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Author Topic: Lady Marmalade Partys  (Read 10137 times)

Offline redwinged

I have been a regular at these party's over the years and with regret I wont attend again simply I now realise that the cost has gone up over the years to a cost that now is just treating the clients as punters rather than guests. I used to go all the way back when the patys where in Baker Street when you had fun in a relaxed atmosphere look at the maths seven girls 2-1 ratio cost £160 per party thats £6720 per day 6 days a week thats £40320 say 45 weeks work per year is £1612800 even with costs thats a huge profit and shows me what they think and because the other party organisers have gone they will up and up the price because they can

Offline Straife

Whatever made you think you are a guest rather than a punter? :hi:

Offline redwinged

That was a comment about the past they sold themselves on the guest thing now they have few others to compete with

Tony Montana

  • Guest
They seldom have 14 guys there, there was only 5 at one I went to.


  • Guest
with respect they never had 7 girls on in the baker street venue, that only began with the new venue in lancaster gate

i remember this because they only used to have something like 10 girls at the big special partuies at baker street

it was 120 back in baker street, in lancaster gate it went up to 140 and around the time they moved to westminster it went up to 160 (i still pay 140 as i have the loyalty card)

last time i checked even at 160 its a mere 30 quid extra than the hod hourly rate where you see just one girl for one hour aoppoed to getting round seven girls in two hours  :hi:


  • Guest
weird though that you have 7 posts, the first five went along the lines of gentlemens parties, fuck club/gents desire, fuck club, gentlemens parties, gentlemens parties and in a post dated may of last year you said you were happy sarah stopped lmp because it wasnt the same yet here you have suddenly reappeared with some nonsense about lady ems


Offline ciscoxxx69

weird though that you have 7 posts, the first five went along the lines of gentlemens parties, fuck club/gents desire, fuck club, gentlemens parties, gentlemens parties and in a post dated may of last year you said you were happy sarah stopped lmp because it wasnt the same yet here you have suddenly reappeared with some nonsense about lady ems


Weird indeed. :unknown:
All he has proved in the OP is that he can do maths!.......and what's with the 'were treated like punters not guests' ? WTF ?  :unknown: should we rename the Forum UK Guests ?  :D
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 07:34:16 am by ciscoxxx69 »

Offline PuntingPete

Yeah they take all that money and hardly have any overheads  :dash:

Have you considered probably their biggest overhead - rent?? I doubt that pad is cheap to rent, I also doubt the girls do it solely for the love of the job, I assume they get paid for it  ;)

I'm just glad you're not their accountant because as has already been pointed out, your figures are complete bollocks  :hi:


  • Guest
The biggest cost at LMP has to be the girl's 'expenses' and they need paying whether 1 or 14 guests turn up...big risk for the organisers IMHO...probably only breaks into profit once an 8th guest turns up, so some parties will make a loss and fuller ones make a profit to compensate.

From £120 to £140/£160 in 8 years or so isn't a huge leap...we're all still punters, but it's a friendly, warm & welcoming atmosphere for everyone who attends.

Offline ciscoxxx69

The biggest cost at LMP has to be the girl's 'expenses' and they need paying whether 1 or 14 guests turn up...big risk for the organisers IMHO...probably only breaks into profit once an 8th guest turns up, so some parties will make a loss and fuller ones make a profit to compensate.

From £120 to £140/£160 in 8 years or so isn't a huge leap...we're all still punters, but it's a friendly, warm & welcoming atmosphere for everyone who attends.

Totally agree with all that VT.... :thumbsup:

For the quality of the girls, the surroundings, the services, the relaxed easy to deal with nature of the whole punting experience, it is fantastic unrivalled VFM IMO.....

2 hours, 7 HOT and varied girls - £160 what's not to like FFS ???  :unknown:

Offline Blade1960

Hi Guys, I'm down in London for 2 seperate days in a couple of weeks and was wondering.

Are all the Party's held at the Same venue ? and also what is the Venue or Venues like for Parking Etc ? As i will be Driving  ;)

Offline hardhans75

I have been a regular at these party's over the years and with regret I wont attend again simply I now realise that the cost has gone up over the years to a cost that now is just treating the clients as punters rather than guests. I used to go all the way back when the patys where in Baker Street when you had fun in a relaxed atmosphere look at the maths seven girls 2-1 ratio cost £160 per party thats £6720 per day 6 days a week thats £40320 say 45 weeks work per year is £1612800 even with costs thats a huge profit and shows me what they think and because the other party organisers have gone they will up and up the price because they can

It was 100 when the started in Waterloo and Paddington. And ? Whats your point ?. I have been to LMP , god knows how many times from 2005 and i never never ever felt like a punter. Emma never makes you feel like that not does Moss. Yeah i did not like the West Minister house as well and did like the Lancaster Gate one as it was cosy. But the quality always remained good. A lot of people tried to understand the economics of LMP but only Emma and Moss knows how many overheads they have and how many issues they need to face which we punters/guests always ignore.

Offline mh

LMP is a business. They charge what they can charge to meet the demand they are able to service. They have high rent and staff costs and this will set the floor price, but the actual price charged is a market rate that people will pay. the OP has decided he is not willing to pay it and if enough people feel the same they will suffer a fall in demand and would have to reduce prices which may involve reducing their costs (lower rent property or lower rent girls!).

For what it's worth I think that at £120 it would be amazing value, at £140 OK for what you get and at £160 is more like an occasional treat. But it's entirely up to them what they charge and no price is inherently "wrong".

Offline hardhans75

LMP is a business. They charge what they can charge to meet the demand they are able to service. They have high rent and staff costs and this will set the floor price, but the actual price charged is a market rate that people will pay. the OP has decided he is not willing to pay it and if enough people feel the same they will suffer a fall in demand and would have to reduce prices which may involve reducing their costs (lower rent property or lower rent girls!).

For what it's worth I think that at £120 it would be amazing value, at £140 OK for what you get and at £160 is more like an occasional treat. But it's entirely up to them what they charge and no price is inherently "wrong".

I do agree with you. At 140 i used to go atleast three to four times a month. At 160 (i have a psychological barrier of 150) i do not go that often. But you are right its a business and they can charge as per demand.

Offline smiths

LMP is a business. They charge what they can charge to meet the demand they are able to service. They have high rent and staff costs and this will set the floor price, but the actual price charged is a market rate that people will pay. the OP has decided he is not willing to pay it and if enough people feel the same they will suffer a fall in demand and would have to reduce prices which may involve reducing their costs (lower rent property or lower rent girls!).

For what it's worth I think that at £120 it would be amazing value, at £140 OK for what you get and at £160 is more like an occasional treat. But it's entirely up to them what they charge and no price is inherently "wrong".

Good post. What LMP have now done is introduce the loyalty scheme which for those regulars and they have quite a few of them that would be going anyway saves them some money on the £160 price after a number of parties.

What i do know is they have to turn punters down sometimes as they havent a spot available for some parties and the punter can only make a particular one time wise. Tells me what i already knew, they dont have a lack of punters generally.

As to the cost, up to a punter to decide if its worth it or not obviously, it isnt for the OP anymore so his business. IMO what would be good to see are more party providers offering a good service in London, since the demise of the lying scum of GP East London is lacking now and my area North London also is. ;)

Offline smiths

The biggest cost at LMP has to be the girl's 'expenses' and they need paying whether 1 or 14 guests turn up...big risk for the organisers IMHO...probably only breaks into profit once an 8th guest turns up, so some parties will make a loss and fuller ones make a profit to compensate.

From £120 to £140/£160 in 8 years or so isn't a huge leap...we're all still punters, but it's a friendly, warm & welcoming atmosphere for everyone who attends.

WGs and rent must of course be the biggest costs. What LMP have is the best party model in my opinion. They get 3 bites of getting punters in per party day, some other party providers have 1 or 2 bites per party day and like at LAPC a WG will usually only get one party per party day, the WGs at LMP get all 3 parties per party day of course. Why other operating parties dont follow this model is beyond me, the risk you mention is far higher when only holding 1 or 2 parties in a day naturally.


  • Guest
While we are on the LMP topic, does anyone here get tested after going to the parties? I went to my first one today and there were some pretty "gung ho" guys I got chatting to who came across like we lived in a world where STD's did not exist.

I have chosen not to get tested myself, but that's only because I got OWO from one girl and everything else with the other girls was protected. I understand I have taken a risk still but hopefully odds are on my side!

