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Author Topic: EnglishRoseParis  (Read 4842 times)


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It doesn't get any better, trust me!  :yahoo:

Meet Location:   London
Type:   In-call

Time Spent:   10 hours
Fee:   £1200

About the Venue   Score: 10/10

High quality hotel just a few minutes walk from station. Quite busy so discreet = no problems whatsoever with reception. Totally safe area at all hours so a good choice of hotel!

Room was clean, comfortable and warm.

Good, powerful shower, toiletries and clean towels.

About EnglishRoseParis

Physical   Score: 10/10
Stunning, stunning, stunning! Not actually a surprise though since I've known Paris for a long time.

Perfect body (to die for), curves where they should be and the tightest, cutest bum that you will ever see (not open to the public though!).

Paris asked me how I wanted her to dress beforehand (she has lots - and I mean lots - of uniforms) and I was not disappointed.

Profile pics are accurate but don't reflect the true beauty of Paris - more pics coming soon I understand.

Personality   Score: 10/10
Paris is easy going, ultra friendly and great to chat to - especially in bed for an overnight, as we did.

Everything expected, and more.

Services   Score: 10/10
Everything on Paris' profile was on offer with no question of extra charges.

About the Meeting   Score: 10/10

I hadn't seen Paris for a little while due to personal circumstances, so this was the perfect opportunity to catch up.

Overnight in luxury hotel, we had planned bath, massage and wine but ''just'' ended up with chat, bed and wine this time, but how bad is that when you are with a girl like this - we will do the rest next time (already booked for Brighton in a few weeks time!).

More GFE than PSE but that was my preference and I really do feel that Paris enjoyed our time together -not quite as much as me though.

OWO/DT was awesome, much better than I can ever remember, even from Paris - and that pussy, ''tight" would be an understatement'!

Definitely no clock watching on the part of Paris (more me in fact) and she woke me up in the morning in the way that I had asked before we went to sleep - use your imagination!!!

Really great with a sexy girl like Paris next to me all night and can't wait for the repeat.

Offline smiths

That's what I call splashing the cash. ;)


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Why not copy and paste for a review on UKP?

Glad it was worth the £1200


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That's what I call splashing the cash. ;)

True, but
a) I'm worth it
b) My first punt for 2 months


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True, but
a) I'm worth it
b) My first punt for 2 months

I haven't been able to justify the expense yet, but I can appreciate that being woken up with a BJ would be a very good reason for doing an overnight!  ;)

Offline sun

I concur. Paris is amazing, best punt in my short time doing this but I fear it will not get better than her!

Offline Meursault

If you can afford her, why not.
My experiences with Paris, albeit 6/7 years ago, were fantastic and she is gorgeous.
Assuming I was able to splash the cash then Lia Amelia would be my first call; Paris would be a close second, from girls working today, though. 


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I haven't been able to justify the expense yet, but I can appreciate that being woken up with a BJ would be a very good reason for doing an overnight!  ;)

Yes, it's an ''ínteresting'' way to wake up! First you think you are dreaming, then the realisation that it's the real thing  :dance:


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If you can afford her, why not.
My experiences with Paris, albeit 6/7 years ago, were fantastic and she is gorgeous.
Assuming I was able to splash the cash then Lia Amelia would be my first call; Paris would be a close second, from girls working today, though.

Do you have a link for Lia Amelia? Tried a search without success.

Offline smiths

True, but
a) I'm worth it
b) My first punt for 2 months

Fair enough, at least you knew it would be a good punt. :thumbsup:

Offline Victor7522

If you can afford her, why not.
My experiences with Paris, albeit 6/7 years ago, were fantastic and she is gorgeous.
Assuming I was able to splash the cash then Lia Amelia would be my first call; Paris would be a close second, from girls working today, though.
Would that have been with the Paris who is now a genuine 23!

Offline Meursault

Would that have been with the Paris who is now a genuine 23!
I'm not sure if you disbelieve me or her, but Paris was definitely working in Soho 6/7 years ago.
I think she's late 20s now, but who cares, I bet she looks great still.
EDIT: Just checked and I saw her in Soho at the end of 2009
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 10:34:49 am by Meursault »


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I'm not sure if you disbelieve me or her, but Paris was definitely working in Soho 6/7 years ago.
I think she's late 20s now, but who cares, I bet she looks great still.
EDIT: Just checked and I saw her in Soho at the end of 2009

Definite 23  :thumbsup:

Offline kong

lucky bastard!  :lol:

i was planning to see her in london too if roma (second in league) had managed to beat parma (rock bottom in league)... oh well

this was posted about her on another site, i definitely dig the romanian looks + british accent

