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Author Topic: Rebecca Ryder’s Porn Star Party-Victoria  (Read 5940 times)

23 review(s) for RebeccaRyderParties (22 positive, 1 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline davidgood

Sorry if some of you porn addicts have got a bit excited. This is not about pumped up American Barbie style stars, but home grown English talent.

Last Wednesday night was Rebecca’s last party of the year. Although she could not get her kit off due to the lack of a door keeper, her two friends made sure everyone was well drained.

In attendance were Princess Leia and all the way from Scotland, Devon Breeze. Both have profiles on AW and examples of their work can be found on the Internet, Leia’s usually by adding MILF.

When I arrived Leia was already in her little Santa dress and black stockings and Devon was just putting on her dress over a lovely set of undies including a suspender belt holding up sheer seamed stockings.

As the party started a crowd gathered around new girl Devon and she was soon on her knees sucking cocks furiously including mine, which was rock hard in a few sucks. Wanting to sample her properly I invited her to get up the bed for some spit roasting. I slipped in easily and gave her a good rodgering before a satisfactory conclusion was reached.

After a rest and a drink I found there was some space on the bed with Leia so climbed up so she could take me in hand before covering up and enjoying some deep stick mish. I couldn’t cum so decided to take a break.

Going into the next room I found Devon kneeling on the edge of the bed with her bum in the air. I could not resist and slipped in to give her another pounding but could just not get there. So I withdrew, took off the condom and went around to the other side of the bed so she could give me some more deep throat. I told her I was coming but she just kept sucking and took my little deposit in her mouth without stopping.

After another rest and drink things were getting quieter and I end up with another bloke spit roasting Leia, me being on the receiving end of Leia’s mouth. Unfortunately she had to break off so I was left waiting for her to come back. At this point Rebeca came in and said I might like to see what was going on next door.

Next door I found Devon on the bed with a butt plug up her bum and one of my party mates lubing up his hand to give her some fisting, while several other guys were standing around ready for some bukkake which Devon wanted to finish with. I joined the circle and told Devon at best I could only manage a little dribble. She told me if I deposited what I had on her nipple she would lick it off. I tried my hardest but could not squeeze out any more. However a couple of young lads gave her face a good drenching and rather than wipe it off she was asking for more until her face was completely covered.

A nice porn star finish to a good party.

Afterwards Devon and Leia put on their posh frocks as they were going off to the Paul Raymond party at Platinum Lace.

I look forward to seeing Leia and Devon at more parties in the New Year.

As usual some words of warning, these parties are held at a flat in Victoria which is easy to get to but it is not the sort of luxury pad I know a lot of you insist on and there a number of cats who live there.

If you are interested in these parties then this is the link to Rebecca’s AW profile-

 External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only



Offline mattharding

Sorry if some of you porn addicts have got a bit excited. This is not about pumped up American Barbie style stars, but home grown English talent.

Last Wednesday night was Rebecca’s last party of the year. Although she could not get her kit off due to the lack of a door keeper, her two friends made sure everyone was well drained.

In attendance were Princess Leia and all the way from Scotland, Devon Breeze. Both have profiles on AW and examples of their work can be found on the Internet...

I was at that party and it was just as you described. The girls were both excellent and thankfully all the guys who showed up were okay.

The bukakke finish was pretty hot and getting to fist Devon while she had a buttplug up her arse and with a bunch of guys cuming over her face at the same time was er... interesting. The fisting wasn't particularly a turn on for me but I'd never done it before and fancied the challenge of getting my whole fist in her when she offered - and which I DID (lol) Although it was a bit ewwww at the same time as I swear I could feel some sort of tampon/sponging up there and my hand was a bit bloody when I pulled out. Not something I particularly desperate to repeat TBH but something to tick off the list, I guess.

I was a bit disappointed that Rebecca Ryder didn't join in as advertised. There was definitely more than a 4:1 ratio with just 2 girls working what seemed like 10 guys or more at its peak so for me there was too much standing around or feeling like I had to rush finish so everyone else could get a turn. On the plus side, there wasn't that annoying old woman on the door barking out rules about stupid things like bag placement.

Think I'll give the next few parties a miss for quite a while. I generally like parties and while I think Rebecca is a great host and super cheerful and I can't fault her for effort but the over abundance of males to females this time was too much. The flat itself feels like it needs a good clean too. It's dusty, smells of cats and there's too much clutter everywhere.

It's a shame that other than Phoenix, there aren't a great deal of London based parties going on right now. Pam's Parties seem to be on constant hiatus (and not that great anyway), and Gents Parties - which I did enjoy but ages ago - have long gone. I would like to find a new one in 2016.

Offline LanceVance

I am on their mailing list and was considering signing up for this one, but didn't bother in the end. I haven't been to one of their parties as something nearly always comes up to stop me. Would you say that it is worth giving up a possible one on one punt to attend?

