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Author Topic: Girls who resemble colleagues you can’t stand...  (Read 573 times)

Offline peiyee

Today was the second time that this surfaced. Yes everyone resembles someone; but it gets tough to keep it going 😂

First time, the highly rated chick had all the facial mannerisms of my marketing exec, and I could not get it out of my head... disastrous punt.

Today, had this yorkshire lass who had a stellar bod but whose voice and phraseology resembles a subordinate in the office whose narrow minded voice just annoys the shit out of me. Punt ended halfway through the paid for time. 😣

Offline HailWood

Never happened to me but I can see that it would be off putting.
BTW - there are some women in the office that I’d be glad to fuck (and some of them, I have)  :cool:

Offline dirkdiggler583

See I had this once, face was just like someone I hate at work. Was luckily a 30 min punt and agreed to £15 extra for a facial.
So had a massage, nice BJ (all with eyes closed) , did her from behind and right at the end bang.
Now when I see that annoying cow at work I picture her with my jizz dripping down her face, makes me smile :-)

Offline peiyee

Now when I see that annoying cow at work I picture her with my jizz dripping down her face, makes me smile :-)


Offline RedKettle

I had the opposite once, a mother at my kids school looked very like a WG I had seen a few weeks earlier.  Kept staring over at her to decide if it was her to the extent my wife got annoyed.

A few days later I went to check her website to look at the photos and it was gone.  Wondered if it was her and she pulled the site because of me....

To this day whilst I am 90% certain they are different women I am not totally sure - did make me feel awkward every time I saw her at school.