Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Can this really be genuine ??  (Read 1759 times)

Offline Tailpipe

it is so cheap its a worry .

Plus we have had many reports from this part of the country with issues of rip off's.

If its a 5 star hotel that's £130 for a start .

They look hot both of them.

Look out for bat man in the wardrobe


  • Guest
Appeared suspicious to me , plus of course no such thing as a 5 star hotel in cambridge .

Offline CBPaul


Plus what in the name of fuck is that on her leg ?????

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  • Guest

Plus what in the name of fuck is that on her leg ?????

That "thing" on her leg would be her lower leg folded under her thigh

Offline madeinwales56

Of course it's not real ffs. He/she/they have ticked every box on the likes list including hardsports and lactating. Some people are so gullible.

Offline CBPaul

That "thing" on her leg would be her lower leg folded under her thigh

Looks more like something growing out of the side of the knee to me.

Offline Rock123

Definitely fake as its too good to be true.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 11:49:59 pm by Rock123 »

Offline recycler

If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. But what is the angle here? No PG.
Proceed with caution and take a mate with you if possible for the extra £100 if you do go for it.


  • Guest
I sent a quick message to her and the reply I got back was I could book her but....she requires 50% of the fee up front to make sure I'm genuine! Fuck that shit love was my reply!


  • Guest
... But what is the angle here? No PG...

....she requires 50% of the fee up front to make sure I'm genuine!

aaaand there's your angle! More money than a PG if you can find a punter gullible enough to make the payment.

Offline Rock123

Can't believe anyone would fall for it and give that 50% though?!

Offline madeinwales56

Can't believe anyone would fall for it and give that 50% though?!

You can bet you life there will be some poor bastard(s) who will fall for this scam.