Sugar Babies

Author Topic: karoli 4U Edinburgh  (Read 1388 times)

3 review(s) for New Carolina (0 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by ]
28 review(s) for SashasSweetHoney (16 positive, 1 neutral, 11 negative) [Indexed by scutty brown]

Offline SamScott

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Sorry lads I should of have looked here first... Thought I'd give this one a go as she looks very pretty in the pics like wow pretty but sadly was shit.

First of all.

Size 8..... X it by 2 more like. This girl is bulky and fat sadly. I like the small teen types that I feel I can destroy and are submissive but this girl would beable to take me.

Second negative was no OWO no facial when I wanted to finish. Then after one cum I'm told I can shower if I want... Btw she was freezing cold when I met her so clearly the shower is great! Being the gentleman I actually cuddled her at the start to warm her up as she was shivering!

On the polite have a shower I decided to leave as there wouldn't be a second time.

3rdly was the poisons she only did cowgirls and missionary wouldn't do doggy... Probs because it would be like fucking a ridge freezer size and cold wise!

Give it it miss gents

Think I'm going to see either of the two girls from Honey girls next! Pvt gals look good

Samuel out
Banned reason: No Reviews in over 8 years.
Banned by: 90125

Offline SamScott

Missed my numbers

Looks 5/10
Body 2/10
Service 2/10
Locations was ok but who cares
Banned reason: No Reviews in over 8 years.
Banned by: 90125

Kaffeine Monsta

  • Guest
As big as a whale and it's about to set sail. :D

To each their own.

Offline Marmalade

Now known as Jader 4U. She's now Brazilian (was Venezualan) but remarkably her first language is Spanish (Brazilians, even pretend ones, speak Portuguese, you silly girl). She's also discovered some 'recent reviews' (no connection with her actual reviews on AW) for her profile. Fortunately all the reviewers anticipated what her new name would be. How clever of them.  :rolleyes: