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Author Topic: First girl you want to see after lockdown?  (Read 20273 times)

Offline Avg_Joe

External Link/Members Only was the plan as it should have coincided with a trip to Nottingham, but that looks like it's cancelled now, so fuck knows.... if it's an opportunistic punt, probably one of the touring asians, if it's planned, dunno really, depends if i'm travelling anywhere or looking local.
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Convince Me

That’s the word. Strange how grammar correction applies itself on a mobile  :sarcastic:

Offline Labomba123

Sexy Anda22

sexxy andaa

mia shorditch

mia moist

M I A _ B A B Y

busty sophie wembley



hannah pornstar duo with nanda

daisy mae

Bona and Bijou from diva and other Ruskie honeies

my jonny will have to catch up big time after lockdown

Offline iq129

If I wasn’t in a sexless marriage for the last ten years, I wouldn’t see any hookers ever, even if they paid me. I recently came across the SAAFE forum and I just learnt how much these working girls hate us all. I really am not looking to seeing anyone again. These ladies loathe the mouths that feed them, and it is sad to see so many punters waiting to see these man hating money grabbing robbers. The COVID-19 situation is a big tragedy. I have lost my job too but one great thing that has come out of this is that these robbers have no one to rob anymore, at least whilst the lockdown continues.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 10:01:01 pm by iq129 »

Offline magnetico

I recently came across the SAAFE forum and I just learnt how much these working girls hate us all. I really am not looking to seeing anyone again.

A bit off topic but SAAFE is not "how the sausage is made", it's mostly a group of prosssies with a reputation of bitterness.

Offline hendrix

If I wasn’t in a sexless marriage for the last ten years, I wouldn’t see any hookers ever, even if they paid me. I recently came across the SAAFE forum and I just learnt how much these working girls hate us all. I really am not looking to seeing anyone again. These ladies loathe the mouths that feed them, and it is sad to see so many punters waiting to see these man hating money grabbing robbers. The COVID-19 situation is a big tragedy. I have lost my job too but one great thing that has come out of this is that these robbers have no one to rob anymore, at least whilst the lockdown continues.

Not that SAAFE is representative, but why would this matter? You're not paying for them to like you? If you get a good service with a good attitude, why care about what they think of you?

Offline iq129

Not that SAAFE is representative, but why would this matter? You're not paying for them to like you? If you get a good service with a good attitude, why care about what they think of you?

SAAFE may not be representative, and yes, what matters is that I get a good service with a good attitude. My success rate under this criteria is slightly above 50% but a lot of the time I have been shortchanged despite good service and attitude. What this lockdown has shown me is that there are many ladies who need money, not because they are desperate for survival but because they love a lavish lifestyle and just cannot be bothered to sacrifice this even if it means putting the punter’s health at risk.

One such example is a lady called Nathalie Love. This is her AW profile:

External Link/Members Only

I have seen this lady twice before the lockdown. She is gorgeous and provides great service but she got rid of me after 40 minutes when I paid £200 for an hour. Her looks and her kissing and oral were so good that I was tempted to see her again which I did. This time I politely mentioned that I wanted the full time that I paid for. However, this second time was even worse. Nathalie Love vigorously jerked me off and then went up and down on me with great pace so that she could finish me quickly. I now see that this lady has her AW green light on every day despite the lockdown. She cannot be totally broke as she lives in the posh London area of Knightsbridge. Her apartment must be worth over £2 million or if it is rented then she must be paying £5,000 in monthly rent. She has expensive countless designer bags and she wore an expensive watch and she is often away on expensive holidays.

Most ladies I have seen just want me out of the door quickly. This is despite the fact that I shower before I visit them and then at their place. I treat them with respect and in return they do seem to enjoy themselves, but it is all acting. They say we clients pay for their time, but shortchanging is cheating. That shows that all they care is about money.

Another lady I saw was a reputable escort. First time was excellent but the second time was awful. She falsely said I came in 15 minutes early.

I have also had cases of ladies double booking and then cancelling at the last minute making some fake excuse. Why double book? Most likely because they want to accommodate someone who wants a longer punt or someone who is a regular and who generates guaranteed cash for her quite often.

