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Author Topic: Pakistani Soni from e14 Canary Wharf- CRACKHEAD SCAMMER, AVOID!  (Read 6007 times)

Offline Boogzy

Originally saw her profile on VS or AW but for some reason can't find the link anymore but found a few links on Locato. I would never usually go for a punt like this but if I'm completely honest my train of thought was ugly girls sometimes give the best sex and are the freakiest lol and thought fuck it ill give it a try as there's not many pakistani escorts about aswell. Also the fact that she lives in canary wharf I just assumed she'd be a decent clean WG, didn't know crackheads lived in that area! I booked for 2am and price discussed for 1.5 hours was £200 with extras. I requested she wore some traditional Asian clothes and she obliged, just as I was arriving she told me it was cash on arrival and when I got to the apartments and buzzed in she was waiting behind the door in a sari and requested the money before letting me in and I just assumed she had some bad experiences so handed it over, as she let me in I noticed a strange smell like drugs but wasn't definitive to me and thought maybe I was wrong. She must've done her makeup quite well because she didn't look like an outright crackhead I thought maybe she was just skinny and I gave her the benefit of doubt once again also i had already popped a blue pill so that kinda clouded my judgement too.  She led me to a room and sat me down, had small talk for a few minutes after which she said she has to go for a piss and change out her sari and into lingerie and she'd be back in a few. I sat there waiting for like 15 minutes before I started calling her (no answer), I thought surely she can't just leave me in her house and dissappear, unsure of what was going on I got dressed and as I was doing so I found a knife on the floor beside the bed and at this point I realised something was seriously wrong and that I'd been scammed. Fearing for my own safety I took the knife and i decided to have a look around the flat before I left and as I went into the living room i was shocked when I  saw used foil paper and crack pipes, the place was a mess. As I was about to leave a white lady walked in (visibly pure crackhead) who was supposedly looking for her friend and I told her I ain't stupid and I want my money to which she replied ',I wouldn't be surprised she's done this before' and she tried to hurry out the flat but I told her to close the door n sit down and that she can't leave till her friend gets back but then I instantly realised £200 or some crackheads aren't worth jail time and I let her go. To be fair I'm actually glad she disappeared as I most likely would've ended up having regretful sex with her.. done some quick research at 4am and found out who her dealers were and then messaged her again and terrorised her for a bit telling her I'm coming back and that I'll come with her dealer next time she calls haha to which she was completely shocked, I don't give a shit about the money just thought I'd make her panic for a bit. The bitch even asked me to stop at a shop on the way for some soft drinks haha the audacity!! Just thought I'd post as that was a meet from hell and if it avoids anyone else going through the same then that's great and it also isnt safe anything couldve happened.. managed to sort a rom wg at 4/5am and had a decent punt in the end.

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Address: 2 stanliff house e149lf .
Number: +447377434018

Online Punterperson1971

Unlucky mate and well done for reviewing her,hopefully she may have other adverts ie:AW,viva etc and she she can be linked up on here

Offline issacchilemba

Sounds like a nightmare.

Made the right decision to cut your losses and leave  :(

Offline Boogzy

Yh was reluctant to post about it but thought about the safety of others, I don't use locanto btw never have.. I found her on either vs, aw or kommons. Looking back I'm actually glad she did that tbh. Was just a pisstake cos of the timing and cos I stopped at the shop for her and also that I'd taken a pill.. glad I didn't do anything with her though as in all honesty I wasn't 100% sure she was a crackhead as she'd masked it well and had she not disappeared I would've shagged her haha

Offline LLPunting

Thanks for the warning  :drinks:

Can you nab the photo from Locanto that most resembles who you met and upload to the thread please?

Offline NuruGuru

horrible and unlucky experience.

Judging by your 2 reviews so far, you're not having much luck.

I'd advise sticking with AW and not going to VS for this type of thing until you get a better nose for this game.

