External Link/Members OnlySaturday, 11th June.
On a pleasure jaunt from Somerset to London (OK, a pub crawl

), I forgot it was the Queen's 90th Birthday, and the area I was planning to visit was absolutely heaving. Fighting my way through the crowds, I finally found a quiet pub and I decided to get on the Tube and get further away from the Royal activities. I decided that Stratford would be far enough away and, suddenly feeling the urge, fired up AW on my phone to see who was in the area. Bella seemed to provide what I wanted, a simple naked massage with a few extras thrown in (her Option 1, as she calls it, is what I opted for).
Communications by text where straight forward. The usual text 30 minutes before to confirm booking, location by postcode, etc. (in this case High Street, Leyton - a very long road). Greeted at the door (as usual, opened a crack so people in the street can't see the girl opening the door, and then you have to 'oh so subtly' shuffle sideways through the tiny gap

(not at all suspicious looking

)), and led to the bedroom. Money transferred, confirmed services, etc. As I undressed, Bella seemed to be gone for a very long time - I thought maybe I'd just been conned, and that the girl had buggered off with my money whilst I waited starkers in the front bedroom. Luckily she eventually came back and explained that she was having a chat with her 'roomy' (who was lounging around in her undies when I entered, so I'm guessing 'roomy' is a prossie too). And in fairness, I did get the full hour I paid for once she returned, so the ten minute chat didn't thankfully eat into my paid time.
Previous reviews from this site, that I glanced at in the pub, mention that Bella has given a pep-talk of what to expect before starting. I didn't get that, but I suppose I just said "Option 1", so I knew roughly what to expect. The reviews are also correct about the amount of oil she uses - you and her get absolutely covered in the stuff. Thank goodness for the use of her shower afterwards, all else I'd have had a very sticky walk back to the Tube station. The massage itself is just an excuse for her to rub her entire body over you, so basically, not a true massage at all. But occasionally as she slid down, your cock would 'accidentally' slip into her pussy on some of the downward strokes (and it's amazing how easily it slips in once you're both lathered in oil). After a body sliding for a while, she eventually turned over and we finished in Doggy. We had a shower break, but noticing I still has 20 minutes left, she suggested going a second time - or being realistic, attempt to see if I could manage a second time. I'm aware that sometimes I can only pop the once, so this time, after at least trying but realising it was going to be impossible, she let me massage her instead. I think I was the better one at giving massage

The photos and services listed on her profile are accurate.
In all, a pleasant enough afternoon.