Sugar Babies

Author Topic: claire Babe  (Read 913 times)

7 review(s) for MEGAN SEXY CUTE (5 positive, 2 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline omsakti

This was in Hounslow. Flat address is High street but it is situated behind and the entrance is discreet. Claire is pretty with a very good body. FK and OWO not available but covered oral was excellent with good eye contact throughout. Only one position required (cowgirl) and completed satisfyingly.

All in all, a pleasant experience, on the positive side of neutral. She told me she is returning to Hungary for Christmas and was unsure as to whether she would return.

Offline Cunning Punt

Please put the location ie Hounslow after her name in the subject field (London's a big area) and a link to her profile in the review itself.

I'm assuming the girl you saw was Miss Claire Babe?
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Thanks for your first review and the warning about no FK or OWO.

I would guess FK is rarely available, if at all, and OWO/CIM, if it is available, is at least £20 extra.


  • Guest
It's a shame she doesn't seem to fuck with any real enthusiasm because physically she is fucking beautiful.

If she was any good I could see myself spending a lot of money on her.