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Author Topic: Do women punt?  (Read 5971 times)

Offline shed

i would say its the majority of women who put wealth and status before looks when choosing a life partner.

Asian women in the main definitely 100%
 European women obviously some but for me in the minority.

Offline mr.bluesky

Strange, if a bloke sleeps around a lot he's a bit of a " jack the lad " yet if a women sleeps around a lot she's "a slag"

Offline Makka124

Every time this topic comes up, so many posters say women dont punt cos they can get all the sex they need down the pub or on dating apps, but thats just not an answer that convinces me,, though i accept that a lot of blokes punt, cos they cant find a partner socially. We all more of less accept that women dont punt, why they dont is a bit more interesting.

I’m sure on a channel 5 documentary they women who punt it’s normally the high end business women just looking for some company as there job takes over there life

Offline akauya

We all more of less accept that women dont punt, why they dont is a bit more interesting.

And the answer to that is, as always, complicated, and probably involving several factors. One of the most important IMO is evolution. Since we evolved into homo sapiens (probably before that) males have always shown a strong drive for sexual variety to spread our genes and make sure our species don't die out - and also because the physical investment (or cost) to us males is very low. On the other hand, females had to invest a lot more physically and emotionally with each offspring and for far longer than the males - pregnancy, childbirth (how many blokes have you seen dying during childbirth), breastfeeding, bringing up the sprog, etc. So it was just an obvious evolutionary advantage from the point of view of females to be more choosy when selecting sexual partners. Thousands of years of this is bound to have a permanent genetical imprint on the female of the species.

Let's not forget that hormones play a big role on sexual desire too, personally I blame testosterone for all the shit I got myself into with so many women - I'm sure most of us can relate to that. Women don't have as much testosterone as men do, pretty sure that is a big factor too.

Unwanted pregnancies must have been a huge factor to stop women finding random sexual partners to quench their sexual desires, that's why when the contraceptive pill was invented it brought about "freedom" to women - a lot has been written about the pill and female sexual revolution.

The "problem" with women not having the fear of unwanted pregnancies was that even though it brought them to an equal paring with men (in terms of freedom to have casual sex) it didn't remove the societal barriers we impose on women. Mr.Bluesky said it succinctly above "if a bloke sleeps around a lot he's a bit of a "jack the lad" yet if a woman sleeps around a lot she's "a slag".   Let's face it, society hasn't always been the most accepting of women being openly sexual, and I put a lot of the blame on religion for this.

As we all know, repressing sexual urges is not good for us, so it must be pretty hard for some women who have strong and healthy sexual desires to suppress their natural urge to have sex.

Going back to societal pressures on women, we don't have to go far to see how we men in general view women who sleep with lots of men, whether be it for fun or as a job. There are countless of EAS threads here where the majority of punters are horrified at the prospect of a man having a loving relationship with a woman who sells sex. You would think, this place, of all places, would be more open to accept that women have normal sexual desires, sleeping with men and wanting a relationship, just like us men, but in fact the opposite is true.

So, as I said above, I don't think it's just one thing that shapes sexual desires; it's this whole tangled web of evolution, biology, society, religion, and personal experiences. I'm just glad I'm a man and I'm able to fuck around with relatively little social pressure to stop me from doing so.

Online SonofAJohn

And the answer to that is, as always, complicated, and probably involving several factors. One of the most important IMO is evolution. Since we evolved into homo sapiens (probably before that) males have always shown a strong drive for sexual variety to spread our genes and make sure our species don't die out - and also because the physical investment (or cost) to us males is very low. On the other hand, females had to invest a lot more physically and emotionally with each offspring and for far longer than the males - pregnancy, childbirth (how many blokes have you seen dying during childbirth), breastfeeding, bringing up the sprog, etc. So it was just an obvious evolutionary advantage from the point of view of females to be more choosy when selecting sexual partners. Thousands of years of this is bound to have a permanent genetical imprint on the female of the species.

Let's not forget that hormones play a big role on sexual desire too, personally I blame testosterone for all the shit I got myself into with so many women - I'm sure most of us can relate to that. Women don't have as much testosterone as men do, pretty sure that is a big factor too.

Unwanted pregnancies must have been a huge factor to stop women finding random sexual partners to quench their sexual desires, that's why when the contraceptive pill was invented it brought about "freedom" to women - a lot has been written about the pill and female sexual revolution.

The "problem" with women not having the fear of unwanted pregnancies was that even though it brought them to an equal paring with men (in terms of freedom to have casual sex) it didn't remove the societal barriers we impose on women. Mr.Bluesky said it succinctly above "if a bloke sleeps around a lot he's a bit of a "jack the lad" yet if a woman sleeps around a lot she's "a slag".   Let's face it, society hasn't always been the most accepting of women being openly sexual, and I put a lot of the blame on religion for this.

As we all know, repressing sexual urges is not good for us, so it must be pretty hard for some women who have strong and healthy sexual desires to suppress their natural urge to have sex.

Going back to societal pressures on women, we don't have to go far to see how we men in general view women who sleep with lots of men, whether be it for fun or as a job. There are countless of EAS threads here where the majority of punters are horrified at the prospect of a man having a loving relationship with a woman who sells sex. You would think, this place, of all places, would be more open to accept that women have normal sexual desires, sleeping with men and wanting a relationship, just like us men, but in fact the opposite is true.

