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Author Topic: TOFTT  (Read 709 times)

Offline director33

Thought I'd introduce myself to the forum. I've been lurking for a long time now but the scene in Nottingham is pretty dire at the moment, so I thought I'd better speak up when I have any opinions or information.

I'm a sucker for a cheap EE!! I know, I know, you may think what's the point? They're all miserable, lying trouts with uncomfortable beds and wonky teeth.
Yes, to a point the majority are, however every now and again you get a complete blinder for £30-40!! Now, I have no problem with walking away from a punt, and often have to, but I love the buzz you get when the door opens and behind it is a fitty.

I guess I'm the original take one for the team sort of bloke. There isn't a profile within a 10 mile radius of NG1 with an upper limit of £60 for half an hour that I have, fucked, walked away from or recognised the address from previous daliances.

I do also like the english girls, innocentsexyemma (agree with the reviews) and steffi, for example, but to be honest I prefer a couple of punts a week with some random foreigner. I'll start putting some reviews up when I get time, and keep you all informed as I go along. In the meantime feel free to PM me or ask anything through the forum.

Happy punting in 2015 - May all your girls be lookers, and treat them just like hookers.

Offline RedKettle

looking forward to your reviews!  :thumbsup:

welcome to UKP  :hi: