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Author Topic: Roxy Taylor Camborne. Ran away with my money.  (Read 31948 times)

Cornish sub

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External Link/Members Only

I first saw Roxy back in March. Drove 5 miles to meet up with her, got in her car, gave her the money and she drove us to my place. I got out in the street, told her where to park while I walked round the back. Then I let her in through the front door. Had a brilliant 2 hr session. Fast forward to 12th June. Same routine, drove to meet her, except this time it was going to be Roxy and her friend Cassie. Got in Roxy's car, said hello to Cassie, gave Roxy the money then she drove the 3 of us to my place. I got out, walked round the back then went to the front door to let them in. Except they weren't there. While I was walking round the back they'd just driven off. Subseqent calls and txts to her mobile went unanswered. As the meeting had been arranged through the AW booking system, I thought at least I could go on it and leave appropriate feedback. But no, her profile had gone, replaced by member inactive.
2 days later I'm still devastated. Not because of the loss of the money, though that's bad enough, but because I trusted Roxy implicitly and can't believe she could be so heartless as to do this and not care about the effect it would have on me. I've been a mess since it happened, it'll take me a long time to get over this.


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my gut feeling here is that this is'nt all what it seems.
If you are genuine then i apologise in advance  :cry:


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I can actually confirm this is a genuine guy and I referred him to UKP.

Tony Montana

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This just doesn't add up.  Why would you drive 5 miles to meet them and then have them drive you back to your place?

Why would you trust a prostitute implicitly?  If Roxy was genuine, why would she ruin her reputation for 1 booking's cash?

Cornish sub

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my gut feeling here is that this is'nt all what it seems.
If you are genuine then i apologise in advance  :cry:
  I swear on my life this is 100% true. I had a brilliant first session with Roxy in March so have no reason whatsoever to make up a negative report about her.

Cornish sub

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I can actually confirm this is a genuine guy and I referred him to UKP.
  Thank you x

Cornish sub

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This just doesn't add up.  Why would you drive 5 miles to meet them and then have them drive you back to your place?
I have a massive smoke fetish. It was my idea to drive to meet Roxy then Roxy and Cassie so I could 'teach' them how to smoke the way I liked it then watch them as we drove to my place. Kind of foreplay I suppose.

Cornish sub

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Why would you trust a prostitute implicitly?
Because she seemed totally genuine. Everything had gone perfectly the first time in March, there was absolutely no reason to mistrust her. She'd also been an AW member since (from memory) 2009 and had 100 positive feedback, including one from my March meeting, so this led me to believe she was totally genuine.

Cornish sub

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If Roxy was genuine, why would she ruin her reputation for 1 booking's cash?
This is one I can't get my head round myself. As I said in a previous reply, she was a long term AW member with 100% positive feedback so I have absolutely no idea why she did this. Like I said in my original post though, as soon as I realised what she'd done I went to go on her AW profile and it came back 'member inactive' so she'd obviously planned the whole thing. This incident has knocked me for six, my stomach's in knots and my head's a mess, it really is.

Tony Montana

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You should post her AW Id number, even if it is an inactive link, so if she returns then other people will be warned.  Also the link of the other girl.

Once she realised she had fucked up her reputation and 100 good feedbacks, she may contact you, give you some bullshit excuse like they suddenly had a family emergency, or Roxy was coerced by the other girl.

Cornish sub

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You should post her AW Id number, even if it is an inactive link, so if she returns then other people will be warned.  Also the link of the other girl.

Once she realised she had fucked up her reputation and 100 good feedbacks, she may contact you, give you some bullshit excuse like they suddenly had a family emergency, or Roxy was coerced by the other girl.
I haven't a clue what her AW id was I'm afraid. As for the other girl (Cassie), when Roxy first told me she was bringing Cassie (originally it was meant to be Roxy's sister, but a couple weeks before the meet, Roxy said her sister couldn't make it so Cassie was coming instead) I asked for her AW link so I could have a look at her. Roxy said she's not on AW, which should've set alarm bells ringing I suppose. And the 100 feedbacks should've been 100%. My mistake, sorry. As for Cassie coercing Roxy to do a runner - I doubt that very much. It's been 3 days now, plenty of time for Roxy to get in touch and explain. Plus the fact her AW profile's gone, it seems certain to me she knew exactly what she was doing without any coercion.