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The Banger

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Hi there, this is my first post so please do not be too offended by any shortcomings. I was wondering, has anyone seen Paris recently, as in the past couple of days/weeks? I am asking because I have a dreadful feeling that something freaky is going on. I've tried contacting her a few times and the times that I've managed to get through to her (sometimes she just disappears completely for days on end), she was nice & warm but didn't really sound English/have an Essex accent as mentioned in a previous review (although my judgement could be a bit off here, but she defo had some kind of accent on her). Anyway, egged on by all the superb reviews that you guys have given her, I booked an appointment with her and traveled a long distance and paid a loooot of money (train fares, taxi fare etc) to go see her in one of the hotels that she was supposedly staying in in Essex, only to be met by a pretty, petite Eastern European girl (complete with the EE accent 'n all and who was smoking), who wasn't horrendous looking but so surely wasn't Paris! She spoke English well but not fluently or like an English-girl would and admitted that it wasn't her who had answered my previous phone calls when I questioned her about it but, being quite timid, I didn't think to ask her if she actually was Paris or not. :(

Anyway, she definitely wasn't Paris - that I can swear on anybody's life, and she most certainly was NOT English!! I've seen old pics of Paris as well as the ones with her face on display which formed her AW profile pic until a couple of months ago, and the girl who met me was most certainly NOT that Paris. I left straight away but it left me completely disappointed and demoralised since this was meant to be a no nonsense genuine girl who was really really well-reviewed on here and AW, without exception - not a single soul had anything bad to say about her - but this is the experience that I was met with! Now, I have signed up to this website solely for the purpose of clarifying this conundrum so that I could ask you guys if you know if there is anything dodgy going on with that profile (I also notice there hasn't been a single review since raylondoner did his on February - that seems to me to be quite a long time for such a supposedly popular girl). I know rayLondoner has a special relationship with her by reading his posts so I was wondering if he could kindly maybe say something about it or do some verification of his own by calling Paris himself and checking if the profile is still indeed under her control (and possibly why she doesn't escort in Central London any more) as I'm sure that would clear up a lot of things.

Finally, as I've already mentioned, I'm new here & I've not come here to cause any trouble or anything like that, just in case anything I wrote above may not be pleasant for any person. I'm just very frustrated and angry about this since Paris was like my ideal dream-girl as far as WGs go with her looks, being English and the excellent service that you guys have described her to be a provider of in this forum. I feel compelled to apologise for the length of this first post but I hope at least someone will be able to help me.

Offline PLeisure

Welcome to UKP, Banger. Perfectly relevant enquiry - hope you get the answer you seek  :hi:

Offline The_Don

Fee:   £1200


That's a little rich for my tastes, on 1 W/G, in 1 partaking. But each to their own and that's punting.

Every one takes some think a little different from each punt  :hi:

The Banger

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Thanks PLeasure. I hope I do too because I have nothing personal against Paris - in fact, I really wanted to see her as she sounds like such a wonderful girl judging by her reviews but I've decided I won't until some experienced punter who's taken a dip with her recently is able to clarify the matter (I'm counting on you raylonder ;)!).


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So is this her then?

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Looks like around £1200 worth of cash ;)

Offline mrx007

Spotted her on a search today. I always go for CIM/facial taking girls but that ass picture is unbelievable. I might book her for half an hour to look at her ass and wank over it....


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Spotted her on a search today. I always go for CIM/facial taking girls but that ass picture is unbelievable. I might book her for half an hour to look at her ass and wank over it....
No English girl has an arse this good.  She's born in Romania - that explains it.

The Banger

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Spotted her on a search today. I always go for CIM/facial taking girls but that ass picture is unbelievable. I might book her for half an hour to look at her ass and wank over it....

Lol! I'm sure if it's truly Paris from the pictures then you won't be able to hold yourself back at just wanking over the bum when you have the whole package to do as you please with! If you do make a booking though, let us know how you get along, including the comms, because, as you might have seen from the previous posts, I've been having a few problems with this one!

The Banger

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True, but
a) I'm worth it
b) My first punt for 2 months

So, this page seems to be really dead! Has no one seriously taken any interest to my concern?  :dash:

I see that Paris is coming to Romford tomorrow and I would really have liked to give that a go but, like I said before, unless a reliable member of the forum (or anyone else actually) is able to confirm that it is indeed her. After the shenanigans of my previous attempt to meet her, I'm very suspicious, especially since her last review on adultwork was on 16/03/2015 and the last one on this forum was the one of raylondoner (who, due to his special relationship with Paris I was hoping would be able to help us in speaking to Paris and checking that it is indeed her), and this absence of any reviews is quite weird for such a popular girl!

Any help would be much much appreciated. ;)


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I think your questions just got answered

Yep, looks like Paris' profile is being used by a useless B&S substitute...maybe raylondoner did manage to finally capture the real Paris' heart and he's getting woken up by a sexy blowjob every morning now!!  :D

The Banger

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I think your questions just got answered

Thanks for letting me know mate. You've just helped save me from a dreadful trip to Romford tomorrow to this this lowlife, pathetic impersonator.