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Author Topic: Members who only write positive reviews.  (Read 6411 times)

Offline Bangers and Gash

Even though I'm semi-retired from punting, I still search the UKP reviews section in the fading hope of finding that golden nugget hidden under the mountain of over-priced and over-hyped manure that fills AW.... but my question is this:

Do other members ignore reviews from punters who only do positive reviews?

Surely a credible punter will have a decent mix of positive, neutral and negatives?

Are they really lucky, rich, fluffy, easily pleased or just lying to avoid embarrassment / being blacklisted?



  • Guest
Not really. I make my own mind up from reading the content of the review.

I've read some positives that if I had had the same experience it would have been neutral or negative.

I do write a lot of positive reviews but I go with - if I had a good time and didn't regret doing it it was a positive; if I enjoyed it but regretted it or services weren't as advertised it's a neutral, if I had a terrible time and felt I wasted my money or was jerked around and a confirmed booking didn't happen it's a negative.

I've seen some reviews that told me nothing useful at all - future reviews from those guys I'd ignore irrespective of how they rated the meet.

Offline smiths

Even though I'm semi-retired from punting, I still search the UKP reviews section in the fading hope of finding that golden nugget hidden under the mountain of over-priced and over-hyped manure that fills AW.... but my question is this:

Do other members ignore reviews from punters who only do positive reviews?

Surely a credible punter will have a decent mix of positive, neutral and negatives?

Are they really lucky, rich, fluffy, easily pleased or just lying to avoid embarrassment / being blacklisted?


No I don't ignore their reviews, I read them and take them on their merits as I see them. It IS possible using UKP to punt with only WGs recommended by punters a reviewer finds credible which can decrease the chances of a bad punt. How you punt can make a big difference of course, for example I might fancy a punt in search of a gem which sometimes pays off but sometimes doesn't, a less risk averse punter might just stick with WGs with many reviews on here.

Some will though be what you mention, especially fluffy, lying to avoid embarrassment or the fear of being blacklisted. A punter is indeed fortunate to not have a bad punt as even with recommended WGs who have loads of good reviews things can easily go wrong, or they don't get on for whatever reason. Punting with only regulars is another way a punter might have only or mainly good punts if he is lucky.

I personally don't find fluffy reviews much use, all I want is confirmation the WG offered such and such services with a good attitude for the cost advertised with no extras, her description, age and dress size along with location area wise. These long and winding reviews are far far too long for me, but they aren't for some so if some others find them helpful that's good.

I punt as anonymously as possible but still wishing to post on here not telling the WG I post on here and when I do a review I am purposely vague when I punted with her as I don't want her to know who I am, though I imagine some could work it out if they wanted to. It amazes me how many punters aren't bothered by this, some ask the WG if she wants a review, I do a review to help other punters primarily, its neither here nor their to me whether the WG wants a review or not. Cosying up to WGs isn't always good in my opinion, I punt and leave and that's it in the main. As ever different punters will see things in different ways obviously.


  • Guest
Is it a case that some members only review the 'extremes' of their punting experience? Only the very good and only the very bad?

If a punter continually receives mediocre or indifferent punts, then comes across a WG that doesn't mess them about or fail to delver, they feel compelled to review and advertise the positive experience.

There's also an element of boasting to a lot of reviews (guilty, I know) and these are always going to be positive.

Offline BogBog1

I have to say that my reviews are generally positive. I think that's mainly because since finding this site, the standard of my punts have gone up considerably because it's so much easier to avoid the duds. It's pretty rare these days for me to have a punt that's instantly negative. Neutral yes, but that can be as much a matter of individual taste than anything else. This girl for example: External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - gets great reviews from respected punters on here, but I saw her and really didn't see what all the fuss was about. Not negative, but definitely no more than neutral. But yeah anyway, for me it's really because I have got good at avoiding the horror stories, through a combination (I guess) of this excellent site and years of experience.....!

Offline smiths

Is it a case that some members only review the 'extremes' of their punting experience? Only the very good and only the very bad?

If a punter continually receives mediocre or indifferent punts, then comes across a WG that doesn't mess them about or fail to delver, they feel compelled to review and advertise the positive experience.

There's also an element of boasting to a lot of reviews (guilty, I know) and these are always going to be positive.

You make a good point about boasting, it makes me chuckle when punters reply to a positive review that they are envious or jealous, its paid sex FFS, all it takes is money, its not pulling tasty women that might take some effort.

