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Author Topic: Another TV show Looking to find punters  (Read 5258 times)


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Why Sheffield again? Why not a classy parlour like HoD or Sandys, of course they don't need the publicity.

We we're talking with Unit 8 in Sheffield because they we're one of the only parlour we could find that catered to disable clients but they've changed their minds. If you know any other parlours that do the same, then we'd like to speak to them too.


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To suggest there is only the one Kevin working there is a little far feached (unless there is a 'One Kevin per company' quota i am aware of, in which case my company is in some legal trouble) and it only lists the heads of each department, they'll have way more staff than that

Anyway, i digress....It does seem to be a lose lose situation for the 'punters' going on the show, unless they want their 15mins of fame (or more likely 30secs of fame that fuck up your life)

Those here punt because they want to, depsite public opinion of how punters are perceived. Personally i don't care if Joe Bloggs living next to me thinks people seeing prostitutues are 'not normal people' or whatever, i'll do it anyway. Public perception means squat to me and i'm sure others on this site, i'd not put myself in the position for my life to potentially be ruined for zero to no change in uneducated (in punting terms) peoples opinions

Finally, i don't want seeing prostitutes bought into the mainstream or normalised, it's hard enough getting bookings with the better ones now!

*EDIT* Looks like Kevin beat me to it whilst i was typing the above bollocks....
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 06:29:32 pm by DaPizzle »


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We we're talking with Unit 8 in Sheffield because they we're one of the only parlour we could find that catered to disable clients but they've changed their minds. If you know any other parlours that do the same, then we'd like to speak to them too.
Most of us don't visit parlours, that's so 90s.

Indie all the way.

Offline MancSean

Believe it or not, we do have more than one Kevin who works here. If you look at the email I provide at the end, my last name is Muyolo, not Utton.

Easy mistake to make  :)
Would you get rid of Muppet if you got some genuine punters off here. What you really need to do imo is get some popular decent girls off here or aw and no Cookie Jane types. Much better than the trollopes Muppet cons to get free sex. Also use London or Manchester although plenty of talent on south coast too. If you really want to make this program better work with the guys on here to get ideas then if no one volunteers use an actor imo

Offline Dani

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If you want the view of genuine disabled punters why not contact the TLCtrust who cater just for disabled men looking for escorts.  Why a parlour who would have their own agenda anyway.  The TLC trust have their own website and promote all parts of normal healthy living for disabled people.  if anyone could put you in contact with disabled clients they would but then again they have solicitors who would want to ensure things are done the right way whereas a parlour wont have.

Glad to hear you will be giving Muppet a miss as that guy is only ever out to promote his out of date website with loads of fake reviews and to get free sex.  It worked in the 90s but the internet has ensured only a few parlours now bow to his demands

I do feel you have done no research what so ever and are just going to bunch up a load of statements from a few men who want their bit of fame and take what they say at face value.  I'm not even a punter and to me it sounds like you don't have a clue about this world and should go back to the drawing board and either do some real research or choose a different subject.  You cannot make a reasonable portrayal of this world when you have no understanding of it at all.  The whole Muppet thing shows you have done no research at all as his name and peoples thoughts on him come up on various sites all over the internet.  A quick google search would have told you all you need to know about him.

Offline Stapler

George Muppet - Please Don't Talk About Me  :D

External Link/Members Only


Banned reason: For having fuck all useful to say
Banned by: Head1


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Regardless of any attempts by a TV show to change public perception about the subject, prostitution will always be stigmatised in Western countries - so you are totally pissing in the wind.

You cannot ignore this one glaring fact.  Even if as a society we were to accept a woman's right to do whatever she wishes with her body in private, and a man's right to have consensual sex with her as a financial transaction, you will NEVER remove the primary reason for the social stigma - which is that a vast majority of punters are married men playing away. 

Unless you're going to also question the institution of marriage you are totally wasting your time - and ours.


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Regardless of any attempts by a TV show to change public perception about the subject, prostitution will always be stigmatised in Western countries - so you are totally pissing in the wind.

Yup. If memory serves a pundit in the 'After Porn' documentary touched on the aspect of personal risk taken by porn performers. It may have been something they only did a few times, for peanuts, but the stigma stays - and taints - forever in the straight world. Ditto punters and punting. Who in their right mind would appear on TV? You'd be defined for years to come as 'that guy who pays for sex'. The only way round it would be funny masks, like the dogging documentary a couple of years back. But funny masks have already been done, and indeed the outlandish disguises ended up being the only truly memorable thing about that doco. Not sure there's much insight to be had into punting (or dogging) anyway. The psychology and motives around punting aren't exactly rocket science.

Offline Cuntminion

Regardless of any attempts by a TV show to change public perception about the subject, prostitution will always be stigmatised in Western countries - so you are totally pissing in the wind.

You cannot ignore this one glaring fact.  Even if as a society we were to accept a woman's right to do whatever she wishes with her body in private, and a man's right to have consensual sex with her as a financial transaction, you will NEVER remove the primary reason for the social stigma - which is that a vast majority of punters are married men playing away. 

Unless you're going to also question the institution of marriage you are totally wasting your time - and ours.

Open escorting legalized works no problem in other countries , I personally think it's a moral quandary for uk society anything that is not agreeable is brushed under the carpet and looked down upon

I wouldn't say it's the institution of marriage that makes it taboo , the institute of marriage is just the mumset go to when they can't formulate a decent argument

I don't think any less of a female that choose to make a living as a wg, if anything as long as they play fair I admire their ability and realization to capitalize on something a lot of birds will put out on a boozy Friday night

Offline NIK

Yup. If memory serves a pundit in the 'After Porn' documentary touched on the aspect of personal risk taken by porn performers. It may have been something they only did a few times, for peanuts, but the stigma stays - and taints - forever in the straight world. Ditto punters and punting. Who in their right mind would appear on TV? You'd be defined for years to come as 'that guy who pays for sex'. The only way round it would be funny masks, like the dogging documentary a couple of years back. But funny masks have already been done, and indeed the outlandish disguises ended up being the only truly memorable thing about that doco. Not sure there's much insight to be had into punting (or dogging) anyway. The psychology and motives around punting aren't exactly rocket science.

I have said this before but will repeat it as it's relevant.
Many years ago there was a documentary - as I say these programmes aren't new in the least - where a South African chef working in this country was shown involved in adult baby role play with some fat old prossy playing 'mummy'. He was kitted out complete with bonnet, dummy, nappy, bottle, etc. He was a bearded fat guy in his thirties or forties and he looked completely ridiculous. My mate saw it and said he was so disgusted that he had to 'go and iron a shirt' :wacko:
However more relevantly next day in a newspaper a critic commented that this bloke had probably ruined his life because of his desire to appear on TV.   :crazy:

Offline Cuntminion

I have said this before but will repeat it as it's relevant.
Many years ago there was a documentary - as I say these programmes aren't new in the least - where a South African chef working in this country was shown involved in adult baby role play with some fat old prossy playing 'mummy'. He was kitted out complete with bonnet, dummy, nappy, bottle, etc. He was a bearded fat guy in his thirties or forties and he looked completely ridiculous. My mate saw it and said he was so disgusted that he had to 'go and iron a shirt' :wacko:
However more relevantly next day in a newspaper a critic commented that this bloke had probably ruined his life because of his desire to appear on TV.   :crazy:

