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Author Topic: Guildford Gold, Surrey Gems  (Read 36122 times)


  • Guest
Hi, newbie here - there seems to have been a take over at Guildford Gold which has become Surrey Gems and switched to Camberley and had a big change of girls. Does anyone one know if GG will come back at some point? Ta.


  • Guest
Sadly not. Poppy (who has subsequently left the establishment) informed me that the owners had a massive falling out. The 'madam' who was responsible for the day to day running was forced out by the 'silent' partner. Apparently 'management' has gone drastically down hill. Shame, I liked the woman who was the 'face of GG' she always made me feel welcome and chatted to me if the girls were running late.

I've stayed away from the new establishment therefore unable to comment on Camberley.

My favourite was Poppy, if anyone has any information as to where she is now working that would be fantastic.


  • Guest
Thanks Qwerty. Guildford will never be the same.

Adele Bella

  • Guest
Surrey Gems is now in Frimley.
Are there no other agencies in Guildford?  If not, what about independent ladies?


  • Guest
I hear that the prices at SG are misleading, bumped up by extras. Is this true?


  • Guest
I hear that the prices at SG are misleading, bumped up by extras. Is this true?

Apparently basic price is basic, you have to pay extra for kissing, CIM etc. From what I understand expect to pay about 110 or 120 but i haven't visited. Not necessarily a bad deal so long as the girls do it well.


  • Guest
I hear that the prices at SG are misleading, bumped up by extras. Is this true?

If you look through the recent Pnet FRs you'll note the following...

Basic 1 hr service is £90, OWO for £20 extra, RO £10 extra and CIM £20 extra soon gets you up to £140 for an hour...yes, it seems they even charge extra for RO!!!  :dash:

Kissing is usually £10 extra too, but maybe you get it thrown in if you're paying £140. :unknown:

Offline what-a man

If you look through the recent Pnet FRs you'll note the following...

Basic 1 hr service is £90, OWO for £20 extra, RO £10 extra and CIM £20 extra soon gets you up to £140 for an hour...yes, it seems they even charge extra for RO!!!  :dash:

Kissing is usually £10 extra too, but maybe you get it thrown in if you're paying £140. :unknown:

No fecking way! I would never pay to lick a WGs pussy. What planet are they on?

Adele Bella

  • Guest
Some people like different things to you I guess. We're all different.


  • Guest
Those few words say it all. Think I'll give them a miss.

Offline what-a man

Yep, quite agree with you that we all like different things and I can understand the ladies charging extras for the other services mentioned but what if the lady has hygiene issues down there? Why would I pay to lick a smelly fanny and endanger myself in the process?

Tony Montana

  • Guest
If you look through the recent Pnet FRs you'll note the following...

Basic 1 hr service is £90, OWO for £20 extra, RO £10 extra and CIM £20 extra soon gets you up to £140 for an hour...yes, it seems they even charge extra for RO!!!  :dash:

Kissing is usually £10 extra too, but maybe you get it thrown in if you're paying £140. :unknown:

I think Guildford Gems will just piss punters off by having a pricing structure like that.  It would be far better to have a basic £120(?) rate with all the common extras like DFK, OWO etc included.

Adele - what is your point of view on their standard rate + extras compared to the other places you work?  Are punters happy with it?

Adele Bella

  • Guest
Of course people aren't happy with it. Who would be happy to pay for sex in the first place? And then on top of that having to haggle with a girl for certain services. It's an awful feeling standing there debating what he'd like to do and how much it'll cost per item. Personally I don't charge for RO as its something I enjoy being done to me, but I do charge extras as this is how we makeup our earnings there. There are 2 price structures: £50 basic and £80 VIP. So much easier that way.

Tony Montana

  • Guest
Of course people aren't happy with it. Who would be happy to pay for sex in the first place? And then on top of that having to haggle with a girl for certain services. It's an awful feeling standing there debating what he'd like to do and how much it'll cost per item. Personally I don't charge for RO as its something I enjoy being done to me, but I do charge extras as this is how we makeup our earnings there. There are 2 price structures: £50 basic and £80 VIP. So much easier that way.

And there lies the problem - I'm happy to pay for sex but haggling for extras just kills the mood.  I like a GFE and want to get the money dealt with asap as soon as I arrive.  I don't want to be on my guard during the punt thinking oh no if I cum in her mouth that's an extra £30 I don't have on me.