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If you google up Roxy Taylor escort it does bring up an extinct AW profile. There is still a link available that shows who left her feedback though. Second down on Google. External Link/Members Only

Cornish sub

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By the way, if it's of any help I've just googled Roxy Taylor Adultwork and it brings up her proper member name. It's Roxy-Taylor.XX

Cornish sub

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If you google up Roxy Taylor escort it does bring up an extinct AW profile. There is still a link available that shows who left her feedback though. Second down on Google. External Link/Members Only
I'm sorry Ladyofthemansion, I hadn't read this post before submitting mine about googling Roxy x


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I am sorry for you but think you need to put it down to experience and move on rather than brooding on it for weeks.

It is a shit thing to happen and I can empathise with you - I might have done something similar if I had had a great time with the girl before.

In my younger days I was "clipped" by a girl who I met in a pub. She said she had a hotel room we could go to, I gave her the cash as we walked to "her" hotel. She said she had to go in via a side entrance and would meet me outside the room. Needless to say she never turned up and the room itself was occupied by a guy who was fairly peeved to be woken by some drunk idiot knocking on it at midnight!

Looking back I cannot believe I can have been so naive! - in my defense I was drunk, lonely (working away from home) and horny.

I guess the lessons from your tale are do not trust a girl until you know her really well (5+ meets), do not hand over any cash until you are in the room where the action will take place and be especially careful when dealing with two girls.

My suggestion is to go and see a reliable girl and have a good time with her to give you something else to think about. If you let us know where you are based then maybe people can suggest good girls to see.

Cornish sub

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Thank you for all that Bootleg, I appreciate it. I know I'll get over it eventually, but atm it feels the same as being ditched by a long term gf you still love. And I don't mean I was in love with Roxy, cos I wasn't. It's just that I'm going through the type of stuff that that situation causes - stomach churning, head all over the place, can't face food, can't sleep. It's f***ing horrible. I just wish she'd contact me to explain why she did it. I'm so stupid I'd even give her another chance to reorganise the session.

Baz Vegas Bob

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Thank you for all that Bootleg, I appreciate it. I know I'll get over it eventually, but atm it feels the same as being ditched by a long term gf you still love. And I don't mean I was in love with Roxy, cos I wasn't. It's just that I'm going through the type of stuff that that situation causes - stomach churning, head all over the place, can't face food, can't sleep. It's f***ing horrible. I just wish she'd contact me to explain why she did it. I'm so stupid I'd even give her another chance to reorganise the session.

Mate you have been scammed. It happens, buy sadly with a conning prossie there is little you can do about it.

All the feelings suggest you have got attached to the girl, is very dangerous as on the whole there is little to trust with a prostitute. They not only sell sex, they sell emotions. Sensible punters will see the line and see that the affection, friendship and feelings are purchased and will run out as soon as the money does. It is a cliche, but it really is merely a business deal.

You face the choice, in future, of either accepting this and hardening up, or accept you are not emotionally cut out for the paid sex industry. Someone not emotionally prepared for the negatives, will end up skint, emotionally fucked up or both

Cornish sub

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Mate you have been scammed. It happens, buy sadly with a conning prossie there is little you can do about it.

All the feelings suggest you have got attached to the girl, is very dangerous as on the whole there is little to trust with a prostitute. They not only sell sex, they sell emotions. Sensible punters will see the line and see that the affection, friendship and feelings are purchased and will run out as soon as the money does. It is a cliche, but it really is merely a business deal.

You face the choice, in future, of either accepting this and hardening up, or accept you are not emotionally cut out for the paid sex industry. Someone not emotionally prepared for the negatives, will end up skint, emotionally fucked up or both
I can see how it looks like I've become emotionally attached to her, but I swear that's not the case. It's purely down to how she was so warm and friendly in all her texts and calls leading up to the meet, and the same when we were in the car (and yes, I realise now that this was all part of the act), yet knowing all along what she was going to do without having any conscience for how it would effect me. All she and Cassie had to do was give up the 2 hours of their time I'd paid for and everyone would have been happy. It's not even as if they had to face the unpleasant prospect of sex with me, I only ever have hand relief from escorts.


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All I can say is that give it a couple of months and whilst you won't think back on it and laugh, the pain of it all will ease. The key to any situation like this is to focus on any positives (meant in the most warped way) such as being more cautious next time or putting yourself in a position to minimise any loss or negative outcome to yourself.

In this game you can never reduce the downside to punting to nil, but you can swing the odds in your favour as much as possible. Finding the positive in any situation no matter how bleak is the best thing you can do to pick yourself up and move forward.

All the breast for the future.

Cornish sub

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If you google up Roxy Taylor escort it does bring up an extinct AW profile. There is still a link available that shows who left her feedback though. Second down on Google. External Link/Members Only
Extinct?  When clicking on it is showed her last visit was yesterday. 


