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Author Topic: Avoiding bareback WGs - bit of a paranoid question  (Read 1063 times)


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Looking for some advice from more experienced UKP members.

I recently posted a review of a WG who dosn't have BB listed as a service on her AW account (although she does BB with her husband/boyfriend on webcam) and a few fellow punters were good enough to chime in that she may have offered BB in the past and may (or may not) offer BB under another profile (see discussion if I'm not making myself clear:

This was a big surprise for me (and has caused me a bit of worry / paranoia over the last few days) as I always tick the "dislike" for bareback on AW searches (I also tick dislikes for the three hardports boxes  :vomit:) and I do as much research on UKP as possible before aproaching the WG.

Is there any way to rule out girls who have previously offered particular services on ther profile (I couldn't find this by looking on the AW FAQ) from searches and/or is there any resource available via UKP or the wiki that I'm just not aware of (I'm thinking of something like the list of scammers?).

I know this probably seems a bit paranoid (and even if it is/was a feature on AW I know girls could circumvent it by creating another profile), but can wiser punters shed any light on this?

*** Before anyone gets too anoyed I'm not trying to insult anyone who is into services that I don't like, it's just that we all have our own limits on what makes up "acceptable risk", it's just that DFK, OWO and CIM are significant elements for me in a punt and I would be very uncomfortable doing that with a girl who offers or has offered BB/Scat ***


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Have you seen this thread ?

Much thought on the topic and very recent !


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As its been said before you dont know who they having bareback with partner/pimp/favourite customer all you can do is be responsible for yourself and take the precautions that you deem necessary for an enjoyable punt......


  • Guest
Have you seen this thread ?

Much thought on the topic and very recent !

Thanks VW, I hadn't seen that thread - but the general consensus seems to be that I just need to suck it up (no pun intended  :lol:) and take reasonable precautions (stated better than me by Cockney)...

I'm sure the paranoia will subside (presumably the next time I get a hard on when viewing a profile that I like... :blush:)

Online webpunter

Its hard to be 100% on any WG - especially with different profiles.  Checking on here is a good start point
Then look at the profile.  Think of 2 different WGs:

A/ one based say in nice part of whatever city it is who looks fit-as / pukka profile / charges relatively a higher amount & has a good spread of +ve FB
B/ another in a shit location / looks rough or loads of miles on the clock / crap profile / cheap-as-chips / non-existent or highly dubious FB

It doesn't take a rocket scientist as to work out what the relative odds are

And if there are a bunch of EE's - Romanian for example - in a particular place with similar profile format then the chances of BB increase.  Sergei's burds

If its all too much then take up train-spotting or scrabble instead !


  • Guest
Its hard to be 100% on any WG - especially with different profiles.  Checking on here is a good start point
Then look at the profile.  Think of 2 different WGs:

A/ one based say in nice part of whatever city it is who looks fit-as / pukka profile / charges relatively a higher amount & has a good spread of +ve FB
B/ another in a shit location / looks rough or loads of miles on the clock / crap profile / cheap-as-chips / non-existent or highly dubious FB

It doesn't take a rocket scientist as to work out what the relative odds are

And if there are a bunch of EE's - Romanian for example - in a particular place with similar profile format then the chances of BB increase.  Sergei's burds

If its all too much then take up train-spotting or scrabble instead !

I've tried train-spotting and none of the lads at my local station wearing parkas and carrying pads and pencils would be willing to let me come in ther face for less than £150. the cheeky bastards!!  :lol: they wouldn't even share any of their ham-on-white-bread sarnies from their little tupaware box because I had less that 5 positives on

Offline Marmalade

The question was can you see if they've offered bb in the past and the answer I believe is no. Unless someone has a screenshot. Although I've tried, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the complete profile back from an earlier date (eg with Wayback Machine).

Adding to what's been said already in the thread, you can't be sure who she bb's anyway. Many new profiles, especially EE's, just tick everything and then only bother unticking bb when someone points out it's bad PR. (Romanians rarely do half the shit on their profile anyway, and if they don't do OWO and DFK when advertised they're hardly likely to do bb and shitting).

A good reason IMO to avoid anyone who's profile includes bb (apart from thd personsl yuck factor) is the similar habit of some prossies of blacklisting anyone they can see has punted with someone advertising bb.

Profiles are just profiles, not government-certified data sheets. A lot of EEs can't even speak the language much less write it. Even Sergei uses google-translate most of the time.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 07:17:11 pm by Marmalade »

Online webpunter

I've tried train-spotting and none of the lads at my local station wearing parkas and carrying pads and pencils would be willing to let me come in ther face for less than £150. the cheeky bastards!!  :lol: they wouldn't even share any of their ham-on-white-bread sarnies from their little tupaware box because I had less that 5 positives on
LMAO - got to be quote of the day !

Online webpunter

Even Sergei uses google-translate most of the time.
It does work:  "fuck off back to romania you cunt" = "fuck off înapoi în România Curva" 

"take the rest of your thieving gypsy scumbag friends with you" = "ia restul de tâlhar prietenii tai Gunoiul gypsy tine"

Although translating the latter back becomes: "take the remaining garbage gypsy thief your friends you"   Close enuf - they'll get the message  :lol:


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The question was can you see if they've offered bb in the past and the answer I believe is no. Unless someone has a screenshot. Although I've tried, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the complete profile back from an earlier date (eg with Wayback Machine).

Adding to what's been said already in the thread, you can't be sure who she bb's anyway. Many new profiles, especially EE's, just tick everything and then only bother unticking bb when someone points out it's bad PR. (Romanians rarely do half the shit on their profile anyway, and if they don't do OWO and DFK when advertised they're hardly likely to do bb and shitting).

A good reason IMO to avoid anyone who's profile includes bb (apart from thd personsl yuck factor) is the similar habit of some prossies of blacklisting anyone they can see has punted with someone advertising bb.

Profiles are just profiles, not government-certified data sheets. A lot of EEs can't even speak the language much less write it. Even Sergei uses google-translate most of the time.

Cheers Marmalade (i've never managed to get what I wal looking for from the Wayback Machine previously so i don't bother now).

Thanks also to others who've advised me to man-up, my paranoia is starting to subside... Time to go and lay down in a darkened room with a copy of "Train Fanciers in The Buff Monthly"... : :D

Offline Blackpool Rock

Cheers Marmalade (i've never managed to get what I wal looking for from the Wayback Machine previously so i don't bother now).

Thanks also to others who've advised me to man-up, my paranoia is starting to subside... Time to go and lay down in a darkened room with a copy of "Train Fanciers in The Buff Monthly"... : :D
If that doesn't work then how about the bird watching crew, I believe Twitchers wives is damn good wank material


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If that doesn't work then how about the bird watching crew, I believe Twitchers wives is damn good wank material

Hmmm... hiding in a bush watching watching two birds fuck... I may have found my true calling in life!  :D

Oh dear, now you've made me think of Kate Humble and Micaela Strachan showing each other their "Lesser Spotted Tits" and "Red Chuffs" ... I think I might need to lie down again...

No, its OK, I accidentally thought about Bill Oddie french kissing Chris Packham and I'm calm now... :blush:

Right, I'm officially over my paranoia and going to find a plan A & B for this weekend...


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How many bareback topics do with have now - I think i've seen 4 started which is all the same stuff be asking. That escorts who bareback or do it without it listed. I just block any bareback escorts to my black list so they don't appear then if you have any who do add bareback but dont list it then you add them to your black list too.


  • Guest
How many bareback topics do with have now - I think i've seen 4 started which is all the same stuff be asking. That escorts who bareback or do it without it listed. I just block any bareback escorts to my black list so they don't appear then if you have any who do add bareback but dont list it then you add them to your black list too.

Point taken OD, I should have had a proper search of previous threads before posting this question, but my thought process went something like "this was as a surprise > need to be more thorough in searches > maybe there is a magic button on AW that I can't find > best ask UKP about it). Good shout on the blacklist - as is probably obvious I'm still working out the best way to use AW.

I'm grateful for all the advice, and especially now I know there have been so many threads about this and you've all given the same advice out to multiple plonkers like me  :D