Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Busty Lana/London  (Read 4044 times)

Offline Illya Kurakin

Has anyone met this young lady?
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She piqued an interest. TinEye reveals nothing. There is good feedback but thought the esteemed members of this board more reliable.


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I saw here in the best tits thread.  She looks great.  She's in a nice area in which there are no scary tower-blocks, just posh "apartments".  I think I've been to this flat or perhaps another on the same street.  I would say go for it - take one for the team!  Only thing to watch out for is that she might actually be a bit chunkier than she appears in her pics since they seem to focus on her ample jugs and there's no public pic clearly showing her arse and thighs.  So nobody here has admitted to seeing her yet (and you're the second person to ask).  Step up to the plate for the challenge.  You can always walk away if she's dog-ugly when you get there (or shows a bad attitude)!  :hi:


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she does look good - maybe too good for £100


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OK you can thank me later. Here is her verification pic:
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As you can see clear B&S.

Offline grandaddybadman

the proof is below:

The girl in her profile pic is a prossie from america called jenna shae (wh may be coming to london according to her twitter)

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Banned reason: Troll, "inshallah" WTF.
Banned by: daviemac


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OK you can thank me later. Here is her verification pic:
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As you can see clear B&S.

big thanks to you well spotted. :hi:


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The pic hasn't put me off just yet. I reckon the profile has been reused by a different girl to the one who was verified. Look at the location stated in her interview. It's not where she is now. I tried to book her last night but she was busy.


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Is that the guy from the office and pirates of the Caribbean?


  • Guest
Amazing session. Lana  is incredibly sexy and really into what she does. Highly, HIGHLY recommended.


  • Guest
Amazing session. Lana  is incredibly sexy and really into what she does. Highly, HIGHLY recommended.

She's pretending to be a punter. Same IP as 'Lana' on this site.


  • Guest
She's pretending to be a punter. Same IP as 'Lana' on this site.

How strange she is! :unknown:


  • Guest
She's pretending to be a punter. Same IP as 'Lana' on this site.

lol imma visit her on principle, brb