Ha I remember that documentary

Offline Ali Katt

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I have said this before but will repeat it as it's relevant.
Many years ago there was a documentary - as I say these programmes aren't new in the least - where a South African chef working in this country was shown involved in adult baby role play with some fat old prossy playing 'mummy'. He was kitted out complete with bonnet, dummy, nappy, bottle, etc. He was a bearded fat guy in his thirties or forties and he looked completely ridiculous. My mate saw it and said he was so disgusted that he had to 'go and iron a shirt' :wacko:
However more relevantly next day in a newspaper a critic commented that this bloke had probably ruined his life because of his desire to appear on TV.   :crazy:
I'm not sure if it's the same one, but I saw one with a fat dominatrix, she was asked why men (her slaves) clean the toilet for her, her response "I'm not going to do it myself am I?".  :lol:

Offline Northerndave666

Dear Kevin,

Having studiously looked at your company's body of work, I can safely say that it looks like you have gone straight to the bottom of the barrel and have been scraping like crazy for many years. Kindly fuck off and make another compilation of sport funnies /evils / injuries, etc etc et-fucking-cetra and fuck off from this forum.

I thank you  :hi:

Offline Ali Katt

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Dear Kevin,

Having studiously looked at your company's body of work, I can safely say that it looks like you have gone straight to the bottom of the barrel and have been scraping like crazy for many years. Kindly fuck off and make another compilation of sport funnies /evils / injuries, etc etc et-fucking-cetra and fuck off from this forum.

I thank you  :hi:
I saw the 40 year old virgins ones, they were made to look like a bunch of sad cunts.


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His name's not really Kevin is it?
Tell me you're being ironic, "Kevin"!

George Muppet indeed. How will this program be any different to all the other shit ones if you're wheeling that guy out again? :D


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If you want the view of genuine disabled punters why not contact the TLCtrust who cater just for disabled men looking for escorts.  Why a parlour who would have their own agenda anyway.  The TLC trust have their own website and promote all parts of normal healthy living for disabled people.  if anyone could put you in contact with disabled clients they would but then again they have solicitors who would want to ensure things are done the right way whereas a parlour wont have.

This. Oh so this.

A documentary concerning the needs of those with disabilities and the way that these needs are met and how the situation compares with the rest of Europe/the world would be an interesting documentary.

However, since the company in question isn't exactly known for their thoughtful programmes I won't be holding my breath.

Offline NIK

Glad to see this request appears to have fallen as flat as the op suspected it might.
Unless some sneaky 'wannabe' members have signed up on the quiet.   :crazy:

Offline Stapler

Glad to see this request appears to have fallen as flat as the op suspected it might.
Unless some sneaky 'wannabe' members have signed up on the quiet.   :crazy:

Looks like they will have to fall back on Good Ol' George!  :sarcastic:

Banned reason: For having fuck all useful to say
Banned by: Head1


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Glad to see this request appears to have fallen as flat as the op suspected it might.
Unless some sneaky 'wannabe' members have signed up on the quiet.   :crazy:
Very poorly researched, If only the junior had spend some time reading the posts here he could have a minimum got some ideas for his program or got some damn good recommendations.


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We we're talking with Unit 8 in Sheffield because they we're one of the only parlour we could find that catered to disable clients but they've changed their minds. If you know any other parlours that do the same, then we'd like to speak to them too.
If your interested in disabled clients and escorts that cater for them go to adult work and search using the disabled clients tick box, similar to if you were looking for rimming or hardsports.

You might find something more realistic on there than a parlour with a ramp.

Offline Cuntminion


You might find something more realistic on there than a parlour with a ramp.

It does seem parlour with with a ramp was enough for him to include it as the go to source for representing the disabled community


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It does seem parlour with with a ramp was enough for him to include it as the go to source for representing the disabled community
Well that's how some people think when they don't think.

Anyway condiment found a new girl for you.  External Link/Members Only

regular punter

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Would you settle for a paid transport and a free lunch instead?

Only if it Brazzers Bang Bus and the lunch is 3 courses of differnt pussie

Offline Mr Farkyhars

Very poorly researched, If only the junior had spend some time reading the posts here he could have a minimum got some ideas for his program or got some damn good recommendations.

He has now - so win-win :hi:

Offline Ali Katt

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What are the bets that minger Laura Lee happens to be touring and appears on camera at the time? Or maybe Charlie Daniels? Two women who if they are the voice of prostitutes, gawd help us. Their faces alone are enough to make the most hardened serial shagging punter become a rainbow waving poof.

Offline smiths

**With Permission of Admin**

Hi my name is Kevin; I’m a junior developer at a Television company called Zig Zag External Link/Members Only.

I can already feel half of you rolling your eyes at this so I’m just going to cut straight to the point. We want to make a one off documentary for Channel 4 (yes, I know they have a bit of a shitty reputation when it comes to representing sex workers but hear me out). The show is called “Yes, I Pay for Sex” and as you can guess it’s about people who pay for sex. Now, before you all go jumping down my throat (pun unintended), this show is focused on more than just the average punter. We want to look at ALL the types of people who pay for sex, men, women, transgendered, young, old, rich, poor, disabled, gay, straight, bi, single, married, couples and widowed.

This show is about disputing the stereotype people have of punters and instead give the actual people who pay for sex a platform to genuinely share their reasons & experiences of using a prostitute. We’re not interested in judging or condemning the practise, there’s already 100 shows that do that shit. This is about trying to understand.

We’ve already been in contact with a few contributors who are interested in taking part in the show. For example, George Muppet (who I’m sure most of you already know) and Unit 8 massage parlour in Sheffield; as they can help put us get in contact with their disabled punters, especially military veterans handicapped due to combat. We’re also talking to Dr Sarah Kingston at Lancaster University, an advocate for legalising sex workers, who’s currently conducting a nationwide study on women who pay for sex. There’s a whole bunch of people we’re working with and I’m just using these examples to show that we’re genuine about shedding a different and diverse light on the subject.

Before you ask; no we can’t pay anyone for their time, this is a documentary, paying contributors compromises the validity of the programme or some shit like that.  If you would want to promote something RELATED to the subject, that may be a possible but at most you could just mention the product or the service, you couldn't specifically advertise as that would be product placement. And of course, if you don’t want to reveal your identity then you can appear on the show anonymously. And no, I've never been with a sex worker myself, but I it's support decriminalisation.

I know that television is seen as the great Satan on here and that it has the reputation of being untrustworthy. Speaking around to the people who were involved in A Very British Brothel, I get that a lot of people felt misrepresented. I don’t know what the producer’s intentions were for that show, but I can tell you ours, to know why people pay for sex, straight from the horse’s mouth.

We gain nothing from sugar coating or censoring what any of you have to say.  In fact, I’m not going to lie, the more honest you guys are the better it is for our ratings and publicity, because that’s what television is all about. I can’t promise you that everything you say will make it on air. The reality of the matter is we’ll focus on the most surprising and outlandish stuff, but we won’t misrepresent you or take what you said out of context. We’re not interested in reinforcing stereotypes because the truth is, no one is going to watch a TV show that just tells them what they already suspect, people want to watch a show that surprises them. Besides, Zig Zag already has a history of making controversial TV so we’re prepared for the backlash we may get for representing unpopular opinions.

So if after the barrage of justifiable insults and put downs I’ll get on this message board, there are still some of you who are genuinely interested or you have any questions, then please contact me either by email at or you can Zis Zag on 020 7017 8755 and ask for Kevin.



Your certainly not the sharpest tool in the box Kevin, getting in touch with a prick like Muppet who has spent his adult life trying to get freebies off WGs or they get a bad review, just the type of low life character that's not needed in my view. :thumbsdown:

Offline smiths

Also, I'm getting a lot of negative feedback saying that we shouldn't go with George Muppet. If he really is as poor a reflection of the average punter then we won't go with him.

We want to portray as accurately as possible the real clientèle of WGs, not necessarily someone with their own agenda.

