Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How long before Greek/Syrian girls start?  (Read 1267 times)


  • Guest
Every cloud has a silver lining, Greek girls are lovely. When can we expect them to show up in our fine city?

Offline Borehamwood

Wouldn't touch a Syrian girl, as they'll almost certainly have been trafficked here and will likely have 0 English.

My arms are wide open for the Greeks though  :cool:

Offline The_Don

Every cloud has a silver lining, Greek girls are lovely. When can we expect them to show up in our fine city?;all

Offline FCB

Wouldn't touch a Syrian girl, as they'll almost certainly have been trafficked here and will likely have 0 English.

My arms are wide open for the Greeks though  :cool:
I'd share the same corncerns about Syrian WG. Greece's economy been a disaster since 2008 and there hasn't been a mass arrival of Greek prostitutes yet. I think we're more likely to find WGs of other nationalities pretending to be Greek.


  • Guest
Current stats on AW shows as Greece 2 Syria 0.

That means nothing though since neither are usually required to verify as far as I know.

If any Londoners fancy a Greek girl, Suzi Lapdancer has very good reviews - maybe she sends some euros home to help mama and papa?  :hi:

Offline LanceVance

Maybe you will see more Greek girls, but you will probably be more likely to see Romanians pretending to be Greek the same way they pretend to be Italian or Spanish.

Offline pumps

Maybe you will see more Greek girls, but you will probably be more likely to see Romanians pretending to be Greek the same way they pretend to be Italian or Spanish.

unfortunately it doesn't stop there with the Romanians....  :rolleyes:

Offline Mr Farkyhars

Wouldn't touch a Syrian girl, as they'll almost certainly have been trafficked here and will likely have 0 English

I expect they would stay in the Middle East and go to Dubai or some other playground.

Offline FCB

My guess is that there's probably more English WGs of Greek (or Cypriot) descent than born in Greece ones.