Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: WARNING: Watch out Plod's about on Cromwell Road, Cambridge  (Read 3359 times)

Offline congrats2015

Hi all - just had to provide a 'witness' statement to the cops after emerging from a certain house on Cromwell Road. They told me they had reason to believe I was visiting a brothel and they were building a case about trafficked girls. I went to see:

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I went due to a convo started here:

It was a bit of a shocker to be honest so if you want to avoid a chat with the cops then avoid Cromwell Road, Cambridge - I can post the house number but not sure if that's wise? The police aren't taking any action against me and said themselves no crime has been committed but I still face the very faint possibility of having to be involved as a witness in a potential future court case. I wasn't going to lie to the cops as that would guarantee future issues but they reassured me it was 'very unlikely' they would need to contact me again - what does everyone think, do I have anything to worry about?


  • Guest
Unlikely you have anything to worry about legally, and not likely that your evidence would assist in a trafficking prosecution. If an awkward letter/envelope hits the doormat just say you've got to attend a speed/mobile/seatbelt awareness course.

Offline mork

Sorry you had to go through that. Thanks for letting us know, though! :thumbsup:

The happy one

  • Guest
If the girls are being forced to work against their will. Then as punters we are breaking law as we are aiding and a betting. I think

I don't get forced from there and I have been many times

Thanks for the heads up

I have heard that the police are cracking down in Cambridge. Not so much charging people but they have told the hotels to be wary

One of the girls I see often has said I punter emailed and said that the week before a girl working in the hotel she planned had been asked to leave
Not good

Have managed to arrange my fun today in an empty flat I have the keys for with a girl from out the area.

Seen her a couple of times so I know it will be dirty

Have even had a text saying on my way and I have forgotten to put panties on. Hope that's ok

Fun times are a coming

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I think theres a difference between a flat/house/premises thats been used for prostitution and one thats been used for trafficked girls. Far more liley to attract constabulary attention and rightly so.

However i don't quite see how a punter can be in any danger of aiding and abetting after all how do you know shes been forced to work against her will or not .
I can't say I've ever detectected that.

What i bets happened is that a neighbour has complained about punters hanging around with men waiting outside or nearby whilst awaiting a girl to text the house number, or can you wait as i'm not ready and or haven't finished with the punter i'm with, the number of times thats happened!.

As to hotels is there anythig illegal in a girl hiring a Hotel room and having vistors around?. Bet thats a decent stream of revenue for the likes of Travelodge;!..

Offline alligatr

From what I understand, a private meeting is fine and legal (you going to a house with one girl there or you both meeting somewhere), but managed brothels are illegal. So if it's somewhere that a few girls regularly work from there's a chance of it being raided/shut down.


  • Guest
Have they got your (real) details? I always go to a punt with nothing more than the cash I'm going to spend and my car key - and the car's always parked far enough away to not be found by a random 'blip' on the fob. I've always thought that if the rozzers turn up I can just deny everything, and refuse to tell them anything. If they nick me, then it's lawyer time. You can't be nicked unless there's reasonable suspicion that you've committed a crime.

Any thoughts?

The happy one

  • Guest
As far as I am aware if I women sells her body she has not committed a crime.

However if a guy pays for sex then he is breaking the law

Offline socks

As far as I am aware if I women sells her body she has not committed a crime.

However if a guy pays for sex then he is breaking the law
In some countries maybe, but not here

Offline Stiltskin

Have they got your (real) details? I always go to a punt with nothing more than the cash I'm going to spend and my car key - and the car's always parked far enough away to not be found by a random 'blip' on the fob. I've always thought that if the rozzers turn up I can just deny everything, and refuse to tell them anything. If they nick me, then it's lawyer time. You can't be nicked unless there's reasonable suspicion that you've committed a crime.

Any thoughts?

So you wouldn't give your name?

I've always wondered what the police could do if you refused to give your name and you have no prints or DNA on record. Even if they lock you up for obstructing an officer in his enquiries and you still refuse to talk, how long could they hold you for that minor offence?

You could always claim you 'have no English', then again you'd probably get arrested for being the pimp! :D

The happy one

  • Guest
I believe they can arrest you under section 69

Failure to give a name and address

Believe it or not it is crime

The fuckers get you any which way

And they could argue that that want it to remove you from their enquires


  • Guest
I believe they can arrest you under section 69

Failure to give a name and address

Believe it or not it is crime

You should be more specific than just 'Section 69'. More than one law has a Section 59.


  • Guest
However if a guy pays for sex then he is breaking the law

Only under certain conditions is it illegal to pay for sex, such as underage, trafficked, coerced or kerb crawling.
Paying for sex (or selling) in itself is not illegal in UK.

From what I understand, a private meeting is fine and legal (you going to a house with one girl there or you both meeting somewhere), but managed brothels are illegal.

Not correct.
Point me to which UK law makes it criminal offence to pay for sex in a brothel. There isn't any.
It's only illegal to manage a brothel, NOT illegal to work their (as a prostitute) or pay for sex as a punter.