Offline mattharding

I am on their mailing list and was considering signing up for this one, but didn't bother in the end. I haven't been to one of their parties as something nearly always comes up to stop me. Would you say that it is worth giving up a possible one on one punt to attend?

At the very least, if you don't like it, the most you lost is £70 for 2 hours. So if you're curious I'd say its worth it for the money. You can definitely get your money's worth shag-wise and I've never seen any false advertising or aggro at these events. If you're lucky you can do bukakke or some other things that would be otherwise difficult to organise in London, so I think its worth going to once at least.

Personally I just think there's a lot of standing around at this party waiting your turn which meant what happens over 2 hours could more or less be condensed into 1 hour if you didn't have to wait around so much. At Phoenix with a lower ratio and more girls, you get more access and less standing around.

Personally I'm going to put this one on hiatus for a while. Having been twice now, once at lunch last year and once in the evening last week, I get the general idea. It's value for money but I think I'll try and find another London based party/gangbang for the moment.

Offline joe diddley

I went to one of RR's parties in Victoria a year or two ago. For £70 for two hours it is good value I guess but there is quite a bit of standing around as stated above. Rebecca was on the phone quite a lot, another girl (attractive) was willing but had just had a tit job and was therefore a little sore and one had to move gingerly, while a third was a real moody cow. Rebecca herself was a real trouper once she joined in though. I realised then that parties aren't really my thing but for £70 for two hours and a different kind of experience, I'm glad I tried it. I'd have given it a neutral if I were reviewing my experience now.

Offline davidgood

I was at that party and it was just as you described. The girls were both excellent and thankfully all the guys who showed up were okay.

The bukakke finish was pretty hot and getting to fist Devon while she had a buttplug up her arse and with a bunch of guys cuming over her face at the same time was er... interesting. The fisting wasn't particularly a turn on for me but I'd never done it before and fancied the challenge of getting my whole fist in her when she offered - and which I DID (lol) Although it was a bit ewwww at the same time as I swear I could feel some sort of tampon/sponging up there and my hand was a bit bloody when I pulled out. Not something I particularly desperate to repeat TBH but something to tick off the list, I guess.

I was a bit disappointed that Rebecca Ryder didn't join in as advertised. There was definitely more than a 4:1 ratio with just 2 girls working what seemed like 10 guys or more at its peak so for me there was too much standing around or feeling like I had to rush finish so everyone else could get a turn. On the plus side, there wasn't that annoying old woman on the door barking out rules about stupid things like bag placement.

Think I'll give the next few parties a miss for quite a while. I generally like parties and while I think Rebecca is a great host and super cheerful and I can't fault her for effort but the over abundance of males to females this time was too much. The flat itself feels like it needs a good clean too. It's dusty, smells of cats and there's too much clutter everywhere.

It's a shame that other than Phoenix, there aren't a great deal of London based parties going on right now. Pam's Parties seem to be on constant hiatus (and not that great anyway), and Gents Parties - which I did enjoy but ages ago - have long gone. I would like to find a new one in 2016.
Hi matt,

Pleased you generally enjoyed it despite the problems.

When party girls cancel at the last moment Rebecca has plenty of friends to call on and can usually get a substitute. But she had nobody she could get at short notice to do the door keeping that day.

Regards numbers, if you are a regular party goer you will know it is always difficult to know who will actually turn up on the day as there are so many time wasters out there.

It was a busy party, but that was probably due to it being in the Christmas Party season and also a good line up.  A couple of weeks ago there was only 6 of us at the evening party and with guys leaving early I ended up with a lengthy 1 to 1 session with this starlet-

External Link/Members Only

As regards the flat, I know it is not perfect but it is very difficult to find suitable party venues in London, particularly Central London. If someone knows of an alternative let Rebecca know. I am sure she would be pleased to hear from you.



Offline davidgood

I am on their mailing list and was considering signing up for this one, but didn't bother in the end. I haven't been to one of their parties as something nearly always comes up to stop me. Would you say that it is worth giving up a possible one on one punt to attend?

You pose a difficult question. In the past, as a newbie party goer, I would have directed you to another lady’s parties which were more of a series of laid back  1 to 1s rather than a full on gang bang but she is not operating at the moment as she can’t find a suitable venue.

If you have plenty experience of meeting WGs and you want to try a party then by all means give Rebecca’s a try, make sure she knows you are a newbie and she will look after you.

In the interests of fairness and impartiality I have to say that other parties are available in the London area such as Phoenix, LAPC, Lady P’s and LSAP hope to re-launch at a new venue on 29th December.

Please let us know how you get on if you take the party plunge.



Offline mattharding

Does anyone recognise new girl Sandra from the photos to the upcoming party?

I'm trying to picture where I've seen her before but there is no link. Can anyone help?