Also, trust your fellow punters - ALWAYS check here first before scheduling a meet and popping Mr Blue.

Better luck in your next adventures.

Offline anujok

Stanliff house is a crack haven.  I avoid going there at all costs there’s Fairlead or Fairfield house next to that where the Brazilian stables are.

But Stanliff never!   

Hope you left the knife there. Hope you know carrying a knife in public could send one straight to prison.
No explanations asked if caught!

And totally agree with Nuruguru.  Always check here for some leads. I’ve stopped using VS and Kommons after that cartel threat shit. 

AW is usually safe and I believe some or most ‘service providers’ are reading these reviews and might not dare mess things up too much!
« Last Edit: March 28, 2024, 11:34:15 pm by anujok »

Offline fudi_maar

Holy-moly OP. I have nothing useful to add, but wanted to thank you for the review.

Offline Boogzy

horrible and unlucky experience.

Judging by your 2 reviews so far, you're not having much luck.

I'd advise sticking with AW and not going to VS for this type of thing until you get a better nose for this game.

Also, trust your fellow punters - ALWAYS check here first before scheduling a meet and popping Mr Blue.

Better luck in your next adventures.

Haha tbh I've had decent punts too but wouldn't really post about it unless it was amazing or something to definitely avoid, from now on I will be sticking to AW and seeing wgs with reviews only!

Yes I left the knife there lol didn't get my prints on it either, also I found out she's actually bengali not pakistani but she advertises as all 3 separately.. 

To be fair she actually did look alot better in person than her pics but I'd say that was the most accurate one

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Offline NuruGuru

Haha tbh I've had decent punts too but wouldn't really post about it Hidden Image/Members Only

Not really the spirit of the forum - whilst I can appreciate more that you're helping your fellow punters avoid trouble, you should equally be sharing positive experiences too - you benefit from others' positive reviews so you should be able to give back too.

Online scutty brown

.......................As I was about to leave a white lady walked in (visibly pure crackhead) who was supposedly looking for her friend and I told her I ain't stupid and I want my money to which she replied ',I wouldn't be surprised she's done this before' and she tried to hurry out the flat but I told her to close the door n sit down and that she can't leave till her friend gets back but then I instantly realised £200 or some crackheads aren't worth jail time and I let her go. To be fair I'm actually glad she disappeared as I most likely would've ended up having regretful sex with her.. ...........................

Do you realise what that sounds like? You were stopping the girl from leaving and you were considering having sex with her?
Doesn't matter how much the other girl may have provoked you, what you were doing there wasn't right.

Offline Boogzy

Lol I get how you may have come to that conclusion but I didn't mean have sex with the visibly pure crackhead lmao, I meant the scammer who disappeared as before I looked around the house I wasn't sure she was a addict and I shamefuly admit had she not of disappeared I would've had sex with her.. and also I told her friend the visibly pure crackhead that she couldn't leave because I instantly realised what was happening, scammer dissapears and coincidently her friend with a key shows up looking for her? Then tells me she's done this before, the whole purpose of her being there was to try get me away and tbh the whole situation just pissed me off because I'm not stupid or usually one to get scammed like this. Like I said I instantly realised that it wasn't worth the trouble and I let her continue to leave, the whole time i was speaking to her she was by the front door and at no point did I physically stop her.. hope that clears it up

Offline Bru1901

You seem to come across as desperate and last minute

I would suggest you book in advance or use an agency for last minute  bookings at 2 or 3am

You are stupid to look around someones place, worse for researching who her drug dealers might be

You seriously need to rethink your way of thinking towards the booking and meeting escorts

If the flat got raided 2.10 into your booking you would be part of the crackden imo

Online scutty brown

Lol I get how you may have come to that conclusion but I didn't mean have sex with the visibly pure crackhead lmao, I meant the scammer who disappeared as before I looked around the house I wasn't sure she was a addict and I shamefuly admit had she not of disappeared I would've had sex with her.. and also I told her friend the visibly pure crackhead that she couldn't leave because I instantly realised what was happening, scammer dissapears and coincidently her friend with a key shows up looking for her? Then tells me she's done this before, the whole purpose of her being there was to try get me away and tbh the whole situation just pissed me off because I'm not stupid or usually one to get scammed like this. Like I said I instantly realised that it wasn't worth the trouble and I let her continue to leave, the whole time i was speaking to her she was by the front door and at no point did I physically stop her.. hope that clears it up

The way you initially wrote it suggests a different story, which if you'd gone ahead would have ended up with you in jail. Just as well you had second thoughts.
How drunk were  you when you arrived there? You say you're not stupid, if so there must have been something seriously addling your brain to see this girl at 2am and then get suckered.

Offline Bru1901

The way you initially wrote it suggests a different story, which if you'd gone ahead would have ended up with you in jail. Just as well you had second thoughts.
How drunk were  you when you arrived there? You say you're not stupid, if so there must have been something seriously addling your brain to see this girl at 2am and then get suckered.

Looks like a horny takeaway worker rather than drunk imo
« Last Edit: April 01, 2024, 05:42:46 pm by Bru1901 »

Offline NuruGuru

He also doesn't post his "good reviews" a point I made in a previous post which went ignored by him.

Offline Bru1901

This seems like a fake review

A few things dont add up

He negotiated a late night booking.

Her whole advert screams she knows about the indian/south asian tax for vookings. Anal etc is extra but for him its all inclusive for 200 if he brings her a bottle of bru

Why would she drop her rates to £200 for 90 mins when its 60 mins as advertised for 200

He talked to her for 15 mins but no action occurred.
So why was he undressed?

He then finds her drugdealer?

He mentions he doesnt give a fuck about 200 sheets but why was he blocking the second girl from leaving?

Guy probably got shortchanged or tried to negotiate with her and she fobbed him off.

From my experience girls using crack are hyper and zombiefied and wouldnt last 5 minutes having a convo, never mind ordering drinks etc.

Everything about this review is off as if its a vendetta.

He tried to bargain. He lost. Hes pissed

« Last Edit: April 02, 2024, 04:36:03 am by Bru1901 »

Offline Boogzy

You seem to come across as desperate and last minute

I would suggest you book in advance or use an agency for last minute  bookings at 2 or 3am

You are stupid to look around someones place, worse for researching who her drug dealers might be

You seriously need to rethink your way of thinking towards the booking and meeting escorts

If the flat got raided 2.10 into your booking you would be part of the crackden imo

Jesus I don't know what's gotten under ur bonnet but you need to chill out with the insults. Yes I was naive for booking with someone without doing due diligence and checking for reviews etc and even more so for agreeing to a late booking. In future I won't be doing that but if you want to know something you can ask without being a complete twat or dishing out insults. For your information I was speaking to her on WhatsApp and had originally booked for some time late in the evening but something come up and I couldn't make it and told her in advance to which she said she'd be up till really late anyway and that I could reschedule, I decided to leave it for the day but she persisted and told me I sounded hot and she was looking forward to seeing me and like an idiot I fell for it. Also as I said earlier when I walked in to the house I noticed a weird smell and had a feeling it could be drugs but gave her the benefit of doubt, also had doubts when I realised how skinny she was so when she disappeared I genuinely couldn't think of a reason as to why someone would leave me in their house if it was a scam and then I thought maybe she is on drugs and she Od'd hence I looked around, I checked the bathroom first and then the living room. Once I saw the living room it confirmed to me that she was indeed a addict but before that I wasn't sure.  I didn't technically 'research' who her dealer was, insanely I remembered a conversation I had with a acquaintance from months ago when I was telling him about seeking and a young south Asian girl from e14 who'd given me her number on there and then changed her mind and told me on WhatsApp that she takes men to the hotel and then asks for readies and asks them to shower n dissapears, to which he told me he knew a crackhead customer from that area who does a similar thing and was asking me questions about the girl but it wasn't the same person and I just randomly remembered that on the night and coincidentally I was right too, I called him at 4am and he confirmed it for me..

Online scutty brown

So a girl on WhatsApp that you haven't actually met just happens to tell you that she makes a habit of scamming men by doing a grabbit-and-run with the cash? But this happens to be a different girl who does the same thing?

Offline Boogzy

The way you initially wrote it suggests a different story, which if you'd gone ahead would have ended up with you in jail. Just as well you had second thoughts.
How drunk were  you when you arrived there? You say you're not stupid, if so there must have been something seriously addling your brain to see this girl at 2am and then get suckered.

It was just the way I wrote it like I've clarified, was a long ass essay and was just giving a conclusion.. just to reiterate I was talking about the girl who had scammed me and in the end I was glad she had done so because if she hadn't of scammed me then that means I would've had sex with her not knowing she was an addict and I normally get owo and that would've been a huge issue as addicts are normally ridden with diseases etc. I would much rather get scammed for £200 then be in that situation, i would never contemplate having sex with a visibly pure crackhead especially not the second woman that I mentioned as she looked like something out a horror movie. I wasn't drunk either just made a stupid mistake

Offline Boogzy

So a girl on WhatsApp that you haven't actually met just happens to tell you that she makes a habit of scamming men by doing a grabbit-and-run with the cash? But this happens to be a different girl who does the same thing?

Yes I swear to God! I probably still have her number and maybe even the convo and I'll have a look and post it if I do, the other person who scams isn't a crackhead, she was actually sexy and young from e14. I have no clue why she decided to be honest with me and not scam me, maybe because she assumed I was street smart by speaking to me and thought she might not be able to get away with it I don't know.. I got her number from Seeking.

Offline Boogzy

This seems like a fake review

A few things dont add up

He negotiated a late night booking.

Her whole advert screams she knows about the indian/south asian tax for vookings. Anal etc is extra but for him its all inclusive for 200 if he brings her a bottle of bru

Why would she drop her rates to £200 for 90 mins when its 60 mins as advertised for 200

He talked to her for 15 mins but no action occurred.
So why was he undressed?

He then finds her drugdealer?

He mentions he doesnt give a fuck about 200 sheets but why was he blocking the second girl from leaving?

Guy probably got shortchanged or tried to negotiate with her and she fobbed him off.

From my experience girls using crack are hyper and zombiefied and wouldnt last 5 minutes having a convo, never mind ordering drinks etc.

Everything about this review is off as if its a vendetta.

He tried to bargain. He lost. Hes pissed

Genuinely not a fake review and please be my guest and book, I'll even reimburse you 50% lmao. I was just trying to help so others don't go through the same thing and you're acting like I've ruined your family business. In the previous comments I've explained why the booking was so late, wherever I saw her profile originally I'm sure it said 120 a hour but when I was speaking to her on WhatsApp she mentioned locanto and on there it said 100 a hour with extras available, only extra I was interested in was owo but she offered to do 90min all inclusive for 200£ and tbh I just wanted a good punt and didn't mind spending the money so agreed but technically my booking would've been 150 and then extra 20/30 for owo. Yes I spoke to her for 15 minutes, she'd asked me to get her redbull and coke from the shop en route and she was talking to me in general about her dog and we smoked a cigarette aswell and she told me to put on some music and set the mood as she was going to walk back in the room in her lingerie and she had to pee and change out the sari. I wasn't fully naked I was in my boxers and t shirt just sitting on the bed waiting for ages. Also I clarified already that I didn't technically block the second woman from leaving, she was by the front door and I was a few feet inside the flat. I told her she couldn't leave as I was sure the scammer was waiting around the corner and that had her friend not returned then i was under the impression she would return ASAP to see what was happening and I would possibly get my money back, I instantly realised it wasn't worth the trouble and I didn't pursue her and I let her leave. I have genuinely just posted this for the safety of others and if you think it's a fake review please go ahead and book and let me know how it goes lol.

Offline Boogzy

He also doesn't post his "good reviews" a point I made in a previous post which went ignored by him.

I understood your point but wasn't any point replying as you clearly didn't understand mine, I said I'd had decent punts but nothing to scream about and I'd only post if it was something amazing or something unsafe. Wouldn't really post about it if it was just neutral or decent, experiences sometimes vary and wgs have off days too. I don't not post my good punts to hide them or keep them to myself lol. On the other hand I do comment about my experiences on other people's posts and reviews.. I'll keep ur advice in mind for future punts however
« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 01:01:41 am by Boogzy »

Offline NuruGuru

I understood your point but wasn't any point replying as you clearly didn't understand mine, I said I'd had decent punts but nothing to scream about and I'd only post if it was something amazing or something unsafe. Wouldn't really post about it if it was just neutral or decent, experiences sometimes vary and wgs have off days too. I don't not post my good punts to hide them or keep them to myself lol. On the other hand I do comment about my experiences on other people's posts and reviews.. I'll keep ur advice in mind for future punts however

Again, missing the point - there's a "neutral" rating for reviews for a reason.
By your logic, if you have a decent punt with someone who isn't reviewed on the forum, you'd just keep it to yourself because it wasn't a 10/10 meet.
It's a selfish approach if you ask me.
I get that people can't and won't always post their reviews for whatever reasons, but like I initially said first, I appreciate your review to warn others about this one.

Offline Dax

Her ad pops up on Vivastreet from time to time always with different phone numbers. I remember wanting to book early last year but the constant phone number change was a Red flag and ads up only for a day.

Also she used her real full name on her WhatsApp account when starting, real weird girl.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 08:30:31 am by Dax »

Offline Atrueyorkie

Again, missing the point - there's a "neutral" rating for reviews for a reason.
By your logic, if you have a decent punt with someone who isn't reviewed on the forum, you'd just keep it to yourself because it wasn't a 10/10 meet.
It's a selfish approach if you ask me.
I get that people can't and won't always post their reviews for whatever reasons, but like I initially said first, I appreciate your review to warn others about this one.


Offline Ahmed2187

Oh mate, I know that girl. Lives down the street from me.

Shes always around, she lives and usually works off Havanna Street E14.

Shes a proper crackhead, had a lucky escape.

When i was in my early 20s, she flagged me down once on Xmas day, begged for a drop to Whitechapel. Had to tell her to fuck off.

Shes defo not Pakistani, shes Bengali and I think goes by Tania.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2024, 08:56:02 pm by Ahmed2187 »

Offline issacchilemba

I was in this area recently. . .on the same street as the reviewer mentioned. . .and this SP walked up to me, with a small dog, and asked if I had any spare change. . .A lightbulb went off in my head back to this review trail. . .I watched her proceed up the street, asking every single person on the way for change, so looks like SP by night and street beggar by day!

There was a white lady at the end of the street, standing outside the building referenced in this review watching on, good chance this was her 'friend'. . .

Offline Boogzy

I was in this area recently. . .on the same street as the reviewer mentioned. . .and this SP walked up to me, with a small dog, and asked if I had any spare change. . .A lightbulb went off in my head back to this review trail. . .I watched her proceed up the street, asking every single person on the way for change, so looks like SP by night and street beggar by day!

There was a white lady at the end of the street, standing outside the building referenced in this review watching on, good chance this was her 'friend'. . .

Lmao she's still scamming people aswell I saw a WhatsApp status from her saying 'hotel is booked'. She even messaged me randomly on WhatsApp and was literally begging me to remove this review.. don't know what lowlife on here showed her lol

Offline paul90

  • Posts: 232
  • Likes: 5
Cheers for the review mate :drinks: I can't see her stoping the scam anytime soon, due to your discoveries about her habits. She must be making some quick easy dough from unaware punters.