Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Ts pammy Thai Leicester  (Read 4200 times)

7 review(s) for Pam.Thai Ladyboy (5 positive, 1 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by Hotdogboy88]
7 review(s) for Queen Pam (5 positive, 1 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by scutty brown]

Offline Hotdogboy88

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OMG why didn’t I walk straight away.

Booked 30 mins for £70 promised she can get hard and she’s 7”
Flat in le5 is nice enough if a little small. Comms were pretty easy and accurate.

When she opened the door I thought it must be a prop forward on they way out she is massive tall and very heavy build. I should have bolted there but she seemed nice so gave her the benefit of the doubt. Straight in with kissing to which consisted most of her clamped on to my lower lip started to get painful. Finally managed to escape and thought I her to suck a nice hard cock so went down. There was quite a bush there a belly and a limp cock managed to get it hard but went limp straight away not much more than 5” if that and no girth at all. This was the last straw decided to ask for my money back got £50 and was out in a shot vowing never again.

Offline Straightsix

Good to hear you stood your ground.  👍
Banned reason: Warned before but doesn’t seem to learn
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Captainhowdy666

Yep, facially excellent , body wise, sumo city.