Offline tazz

They seldom have 14 guys there, there was only 5 at one I went to.

Not heard of less than 8 guys at a party. When was that as it must have been heaven have 2-3 girls service you.


  • Guest
Not heard of less than 8 guys at a party. When was that as it must have been heaven have 2-3 girls service you.

It has been reported a few times, once during an England game in the World Cup, only 2 guys turned up...and could barely walk out at the end!!  :D

I've had multiple girl action quite a few times even at parties where there has been a 8-10 guy attendance, some arrive late, some leave early, some take time to reload. At one memorable party I had a FFFFFFFM at the end... :yahoo: ...but sadly nothing left to give them!!  :lol:

Offline akauya

It has been reported a few times, once during an England game in the World Cup, only 2 guys turned up...and could barely walk out at the end!!  :D

I've had multiple girl action quite a few times even at parties where there has been a 8-10 guy attendance, some arrive late, some leave early, some take time to reload. At one memorable party I had a FFFFFFFM at the end... :yahoo: ...but sadly nothing left to give them!!  :lol:

The can-barely-walk syndrome can happen even if there are plenty of guys there. I remember last time I went to LMP's a bunch of us were in the kitchen recharging batteries when three or four girls cam to drag us back to the bedrooms...

Only place in the world where guys are refusing to fuck fit girls because they can't any more :D

Offline smiths

Not heard of less than 8 guys at a party. When was that as it must have been heaven have 2-3 girls service you.

I have been at a few parties where there were less than 8 punters, it was hard bleeding work with the free WGs searching me out, i had to hide in the toilet for a breather.

The thing is you can never know obviously until the party how many punters will actually turn up so its wise to assume there will be the max 14 in my view. In addition depending on the punters at any given party it could be the case even if all 14 turned up that most of them had a good round one but were "resting" for much of the rest of the party, its here that opportunities for 3somes and moresomes come in, but again a punter wont know this until it happens. At some other parties all the punters are going at it the whole time.

Offline tazz

I would imagine in January which is the quietest month not so many guys turn up. How the hell do you have 7 girls service you at once.

Offline akauya

I would imagine in January which is the quietest month not so many guys turn up. How the hell do you have 7 girls service you at once.

Something like this probably

External Link/Members Only



  • Guest
Something like this probably

External Link/Members Only


Damn, that's the way to do it, see my favorite Lexi Belle in the mix  :rose:

Offline tazz

Saw 4 girls sucking cock. If thats what you get a LMP its no wounder so many guys are hooked. Just wounder how so many can go back to their partners and hide what just happened.


  • Guest
I would imagine in January which is the quietest month not so many guys turn up. How the hell do you have 7 girls service you at once.

It goes something like sitting on your face, one on each nipple, one sucking your cock, one tickling your balls, one trying to access your prostate and one leading the chorus of 'ooh aah, big boy, cum for us!' pressure!!!  :yahoo:

Offline tazz

It goes something like sitting on your face, one on each nipple, one sucking your cock, one tickling your balls, one trying to access your prostate and one leading the chorus of 'ooh aah, big boy, cum for us!' pressure!!!  :yahoo:

Think i may pass out.Has this happened to any guys at these parties. Wounder what they would do if a guy collapsed or had a heart attack. Doubt they want ambulance and police there.


  • Guest
Think i may pass out.Has this happened to any guys at these parties. Wounder what they would do if a guy collapsed or had a heart attack. Doubt they want ambulance and police there.

The hosts are trained in advanced cardiovascular resuscitation techniques by St Johns Ambulance and are licenced to have a portable defibrillator on site.

Offline ciscoxxx69

The hosts are trained in advanced cardiovascular resuscitation techniques by St Johns Ambulance and are licenced to have a portable defibrillator on site.

Ooh Kinky  :lol:


  • Guest

Offline ciscoxxx69

Sorry I should have added it is as a £20 extra  :D

St Johns Ambulance uniform gets me every time!.......... and when the defibrillator comes out.........I'm gone!  :lol:


  • Guest
Yeah they take all that money and hardly have any overheads  :dash:

Have you considered probably their biggest overhead - rent?? I doubt that pad is cheap to rent, I also doubt the girls do it solely for the love of the job, I assume they get paid for it  ;)

I'm just glad you're not their accountant because as has already been pointed out, your figures are complete bollocks  :hi:

Lady M dropped it into conversation once that the Westminster place costs 6,000 GBP per month.


  • Guest
How do these things work? You pay, and get told time and place, then turn up. Once's a flat with multiple naked escorts and multiple punters walking around? And you all just gang bang in the living room for the two hours you have paid for? Or how does it go?

Offline Jerboa

I've not been to LMP for a few years now, I was considering going back last year as they are still highly regarded, but when the price went up to £160 it just doesn't seem such vfm anymore, as for me when I first visited it was only £100, I think because they party has no real competition they can pretty much charge what they want, I may still return as a rare treat though.
Banned reason: I did ask you to stick a sock in it, clearly that’s not going to happen, say hello to your boyfriend Tommy for us
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline ciscoxxx69

How do these things work? You pay, and get told time and place, then turn up. Once's a flat with multiple naked escorts and multiple punters walking around? And you all just gang bang in the living room for the two hours you have paid for? Or how does it go?

You phone on the day (or day before) not from a withheld number and request your preferred time. Once accepted you are texted the address. Upon arrival 15mins before the part time (1-3pm, 4-6pm 7-9pm) you undress and place your valuables and donation (£160 - 2hrs) in an envelope with your (punting) name on.
You shower and put on a Robe, then move to the kitchen to say hello and grab a drink....

Once the party starts, you make the most of the brilliant accommodation.
One massive room with two double beds and a swing.
Another room with a double and single bed.
And another room with a double bed.
There are two en-suite bathrooms and one main bathroom.
There is also a lounge with TV ....and plenty of chairs about the place including as 'perving' chair if you want to kick back and enjoy the scenery.
Cum as many times as you want in two hours.
Lady M will make sure you don't hog one girl.
The girls are great and really get into it and make it a pleasurable non stressy experience.
It's all about Fun.

There are 7 or 8 girls and a maximum of 14 guys. (In my two experiences there have been 10 and 12 punters)
If you are newbie, Lady M will get a girl to start you off. From then on you get on with it....all sex is covered. Oral is with or without - that's up to you. There is no Anal. Generally no fingering either.
Some girls kiss....some will allow CIM I believe.

That is basically it....if I have left anything major out I am sure I will be corrected..... :hi:

Don't just 'no show' will be (rightly) blacklisted.

They are brilliant at hosting these party's IMO, so don't take the piss.
They are very honest, inasmuch as if a girl who was on the Rota is a no show they will tell you, and if you then decide to give it a miss they are fine.
JUST be sure to tell them if you are not going to attend! That is common courtesy....
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 10:00:30 pm by ciscoxxx69 »

Offline smiths

I've not been to LMP for a few years now, I was considering going back last year as they are still highly regarded, but when the price went up to £160 it just doesn't seem such vfm anymore, as for me when I first visited it was only £100, I think because they party has no real competition they can pretty much charge what they want, I may still return as a rare treat though.

They were £120 when i first went in 2008. What is needed are more party providers in London to replace those now gone in my view. ;)


  • Guest
By any standards I've always found LMP very good value and good quality, though  don't like the Westminster flat so much. I think the calibre of the girls has gone down a bit though, since the EE girls seem to have to gradually replaced the S. American girls - at least when I've been in the last 12 months. What do you think?

Offline iPad3

I go about once a month, only went to LG once but my view is the st James flat is much better, can't fault the girls and click with most, whilst I wouldn't complain if the price came down I still consider £160 excellent value for money.


  • Guest
Agree with the positive sentiments of all. GVFM, super hot girls, well organised and a regular haunt for me (1-2 / month). The only issue I have is that sometimes you get the feeling that the girls are making fun of you. They can also get a bit too giggly for my liking as well. I have no objection to talking, but when you get two girls side by side servicing two guys and they laugh, joke and talk about getting pissed, it's slightly annoying. Notwithstanding that, I'll be back.


