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Author Topic: Slutwithclass???  (Read 1658 times)

Offline bdyno

What do you guys make of this profile:
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Seems well written, has a sensible likes list and not even a PG to scam people with.  Nothing about it screams fake or TGTBT to me....except the price.

If this girl is genuine and gives even a half decent service at that price, she could be seeing a lot of me in the not too distant future!

Offline Horseman

The price for me sends this firmly into TGTBT.

Even only cursory glances at other profiles as research would highlight that those prices are way lower than the norm.

Offline joninbristol

Yep, I had the one same misgiving, so I made some enquiries, and arranged to have lunch with her in the next few days.
All comm's were good, prompt and conversant, obviously has a good level of English. Lives in a decent part of town and seems intelligent and organised. Professional in a business sense, but down to earth. Nothing to ring any alarm bells so far, and I'm pretty decent at picking up on the slightest hint.
Noted from her availability that she's not available late or for overnights in the week due to her job.

Will post back once I can comment more usefully.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 10:58:25 am by joninbristol »

Offline joninbristol

Yep, she set that up whilst I was conversing with her a few days ago and apologised for it being an automatic reply when I accidentally replied to her (she's tweaked it to make it obvious it's automated since). Also, her availability has moved out from 1st October yesterday to 5th October today, and she's updating her availability calendar, so obviously organised. Intrigued to say the least, so TOFTT (unless someone beats me to it).

« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 10:59:40 am by joninbristol »

Offline bdyno

Yep, she set that up whilst I was conversing with her a few days ago and apologised for it being an automatic reply when I accidentally replied to her (she's tweaked it to make it obvious it's automated since). Also, her availability has moved out from 1st October yesterday to 5th October today, and she's updating her availability calendar, so obviously organised. Intrigued to say the least, so TOFTT (unless someone beats me to it).
Thanks for the input, sounds like she might actually be genuine. Hard to believe at those prices so I'm still sceptical, but if she's happy with them who are we to complain?

I won't be beating you to it, but if your meet goes well I won't be far behind you! Even if you don't post a review immediately, a quick yay or nay here would be much appreciated.

Offline joninbristol

Noted, will do, it's good to see others spotted her and had the same thinking.
My take is if it's a cheap punt and it's crap, there's little lost, so long as I get out without being mugged.
And if it's great and she's a career woman doing it mostly for the sex (and let's face it, we ALL need a good shag after the last six months), then win-win.

My thinking was that as she's relatively new, eastern European with zero feedback, and perhaps wants to establish herself, maybe she's kept her prices low initially to drum up some interest and reviews.

SkyeSkinner in Cheddar did this,
External Link/Members Only
- she's got some good reviews and now her prices have rocketed. Makes sense as a solid ploy to market yourself as a newbie, especially if you're one of the few good ones in a see of mediocrity. Also, she's got Swindon next door to compete with, so although low, it makes a lot of sense to get your foot in the door.

Anyways, will let you know as soon as practical, even if it's a short thumbs up.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 11:24:01 am by joninbristol »

Offline Freejack77

This sounds very curious and intriguing.  Be good to see any kind of yay or nay whoever gets there first, me included.

Offline LondonPete

Lives in a decent part of town

I think that pretty much describes most of Chippenham.  There are few places in Chippenham I would fear to tread...

Offline Whatalotaa

Friday morning for me  :dance:

(I booked that a week ago when she first appeared in my search)

Nothing ventured - nothing gained.  :D

Offline Freejack77

Friday morning for me  :dance:

(I booked that a week ago when she first appeared in my search)

Nothing ventured - nothing gained.  :D

I suspect there will be quite a few checking to see if your thoughts are up come Friday lunchtime!

Offline joninbristol

Friday morning for me  :dance:

(I booked that a week ago when she first appeared in my search)

Nothing ventured - nothing gained.  :D

Good on ya, you've already beaten me to it.
Looking forward to another quality review, let us know how you get on :)  :hi:

« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 10:08:10 pm by joninbristol »

Offline Cupid Stuntz

Looks like she's got quite a big arse on her so expect a larger than depicted Lady. £60 an hr isn't so cheap, not for a Hungarian anyway. £80 an hr is quite common and I've seen £70 on occasion too. Sadly not in the Dorset / Hants area though.