Yes there is quite a bit of boasting on here in my observations, I suppose its human nature at the end of the day, many of us have done it at one time or another. It can be cringeworthy though sometimes in my view.


  • Guest
I tend to consider the whole thread as usually a positive or negative will elicit others to comment. Going off one persons experience is always risky as they could have caught the girl on a really good or bad day. But once you start seeing a pattern develop regarding her ability then that is when I make my judgement call.

Offline Corus Boy

My reviews are all Positive, aside for one Neutral.


Because I'm selective as to where I spend my money!  I do my research.  If I arrive and don't like what I see, I walk but unless it was a blatant B & S or a dodgy set up, I consider that my leaving is not a reason for a Negative review.

Good research, following hints left by known punters I trust and sticking with locations have a good track record works for me.

Offline AnthG

Because I'm selective as to where I spend my money!  I do my research....

Good research, following hints left by known punters I trust and sticking with locations have a good track record works for me.

I have never understood this argument about doing research that people make. Thus suggesting those who had bad punts have not done theirs.

Two of my poorest punts I ever had are with two of the girls every single person else in the region that I live raves about and they are considered the golden girls.

Other cases is I have seen a girl two times and she was fantastic. And for the third she clearly seen me as a soft touch or something and gave me an abomination of a punt. This has happened multiple times too.

There are simply too many variables beyond the punters control to say because you've done research you have ruled out the chances of a poor punt.

Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Malvolio

I like to consider all of the reviews that a girl has had when making my picks - after all people do like different things.

I do wonder if there's some element of members not wanting to admit they had a shit experience and therefore not providing negative reviews.


  • Guest
Because I'm selective as to where I spend my money!

Most of my horror stories are prior to my UKP days. At some point punters realise that if it looks too good to be true it most likely is. The model type photos of Romanians offering everything for £50 for half an hour will usually be B&S and if a profile hints at a miserable attitude then I avoid. Finally, if someone appeals on AW I search on here for comments and reviews. It's a plan that seems to be working apart from being stood up a few times.


  • Guest
Most of my horror stories are prior to my UKP days. At some point punters realise that if it looks too good to be true it most likely is. The model type photos of Romanians offering everything for £50 for half an hour will usually be B&S and if a profile hints at a miserable attitude then I avoid. Finally, if someone appeals on AW I search on here for comments and reviews. It's a plan that seems to be working apart from being stood up a few times.

For me too

Also I don't know if its only me but my expectations have risen during my UKP membership thus what was a positive 18 months ago could quite possibly be a neutral today.
UKP reviews are only one part of my selection process & yes there are punters whose judgment I trust more than others but with all that said I still take most reviews at face value.

If that makes me easily pleased then so be it after all its my money & my cock that needs pleasing.

Offline Third Man

of my reviews a good few that i said were positive at the time i would now rate neutral as iv now seen better girls, or realise what i liked then i now would not be satisfied with. Be good to be able to re visit reviews and amend them. 


  • Guest
I think it's true that some people will only review the extremes, while others might even only review the positives.  Personally I'm fortunate enough not to have had a truly terrible punt yet, but I've had a few mediocre ones, some of which I just didn't really think it was worth reviewing.

Maybe some people see themselves more as highlighting the good punts rather than calling out the bad ones.  Some people I think might be embarrassed to write about a bad punt?  Or maybe even worried that the WG might work out who they are and be pissed off?  Not saying I agree with those as valid reasons not to write negative reviews, just speculating that it might be the case.

Offline Mansell

I read all the reviews for the WG that I can and then make my mind up. I've see both sides guys that only do positives and then others where it seems to be mainly (ie more than 50% Neutral or Negative) I tend to be wary about both.

Offline 385North

Of course the flip side is that some members only post neutral of negative reviews because they don't see the point of adding positives when a girl is well reviewed already. I've only ever posted positives because thanks to this place I've never had to take the chance on an unknown.

Offline The_Don

Overly long positive reviews, is what some like. But others don't and its easy just to hit that 'X' button (to close) if its to much.

Fact is some punters, will at some point have a punt that's, not positive. And they may-not chose to share it (up to them, IMO)

Punters do have different styles of writing.

One thing I like is being able to click the link (on a review) that is for that service provider to see how many pos/neu/neg there are.

what i liked then i now would not be satisfied with.

If only we could have more Insight than hindsight

Over time I've become more picky, with want I from a punt as well. Thus I may not re visit some of my passed positivity reviewed W/G, for a number of different reasons.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 08:24:07 pm by The_Don »

Big Cat

  • Guest
My reviews have all been positive except for one, thanks to doing my research on this site and going for girls with good ratings. I also think I have a good attitude going into punts and don't treat WGs like they are just a hole for my penis.

The 1 negative girl I saw was unreviewed and possibly on a drug comedown, luckily 2 other unreviewed girls I saw were positive.


  • Guest
I have no wish to criticise anyone who writes a review as I thinks the Review Section is the lifeblood of this Site.

As to people writing only positives, then others above have hinted at being found out by the WG then targeted for abuse if they write a Neg, It has happened on here to me before she was banned. Well bugger them , (not literally) if they were worth writing a Negative then I have no wish to return and wish to warn other punters. If only another punter had seen  my Neg before his visit then he would not have been robbed. I was the lucky one and the worse thing that happened to me was I had a bad punt and got a bit of abuse on an Internet Forum.

I think it also boils down to the Reviewers nature. Some people are "Glass half full"  so will find the positives in each meet, others are "glass half empty" so will highlight the negatives.

"She was not the best looker but she had a great body."


"Her place was a bit of a tip and I felt it was in a bad part of town."

Human nature.

As with anything posted on an Internet Forum I always add a large pinch of salt to the comments but ANY Review is worthwhile IMHO.

Offline cueball

I review honestly as I see it on the day, I'll tell you what though, coming on ukp and building a trusted bunch of fellow podgers has cut the bad punts down dramatically for me, I give recommendations and I take recommendations

Offline Jimmyredcab

I think it depends on how many positive reviews the member has submitted, half a dozen is quite believable but if I see 20+ positive reviews and no negatives I would be very suspicious.

Some guys are very easy to please, some have more money than sense, some like to come across as Mr Niceguy.      :crazy:

I always smile when I see this nonsense about research, you are shagging a prostitute not buying a house, how much research are you supposed to do.   :unknown:


  • Guest
Only 5 reviews so far from me 3 positive, 2 neutral. It's not that i've never had a shit punt but probably have erased the memory long since. I'd have no worries though about submitting one if the service was shit. I imagine the vast majority on here are spending an average of £100 per punt (and the average has become higher over the last couple of years) and if you buy goods from somewhere and they are faulty or shit you take them back or get your cash back. Sadly we can't in this game so we review. Personally I tend to read negative reviews rather than the positive just so I know who not to go near.

Big Cat

  • Guest

I always smile when I see this nonsense about research, you are shagging a prostitute not buying a house, how much research are you supposed to do.   :unknown:

I can find a girl on AW and within 10 mins looking on UKP will know whether she's worth visiting, and that'll be my research done. Of course you're supposed to research if you want to spend your money wisely. That goes with anything be it a house or a restaurant or a prostitute.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I can find a girl on AW and within 10 mins looking on UKP will know whether she's worth visiting, and that'll be my research done. Of course you're supposed to research if you want to spend your money wisely. That goes with anything be it a house or a restaurant or a prostitute.

So how many positive reviews does the girl need for you to take the plunge, 2, 10, 20.    :unknown:

Sometimes you have to take a gamble, new girls on the scene will not have any reviews.


  • Guest
The problem with doing a negative review on AW is that the prossie can always  give you a negative back. I rarely give a review and can't be arsed with field reports.When I started on AW  I admit I did some positives just to get some positives back but I never gave a positive that wasn't deserved. Nowadays I will only consider giving a rating if I get one first and even then most times I don't. Just my way of doing things.


  • Guest
No, I'd say the content of the reviews much more important than the overall ratings. Even the worst, fluffiest reviews ever have some merit. Even if it's just to confirms that the hoor exists, or someone or other probably exists at the other end of the profile...

Fluffies have wised up. They'll write reviews that are 99.9% positive, gushing, over the top with real passionate love making...then out of blue comes a 'Neutral' rating, due to the fact she kept him waiting 10mins or wasn't wearing the correct type of gusset.  The contents basically all subservient & fluffy, it's the ratings there doctoring.

Offline AnthG

I can find a girl on AW and within 10 mins looking on UKP will know whether she's worth visiting, and that'll be my research done.

But what would you use to form your research?

Say for example a girl has a positive review from two brand new members who posted them and never returned again afterwards, and another two from members who post a lot on the forum but have 20 positives to their name and no neutral or negatives.

Would you go ahead with this trusting research complete?
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Big Cat

  • Guest
So how many positive reviews does the girl need for you to take the plunge, 2, 10, 20.    :unknown:

Sometimes you have to take a gamble, new girls on the scene will not have any reviews.