So, as I said above, I don't think it's just one thing that shapes sexual desires; it's this whole tangled web of evolution, biology, society, religion, and personal experiences. I'm just glad I'm a man and I'm able to fuck around with relatively little social pressure to stop me from doing so.
Also women themselves judge other women who wish to sleep with various different men. They judge/shame each other more than men do to them.

Offline akauya

Also women themselves judge other women who wish to sleep with various different men. They judge/shame each other more than men do to them.

Oh 100%, some women are vicious in their judgement of other women.

Offline stampjones

I'm sure one of the 'quality' papers had a story of women of a certain age going to The Gambia for sugarboys.  If it was not true when written, it seems it became true.
It’s 100% true now. Seen it in action and it’s not pretty. Aging, british tubs of lard with sleek young african bodies. Enough to make you vomit. But myself aside there were older british women there too taking great pleasure in young gambian men.

Offline Doc Holliday

Long post based on my take on some of the points raised. Reading is optional, although there is a very juicy derriere in the channel 4 link:D

We all more of less accept that women dont punt, why they dont is a bit more interesting.

I agree Willie it is interesting.

Some 20 years ago when sex work was really beginning to evolve in conjunction with t’internet I was approached by one person in particular who was very experienced in the industry (mostly running parlours) who was looking at including male escorts as part of a new escort agency venture. She felt sure there was a market. I was sceptical but agreed to look at it with her.

@Akauya as well as your long post highlighting the complexity around female sexuality, I feel an earlier one is particularly relevant to the ‘punting’ option.

Whilst on the surface it appears easier for women to get sex it's more difficult for them to find someone they really want to have sex with.

This is the dilemma. The individual criteria for finding someone who ‘fits the bill’, will be highly varied. Also, if you are considering paying for something the criteria may be even more specific and perhaps individually tailored.
Finally, when something may be fairly readily available for free, then the purchaser is likely to have a higher expectation in terms of the nature and quality of the product.

So against that complex background, I looked at how a woman considering such a financial transaction would actually be able to find what she is really seeking?

I came to the conclusion she easily couldn’t … so I was out  :D

There was/is a small market and although I felt there was potentially a much larger one, the structure to facilitate women finding what they really seek
and with relative ease just wasn’t there.

It is not that there were no providers. At that time there was a growing number of males who also saw the internet as an opportunity. This resulted in scam male escort websites being set up promising the earth. All you needed was to pay a subscription and they would create and promote your profile and the bookings would flood in. It was of course bollocks.

And there was and continues to be AW (with cock pics galore) so the number of providers vastly outweighs the market.

It can be difficult enough for us guys finding suitable SP's, but we at least have the benefit of looking within a highly established market, with vastly larger numbers of very experienced users and most importantly the possibility of feedback.

Also if we TOFTT and it doesn't work out then it is not the end of the world and we tend to just move on to another one. As mentioned above men will shag anything.

So for a woman looking for a suitable male it is a true minefield, unless you know someone who has indeed TOFTT and can give a ‘word of mouth’ recommendation. The options for that to happen, are limited but can and do occur.

The effect of all these limitations is likely to mean a fairly small number of providers supply the bulk of the limited demand. For complex reasons the market is always likely to be greater in London.

So has it changed over time? I no longer have the contacts I once had, but my perception would still be "no not to any great extent", although I suspect those male escorts who have established themselves in the market are in stronger positions? This includes those who have managed to get themselves talked about on MSM and especially TV.

This guy is an example of that modern breed

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

This follows his appearance on this channel 4 documentary

External Link/Members Only

He is clearly very canny with his marketing including videos on here although at first glance they all appear to be attractive women, so I suspect many are not genuine clients, but ‘promotional’ in nature? External Link/Members Only

In addition, his chosen sphere of sensual massage including Yoni, is I believe where the largest sector of the market is likely to be, although in his case he does offer full sex. It does require a very special set of skills though, the required level of which are not routinely commonplace.

I’m sure on a channel 5 documentary they women who punt it’s normally the high end business women just looking for some company as there job takes over there life

The subject generally is one the media love to periodically feature and whilst there may well be that category of female punter, I think its probably a very overused stereotype?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 01:16:31 pm by Doc Holliday »

Offline sheffielder

its actually the other way round, look at your social circle, since your youth, think of the truly unappealing men you have met,, reflect on how if they managed to get a job etc, they found a fairly decent partner. I never tire of saying men have the upperhand .

It's both ways tbh but different reasons. Men will fuck almost anything for fun, women will fuck almost anything for money, status or security.

Offline Colston36

It's both ways tbh but different reasons. Men will fuck almost anything for fun, women will fuck almost anything for money, status or security.

Two classic examples are the shit Rupert Murdoch who just got engaged again at 93 and the dwarf crook who ran motor racing whose lawyers saved him from a well-deserved spell in goal recently. A wonderful example of one law for the rich, etc. 

Offline Steve2

. We all more of less accept that women dont punt, why they dont is a bit more interesting.

What about all the women that flock to The Gambia each year just for that purpose?

Offline standardpostage

Of course they do (not all) [only some] they have a cunt, so they punt  :)

Offline marc_hotsteppa

they have a cunt, so they punt

Are you in marketing? If not, you should be as that's hella catchy  :D
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Offline standardpostage

Are you in marketing? If not, you should be as that's hella catchy  :D

Offline Tomcat

Be good to know if women use VS ad to find male SP's

Offline standardpostage

Be good to know if women use VS ad to find male SP's
I think so, whilst eating Quality Street  :)