what you saw then I suppose the experience for you was negative.

Thanks for the review  :hi:

It's all about opinions but having just seen Erica recently I would totally agree with the "looks" comments above. Erica is not a looker but Phoebe Does it for me with her natural beauty.Her Media pix over the last few weeks have proved this on Uke.
Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 07:33:10 am by Owwhatanight »


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It's all about opinions but having just seen Erica recently I would totally agree with the "looks" comments above. Erica is not a looker but Phoebe Does it for me with her natural beauty.Her Media pix over the last few weeks have proved this on Uke.
Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder

That is so true, in response to many of my reviews i get many people ask to assign an arbitrary number to facial attractiveness, always send them on their way without a number, usually much to their disgust.  Attractiveness is a yes/no answer to me not a game of top trumps.

Can see why reviewer put as negative he made the statement below in his review, if he felt like that he has to.  I sincerely hope he never feels more disappointed.

However I have never been so disappointed with a meeting.

Hank Moody

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Loved the other two reviews but this one just leaves me baffled to be honest  :unknown: I can't get my head round someone driving all that way and paying money without at least looking at the free gallery beforehand (and in this case it leaves no doubt as to what to expect with the recent no-make up selfie). I do tend to over-research if I'm honest but would have thought that most punters would at least do the basics before deciding and committing to a booking. I appreciate that I'm just echoing what others have said and my comments don't add anything useful but then neither does this review in my humble opinion. I'm afraid I'd have to give the reviewer a -neg for this one  :thumbsdown: