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Author Topic: A travel companion cost  (Read 4788 times)

Offline Davidmcdonald53

What would you expect to pay on a daily basis for a travel companion?

Offline sushi

I guess it depends on if its purely as a travel companion or if you want more.

Offline Davidmcdonald53

Not purely travel. Would want usual 'personal services', but only overnight and not on a continuous basis. I get on well with the girl, having known her for a number of years. I will be paying for everything including 5 star hotel, tickets to Opera, all meals etc. she is keen to go with me and we just want to find an equitable deal all round. She is not greedy, but has no idea what to ask for. Neither of us want to be unreasonable.


  • Guest
If you're that friendly, surely it's 'FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS'

If not, even though you're paying for the Opera tickets etc, it's not like it's something she REALLY wants to go to see, so yes, there has to be a cost (especially if sex is on the menu).
That's dependent on the girl tbh... but you can expect to pay anywhere from 400 to 2,000 per night.
If you really do fancy her and if she really is a friend/acquaintance of sorts; I'd say £400 for a day / maybe's £800 for the weekend.
I'd say that is fair, in your circumstances; but it's all guesswork and relative tbh.

Some of the more exotic models look to charge you 450ph / 1500 overnight / or 3k for a weekend.

Someone 'I' had seen regularly charged me £500 for the whole weekend (Friday mid day to Monday morning)... but I supplied the flight tickets Glasgow/London return, paid for everything, and spent a wedge on her when we went shopping!!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 09:13:13 pm by JIMI1234 »

Offline Cuntminion

£7.65 an hour double bubble overnight 10pm to 6am
Come get me ladies

Offline Davidmcdonald53

Many thanks, this is all very helpfu. As it happens she asked to how to Opera. Not my cup of tea, but I want to do only what she requests. Like her so much I will agree to anything.

Offline Cuntminion

Many thanks, this is all very helpfu. As it happens she asked to how to Opera. Not my cup of tea, but I want to do only what she requests. Like her so much I will agree to anything.

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  • Guest
Not purely travel. Would want usual 'personal services', but only overnight and not on a continuous basis. I get on well with the girl, having known her for a number of years. I will be paying for everything including 5 star hotel, tickets to Opera, all meals etc. she is keen to go with me and we just want to find an equitable deal all round. She is not greedy, but has no idea what to ask for. Neither of us want to be unreasonable.
Maybe money lost by coming away with you would be fair, she must know what she earns on average for the duration of the holiday, would not be fair to go below that.

Offline Cuntminion

Not purely travel. Would want usual 'personal services', but only overnight and not on a continuous basis. I get on well with the girl, having known her for an hour a fortnight for a number of years. I will be paying for everything (Scooby doo voice REAAAALLLLYYYYY!!!! including The 5 star hotel in Scunthorpe (currently unrated and on council warning), tickets to  phantom of the Opera , one Tesco meal deal etc. she is keen to go with me and we just want to find an equitable deal all round. She wants more money, but has no idea what to ask for (hoping you out bid what she was expecting). Neither of us want to be unreasonable.

Now go look on saafe for the numerous

"Regular trying to undermine my rates on travel companion" threads

And see the hordes roar like you just kicked a kitten into a speeding truck

This my friend , is the reality

For anyone that has pondered mates rates unless you got a smile that's worth £50 a look it won't end. Well


  • Guest
Many thanks, this is all very helpfu. As it happens she asked to how to Opera. Not my cup of tea, but I want to do only what she requests. Like her so much I will agree to anything.

Tell you what, read these to her: Saves on the time / money of going to the Opera, and it means you can stay in your 5***** room and indulge in the full menu   :P

Act I: Girl Meets Boy. Things are looking up for both.
Act II: Things go well for Girl and Boy; Then they start to go badly.
Act III: Things go badly for girl and boy; Loss, Heartache, Death and Destruction.

Deformed since birth, a bitter man known only as the Phantom lives in the sewers underneath the Paris Opera House. He falls in love with the obscure chorus singer Christine, and privately tutors her while terrorizing the rest of the opera house and demanding Christine be given lead roles.

MADAME BUTTERFLY (also, pretty much the plot to Miss Saigon)
Lieutenant B.F. Pinkerton on shore-leave in Japan. Pinkerton spies Cho-Cho San and immediately falls in lust. Friend counsels Pinkerton that he can 'marry' this beautiful Japanese girl, enjoy himself then sail back to America unshackled, since abandonment equates divorce in Japan. Friend assures Pinkerton that once abandoned, Cho-Cho will be free to marry whomever she chooses from amongst the Japanese people. Pinkerton's ship sails, Butterfly waits patiently for her husband to come home as she’s had his baby. Pinkerton does arrive in Japan, but with his American bride. Butterfly does/does not kill herself.

At one of her brilliant supper parties, the beautiful Violetta Valéry, meets the well-born Alfredo Germont, and for love of him abandons her feverish life of pleasure. Alfredo’s father intrudes, demands that Violetta renounce Alfredo. Violetta determines to make the sacrifice and departs, leaving only a note for Alfredo. She appears at a ball on the arm of an old admirer, Baron Douphol, to the fury of Alfredo. The two men play at cards; Alfredo wins consistently. Unable to persuade Violetta to go with him, Alfredo insults her and is challenged by the Baron. Violetta becomes ill, and all her friends desert her, leaving her virtually penniless. Alfredo at last returns. His father has told him of Violetta’s noble renunciation, and urged him to seek her forgiveness. Overjoyed at the sight of him, Violetta attempts to rise. But it is too late. As Germont and the doctor enter, Violetta dies in Alfredo’s arms.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 09:39:26 pm by JIMI1234 »


  • Guest
That's some thread diversion! Didn't see the potted opera synopses popping up on UKP. If it's only the weekend then it's unlikely that you could fit all four operas in, but you forgot Wagner's Ring Cycle. Come to think of it with at least two incidents of incest (brother/sister, aunt /nephew), a guy giving his daughter in payment to two burly foreign builders, wife swapping, midgets (well dwarves anyway), bait and switch (the Tarnhelm) and a title suggestive of anal fixation, The Ring might be a rich seam to mine for a few UKP a threads. The whole thing opens with three stunning looking sisters that fail to deliver on their enjoys list, although I suppose the Rhinemaidens are German rather than Romanian.

Sorry, if opera's not your thing then this posting is a total waste of space. Makes a change from cats though!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 01:46:08 am by johnnyboy61 »


  • Guest
All depends on how much she really likes you and genuinely wants to do what you've got lined up.

I've paid £800 to take a girl away on a 6 day all inclusive trip so less than £140 per day - plus of course the cost of the trip. And regularly saw another lady for 4 day long weekends for £350 total. That mostly involved us staying in rather than expensive hotels / meals etc.

The way I look at it is I have an idea roughly how much sex I want / expect per day and pay a standard hourly rate for that. I never paid for "companionship" and always felt I got a good deal while never feeling I was taking advantage.


  • Guest
All depends on how much she really likes you and genuinely wants to do what you've got lined up.

I've paid £800 to take a girl away on a 6 day all inclusive trip so less than £140 per day - plus of course the cost of the trip. And regularly saw another lady for 4 day long weekends for £350 total. That mostly involved us staying in rather than expensive hotels / meals etc.

The way I look at it is I have an idea roughly how much sex I want / expect per day and pay a standard hourly rate for that. I never paid for "companionship" and always felt I got a good deal while never feeling I was taking advantage.

I I was the Ist client to offer to take / pay to take a regular WG ( TIFF007 ) away for weekend ( all  costs @ my expense )

The way I look at it is I agreed pay  her "" standard"  advertised £80/hr hourly rates for NSA GFE sex 

I never paid £££  for "social companionship" and always felt we both
got a good deal while never feeling I was taking advantage of  her good nature
or overstepping the usual escorting /her (emotional) and sexual boundaries !!

I got made redundant so did ot have £££ to see her again She has since retired from escorting !!

Another Regular also now retired ( offered to do monthly overnight outcalls for £300 !!

« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 03:34:10 am by expert69man4u »


  • Guest
All depends on how much she really likes you and genuinely wants to do what you've got lined up.

I've paid £800 to take a girl away on a 6 day all inclusive trip so less than £140 per day - plus of course the cost of the trip. And regularly saw another lady for 4 day long weekends for £350 total. That mostly involved us staying in rather than expensive hotels / meals etc.

The way I look at it is I have an idea roughly how much sex I want / expect per day and pay a standard hourly rate for that. I never paid for "companionship" and always felt I got a good deal while never feeling I was taking advantage.
That's all very well but if your sex time is less than what she could be earning if not on the holiday.


  • Guest
Ask her what she would be earning if she were working those days and compensate accordingly.

Offline LoneWolf2020

dont let her take advantage of you which she will given just half a chance. Remember its a business transaction so stop with the mushy 'but i really like her' rubbish. If she quotes you a price you arent happy with shop around for a better deal.

thats the problem these days, soppy clients influencing prossies to up their prices spoiling it for the rest of us.


  • Guest
Ive done this for £300 a night or £500 for two. Thats her fee only. All costs on me for duration. Usually sex in morning, afternoon and evening. More fun in the evening.


  • Guest
My advice would be to set a reverse booking and set it at a low or a fee to what your comfortable with

Lay out the detail plans and let the reverse bookings come in. Delete the ones that are expensive and show her the ones that match. Ask her to pricematch it and explain that you will have a weekend with a view to more if you het along.

Its easiest way to compromise on price and will cost you £2.

You went a bit OTT with a 5* hotel though etc, thats music to the ears of anyone as they feel ur made of money.

Offline LoneWolf2020

better still ask her to come for free, im sure she'll accept your invite as you really like each other.


  • Guest
My advice would be to set a reverse booking and set it at a low or a fee to what your comfortable with
I can't see the point of a RB in this scenario. Just imagine, you arrive at your destination and over the course of the journey there you have discovered you have absolutely nothing in common with this complete air-head you have booked and you've got to put up with her company for a couple of days. There's no walking at the door as you might in a normal punt.

You are right to book someone who you get on well with, but I can see the negotiations on prices would be awkward. It depends how much of a holiday she sees it as herself, or whether she considers it 24/7 work. Only she can really answer that question. I don't think that she can be expected to be compensated for the clients that she would have seen in those days if she considers it as a break, but it could be very expensive if she thinks that she is working the whole time.

Offline threechilliman

That's all very well but if your sex time is less than what she could be earning if not on the holiday.

You also have to bear in mind what shes not spending whilst away. I'd have thought a weeks holiday all paid for and £100/day would tempt a lot of WG's


Offline ayreon010

Depends on the lady really.

I know a few who I have become slight friends with who with me will take a much lower amount than usual


  • Guest
better still ask her to come for free, im sure she'll accept your invite as you really like each other.

Ha ha ha ha... Nice one Wolf


  • Guest
I'd ever pay over an all night rate if they already offer that, in fact I would consider it the basis for a negotiation downwards.

I've done a few weekenders over the years and used this approach, but only with WGs I've met before and know it will work with. Few have the intelligence to make an entire weekend interesting as far as I'm concerned.


  • Guest
I think you could bag a girl for 100 a day for 5 to 6 days. most prossies think it's a bargain, but if you book a cheap flight for 100 return,  cheap room it's bargain for punter.

So 800 for 6 days. Fuck them in morning afternoon evening.  Feel them up in the day and they have to be at our side most of the time so you can admire.  Give them few hours to self they are happy.  I think they think as lying about in Sun makes it a holiday .   

It actually makes them a good cheap fuck.  About 30-40 a go.  Thats a punting bargain. 

Prossies dont seem to do the maths just see holiday so good way to take advantage of them.   as its part of everyday life for a prossie to be fucked and used by men you can probably get more then three fucks as most will just let you as don't mind.   Love the dumb bitches.  In a nice way.

Offline Silver Birch

I think you could bag a girl for 100 a day for 5 to 6 days. most prossies think it's a bargain.......

Prossies dont seem to do the maths just see holiday so good way to take advantage of them.   as its part of everyday life for a prossie to be fucked and used by men you can probably get more then three fucks as most will just let you as don't mind.   Love the dumb bitches.  In a nice way.

Are you fucking kidding?? Please post a link to even ONE wg you can find that will offer you this. Absolute bollox.

Spending time with a punter is NOT a holiday for a wg and they are not the mug's you seem to think they are.

Troll alert  :bomb: :bomb:


  • Guest
Quesadilla stated this : I've paid £800 to take a girl away on a 6 day all inclusive trip so less than £140 per day .         

I might be new here but not a fool, not sure why you are singling  me out when others have stated similar to me.  less then 140 a day.  3 fucks a day less then 50quid. 

Not here to argue just express my views as I'm sure you do.  I'm sure only your views are valid and no one could of had any experience different to yours.  Well I have so let's both just accept views without name calling and attempts to get people banned.   

Im also not posting evidence on demand, sorry.

Offline threechilliman

Are you fucking kidding?? Please post a link to even ONE wg you can find that will offer you this. Absolute bollox.

An RB for a one week holiday to somewhere warm, all paid for plus £700 cash at the end in your hand would have a dozen bids on it by the end of the day. Try it!!


Offline peter_bungee

I think you will regret this in the future as how girls are during a booking is not how they are in real life

I went travelling with an escort (3/4weeks) unpaid, but i did pay the flights and food, everything else was 50-50.  However she was a nightmare, moaning, unadventurous, vain and havent spoken to her since!  We had an ok time i guess but wouldnt repeat experience... I certainly would NOT pay for her time if she wants a holiday she will come free.

If you want a travel buddy, use travbuddy or couchsurfing meetups

Offline peter_bungee

Are you fucking kidding?? Please post a link to even ONE wg you can find that will offer you this. Absolute bollox.

Spending time with a punter is NOT a holiday for a wg and they are not the mug's you seem to think they are.

Troll alert  :bomb: :bomb:

I disagree maybe the super busy hardened prozzies would not accept this, but for many £600 and a free holiday would be snapped up IF they get on with u.  As i said i went away with one girl free (but no sex only once) and another said she wanted to come ny with me but by then id learnt my lesson


  • Guest
Not purely travel. Would want usual 'personal services', but only overnight and not on a continuous basis. I get on well with the girl, having known her for a number of years. I will be paying for everything including 5 star hotel, tickets to Opera, all meals etc. she is keen to go with me and we just want to find an equitable deal all round. She is not greedy, but has no idea what to ask for. Neither of us want to be unreasonable.

Based on the National Minimum Wage of £6.50 per hour, she would get £156.00 a day (24 hours). I suppose if she sees it as working, she might want to base the dosh on what she could earn in a day. What's her hourly rate for a punt?  :unknown:

Offline LoneWolf2020

seriously mate dont bother, prossie or not at the end of the day shes a woman and women are a pain in the arse. After an hours booking and ive shot my load im more than ready to get the fuck outta there. Sometimes afterwards they start banging on about ridiculous things like what colour they are dying their hair later, i just want to say 'not interested, bye'.

Just take a nice bottle of lube with you and have a decent wank, its a lot cheaper and your right hand cant nag you all day.

Offline Silver Birch

An RB for a one week holiday to somewhere warm, all paid for plus £700 cash at the end in your hand would have a dozen bids on it by the end of the day. Try it!!


I wouldn't waste £2  :P I'm still sceptical it would actually happen in most cases. I must be reading too much SAAFE  :sarcastic:

I would have thought most wgs would NOT go on a week long trip with a (most likely) fat middle-aged geezer that she has to pretend to like but has little in common with, for a mere £100 per day, when she could earn x5 (and more) that if she worked at home and only have to spend 4-5 hours doing it rather than 24!

Holidays are for friends or family, but if a punter chooses to spend it with a wg I guess it is still a holiday... for HIM!

From a wgs point of view, spending time abroad with someone is is neither your family, or your friend isn't a holiday even if the punter does give her freedom for part of the day.

Offline Cuntminion

I wouldn't waste £2  :P I'm still sceptical it would actually happen in most cases. I must be reading too much SAAFE  :sarcastic:

I would have thought most wgs would NOT go on a week long trip with a (most likely) fat middle-aged geezer that she has to pretend to like but has little in common with, for a mere £100 per day, when she could earn x5 (and more) that if she worked at home and only have to spend 4-5 hours doing it rather than 24!

Holidays are for friends or family, but if a punter chooses to spend it with a wg I guess it is still a holiday... for HIM!

From a wgs point of view, spending time abroad with someone is is neither your family, or your friend isn't a holiday even if the punter does give her freedom for part of the day.

£100 a day I agree I can't see many accepting

Offline AnthG

Not purely travel. Would want usual 'personal services', but only overnight and not on a continuous basis. I get on well with the girl, having known her for a number of years. I will be paying for everything including 5 star hotel, tickets to Opera, all meals etc. she is keen to go with me and we just want to find an equitable deal all round. She is not greedy, but has no idea what to ask for. Neither of us want to be unreasonable.

How long are you going for. I ask as I wouldn't try to work it out per day.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
Hmmm...correct me if  I'm wrong but the OP sounds like he's all  'spannered up' with this working girl that he'll do 'anything' for her?! *alarm bells ringing*.

Like another poster said, it's a 'business' transaction not a frikkin holiday with your true gf. Sorry but he needs to smell the coffee!

Offline AnthG

Hmmm...correct me if  I'm wrong but the OP sounds like he's all  'spannered up' with this working girl that he'll do 'anything' for her?! *alarm bells ringing*.

Doesn't mean he has to pay over the odds though does he.

The girl will know a good thing when she sees it, so get out your negotiation cap big style I would say to the OP.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
Doesn't mean he has to pay over the odds though does he.

The girl will know a good thing when she sees it, so get out your negotiation cap big style I would say to the OP.

No it doesn't and it should be a harsh financial lesson learnt if he does, unless money is no object.


  • Guest
I wouldn't waste £2  :P I'm still sceptical it would actually happen in most cases. I must be reading too much SAAFE  :sarcastic:

I would have thought most wgs would NOT go on a week long trip with a (most likely) fat middle-aged geezer that she has to pretend to like but has little in common with, for a mere £100 per day, when she could earn x5 (and more) that if she worked at home and only have to spend 4-5 hours doing it rather than 24!

Holidays are for friends or family, but if a punter chooses to spend it with a wg I guess it is still a holiday... for HIM!

From a wgs point of view, spending time abroad with someone is is neither your family, or your friend isn't a holiday even if the punter does give her freedom for part of the day.

Had a fair amount of interest in an RB for a ski trip I had back in Feb, including at least two well reviewed WG'S, who were keen to improve their skiing and happy with an all inclusive trip and "pocket money" effectively. About £100 per day cash.

In the end I managed to work it round a regs schedule and that's the only reason I paid as much as I did - previous experience taught me "the horny little devil I know" would be better than the cheaper ones I didn't.  Best ski trip I ever had - was almost too shagged out to ski some days but there was always something warm and exciting to look forward to at the end of a hard day on the piste.    :drinks:

Also knew from previous experience the conversation would never dry up, we liked the same music and movies etc etc so definitely think a reg is worth paying a premium for. However a RB will at least give you a ballpark.

BTW she was a reg for many months after that and the deals actually got better once we both realised how well we got on. She eventually did A levels,  BDSM,  watersports and all kinds of stuff that was never on her likes list.

Well worth investigating I would say but obviously don't be surprised if the cost of that kind of deal turns out to also include a dose of EAS. Fortunately as a single guy that was not an issue for me and even though I am no longer punting we are still mates.

But I digress - point was that absolutely with the right punter / wg vibe it's definitely a holiday for her too.


  • Guest
I asked for a travel companion trip once, got quoted £400 for a one way trip from Southampton to Waterloo. It seemed pricey but when you weigh up the travel and then her return journey back home the time that would take would have been around 4 hours. She even said no to the idea. stating it was way to much money and we wouldn't even make love, so I went round for an incall for an hour, had a blast and went to London from Winchester for £40.00 on a one day travel card.

Offline Olivia

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Not purely travel. Would want usual 'personal services', but only overnight and not on a continuous basis. I get on well with the girl, having known her for a number of years. I will be paying for everything including 5 star hotel, tickets to Opera, all meals etc. she is keen to go with me and we just want to find an equitable deal all round. She is not greedy, but has no idea what to ask for. Neither of us want to be unreasonable.

The fact that she appears to be approaching 'naming a number' with an equal amount of trepidation as you are, indicates a reassuring degree of authenticity on her part.  There are many in our line of work who would have identified your self proclaimed infatuation and abused their position to extort every possible penny from you, however obscene and opportunistic.  Recognize this, and make the most of it.  If you continue to fumble indecisively for too long you run the risk of missing the opportunity or putting a damper on the entire expedition by ensuring the focus is on the money and nothing but, when in reality you should agree a price, honour the agreement and spend your time looking forward to/ enjoying what will inevitably be an expensive event.

