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Author Topic: New EE PAYG phones  (Read 700 times)

Offline MagpieJohn

Just a heads up guys for anyone that doesn't know already. I bought a new EE phone for punting and changed the number on my AW account. Got a text from AW to verify the number and replied but EE wouldn't send it and got a message from them saying adult blocking was turned on. You can't turn this off online with a PAYG phone so you have 2 options. You can go to an EE shop with proof of age (passport driving licence etc) or call a number from the mobile in question with a credit card for age verification. Pain in the arse and not ideal for a punting phone.


  • Guest
it is always the policy of ee, as far as i know,
easiest way is to take the phone to a store and ask a staff to switch on the adult setting.

Offline Lister

same for Vodafone. I suspect it is a legal requirement for all networks to prevent minors getting access to inappropriate content  :)


  • Guest
its to prevent minors getting into adult content.i think its a good idea.

Offline hornypnter

EE has been bought out by BT and you will also find the same issues if you choose BT mobile services