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Author Topic: overpaid by mistake  (Read 2640 times)

nervous colin

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Sawma wg last week, my second visit. Booked through aw. One hour was 140.
handed over the cash at the start, punt went well. Very well in fact.
Next day she emailed very apologetic to say I had overpaid by £40. She said she was doing a deal at the momemt, £100for the hour. I said that when I booked through aw, it filled the money amount in automatically , £140, so I assumed that was correct.
anyway, upshot is, she will deduct £40 next time I see her( and I will be back!)
Anyome else had this experience?

Offline Jumping Jack Flash

No but if you see her again soon, you're getting a £140 punt for £60. Fill yer boots!


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Offline mrdiamond77

No never.  I always check the price and make sure I have the right money before I go.  If it filled it in automatically then she had not adjusted her prices on her profile.  Good that you have got a discount for next time anyway.


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Great stuff. One of my many visits to Emily@20 saw me paying a similar amount over whilst basically a little bit flustered and counting incorrectly. She spotted when she checked it over while I was in the shower, gave it me straight back. Amazing girl...

nervous colin

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Profile link would be good
not sure how to do a link. It was same as my last review, deep throat delights, linslade

Offline cueball

Anyome else had this experience?

No, I check the profiles right up the punt.

Offline pumps

It's a shame she wasn't decent enough to give you the £40 back at the time and explain the blunder, as she knew she was doing a deal  :rolleyes:

nervous colin

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She never counts it there and then, she always trusts the punter to pay the right amount.

Offline pumps

She never counts it there and then, she always trusts the punter to pay the right amount.

don't give people ideas  :lol:

anyway by keeping that cash...shes secured herself an extra £60 due to your win for her.

E.L. Wisty

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I'd always make sure I have the right amount. Most of the time, the WG never has change. She should have mentioned the blunder at the meet and given the extra money back.

Offline hantshagger

.......... she emailed very apologetic to say I had overpaid by £40. She said she was doing a deal at the momemt, £100for the hour. I said that when I booked through aw, it filled the money amount in automatically , £140, so I assumed that was correct.
anyway, upshot is, she will deduct £40 next time I see her( and I will be back!)
Anyome else had this experience?

Kind of, I've had similar in that a girl was doing a deal , yet AW had the regular price on its system, so it filled in that amount, which was regular figure, but when i spotted the discrepancy - before posting the booking to her, i simply adjusted the figures manually which you can do, to reflect the special offer price that was applying for my booking.....   and then there was no confusions when we did meet. 

Worth checking what comes up on an AW booking form, and making any adjustment that applies, manually, if necessary.....  to reflect info on the profile, before you "send" it  I've found.


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She must be the most honest WG ever. She probably even does a self assessment for HMRC :D

Offline Nagilum

Only time this happened was with a regular who upped her price on the profile so I paid the new amount.  She promptly texted me telling me I paid too much and the old price is for me. it's a discount next time.

Those are good SPs.


  • Guest
It was very decent and honest of her to do that, :thumbsup:

 When really she could have kept it without any real repercussions
Just a shame not all WG’s are as honest  :(

Offline tazz

This is the best possible advert she could have had, her phone will be ringing off the hook.

Offline AnthG

Anyome else had this experience?

Most other girls would either treat the rest as a gift. Or just say, "his own fault for not knowing".

I think it's pretty rare something like this would happen.
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