Like you guys have been saying, we are very naive about this industry but we want to change that and we're taking all that you say on board, whether you wish to participate or not.

If you had done some basic research you would know what reputation Muppet has, once again with you journos you haven't a clue. From my point of view you can stuff your programme up your arse, I don't trust journos when it comes to prostitution and I have never been proved wrong yet. :thumbsdown:

Offline smiths


However I totally agree about George Muppet. I only saw him once on a programme many years ago, although I believe he has appeared regularly on TV. Seeing him once was enough for me. With his cap and I believe he kept his socks on too it just looked both stupid and seedy. Also I believe he only goes to parlours and doesn't see other types of prossies. You can't imagine him shelling out £500 for a 'high class courtesan.'  :D  So you would only be getting one aspect of the paid sex scene from him.
And a stupid and seedy aspect too!  :thumbsdown:

No he doesn't only go to Parlours NIK though they may be where he goes the most, he does meet Indies as well as its been a number of them over the years that have told me about him trying to get freebies or a bad review in his poxy guide. IMO he is an example of the type of prick that's not needed and most certainly doesn't in anyway represent me as an actual punter, for him to appear on these type of programmes tells me all I need to know about the dodgy people like Kevin who make them.


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(1) . . . This is about trying to understand.

(2) . . . we’re genuine about shedding a different and diverse light on the subject.


(3) . . . The reality of the matter is we’ll focus on the most surprising and outlandish stuff


Well there you have it. Statements (1) and (2) shown to be complete and utter bullshit by statement (3) which shows this will be more of the same shit (also evidenced by the involvement of Muppet).

What a totally piss poor pitch - if I were the executive producer, you would have lost your job already.

Fuck off Kevin.  :dash:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 08:53:05 pm by Dave2014 »

Offline LoneWolf2020

Offline maxxblue


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Never get involved in tv broadcasting when it comes to punting.

Ben shall forever stay annonymous.

Unless some hot girl journalist wants me to punt her.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 12:01:43 am by Ben4454 »

Offline MrClive

Must admit when I read the original post I kind of thought "why not?", but then after reading some of the replys there is no way I would ever go on such a program.

Offline PLeisure

Well, Kid Kevin and his merry band of goons, aka ZigZag Productions are in a bit of a quandary, it would seem.

They thought their brilliant plan to uncover the real truths of the sex industry - from the punters' perspective - would appeal to us.
They demonstrated how incompetent they are by failing to do the most basic research. Probably thought they hit gold once they discovered UKP, thinking they could mine several rich veins here for some salacious insights.
 ~ Duh !  :sarcastic:
Thought that mentioning G Muppet would underpin their integrity.
 ~ Lol !  :sarcastic:

As they are so determined to portray the genuine side of the punting world - but have been unanimously rejected by UKP members - will they now omit the forum from their 'exposé'?
Maybe they'll do the usual journalistic thing and attempt to discredit UKP, instead. We've been of no use to them, it would seem  :cry:

 ~ You fuckin' media nancies are pure hilarity.....  :D  :bomb:

Tip: Stick with Georgey boi........ he'll give you quality material. You'll see......  ;)


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Tip: Stick with Georgey boi........ he'll give you quality material. You'll see......  ;)
If he (George)is in it I will contact every rival TV station and production company pointing out that every channel 4 prostitution program contains this fuck wit George, they will probably proceed to happily squash you on social media for the cockroach you are.

Offline hawthorn123

would have thought it would be easier for kevin to just go around the production companies to find punters, surely must be some there. or even sample it himself .

Offline cueball

Ha ha, Kevin will end up walking round a red light district what a mic and a camera crew, dashing up to cars shouting "I'm Kevin from punter interceptors, would you like to put your views across?"

Offline PLeisure

If he (George)is in it I will contact every rival TV station and production company pointing out that every channel 4 prostitution program contains this fuck wit George, they will probably proceed to happily squash you on social media for the cockroach you are.