Likes a drink and a toke too so take along a bottle of something and some nice sticky bud and she'll get extra horny for you.

Have a good session Whatalotaa, look forward to seeing a review  :thumbsup:.

Offline joninbristol

Looks like she's got quite a big arse on her so expect a larger than depicted Lady. £60 an hr isn't so cheap, not for a Hungarian anyway. £80 an hr is quite common and I've seen £70 on occasion too. Sadly not in the Dorset / Hants area though.

Likes a drink and a toke too so take along a bottle of something and some nice sticky bud and she'll get extra horny for you.

Have a good session Whatalotaa, look forward to seeing a review  :thumbsup:.

Oh yep, she's undoubtedly solid and has a good rump on her.
Submissive too from her likes and profile description.
Likewise Whatalotaa, looking forward to seeing that first review tomorrow - thank you for TOFTT.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 05:59:08 pm by joninbristol »

Offline bdyno

Looks like she's got quite a big arse on her so expect a larger than depicted Lady. £60 an hr isn't so cheap, not for a Hungarian anyway. £80 an hr is quite common and I've seen £70 on occasion too. Sadly not in the Dorset / Hants area though.
Where are you looking?!!

I haven't seen those sort of prices for a few years, certainly not in the Wiltshire/Bristol area.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 06:36:58 pm by bdyno »

Offline joninbristol

Alas, poor Whatalotaa, we knew him well.....
Must have been quite a session, wonder if he's in recovery?   :rolleyes:

Offline Whatalotaa

Sorry guys.

I can report back the meeting was a success. I'll do a full report later but in brief. New flat on new estate. Excellent coms. Good looking. Bit chubby but then so am I. Excellent English. Excellent service. £15 for deep throating oral and COF. Absolute bargain.

I've rebooted but having a feeling she will be busy once you lot read this!

Offline joninbristol

*re booked

Excellent, glad you had a good time, she sounds from what you said as excellent as she reads, always reassuring.  :thumbsup:

Look forward to the full report, thank you for this preview. :hi:

« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 04:27:08 pm by joninbristol »

Offline Freejack77

Sorry guys.

I can report back the meeting was a success. I'll do a full report later but in brief. New flat on new estate. Excellent coms. Good looking. Bit chubby but then so am I. Excellent English. Excellent service. £15 for deep throating oral and COF. Absolute bargain.

I've rebooted but having a feeling she will be busy once you lot read this!

I'm shocked. I mean, I'm pleased for you fella but I wasn't expecting this to go well. At the very least I was expecting you to say "she's an absolute boot". Eagerly anticipating the write up and detail now.

Offline bdyno

Sorry guys.

I can report back the meeting was a success. I'll do a full report later but in brief. New flat on new estate. Excellent coms. Good looking. Bit chubby but then so am I. Excellent English. Excellent service. £15 for deep throating oral and COF. Absolute bargain.

I've rebooted but having a feeling she will be busy once you lot read this!

:drinks: :yahoo: :drinks: :yahoo:

I reckon we all need to tell her how overpriced everyone else is so she doesn't put her prices up!!  :D

Offline joninbristol

:drinks: :yahoo: :drinks: :yahoo:

I reckon we all need to tell her how overpriced everyone else is so she doesn't put her prices up!!  :D

Noted ! :D

Although from my conversations with her so far, she seems too intelligent to fall for that - I'm sure she knows full well she's underpriced.

I guess if you've got a high sex drive and want lots of regular sex, without the ties or the potential of a relationship, but know you've got to compete with skinny competition that has slim lithe model figures, keeping your prices low is a surefire way to guarantee lots of varied fun and make a little cash for your time on the side. And save a fortune on "DIY" batteries.  Factor in the "they're mostly grumpy, humourless and switchbait" reputation that many EEs have, and you need to use a different lever to get your business.

If I thought I could do it I would too, but I fear even at £0.60p per hour I'd not get many female takers !  :lol:

« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 05:25:29 pm by joninbristol »