Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Dollybianca  (Read 692 times)


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I saw bianca's profile and figured she must be cute julya's new house mate. I was right and here is my report:

The Experience:
Called the maid and asked about availability the headed down there. Same place where julya works, just by walthamstow. She opened the door and I saw it was the girl in the pics. As usual I had to leave my shoes outside in the hall way the stayed for 30 mins.
Started with some light kissing and the some owo which was soft and good.
This is where things became kinda crap.
She clearly did not want cim so I gave a try for sex but she felt a but amateurish and it felt a bit too coordinated. it just was not working for me. I wanted cim. She reluctantly agreed and thankfully she continued through to conclusion.
After I cleaned my self and left probably 10mins early.

. girl in pics, but boobs are photo shopped to look bigger.
. nice owo, but interrupted with annoying hand yanking.
. dark room with a miserable lamp in the corner.
. very little conversation, but no hard feeling between us.

The Journey:
Others may get a long better with her, but I found her a bit too mechanic and the yanking was annoying.
No return.

Offline MrMohican

This girl interested me as well. She looks lovely in the pics. However both her and Julya are cum dodgers by the sound of things despite what they say when you quiz them about it on the phone.

I saw Julya about 3-4 months ago and she did the same as this reviewer mentions. Promised cim then pulled away at the crucial moment spoiling the orgasm I had paid good money for.

oh well thats one more off the list.