Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Petite, brunette, 5'2, large boobs girl in London?  (Read 1443 times)

Offline incognito101

Does anyone know of any girls in London who are young, brunette, around the 5 foot 2-4 mark, largeish boobs (natural), size 10 and preferably English? Not too bothered about price.
Similar to these kind of girls:

Miss Selfish - External Link/Members Only
DIRTYENGLISHGIRL - External Link/Members Only
English_Pearl - External Link/Members Only

I would obviously visit these girls, but they're either not in London, not available when I need them to be or just not answering me...

Thank you!


  • Guest
How about this girl?

External Link/Members Only

I haven't seen her but she fits your crtieria.

Offline closeshave

She has a positive review recently