Not having a go at you, just the pricing model of your places.

Adele Bella

  • Guest
It's not my place, I just work there occasional Mondays. I think it's an issue that should be clarified, but don't count what I say as gospel. That's why when you call to book it's easier to ask the questions you want answers for. Some of the girls have adultwork profiles and this might be easier to get the bare facts.


  • Guest
Who would be happy to pay for sex in the first place? And then on top of that having to haggle with a girl for certain services. It's an awful feeling standing there debating what he'd like to do and how much it'll cost per item.

Nothing to do with the topic but what an interesting insight into the mind of a WG.

I am not paying for sex.  I am paying for sex with you.  Sex (with my partner or some pissed-up civvy my age) I can get for free.

Some might say who would be happy selling sex?  You are content to, obviously.  Also business is business - I don't mind haggling on price.  We aren't in love.

Anyone else remotely interested or just me?  Don't answer that :)


  • Guest
There are 2 price structures: £50 basic and £80 VIP. So much easier that way.

According to the External Link/Members Only, 1 hour is £90. So is it £50 or £80?  :unknown:
Im confused at what what the actual price is and what gets included. It would be good if the website stated that there were basic rates and what was included in that, and the same for VIP.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 09:08:34 pm by baltar »


  • Guest
"VIP" means you don't get her 'oh you poor schmuck you had to buy me' sad eyed face.


  • Guest
Man Im cool with that, for most of my youth I thought trying to get sympathy sex was the way to go, needless to say i did not get lucky often hahaha   :yahoo:

Adele Bella

  • Guest
I meant for half an hour basic it's £50, And £80 for a vip half hour which includes kissing, owo and cim. That's what I know. What other girls charge isnot my knowledge.

And when I said "no one wants to pay for sex" I was generalising, and I apologise. I'm glad people pay for sex, otherwise I'd be out of a job!   :)


  • Guest
Thanks for the info - Edit: Doh I get it, you were talking about 30 mins I was talking about an hour
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 09:37:10 pm by baltar »

Offline smiths

Thanks for the info - Edit: Doh I get it, you were talking about 30 mins I was talking about an hour

Well if its £80 for the VIP half hour which includes kissing, OWO and CIM an hour sure isnt going to be £90 for the VIP hour, £50 is the basic half hour so add the difference between £50 and £80 which is £30 immediately onto the £90 so £120 would be the minimum logically, i hear its £140 for the hour which includes kissing and OWO, perhaps Adele can confirm what she charges for that for an hour.

Some brothels arent run by logical people, just greedy money-grabbing scum so i always bear that in mind.

As HOD in Central London who charge £130 an hour all in except for Anal obviously make a very good living from doing so their pricing is what i use as a guide brothel wise (excluding parties where the pricing works differently). Others that charge more i view as just pure greed.

The Bunny Lounge used to have a VIP hour, the only option i was interested in, it was £180 an hour including DFK and OWO. It also had a pick and mix menu. These always bump the price up for punters. The idea years ago was a Parlour would offer a basic price for punters just wanting a shag, anything else was extra, so a punter who just wanted a shag wasnt paying an extra say £10 for OW or £30 for OWO. However apart from HOD London Parlours are often now really expensive for the basics as well.

Offline smiths

Just to clarify after just speaking to a punting mate who has dealt with this outfit. It is £140 for the VIP hour which includes kissing and OWO and CIM, but its a 2 cum maximum within that hour, if a punter wanted to pop 3 times it would be an extra £20 on top.

If i was in this area the VIP hour would be the only service that would interest me, but i aim to pop 3 times in an hours punt and wouldnt be happy to pay the £20 extra for that. £140 for the hour isnt too bad as long as the WGs are good, Adele is highly rated so might be worth a look. My advice would be to ring them and specfically clarify and confirm exactly what you want, they are very clear and open about what they charge my mate says on the phone. Just ask about all the services you require and they will give you the prices.

The HOD model of £130 all in barring Anal is a better way of charging in my view, i dont think £90 an hour just for a shag is good VFM, if that had been £60 an hour then fair enough. Indies can be found offering full service for £90 an hour.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 01:33:45 pm by smiths »

Offline xyfek

From the website, it seems that they're back in Guildford. Or is it only with some of the girls? Anyone who's been there recently care to clarify?


  • Guest
For a while, Guildford Gold / Surrey Gems (or whatever) had the same phone number as Independent Angels, but now seem to have a new number. Also, if you look at the calendars of those two organisations, they are still almost identical.

I had one punt at Frimley with Surrey Gold / Gems (or whatever it's called) and the negotiation up front of the rates for this and that made me feel like I was at work in a sales meeting. That put me right off. Even though the girl (Christina) was quite hot, I didn't really make the most of it. Everything felt too "factory conveyor belt".


  • Guest
The almost identical Independent Angels has a much simpler charging structure.

Offline scooby73

thinking of going to see Vanessa at Surrey Gems as she says she available there on a Sunday, but on their website, it says 3 other girls are working?
Which is it?

While i'm here has anybody seen Vanessa?
Looks perfect  :P
External Link/Members Only
Banned reason: No reviews in 8 years and no reply when questioned
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline scooby73

Does anybody know exactly what you get for the "2 girls" for £80?
Full personal with both or more than likely with 1 while the other watches.
Banned reason: No reviews in 8 years and no reply when questioned
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
Remember the golden rule - if it sounds too good to be true then it is too good to be true. The basic charge is to walk in the door, strip off, get the condom on and fuck. Everything else is charged extra - and it mounts up, fast.

Offline Tailpipe

I see there is a HOD girl for £90 cost you £130 at HOD


  • Guest
I see there is a HOD girl for £90 cost you £130 at HOD

Yes - £90 plus £ for OWO, £ for CIM, £ for DFK, £ for RO, the list goes on ...


  • Guest
I for one like the price structure at Guildford Gems.

Perhaps I dont always have as much cash to splash as some of the other punters on here.

Knowing I can turn up with just £50 in my pocket and still get laid by one of their stunning girls is fantastic for me.

The £80 two girl deal is pretty good in my opinion as well. True, I had to choose which one I wanted to fuck, but both girls were very involved throughout.

Im sure the extras dont add up that much..  as has been said, just confirm you're price over the phone before arrival if you are concerned.


  • Guest
I for one like the price structure at Guildford Gems.

Perhaps I dont always have as much cash to splash as some of the other punters on here.

Knowing I can turn up with just £50 in my pocket and still get laid by one of their stunning girls is fantastic for me.

The £80 two girl deal is pretty good in my opinion as well. True, I had to choose which one I wanted to fuck, but both girls were very involved throughout.

Im sure the extras dont add up that much..  as has been said, just confirm you're price over the phone before arrival if you are concerned.

Anything not listed upfront is a negative and bad for punters IMO. At this place everything except OW and sex is extra, so Kissing, DFK, OWO, RO, CIM, etc are all extra.

You sound like a regular...or a perhaps you can detail on here the exact costs of extras at this establishment.

FRs suggest a typical spend is £140ph here. As the price structure here is that the girls get to keep 100% of the extras, it is in their interest to upsell and I would imagine that service would be less enthusiastic if a punter just insisted on the basic £90 service.


  • Guest
I wouldn't mind just paying £80 for the two girl half hour, OW, sex.  However, when I refuse to pay the extras do you think the girls will be pissed off and give me a poor service as a result? (ever forgotten to tip a barman in America?!)

Offline Shyboy

Hello All, Newbie signing in and saying hello,  :dance:
Just been reading this thread with interest and thought I'd throw in my views & knowledge,

First Independant Angels & Surrey Gems, are indeed the same place, 2 brands rolled into one. Largely cos they keep being closed down and have to move on.. Case in point... big 'Back in Guildford' ads on their site.... 3 weeks on 'This week in Camberley'... Oh ! been closed again then.....
I've been to GG (SG ?) a few times over the last year, seen some great girls and some terrible ones, I do know that the £50 'special' is only if you want to go in and get out in 15 mins, you get the idea.. I've done 30 mins and 1hr 30 mins, the whole experience was so much better more relaxed, and sexy when I chose to spend more. But frankly I've never worked out what the extras are, sometimes RO is £10, sometimes it's £20, I don't think the girls really understand the menu system, and yes it's a turn off... I found it better to walk in with £140/150 and say, lets have a great time for the next hour, and things just flowed better, no stopping as 'you've not paid for that'.  Memorable time with Karolina one sunday in Frimley... (K) " So what would you like".... (Me) "Here's £150" ..... (K) "We gonna do everything for that" (Me)...... :yahoo:.... And we did... brilliant time

Only thing I've noticed.... New Girl One week... Oh She's Gone..., New Girls next week.. Oh They've gone too...