I have travelled long distances to repeat with reputable ladies and when I have arrived at their doorstep I have been ignored. My phone battery was dead, I had to leave home for an emergency, etc. etc. All excuses. A lot of ladies have no morals or ethics or courtesy. Even the reputable and good ones with great AW feedback.

All this is very sad and heartbreaking.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2020, 12:28:50 am by iq129 »

Offline magnetico

All this is very sad and heartbreaking.

What's sad and heartbreaking is that you reviewed only 4 encounters for what looks like an extensive experience of visiting prosssies.

Offline Jeffe

SAAFE may not be representative, and yes, what matters is that I get a good service with a good attitude. My success rate under this criteria is slightly above 50% but a lot of the time I have been shortchanged despite good service and attitude. What this lockdown has shown me is that there are many ladies who need money, not because they are desperate for survival but because they love a lavish lifestyle and just cannot be bothered to sacrifice this even if it means putting the punter’s health at risk.

One such example is a lady called Nathalie Love. This is her AW profile:

External Link/Members Only

I have seen this lady twice before the lockdown. She is gorgeous and provides great service but she got rid of me after 40 minutes when I paid £200 for an hour. Her looks and her kissing and oral were so good that I was tempted to see her again which I did. This time I politely mentioned that I wanted the full time that I paid for. However, this second time was even worse. Nathalie Love vigorously jerked me off and then went up and down on me with great pace so that she could finish me quickly. I now see that this lady has her AW green light on every day despite the lockdown. She cannot be totally broke as she lives in the posh London area of Knightsbridge. Her apartment must be worth over £2 million or if it is rented then she must be paying £5,000 in monthly rent. She has expensive countless designer bags and she wore an expensive watch and she is often away on expensive holidays.

Most ladies I have seen just want me out of the door quickly. This is despite the fact that I shower before I visit them and then at their place. I treat them with respect and in return they do seem to enjoy themselves, but it is all acting. They say we clients pay for their time, but shortchanging is cheating. That shows that all they care is about money.

Another lady I saw was a reputable escort. First time was excellent but the second time was awful. She falsely said I came in 15 minutes early.

I have also had cases of ladies double booking and then cancelling at the last minute making some fake excuse. Why double book? Most likely because they want to accommodate someone who wants a longer punt or someone who is a regular and who generates guaranteed cash for her quite often.

I have travelled long distances to repeat with reputable ladies and when I have arrived at their doorstep I have been ignored. My phone battery was dead, I had to leave home for an emergency, etc. etc. All excuses. A lot of ladies have no morals or ethics or courtesy. Even the reputable and good ones with great AW feedback.

All this is very sad and heartbreaking.

I wouldn’t get hung up on how they feel about you. At the end of the day it’s a business transaction you can’t make someone actually like you. I imagine the girls get into for a variety of reasons and I could see how the lifestyle might be addictive (to flip it around I’ve lived beyond my means pre lockdown to see girls who wouldn’t otherwise glance my way if I wasn’t paying them). Also as others have pointed out SAAFE is not representative (same as here) and it’s a generalisation to say they hate all their clients, they may actually enjoy seeing some of us  :unknown:

Short changing on time is clearly unprofessional and given it’s a transaction shouldn’t happen (along with poor service in general). But it happens to all of us at some point sadly. You have the choice to leave, stand your ground and or return or not when this happens. Lots of options and if someone doesn’t meet your needs for whatever reason move on - you are the paying customer and as long as your needs are realistic (I.e. not expecting them to fall for you every time) you have the power by visiting/re-visiting or not. Adding reviews (positive or negative) here helps all of us identify the good from the bad in the main.

What is happening now might mean some girls need to re-evaluate the service and prices they provide. It’s their call to do this as it’s ours to accept or not. I am trying not to be too judgemental of girls working at the moment as many have had their income streams almost removed overnight. Yes some should have planned better and agree some waste money on designer bollocks that I bet they wish they had saved now! But many people don’t have much of a savings base in all walks of life. Personally I feel more of the onus should be on us punters to be patient at the moment. It’s frustrating and I’d love to be out there at the moment but it’s not currently realistic or smart to do that. Things will hopefully change down the line, till then have a wank, if you really want to support a SP then buy content from them if you want and or visit them when it’s appropriate. That’s my view anyway

Offline tobyk1

Respect @iq129 for outing the greedy wg above. This is a fairly un-regulated industry and we’re all at risk of bad service, or even worse (and very common), a bait and switch. When in life would you ever buy something that was so clearly mis-advertised?