  • Guest
Agree with the positive sentiments of all. GVFM, super hot girls, well organised and a regular haunt for me (1-2 / month). The only issue I have is that sometimes you get the feeling that the girls are making fun of you. They can also get a bit too giggly for my liking as well. I have no objection to talking, but when you get two girls side by side servicing two guys and they laugh, joke and talk about getting pissed, it's slightly annoying. Notwithstanding that, I'll be back.

For my part, the banter with the girls and between them is one of the things I really enjoy and which sets it apart from other experiences. I've been lying next to another auto-censoredting to him and a couple of girls - almost like being down the pub - except the girls are sucking our cocks. Top fun, for me at least.

Mike Oxhard

  • Guest
. I think the calibre of the girls has gone down a bit though, since the EE girls seem to have to gradually replaced the S. American girls - at least when I've been in the last 12 months. What do you think?

I would have to disagree!! I do love EE girls, and actually believe the current gallery has more strength in depth than I've ever known it in my 5+ years  :cool:


  • Guest
By any standards I've always found LMP very good value and good quality, though  don't like the Westminster flat so much. I think the calibre of the girls has gone down a bit though, since the EE girls seem to have to gradually replaced the S. American girls - at least when I've been in the last 12 months. What do you think?

Now I'm used to having the space at the new place, I can't imagine going back to LG.

I'm loving the variety at the moment, some real beauties there...there's still quite a few Latinas, of the EEs there's a selection of Balts, Slavs & Vlachs, Brits of many persuasions, a kinky Parisian and a fruity Oriental!  :yahoo:

Offline tazz

If any guy isnt an England football fan and you fancy have 3-7 girls servicing you then there will be at least 2 days in June during the world cup when this will happen. Read during last world cup or european championships there were only 2 or 3 guys at some of these parties. Sounds like pure heaven.


  • Guest
If any guy isnt an England football fan and you fancy have 3-7 girls servicing you then there will be at least 2 days in June during the world cup when this will happen. Read during last world cup or european championships there were only 2 or 3 guys at some of these parties. Sounds like pure heaven.

wont happen, the world cup is in brazil so the games will come on after the partying day is over

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

wont happen, the world cup is in brazil so the games will come on after the partying day is over

Not quite. Eng v Uruguay 8pm 19th June & Eng V Costa Rica 5pm 24th June. Maybe some Scots will be travelling down to LMP!

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

a kinky Parisian and a fruity Oriental!  :yahoo:

 :rolleyes: Who be they if you don't mind VT ?

Offline Jerboa

They were £120 when i first went in 2008. What is needed are more party providers in London to replace those now gone in my view. ;)

I said as much a while ago on the ISG board, LMP have a thread, Moss posts on there, fair play to him they are good at what they do, he took my opinion fairly, though some posters on there took me for a troll, I just had to remind them of my numerous reports on that site, LMP have no decent competition In London, so can pretty much charge what they want, surprised no one has started a new party In town.

For my part, the banter with the girls and between them is one of the things I really enjoy and which sets it apart from other experiences. I've been lying next to another auto-censoredting to him and a couple of girls - almost like being down the pub - except the girls are sucking our cocks. Top fun, for me at least.

Yes I know what you mean about the banter, Is a enjoyable part of the party, but when girls start chatting amongst themselves about what shoes they've just bought, whilst getting shagged by punters It's a no no.

Maybe UKP should do a jolly boys punting outing to LMP soon?  :P
Banned reason: I did ask you to stick a sock in it, clearly that’s not going to happen, say hello to your boyfriend Tommy for us
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Steve2

I said as much a while ago on the ISG board, LMP have a thread, Moss posts on there, fair play to him they are good at what they do, he took my opinion fairly, though some posters on there took me for a troll, I just had to remind them of my numerous reports on that site, LMP have no decent competition In London, so can pretty much charge what they want, surprised no one has started a new party In town.

Currently Parties are a car crash waiting to happen. They are an easy target for HMRC , VAT, Police etc, as has been proved over the last year or so

Anyone setting up a new party would be totally mad

Offline Jerboa

Currently Parties are a car crash waiting to happen. They are an easy target for HMRC , VAT, Police etc, as has been proved over the last year or so

Anyone setting up a new party would be totally mad

Ok that's a fair point there mate.
Banned reason: I did ask you to stick a sock in it, clearly that’s not going to happen, say hello to your boyfriend Tommy for us
Banned by: Iloveoral