I know they pay a fixed fee per day, guessing it's too much.. or surely the girls would stay.. or am I cynical


  • Guest
Only thing I've noticed.... New Girl One week... Oh She's Gone..., New Girls next week.. Oh They've gone too...
Sold on to the next pimp?


  • Guest
Hello All, Newbie signing in and saying hello,  :dance:
Just been reading this thread with interest and thought I'd throw in my views & knowledge,

First Independant Angels & Surrey Gems, are indeed the same place, 2 brands rolled into one. Largely cos they keep being closed down and have to move on.. Case in point... big 'Back in Guildford' ads on their site.... 3 weeks on 'This week in Camberley'... Oh ! been closed again then.....
I've been to GG (SG ?) a few times over the last year, seen some great girls and some terrible ones, I do know that the £50 'special' is only if you want to go in and get out in 15 mins, you get the idea.. I've done 30 mins and 1hr 30 mins, the whole experience was so much better more relaxed, and sexy when I chose to spend more. But frankly I've never worked out what the extras are, sometimes RO is £10, sometimes it's £20, I don't think the girls really understand the menu system, and yes it's a turn off... I found it better to walk in with £140/150 and say, lets have a great time for the next hour, and things just flowed better, no stopping as 'you've not paid for that'.  Memorable time with Karolina one sunday in Frimley... (K) " So what would you like".... (Me) "Here's £150" ..... (K) "We gonna do everything for that" (Me)...... :yahoo:.... And we did... brilliant time

Only thing I've noticed.... New Girl One week... Oh She's Gone..., New Girls next week.. Oh They've gone too...

I know they pay a fixed fee per day, guessing it's too much.. or surely the girls would stay.. or am I cynical

Welcome and thanks for those insights on what looks very bizarre from a distance.

No wonder Karolina was happy with £150, she used to get £120 in MK for an all-inclusive service, giving a third to the house.

The fixed fee system must be really difficult for new girls if they have to pay in full from the first day without having a chance to build up a regular clientele. Taking a percentage is a lot more workable system for an establishment to operate IMO.


  • Guest
I'm not a tout.. not even really that regular.

So im afraid I cant help with a price breakdown,  nor do I have any knowledge on the girls 'pay structure'

Going purely on what I have read here, it seems that if you want the all inclusive 1 hour CIM DFK session then you may be able to save yourself £20 at a different venue.   For me that £20 would probably be spent on travel costs getting to the other venue.

The point I was making was that sometimes I can only scrape together £60.

If all the parlours had the same pricing system,  id have to wait until pay day.


  • Guest
Hello. Newbie here. I've also been watching this post and ones on P'net. I've been looking at seeing Olga, but after investigation I'm not going to line the pockets of such a greedy establishment.

The structure is simple, it's a total clip joint. The girls are charged a flat rate of £230 each and the basic is £50 1/2 hour. For the girls to break even they have to do 4.5 clients. For it to be worth their while and go home on par with the place, they must do 9 clients at the basic rate. So what they do is try to milk you of every penny you have because that is how they make up their money.
The 'sliding' scale of extras just depends on how much the girls think you have in your p[ocket and how much you are willing to part with.

Its a very bad business model run by what appears to be very greedy people. It's a shame, I really hoped it would be a good place. I'm looking for somewhere to be my regular haunt.


  • Guest
I thought "Olga" had gone out on her own as she is here as  Anastasia

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Looking at that she is a tenner dearer than going the full route and booking her through independent angels though so not sure what is happening there.


  • Guest
Seems like they are on the move again to Camberley. Anyone know why?


  • Guest
No idea why, but I am gutted. Iffy price structure aside I had some great times here, unfortunately Guildford has lost a great place.

Dr Foster

  • Guest
Went to Surrey Gems last week for the two for £80 punt. Of course when I get there they tell m ethat it is £80 each  :( 

I agree to see just one of them for £80 (more than the £50 advertised on their website), but wish that I hadn't bothered.  There's far better out there, don't get ripped off by this bunch.