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Not knowing all the facts, of course, but it looks to me that this Cassie (not UKP's Cassie) might have persuaded Roxy to "do the dirty" and run off with your money.  It might have been one of those spur of the moment things which I reckon she must now be secretly regretting because she has put a rock-solid line of feedback at risk.  Who know, she may contact you to make amends.

Cornish sub

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Extinct?  When clicking on it is showed her last visit was yesterday.
Are you sure? I've just clicked on it myself and it brings up her feedbacks, the last of which was posted on the 2nd June, not yesterday. Clicking on the 'View my profile' link only brings up the message that the member is inactive. I can't find anywhere that she checked in yesterday.

Cornish sub

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Who know, she may contact you to make amends.
You can't begin to imagine how much I hope this is the case, you really can't.


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Sorry to read your story Cornish, I think there is a lesson to learn and you've learnt it the hard way unfortunately..

You can't fully trust anyone in this game I don't think..

I see a girl often and I know of one other wg that take money after a punt! I'd trust them

Cornish sub

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Sorry to read your story Cornish, I think there is a lesson to learn and you've learnt it the hard way unfortunately..

Thank you Lz-129, it was indeed a lesson learned the hard way.

Cornish sub

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Sorry to read your story Cornish, I think there is a lesson to learn and you've learnt it the hard way unfortunately..

You can't fully trust anyone in this game I don't think..

I see a girl often and I know of one other wg that take money after a punt! I'd trust them


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Are you sure? I've just clicked on it myself and it brings up her feedbacks, the last of which was posted on the 2nd June, not yesterday. Clicking on the 'View my profile' link only brings up the message that the member is inactive. I can't find anywhere that she checked in yesterday.
No, don't look at the feedbacks themselves.  Look at this line:-

Last Login Date: Friday 14 June 2013

How old is she?  The younger she is, the more likely she is of doing something that she would later regret.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 08:10:33 am by k »


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How can you see when she logged in if profile down?

Actually, just sussed it out! She must have changed her profile to seeking services. That way it's not displayed!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 10:42:55 am by ladyofthemansion »


  • Guest
How can you see when she logged in if profile down?

Actually, just sussed it out! She must have changed her profile to seeking services. That way it's not displayed!
Ah - I was wondering how she could hide her profile in this way.  Looks like she might be waiting for things to blow over?


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Ah - I was wondering how she could hide her profile in this way.  Looks like she might be waiting for things to blow over?

Doubt very much that any girl who steals from a bloke could ever return with the same profile.


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Doubt very much that any girl who steals from a bloke could ever return with the same profile.
I agree, but what other reason would she have for doing this?

I go back to what I said earlier that I think she must be quite young/immature and not very clear in thinking the consequences of her actions through properly.

Cornish sub

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Doubt very much that any girl who steals from a bloke could ever return with the same profile.
I wish that was true, Ladyofthemansion, but unfortunately I could never prove she stole the money from me, so I guess she'd have no problem returning to AW as and when she wants.

Cornish sub

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I think she must be quite young/immature
She's young, either 21 or 23 (can't remember which one exactly), but didn't come across as immature tbh.


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I would be inclined to send AW a report about this woman.  She's changed status from "Offering" to "Seeking" so AW should erase the feedback as it does not correspond to the role she earned it through.

If this is a known "loophole" to sidestepping bad feedback - flip it until the feedback timeout expires, then flip it back again - then this is an issue AW should treat seriously.

Offline sarahjayneleeds

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Her AW ID number is External Link/Members Only taken from the ratings link provided by Lady of the Mansion by clicking view owners profile which of course is inactive but shows the ID while it searches for it. :)

Also Cornish if she has changed to seeking services have you checked whether the booking request has reappeared on your profile? I only ask because I had an outstanding booking while I had changed mine to seeking services while I moved and the Client was still allowed to leave feedback.

Cornish sub

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I would be inclined to send AW a report about this woman.
I actually tried that through clicking on the 'Help' box then the relevant link, but the reply was that AW have no personal involvement with members and any disputes should be resolved by contacting the member direct or via their AW profile. That's a bit difficult when she doesn't respond to txts or answer calls to either of her phones and has removed her profile. She seems to be untouchable.

