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Author Topic: Forced Into Prostitution By Universal Credit  (Read 1546 times)

Offline jeanphillipe

Yeh i saw that, im a little skeptical. I reckon some were already in the game.

Probably a few actually telling the truth here.

Still a sad state of affairs.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 07:43:54 am by jeanphillipe »

Online sharpshoes78

UC is a mess
I am happy to give more money based on need but its very difficult to quantify that need so when it goes wrong it can go very wrong

Offline king tarzan

Universal credit / benefit system or what ever else there is

There is no excuse for them at all..
Live within your means..

This is UK...

No excuses for women to turn to this because of universal credit or lack of benefits..

No sympathy from me..

Our great country caters so live within your means even if that means bare minimal..

You've got food, roof over your head..

This great nation gives the basics, don't want to hear pitiful violin stories.

Everyone is fed in this great country, everyone has a roof over there heads.
I don't like seeing my great nation discredited because of violin stories..

Nation is not responsible for irresponsible behaviour in the production of children before the timing is right.
( Feel sorry for the children who have pathetic individuals as parents)

Build your foundations in life to set you up for forthcoming future before you bring children into the world.

I have sympathy for Venezuelan's because of there situation due to the horrendous miscalculated strategies of there government has left a large percentage of the population destitute.

We are NOT  IN VENEZUELA'S situation

« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 08:44:05 am by king tarzan »
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Corus Boy

@king tarzan

I believe that for many on Universal Credit is 'living beyond their means' it is thifitse transition across when some what were weekly benefits are transferred to monthly payments with the hiccup of a couple of months delay during the transition.

I doubt if many of us could manage if our paycheck was delayed for a couple of months.

Offline Johnbean

Universal credit / benefit system or what ever else there is

There is no excuse for them at all..
Live within your means..

This is UK...

No excuses for women to turn to this because of universal credit or lack of benefits..

No sympathy from me..

Our great country caters so live within your means even if that means bare minimal..

You've got food, roof over your head..

This great nation gives the basics, don't want to hear pitiful violin stories.

Everyone is fed in this great country, everyone has a roof over there heads.
I don't like seeing my great nation discredited because of violin stories..

Nation is not responsible for irresponsible behaviour in the production of children before the timing is right.
( Feel sorry for the children who have pathetic individuals as parents)

Build your foundations in life to set you up for forthcoming future before you bring children into the world.

I have sympathy for Venezuelan's because of there situation due to the horrendous miscalculated strategies of there government has left a large percentage of the population destitute.

We are NOT  IN VENEZUELA'S situation


Agree with you completely. Most of them seem to think a brand new iPhone, flat screen tv and 20 fags a day should be paid for by someone else   :dash:

Offline winkywanky

Apparently a lot of people have had a wait of weeks between the end of their 'old' benefits and the start of their money on Universal Credit.

That's just not good enough, for many, many people UC has been badly implemented in this way. Some people were already 'on the edge', the move to UC has tipped them over that edge.

It's true a lot of people on benefits are feckless spendthrifts who have no idea of money management, live life from one day to the next.

But equally, there are plenty of people who have been dealt a shit hand and who deserve the benefits they get. For those people to be fucked over by a badly implemented new scheme is just crap.

Offline Yankee21

UC is a fucking embarrassment from this govt.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Yeh i saw that, im a little skeptical. I reckon some were already in the game.

I'm smelling bullshit too. There very little real poverty in the UK.

Offline haggismccormick

Quite right. They are not forced into prostitution by anybody (unless trafficked or coerced etc.) Millions of people on benefits are not prostitutes.
The whole welfare/benefit culture is a bit screwy. Certainly there is a duty of the haves to help the have nots but remember the billions the government pays out is our money. Money we earned honestly and pay over half of out by force, Always remember it is OUR money.
What started as a benefit has now become a right. What right does any of those claimants have to my money?

Offline shagmore

Most people appear to feel the same way, that there isn't really poverty in the UK, you look at all these so called hard up people, they have designer labels, smoke 20 a day, have iPhones or similar expensive gadgets, spend loads on the lottery.
Live within your means, why should us hard working bastards have to pay for credit.
Get a job, you don't have to go out every night, you don't have to have the latest phone thats going,
its the "Its my human right to have this" shite is it,

Offline winkywanky

It's worth noting that there are genuinely disabled people as well as people with serious/disabling mental health conditions who have been badly affected by recent changes to benefits.

Not everyone is a feckless waster.

Offline django0700

Agree with you completely. Most of them seem to think a brand new iPhone, flat screen tv and 20 fags a day should be paid for by someone else   :dash:


Offline hungrypunt

There is a homeless guy constantly site at the same 2 places with the required accessory ( a sad looking dog) in Wallasey / New Brighton.

Early evening off he trots to the caravan and tow van he has had down the road for over a year (free parking) , with his days takings and puts on his solar lights/heat and power for his brew till the next days begging.
Sure, a van isnt a house, but hes got a place, and moreover, some folk give up houses freely to go travelling in vans for the rest of their lives and dont sit begging.

Offline catweazle

A while back, some loony leftie put one of those glaring black-on-red, littered with exclamation msrks posts ( you know the sort) on Facebook which got repeated by a left-wing friend of mine.
The basic thread of it was that ' benefit fraud costs less than 1% of the welfare budget and tax evasion was "over 100 times" worse, and we should target the fat cat bankers instead of the downtrodden working class forced into poverty.

I did some research, via the ONS website, and found that benefit fraud is almost 5% of the welfare budget and tax evasion cost the Treasury roughly the same amount as benefit fraud.

As l commented at the time, "why let facts get in the way of a juicy bit of Tory bashing" - and, oddly enough, had no ripostes or replies !

Offline pingug

Most people appear to feel the same way, that there isn't really poverty in the UK, you look at all these so called hard up people, they have designer labels, smoke 20 a day, have iPhones or similar expensive gadgets, spend loads on the lottery.
Live within your means, why should us hard working bastards have to pay for credit.
Get a job, you don't have to go out every night, you don't have to have the latest phone thats going,
its the "Its my human right to have this" shite is it,

The left wing politicians try and make out everyone is in poverty and eating out of food banks but if you live in a council estate you see the reality as you said
all these single mothers who apparently are all starving and can't afford to feed their kids are hugely fat, mostly because they are too lazy to cook anything other than chicken nuggets, take aways that used to be a rare treat are now delivered to the door a couple of times a week, they buy their food from the local overpriced convenience store and always have money to buy scratch cards that get deposited on the ground outside, they all have iPhones on contract so even though they are apparently struggling they can afford £50 a month on the most expensive brand, there is always a guy in the shadows who manages to get the pregnant every couple of years but they arent together officially because that would affect her benefits

loads of working age guys sitting smoking cannabis all day, you can tell when they have decided to never work again because they get a dog, they can always afford a dog, the cruel Tory government pays for dogs to be fed also, pity the dogs are never walked but then they are too busy

we could get onto the anount of people with mobility cars that don't deserve them, I personally know 2 working guys  where the 'carer' who doesn't even live with the disabled person has a car for free and just replaces the lost money by giving them cash, the disabled person is rarely in the car

the mobility scheme has 650,000 customers and 10% of new car sales are through this scheme, yes some need them buta load of people are driving around in a fully serviced, free insurance, free tax, free tyres and repairs, free RAC. so apparently this Tory government is so evil it gives cars to 650,000 people for nothing but wants to starve disabled people to death by cutting their benefits so save some money

something doesn't add up

Offline Itsnotshy

What about the men on UC are they forced to become rent boys?

Offline freeze44

A while back, some loony leftie put one of those glaring black-on-red, littered with exclamation msrks posts ( you know the sort) on Facebook which got repeated by a left-wing friend of mine.
The basic thread of it was that ' benefit fraud costs less than 1% of the welfare budget and tax evasion was "over 100 times" worse, and we should target the fat cat bankers instead of the downtrodden working class forced into poverty.

I did some research, via the ONS website, and found that benefit fraud is almost 5% of the welfare budget and tax evasion cost the Treasury roughly the same amount as benefit fraud.

As l commented at the time, "why let facts get in the way of a juicy bit of Tory bashing" - and, oddly enough, had no ripostes or replies !

Be helpful if you gave links for your research.

The below are some I found.

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Offline king tarzan

In this great country you can either make yourself rich or make yourself poor..

Both require hard work..

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline The Film Director

Offline HarryZZ

I also saw this story elsewhere, and similarly everybody missed the point, "woman on UC forced into prostitution" all you saw was prostitution, what it really says is she had to get a job, she chose prostitution but stacking shelves jobs were also available, possibly partly her choice to spin the story for increased pity, as much of the population is horrified by the population, and probably partly by the media who wanted to print a story that people would read, "woman on UC gets a job at ASDA" isn't a story anybody would want to read, it's what most of us would have done in the first place before applying for free cash.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Clickbait title

No one forced her into prostitution. She became a prostitute to escape poverty
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral