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Author Topic: You ever have an appointment cancelled by a "third person"?  (Read 1667 times)

Offline Philbiao1

I'm not sure a review is warranted but I felt that I should at least wrote something about my latest (lack of) exploits.

So yesterday I made a booking with Fanny Price.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I've been dying to see her for a while but unfortunately distance and our timetables never matching put paid to that, until I discovered she was working city centre.

I confirmed this morning, and was given an address. Everything was friendly and she came across as extremely pleasant. I arrived by taxi as I wasn't sure if I could make it by public transport from where I was on time. I called up only to find that she thought I had cancelled my appointment.

I did no such thing.

She said that someone had Skyped her (I've never used Skype ever) and cancelled the appointment. She admitted that the guy didn't "sound" like me as I came across as nice in my messages.

I thought I would have to wait a little longer to see her, but, sadly, she had gone out for the evening! She explained that we might have been the victim of "agencies" who don't like independents, who cancelled my booking. She asked if I could make it tomorrow morning, but I'm at work, and she promised to "make it up" to me.

But there I was, £15 down in taxi fare with no Plan B.

In the past I've been the victim of "double bookings" or girls simply not showing up (Diamonds have been particularly guilty of this), but I've never had a "third party" cancel my appointment for me.

I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, as she seemed genuinely shocked that I was calling her, and when I got home I had an AW message from her over two hours before our supposed meet saying that she was sorry that "I" had cancelled and that she hoped we'd meet next time.

I know some of you wont be as forgiving, but has anybody else ever had an appointment cancelled by someone other than yourself or the escort in question?

Offline johnny34

Never had anything like this happen before. As there was only the two of you knew the details of the booking I don't understand how a 'third party' could have known enough details to be able to cancel the booking. Maybe she got a better/longer booking from someone else & cancelled your booking?

Offline Philbiao1

Me being bumped did cross my mind, I've definitely been the victim of that in the past, but it seems a bit elaborate to say that "I" had cancelled rather than saying something like "something has come up, I need to cancel, bye now".

Then again, I'm not sure I see a "third person" calling up on spec cancelling appointments at certain times hoping they strike lucky that such an appointment existed.



  • Guest
I'm not sure a review is warranted but I felt that I should at least wrote something about my latest (lack of) exploits.

So yesterday I made a booking with Fanny Price.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I've been dying to see her for a while but unfortunately distance and our timetables never matching put paid to that, until I discovered she was working city centre.

I confirmed this morning, and was given an address. Everything was friendly and she came across as extremely pleasant. I arrived by taxi as I wasn't sure if I could make it by public transport from where I was on time. I called up only to find that she thought I had cancelled my appointment.

I did no such thing.

She said that someone had Skyped her (I've never used Skype ever) and cancelled the appointment. She admitted that the guy didn't "sound" like me as I came across as nice in my messages.

I thought I would have to wait a little longer to see her, but, sadly, she had gone out for the evening! She explained that we might have been the victim of "agencies" who don't like independents, who cancelled my booking. She asked if I could make it tomorrow morning, but I'm at work, and she promised to "make it up" to me.

But there I was, £15 down in taxi fare with no Plan B.

In the past I've been the victim of "double bookings" or girls simply not showing up (Diamonds have been particularly guilty of this), but I've never had a "third party" cancel my appointment for me.

I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, as she seemed genuinely shocked that I was calling her, and when I got home I had an AW message from her over two hours before our supposed meet saying that she was sorry that "I" had cancelled and that she hoped we'd meet next time.

I know some of you wont be as forgiving, but has anybody else ever had an appointment cancelled by someone other than yourself or the escort in question?

It is strange but there is a lot of dodgy people that are in the industry, I would give her the benefit of the doubt just for now as I remember seeing an independent girl about 4 years ago and she kept having similar things happening she thought it was jealous rivals trying to drive her out working on the patch.

It could have been a fake person that phoned up to see what appointment times she had free or booked and then cancelled the booking they knew she had.

Offline Philbiao1

I'm gutted/pissed off like. I was really looking forwards to the appointment as well, particularly after the crap day I've been having.

Offline Sar-Major

Well its a while ago now, I made a booking with her arrived and rang for the address and NO fekin answer. Sat in local pub for a beer kept ringing, still waiting yet for an answer.  :dash: :dash: :dash:

Someone else on here has seen her and said that she wasnt very reliable and her place wasnt very clean also.  :scare: :scare: :scare:

So maybe it was a blessing in disguise for you, and me for that matter.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

 :hi:   :hi:

Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Boundless

A difficult one.

The fact that she messaged you on AW could just be an embellishment to her story, surely it wouldn't be necessary if she had already spoken to you.
It's odd that she said she was skyped, how many guys on here use Skype to contact WG's, almost no-one I would bet. She must have had your phone number from the original arrangement, so she couldn't say that you had phoned because she would have known it wasn't you, maybe that's why the Skype excuse.

If I had to make a judgement I'd say 70/30 in favour of bullshit.
She probably didn't want to get negative feedback for pulling the plug on the meet.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 07:58:56 am by Boundless »


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I will lean 70/30 in the opposite direction -- surely if she wanted to cancel she would just have a medical emergency? I think we are giving girls too much credit in the area of devious intelligence.

Offline Moresomes

Well its a while ago now, I made a booking with her arrived and rang for the address and NO fekin answer. Sat in local pub for a beer kept ringing, still waiting yet for an answer.  :dash: :dash: :dash:

Someone else on here has seen her and said that she wasnt very reliable and her place wasnt very clean also.  :scare: :scare: :scare:

So maybe it was a blessing in disguise for you, and me for that matter.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

 :hi:   :hi:

I saw her about a year ago and wished I hadn`t. House in the Tyne valley was a tip, and I mean a tip. Climbed the uncarpeted staircase to the bedroom. The curtains were DRAWING PINNED up with half of one of them hanging down affording anyone in the house over the street a good view of the action. I cut short the kissing as she badly needed some dental work. Got on the bed and realised there was a faint smell reminicent of the shithouse door on a Grimsby trawler, so just made the best of a bad job with some covered oral (my choice), then pulled the mac off and left a load on her chin. Left, and went to the pub up the road for a reviver. Awful punt.  :thumbsdown:

David Larry

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An over imaginative excuse... she probably got a longer booking.

Offline Boundless

I saw her about a year ago and wished I hadn`t. House in the Tyne valley was a tip, and I mean a tip. Climbed the uncarpeted staircase to the bedroom. The curtains were DRAWING PINNED up with half of one of them hanging down affording anyone in the house over the street a good view of the action. I cut short the kissing as she badly needed some dental work. Got on the bed and realised there was a faint smell reminicent of the shithouse door on a Grimsby trawler, so just made the best of a bad job with some covered oral (my choice), then pulled the mac off and left a load on her chin. Left, and went to the pub up the road for a reviver. Awful punt.  :thumbsdown:

...shithouse door on a Grimsby trawler.
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks mate, just spat my tea over the keyboard!!


  • Guest
Is it just me but "fanny price" such a funny name

Offline Boundless

Is it just me but "fanny price" such a funny name

No, not just you mate.
Sums her job up perfectly!
 :D :D :D

Offline Greenman

Thanks for the review as I've tried twice to book and do,d never match our schedules

Off my list now

Offline Moresomes

Is it just me but "fanny price" such a funny name

The original Fanny Price is the heroine in Jane Austens novel, Mansfield park, described as, extremely timid, shy, and shrinking from notice, and the irony doesn`t end there because the house certainly aint no stately home.   :scare:
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 09:07:16 pm by Moresomes »


  • Guest
I will lean 70/30 in the opposite direction -- surely if she wanted to cancel she would just have a medical emergency? I think we are giving girls too much credit in the area of devious intelligence.
Could smell the shit from where i was when this was written