Points to consider:

1) What is her advertised hourly rate?
2) On average, how many appointments does she work in any given day and how many days in a normal week?

Once you have the figure, use your common sense, account for the perks you will be providing and come to a sensible offer.  You can't go far wrong on this basis, I'm sure.

Offline purple_t

Depends on the lady really.

I know a few who I have become slight friends with who with me will take a much lower amount than usual


Offline hungrypunt

If I was a WG, and asked on a nice little trip to somewhere exotic by you guys, Id be on my laptop booking more scores in for me for when we got there and telling you I was nipping out for a couple of hours handbag shopping each day, adding another couple of quid on top of what your paying me.

OR maybe be honest and say well Ill do a deal for you 150 per day (or whatever) and get 2 more local punters a day whilst there.
Remember they take their working tools with them everywhere they go   :angelgirl:
But I do still love you and think we have loads in common :rose:
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 12:39:30 pm by hungrypunt »

Offline LoneWolf2020

She even said no to the idea. stating it was way to much money and we wouldn't even make love

what a shame you didnt get to make love  :rose:

....did you get to fuck though?

Offline Jimmyredcab

This is like asking "how long is a piece of string"        :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

There are so many factors to consider, how well do you know each other, where will you be taking her and for how long.

Let's suppose you took her to Las Vegas for a week in a luxury hotel ------------ if she knows you quite well she should be happy with £200 a day, that is £1400 tax free for a week of being wined and dined.    :hi:

Offline Bikerboy

What would you expect to pay on a daily basis for a travel companion?

Agree with many of the opinions on here, especially Q's.

That said, it's one of those questions where there is no right answer. Of course, some list 24 hour +prices and you can always ask.

In my experience, it's the type of question best posed in person if possible and as a casual enquiry. Responses I have had have ranged from zero cost (with girls I get on well with) to £1,500 per day with many rates in between. I have always offered to pay for the hotel, travel, meals and other costs.
Most important thing imo is that you get on and are compatible, obvious I know, but not always easy to be sure of.


  • Guest
what a shame you didnt get to make love  :rose:

....did you get to fuck though?
Yes, and very nice it was too, Thanks for asking.  :drinks:


  • Guest
I think you could bag a girl for 100 a day for 5 to 6 days. most prossies think it's a bargain, but if you book a cheap flight for 100 return,  cheap room it's bargain for punter.

So 800 for 6 days. Fuck them in morning afternoon evening.  Feel them up in the day and they have to be at our side most of the time so you can admire.  Give them few hours to self they are happy.  I think they think as lying about in Sun makes it a holiday .   

It actually makes them a good cheap fuck.  About 30-40 a go.  Thats a punting bargain. 

Prossies dont seem to do the maths just see holiday so good way to take advantage of them.   as its part of everyday life for a prossie to be fucked and used by men you can probably get more then three fucks as most will just let you as don't mind.   Love the dumb bitches.  In a nice way.

Porky this isn't how we view it at all.  I don't know any WG who sees a holiday with clients as a holiday, they are hard work, although they can also be enjoyable.  A lot depends on how appealing the trip is, and how much she wants to go to the place anyway.  If it's a nice destination, nice hotel and so on in a place that the WG would like to visit anyway, and the proposal the client makes appeals to her, she is going to be more inclined to give a good price.  A cheap flight to a cheap hotel with a client who expects sex at least 3 times per day and for her to be at his side most of the time to be admired and touched up, is not going to appeal to very many, if any girls, and the price will reflect that for any who agree to the proposal.  Also, it's not a case of 'just letting you and not minding', it's trying to give you a good service and make you happy.

OP, this is really the bottom line, it sounds like you get on well with this girl and the trip and activities do appeal to her.  In that case, why don't you ask her what she'd make in a working week and offer her that as a starting point?  If it was someone I got on well with, and somewhere that appealed to me, I'd agree to that.  And it's only a starting point, you can always both negotiate if need be.

I hope it works out for you and have fun.