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Author Topic: Cairo, Egypt  (Read 8226 times)

Offline jok32

Tried a search but there didn't seem to be much up to date information about Egypt in general except to warn about scams and arrests.

Also had a look around ISG but that seems to be a heavily moderated thread with only paid members having any intel they would share only for similar intel.

Is punting viable in Egypt (primarily Cairo, maybe Luxor as part of tourist trek), and if so, how would one go about finding some decent girls?
How much are the charges over there for various services?
Anything in particular to look out for?

Thanks in advance!

Offline Eggbert

Did you have any luck in Cairo? I'll be there for 2 days so wouldn't mind arranging something.

Offline catweazle

As I only mention this as an aside, but l was in Luxor a few years ago, staying at the Winter Palace on the Corniche. I wanted a bottle of coke for my room (get dry and thirsty in the night, and don't trust even so-called bottled water.)

Outside, on the Corniche itself, (actually on the bit between the two lanes) was a small kiosk, which had Coca Cola logo's all over it.

I wandered over, and there was a long-ish queue of Egyptian men, lining up to buy cigarettes. While waiting my turn, a man sidled up to me and whispered " you like nice young girl for the night? Very young very fresh".

I declined, and he wandered off, only to circle round the kiosk and approach me from the other side, saying "you like nice young boy, then? I can arrange".

Also, over on the left bank, in the small villages there, I was propositioned twice once by a man holding a (seemingly teenage) girl by the arm, and once by a girl in a bakery.

So certainly in Luxor there was street action, although whether safe or desirable is a different question ( and no, I didn't partake)

Offline jstar1

When I was in luxor I got to talking to some locals. One of them said he could arrange a girl if I wanted. I declined at that was the end of it. He didn't wasn't pushy at all so I believed him. So it is there but you'll need to have a contact.

Offline Marmalade

I wouldn’t fancy your chances of taking someone back to the Winter Palace. It’s interesting that people have been offered. But remember they will offer you almost anything yet the materialisation process often looks as rare, ephemeral and even costly as a genie in a lamp.

Offline Marmalade

Also, over on the left bank, in the small villages there, I was propositioned twice once by a man holding a (seemingly teenage) girl by the arm, and once by a girl in a bakery.

Where abouts was this? Do you remember? Maybe in the coastal township area as you get off the boat? Or the scattered habitations inland by the ticket office and the roads each way from the T-junction?

At least a woman herself suggests less possibility of pimping but you have to be incredibly discreet, especially for her sake (she could get thrown in prison). From what I remember there are also laws against guest houses welcoming unmarried couples although it’s relaxed for tourists in most establishments. Please be careful, that’s all. Scams of all kinds are not uncommon but there are occasionally very trustable people so psych out your contacts carefully.

Offline MJ.spritzen

I was in Egypt a few years ago. When in Luxor I was offered "a boy to play with" by one of the barmen in the hotel I was in. I declined. He then offered me a girl. I declined again.

I do wonder why he offered me a boy first though(?).

Later in the trip as I made the silly error of exploring the town at night, a woman asked my friend and I if we'd like to "spend time" with her 14yo "daughter". I walked away.

Offline dpicardsalvage

Spent a LOT of time in Cairo with work over the last decade

Overall I would avoid the hassle is unbelievable even when you become "friends" with locals who have the connections.

With wgs Bait and switch are common and the police are not short in coming forward for a few quid otherwise you will be in far deeper than you want to be.

I had 3 punts with locals 2 were good but we had to be very discreet and the ladies were pretty nervous (note not wgs) this was through someone from the company I worked for at the time (after a good few years working closely and become friends). I got the impression they had not done this before certainly not regularly anyway.

As previously mentioned in the thread at some of the hotels some waiters or staff will offer you "young girl or young boy" fairly regularly AVOID firstly for the obvious reason they will nearly always be underage. If you are stupid enough to be tempted plenty of tales of very hefty "fines" being charged.

Offline bedhedred

« Last Edit: January 21, 2022, 07:48:17 pm by bedhedred »