Just the one if it's coming from someone who's got more than 5 posts. I agree it's obviously useful when people TOFFT but to say researching a girl is "nonsense" makes no sense - isn't that what this board is essentially for?

Offline The_Don

No, I'd say the content of the reviews much more important than the overall ratings. Even the worst, fluffiest reviews ever have some merit. Even if it's just to confirms that the hoor exists, or someone or other probably exists at the other end of the profile...

Fluffies have wised up. They'll write reviews that are 99.9% positive, gushing, over the top with real passionate love making...then out of blue comes a 'Neutral' rating, due to the fact she kept him waiting 10mins or wasn't wearing the correct type of gusset.  The contents basically all subservient & fluffy, it's the ratings there doctoring.

Punters are willing to pay for different things and to some. Not having a W/G fulfill some requirement may mean they rate as one thing. But the contents may (subjectively) read differently to some one else.

Big Cat

  • Guest
But what would you use to form your research?

Say for example a girl has a positive review from two brand new members who posted them and never returned again afterwards, and another two from members who post a lot on the forum but have 20 positives to their name and no neutral or negatives.

Would you go ahead with this trusting research complete?

It's not that complicated really. By research I mean simply pasting the girl's ID into the search box and reading all the reviews. Hardly extensive stuff but in my experience it's helped me and most of the time I've found other people's reviews are on the money.

The situation you describe might sound a bit iffy but then it's up to you if you go for it. Even if a girl has 20 positive reviews from 20 long time members, you still never know how you're going to click with a WG.

Offline Mansell

AnthG's made a good point, in each area you get to know who gives reviews it's worth believing and for me they always take precendence over someone I hardly know reviewing.

Offline AnthG

The situation you describe might sound a bit iffy but then it's up to you if you go for it. Even if a girl has 20 positive reviews from 20 long time members, you still never know how you're going to click with a WG.

The best thing in my opinion for research is to find a punter who you know from past reviews has liked the same girls you have liked, and who hasn't like the same girls you haven't and then effectively follow them like a hawk.

Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Thepacifist

Even though I'm semi-retired from punting, I still search the UKP reviews section in the fading hope of finding that golden nugget hidden under the mountain of over-priced and over-hyped manure that fills AW.... but my question is this:

Do other members ignore reviews from punters who only do positive reviews?

Surely a credible punter will have a decent mix of positive, neutral and negatives?

Are they really lucky, rich, fluffy, easily pleased or just lying to avoid embarrassment / being blacklisted?


I posted a negative review about Lizzie 18 and her friend Summer when it happened. I don't know what happened to it but it should be in Google caches somehow, I'm not sure. Most of my negative experiences were in my early days of punting in Amsterdam. I wrote those negatives in my reviews on Ignatzmice which is a forum about Amsterdam and the RLD. As I have said in another thread, it's like betting on Arsenal vs Hull. I've learned from my mistakes in my youth to now go with the favourite. If I have a negative experience then I will post about it as I will continue to post about my positive ones.

Offline The_Don

It's not that complicated really. By research I mean simply pasting the girl's ID into the search box and reading all the reviews. Hardly extensive stuff but in my experience it's helped me and most of the time I've found other people's reviews are on the money.

The details and experiences of the UKP membership base, can be useful in many ways.

The situation you describe might sound a bit iffy but then it's up to you if you go for it. Even if a girl has 20 positive reviews from 20 long time members, you still never know how you're going to click with a WG.

indeed, YMMV with any W/G.

The best thing in my opinion for research is to find a punter who you know from past reviews has liked the same girls you have liked, and who hasn't like the same girls you haven't and then effectively follow them like a hawk.

In general this is has merits. But I've punted W/G that I did negative reviews on but other did positives. IMO, YMMV with any W/G.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 09:37:16 pm by The_Don »

Offline Jimmyredcab

When I read some of the reviews on here it is obvious to me that some guys would fuck anything with a pulse ----- as long as the price was right.    :unknown:

I am fussy, maybe too fussy but I am not prepared to hand my money over to lowlife skanks, that is why I rule out ALL Romanians.


  • Guest
When I read some of the reviews on here it is obvious to me that some guys would fuck anything with a pulse ----- as long as the price was right.    :unknown:

I am fussy, maybe too fussy but I am not prepared to hand my money over to lowlife skanks, that is why I rule out ALL Romanians.

I get that Jimmy but out of curiosity has that always been the case?

As I stated earlier the longer I have been a member on here the more picky I have become & came to a conclusion to cease punting for while as I wasn't really getting what I wanted out of it.

Like I said its not a dig I'm just curious if this is a cycle that long term punters go through (maybe a another topic?)

Offline smiths

When I read some of the reviews on here it is obvious to me that some guys would fuck anything with a pulse ----- as long as the price was right.    :unknown:

I am fussy, maybe too fussy but I am not prepared to hand my money over to lowlife skanks, that is why I rule out ALL Romanians.

Up to you who you rule in or out and how fussy you are, your money your rules, but after actually having some good punts with WGs who advertised as and said they were Romanians I go on the individual WGs attitude myself as that's what makes a good or bad WG. One of the points to UKP is punters can choose to share information so the idea is you read reviews/feedback of punters you find credible and take their word the WG offered them a good service etc and punt accordingly if that's what you choose.

Because you, I or others might find a WG unattractive or worse its a fact some others might not, that's always been the case of course and I daresay always will be. As to the price being right yes well some of us want VFM as we see it when punting and nothing at all wrong with that, unlike you we don't all exclude ALL WGs who charge under £100 an hour and from experience of punting with some of them as reviews show know there are good WGs in all price brackets from Soho Walk-Ups to many hundreds of pounds or more an hour. All a case of locating the good ones obviously which UKP can be a great help with.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I get that Jimmy but out of curiosity has that always been the case?

As I stated earlier the longer I have been a member on here the more picky I have become & came to a conclusion to cease punting for while as I wasn't really getting what I wanted out of it.

Like I said its not a dig I'm just curious if this is a cycle that long term punters go through (maybe a another topic?)

I think we all rely too heavily on Adultwork, my best punting days were long before AW came on the scene ----- but in those days I had a dozen brothels within a 30 minute drive, they have all closed down.

I rarely punt now and I can't say I miss it.    :hi:


  • Guest
Members who only write positive reviews are members who don't want to admit they had a bad punt or punts because it would ruin their "I am the perfect punter" image. Also quite often they book well reviewed prossies ONLY and they think they can be "tough guys" here with their ALL positive reviews.

Offline cueball

Well, I don't know how others work it but if I've enjoyed myself and left smiling it's positive, if I've wondered why I bothered its neutral and if I've left regretting the experience it's negative.

I don't know any other way to honestly write a review.


  • Guest
think I have a good attitude going into punts and don't treat WGs like they are just a hole for my penis.

+1 on that.

I had a great punt on a bad night that really cheered me up and turned my day around. Turned out she has shit reviews on here but mine was a real positive experience. Because I went against the flow the locals had a bit of a go but as far as I'm concerned I speak as I find.


  • Guest
Members who only write positive reviews are members who don't want to admit they had a bad punt or punts because it would ruin their "I am the perfect punter" image. Also quite often they book well reviewed prossies ONLY and they think they can be "tough guys" here with their ALL positive reviews.
Some get upset if the 52nd review of the girl they saw doesn't get any comments, well done's or tally ho's.

Offline threechilliman

Well, I don't know how others work it but if I've enjoyed myself and left smiling it's positive, if I've wondered why I bothered its neutral and if I've left regretting the experience it's negative.

I don't know any other way to honestly write a review.

Not surprisingly, I agree with Cue. We share a lot of info via PM as we have similar tastes. He's one of my trusted NW punting pals. There are others in the NW I'm more cautious about......


Offline Marmalade

On advice: If you read UKP and still have to ask how to consider the pros and cons maybe try sonething safer like ludo.  :hi:

As to people who only write "positive" reviews, if they have genuinely fucked the girl, it probably means she exists and you'll probably learn if the towels are nice and fluffy or very nice and fluffy.

FFS if you were in a market and some geezer tells trust him cos he only deals with genuine people then you deserve what you get I think.

Offline Cuntminion

I would write a neg and slam it down so quick if warranted
In the same breath I'm quite easily pleased so you would have to try hard to get a neg from me
I mean if I turned up and it was not the girl but a goat , as long as the goat was attentive I would be happy
If it was a scam and I scrapped with a Sergei I would be cool, I like a fight

I always try list what others may not like though even in positive reviews but in a nice way, so there's no offense to the wg but a heads up for others

Two instant infractions that get a straight neg


Sergei stabs me

This is where I stand on this

Offline AnthG

Two instant infractions that get a straight neg

What about timewasting?