That’s why UKP is our intermediary, and although you’re using the platform to complain, it’s helped many a punter find good service and reliable SPs.

My brief scans of saafe concludes them to be 90% British and a lot from the North and Midlands areas...  so almost definitely not representative of any SP I may have seen. A couple of them go on like they really are top tier, so would be interested to see profiles / reviews ..... :angelgirl:

Banned reason: Posting on 2 accounts
Banned by: daviemac

Offline iq129

What's sad and heartbreaking is that you reviewed only 4 encounters for what looks like an extensive experience of visiting prosssies.

I am not a very frequent and addicted punter but yes I should have reviewed another 4 or 5 ladies. I will put in two reviews today but with the lockdown is it even worth wasting time on reviews on escorts who might not even return after the lockdown ends?

Offline britman

Filthy Hungarian MILF with big boobs. One with a positive attitude.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 07:48:53 pm by Horizontal pleasures »

Offline stayer

Ellie Rose (assuming she hasn't retired) and Victoria Kavanagh.

Offline magnetico

Offline leatherlover

Zelda Thai
londonebonynikita if she comes back
HOD's Jai

Offline Chorley

Filthy Hungarian MILF with big boobs. One with a positive attitude.
Anyone in particular, my dear fellow? :hi: Asking for a friend  :D

Offline stayer

There's been a few posts about a vaccine. Let's hope that there is one because it's not guaranteed that a vaccine will be developed which is both effective and safe. But if we do have a vaccine approved by the authorities in, say, autumn 2021, it will take time to produce the billions of doses and to administer them. I don't expect to be vaccinated for two years, by which time most of today's WGs will no longer be in business. I can immediately think of three who were planning to retire and I have little doubt that Covid-19 will have brought forward their retirement dates, and the others will have gone back to Eastern Europe, found some other jobs, or whatever. There will of course be replacement WGs, so expect to go on another hunt for fresh meat.

Offline Bornnippy

Ameera. Dear God she is amazing, had an all anal threshold with her and Dee last year and I really want to get her on her own so I can bugger her silly. No link was she's not on AW.

Offline VladtheImpaleHer

Girls I have never seen before but would like to:

Angelica Diamond
Xxx Angel xxx
Ellie Rose
Ameera and possibly Dee and Ameera as a duo.

Girls I have seen and would like to see again:

Busty Toya
Busty Giulya

 :D :crazy: :wacko: :yahoo:

Offline mrbang123

If I wasn’t in a sexless marriage for the last ten years, I wouldn’t see any hookers ever, even if they paid me. I recently came across the SAAFE forum and I just learnt how much these working girls hate us all. I really am not looking to seeing anyone again. These ladies loathe the mouths that feed them, and it is sad to see so many punters waiting to see these man hating money grabbing robbers. The COVID-19 situation is a big tragedy. I have lost my job too but one great thing that has come out of this is that these robbers have no one to rob anymore, at least whilst the lockdown continues.

Can you pm me the link to this forum please?

Offline zoeh01

Can you pm me the link to this forum please?

It works if you type SAAFE forum into google.

Offline king tarzan

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline iq129

Can you pm me the link to this forum please?

I am sorry I just read your post. I hope you have found the SAAFE forum. If not then please let me know.

Offline Bornnippy

Ameera. Dear God she is amazing, had an all anal threshold with her and Dee last year and I really want to get her on her own so I can bugger her silly. No link was she's not on AW.

Should have been threesome not threshold although she did test a couple of those too ;)

Offline nyarlathotep

Girls I have never seen before but would like to:

Angelica Diamond

Well apparently she's in Shepherd's Bush...
External Link/Members Only

However, even if in a very convenient location, for me too soon with The Thing lurking... :dash:

Offline luv2kiss54

Well apparently she's in Shepherd's Bush...
External Link/Members Only

However, even if in a very convenient location, for me too soon with The Thing lurking... :dash:
not worth riskin

good spot but would you really want to risk seeing such a moody girl whose service is so hit and miss with the chance of catching a life threatening virus. I know i bloody wouldn't !

Offline nyarlathotep

not worth riskin

good spot but would you really want to risk seeing such a moody girl whose service is so hit and miss with the chance of catching a life threatening virus. I know i bloody wouldn't !

My experiences were always positive. But indeed, not worth the risk

Offline kidpoontang

Or even venerable and vulnerable! 😀

Or even venerable, vulnerable and venereal!

So what's more dangerous bareback or covid :D

Offline mikef2008

No idea how I've never spotted her yet, she's fit  :thumbsup:

She's very fit - and loves using mirrors to get herself and you all worked up. A seriously good fuck. Pity she's no longer blonde imo

Offline stayer

That's a cracking pair of tits that nobody dares get close enough to manhandle.

Offline Southendlothario

First girl after these "lockdown" regs have changed?
A Black girl under 25, slim to curvy, pert tits with nice lickable nips (not a bbw) thats reliable for OWO (CIM a bonus) and perhaps alevels, but most importantly.... isnt "up herself".
Havent been with a black girl before, but find myself watching so much porn with black girls in, its it's something ive got to get out of my system i think.

Offline magnetico

A Black girl under 25, slim to curvy, pert tits with nice lickable nips (not a bbw)

If you find a slim one, let us know  :hi:

Offline Rocket Scientist

Two beauties found on External Link/Members Only , Olga and Anna from Russia caught my attention 
tel +447770146916
Rate: from £250
очень хорошо

Any with experience of this site?

Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Chorley

Two beauties found on External Link/Members Only , Olga and Anna from Russia caught my attention 
tel +447770146916
Rate: from £250
очень хорошо

Any with experience of this site?

Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only
Holy shit!  :wacko:

Offline hermanmunster

Two beauties found on External Link/Members Only , Olga and Anna from Russia caught my attention 
tel +447770146916
Rate: from £250
очень хорошо

Any with experience of this site?

Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only

I'm sure that many guys will know more than I, but my only experience of this site is that I once noticed that a couple of ladies on there that had retired approx. 3 years previously.  From that point I was of the view that it wasn't worth wasting my time looking any further.

Offline Avg_Joe

there's a lot of TGTBT about that website!
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Strikar

One on my HL that may be suitable

External Link/Members Only

First girl after these "lockdown" regs have changed?
A Black girl under 25, slim to curvy, pert tits with nice lickable nips (not a bbw) thats reliable for OWO (CIM a bonus) and perhaps alevels, but most importantly.... isnt "up herself".
Havent been with a black girl before, but find myself watching so much porn with black girls in, its it's something ive got to get out of my system i think.

Offline Strikar

Pic search on Google brings up this site

External Link/Members Only

Two beauties found on External Link/Members Only , Olga and Anna from Russia caught my attention 
tel +447770146916
Rate: from £250
очень хорошо

Any with experience of this site?

Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Jorjie

Pic search on Google brings up this site

External Link/Members Only

Yup exactly. Beatrice and Vanda from MetArt. Pics from around 2012.

Offline JAYZ

One on my HL that may be suitable

External Link/Members Only
To be honest in the last few years, the most passionate and intense sex I've had have been with black or mixed race young women.

Offline zxc

My first punt only when there is a vaccine.

You can wait for a looooooooooooooong time. Maybe you never punt again.

And you can get the virus anywhere; in the supermarket, on the underground, on the street, at work,... The risk is everywhere.

Offline sparkus

Will be interesting to see if the government specifically mention "massage parlours" in the list of businesses that can reopen alongside hairdressers and tattoists.

Wonder how big the queue will be for the reopening night of Rio's Sauna...

Offline Kolo

With an ever growing hot list probably Sashalexx or Ameera though I’m sure it will be near enough impossible in the immediate aftermath of lockdown

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Offline sparkus

I'd actually love to re-bury my erection in the last WG I saw before lockdown as it was quite a good shag.  She is shown as working still on AW.

Offline stayer

I've just reviewed my HL One WG who had removed her profile has put it back with no mention of coronavirus and I see that another has removed a sentence of not taking bookings due to coronavirus. I make no judgement as the lockdown since 23 March has hit many people hard.