Cornish sub

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Her AW ID number is External Link/Members Only taken from the ratings link provided by Lady of the Mansion by clicking view owners profile which of course is inactive but shows the ID while it searches for it. :)

Also Cornish if she has changed to seeking services have you checked whether the booking request has reappeared on your profile? I only ask because I had an outstanding booking while I had changed mine to seeking services while I moved and the Client was still allowed to leave feedback.
Hello Sarah Jayne, thanks for all that. As far as the booking form goes, it's still there if I go into my AW emails and bookings, but it tells me I can't complete it cos Roxy hasn't confirmed that the booking was completed. There seems to be nothing whatsoever I can do to resolve this.

Closet freak

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. I just wish she'd contact me to explain why she did it. I'm so stupid I'd even give her another chance to reorganise the session.

The only chance you should give her is the opportunity to return the money she stole off  you & then let her know you'll do your best to blacken her name , anything else would be stupid :dash:
Then again you do admit to being stupid & after reading your posts here I tend to agree :hi:


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Also Cornish if she has changed to seeking services have you checked whether the booking request has reappeared on your profile? I only ask because I had an outstanding booking while I had changed mine to seeking services while I moved and the Client was still allowed to leave feedback.
Feedback can't be left, however you may be able to leave a negative Field Report.  Go into that option on the menu to see if you can.


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Punting is a Darwinian process, the wise survive the dumb get ripped off.

Offline cunnyhunt

Punting is a Darwinian process, the wise survive the dumb get ripped off.

Correct  :lol:


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She may be in the process of changing area's so thought she would take the opportunity of ripping off some of her regulars as well, might not be just you.  I have seen a few profiles on AW with good feedback - gained from incalls but rip off everyone that they do outcalls on - the usual "just got to pay my driver etc.," routine.  On a second meeting, you of course contact her direct and don't use the booking system so can't leave her bad feedback - if the profile was still there.   Then there is the other issue with outcalls - she knows where you live, so how much fuss do you want to create? If she is prepared to rip people off then what else could she be capable of doing. In practise, they like to stay below the radar and not draw further attention to themselves but, there is always the odd crazy one that could cause issues.

Maybe her profile will reappear in the future in a totally different area of the country? I reckon with that amount of feedback, she will try to keep it. There may be a chance to drop some neg feedback later on if you keep an eye out.

Just put it down to experience and learn from it then move on!  Not being hard nosed about it, but if you are going through the "can't sleep, stomach churning issue" days later, then you aren't really cut out for this game!  The golden rule (unfortunately) is trust no-one. Doesn't matter how many meetings you have, how friendly they appear to be, do not trust them. Confidence tricksters work in exactly the same way!

Cornish sub

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On a second meeting, you of course contact her direct and don't use the booking system so can't leave her bad feedback - if the profile was still there.
I actually did, at her request, book the meeting through the AW booking system, even though it was arranged over the phone. I was happy to do this, though, as I like leaving/receiving feedback. However, as she immediately removed her profile I was unable to leave any. Going into my AW emails and bookings, the form is there but a message tells me I can't leave feedback as Roxy hasn't confirmed the meeting was completed.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 04:17:13 pm by Cornish sub »


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I actually did, at her request, book the meeting through the AW booking system, even though it was arranged over the phone. I was happy to do this, though, as I like leaving/receiving feedback. However, as she immediately removed her profile I was unable to leave any. Going into my AW emails and bookings, the form is there but a message tells me I can't leave feedback as Roxy hasn't confirmed the meeting was completed.

Possibly a new trick to watch out for, where the WG lures you into a sense of security by apparently giving the opportunity to leave feedback, so you 'agree to the scam'. Another view is that it might not be the original girl who generated the feedback, instead an inherited profile?


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External Link/Members Only

She's back.
Cornish Sub can I think, leave a negative field report, even though the time for leaving feedback will have expired.  If she hasn't made any attempt to apologise or remedy the situation, this is what IMO should be done.


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Or if that fails he can make a new booking. Even if she doesn't accept it he can still leave feedback only. Because he left good feedback on a previous occasion nobody will have any reason to think he is being malicious.


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Will you guys please tell Cornish Sub to leave the feedback on AW!!!! He wants to write the whole story but obviously not enough room! I have advised him to just write that she stole his money, but he doesn't want to do that in case nobody believes him. I am ready to pull my teeth out with frustration!!!!!! :dash:

Offline mh

Will you guys please tell Cornish Sub to leave the feedback on AW!!!! He wants to write the whole story but obviously not enough room! I have advised him to just write that she stole his money, but he doesn't want to do that in case nobody believes him. I am ready to pull my teeth out with frustration!!!!!! :dash:

Couldn't he write "She stole my money" and include a link to this thread?