So you are phoning the girl to get her house number and she doesn't answer, and doesn't answer, and doesn't answer. With you standing feeling awkward in the street till you go home frustrated and panicking that you've done something wrong?


So you are phoning the girl to get her house number and she doesn't answer, and doesn't answer, and doesn't answer. With you standing feeling awkward in the street till after about 15mins worth of trying till she finally does and you come up to her place. You say, so thats an hour and you give her your £100.

In 45mins she says, time to end as I have my next punter due as you were 15mins late.


You get in the flat and shes doesn't have any condoms so cannot do sex, so she spends 15mins hunting her place for some. In your paid time


You get to her place and she says, "yeah kissing thats an extra £30, oh you mean you want oral, that's another £30 too. Oh sorry I misunderstood you want to give oral onto me, yeah that ones only an extra £20...
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest

, so there's no offense to the wg but a heads up for others

Two instant infractions that get a straight neg


Sergei stabs me

This is where I stand on this

A fluffy, in other words.

Offline smiths

What about timewasting?

So you are phoning the girl to get her house number and she doesn't answer, and doesn't answer, and doesn't answer. With you standing feeling awkward in the street till you go home frustrated and panicking that you've done something wrong?


So you are phoning the girl to get her house number and she doesn't answer, and doesn't answer, and doesn't answer. With you standing feeling awkward in the street till after about 15mins worth of trying till she finally does and you come up to her place. You say, so thats an hour and you give her your £100.

In 45mins she says, time to end as I have my next punter due as you were 15mins late.


You get in the flat and shes doesn't have any condoms so cannot do sex, so she spends 15mins hunting her place for some. In your paid time


You get to her place and she says, "yeah kissing thats an extra £30, oh you mean you want oral, that's another £30 too. Oh sorry I misunderstood you want to give oral onto me, yeah that ones only an extra £20...

All negatives off me though I wouldn't be panicking, I would be pissed off realising the WG was a low life, then I would ring my plan B option.

Offline Marmalade

I would write a neg and slam it down so quick if warranted
In the same breath I'm quite easily pleased so you would have to try hard to get a neg from me
I mean if I turned up and it was not the girl but a goat , as long as the goat was attentive I would be happy
If it was a scam and I scrapped with a Sergei I would be cool, I like a fight

I always try list what others may not like though even in positive reviews but in a nice way, so there's no offense to the wg but a heads up for others

Two instant infractions that get a straight neg


Sergei stabs me

This is where I stand on this

This is known as being a fluffy. You will possibly grow out of it. There's no need for a prossie to be offended by honesty (i.e. accuracy). If someone has a genuine problem with your product, service, whatever you do for a living, wouldn't rather know??

Reviews are not the same as how you speak to her face to face. Face to face, you owe her money and politeness (unless she tries to scam you or is fucking rude). An honest review is passionless. Re-living your shag by writing some nice soft porn, beautifully tailored at the edges is not really a review. It's just a fluffie saying, "Hey, look I got a shag! Whoopee!" (we are very happy for you).

Some fuckers only take any notice when they get a bad review. However you phrase it, giving a "positive" when it was a bit shit is like recommending 5-day old street food to your mates in the hope that they won't get stomach ache.

An unfair review is slagging her off when the appointment didn't take place (all you know is she didn't conclude the appointment, whether by your or her fault, but you have no info on whether she is otherwise vfm). An unfair review is when you cannot distinguish between material facts and opinion (both are useful but to say she was shite in bed cos she never advertised anal and refused your cock up her arse is unfair: simply to to say she doesn't offer anal is useful info.)

Writing reviews and imagining the prossie is reading them is what people do on AW (ok if honest and to get a couple of decent feedbacks for your own profile) or on prossie-run 'punter' sites (which is despicable).

Most people start off punting by maintaining the fantasy that they have met a nice girl and simply paid her. That is not the case since you do not know her as a person, whatever she tells you. You know her as prossie. Like the TV repair man. Good job? Felt satisfied? Rushed? Looked ok but tv still didn't work after five minutes? Reviews should not be fanmail, at least on here.

It's good to be polite to the prossie in person. Firstly you are more likely to get what you came for and secondly she won't go blacklisting you as a prick that forgot to wash his cheese off. There's nothing duplicitous about it. Merely efficiency. On UKP, it is not very efficient to write for the prossie's sake, but some people have a job getting past it. Just do your best.

Offline Marmalade

oh... and do read the UKP wiki guidelines and keep your identity separate on here from your UKP identity