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Author Topic: Vivian - GCE/GEA (Glasgow)  (Read 3849 times)


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Hi All,

Well this is my first ever review and first ever punt!

So I had been thinking about making a booking for some time now and had a look around a few sites and after some thought decided to go for Vivian through GEA for a 1 hour incall!

Its strange writing this as she is actually the sort of girl I am attracted to.... so why negative I hear you ask....

To start with the positive. I was very surprised when she opened the door, absolutely amazing figure and incredibly beautiful face in my opinion. As I say exactly the sort of girl I would go for normally so I was pretty excited! Really nice bum as well. In terms of what we did she is a good kisser, I started to relax fairly quickly actually, and her oral skills were very very good (best I have had actually).

So why the negative... Well I had specifically requested in advance a series of "likes" that I wanted to occur during the meeting as I was a bit shy and nervous with this being my first time and not having sex for a very long time. She was to take the lead. Its safe to say we didn't do any of these after oral and then it was 45 minutes of chatting really. As lovely a person as she was it just was not what I had asked for really. So for me I didn't get what I had engaged for or expected and therefore it has to be a negative review. I didn't pay to chat with someone, and certainly wouldn't hand over £150 for 15 mins of fun regardless of how good her oral skills were.... Jokes on me clearly! I actually left 5 minutes early in the end and turned down a shower as I was leaving too as I thought what was the point as I have just been fleeced.

I am actually really disappointed as I had been looking forward to it for sometime and finally got the balls to arrange something. I was also looking for a weekly thing if all went well.... well I can't justify paying to chat with someone... so there goes that one out of the window. Otherwise she would have fit the bill perfectly.

In terms of aspects that are not attributable to her and bare no influence on my rating. The flat was very nice, very safe area as well. The downside was that there was clearly another guy in another room of the flat and I could hear once he was seen out two girls talking about how clean his cock was etc.. hahaha hilarious to think about it now, but at the time it was a WTF moment... I thought the place would have just been her and me! So that was a bit strange to say the least.

Well there isn't much else to it I suppose. A bit pissed off really that I didn't get what I had asked for. But hey!

Offline Name Not Found

Sounds like you've learned a valuable lesson there. A significant proportion of girls are quite happy to waste your time if you let them. You can understand that if they've been rogered silly 15 times already that day they might quite fancy a rest (at your expense).

So, never rely on the girl to take the initiative, regardless of what has been agreed beforehand. I give them 5 minutes max on time wasting techniques (getting you a something to drink, going off to stash the cash) then if they're not showing any signs of getting down to business I'll find a way to move things along myself.

Don't let one bad experience put you off thoug,' just make sure you go into your next punt with a clear plan in your head and don't stand for any avoidance tactics.

Offline bigmike32

You will learn from this mistake. I am quite shy but when a wg resorts to timewasting i rush it along. Dont be afraid to touch and initiate a round 2. Next time i say book an half hour punt and get some confidence back and forget about this disaster.


  • Guest
Did you give these advance requests to her directly or to the agency ?

as if it was the agency she might not of got them and you should of said during the booking that you asked for what ever it was u asked for ....  so more fool you for not doing anything. also very britsh of someone to not act but complaine after.

as for the other guy being there iv never known this agency to do that but never been to their new flat. if they have started doing this with more than one punter in at a time can see a few people avoiding it.

as for the girl Vivian is great really liked her. but if you wanted something you should of just asked her at the time and I'm sure she would of been fine.


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Vivian is very good (it you know what you're doing) and I would be happy to see her again.

GEA is not a good place to start punting because it can be an expensive mistake.


  • Guest
Did you give these advance requests to her directly or to the agency ?

as if it was the agency she might not of got them and you should of said during the booking that you asked for what ever it was u asked for ....  so more fool you for not doing anything. also very britsh of someone to not act but complaine after.

as for the other guy being there iv never known this agency to do that but never been to their new flat. if they have started doing this with more than one punter in at a time can see a few people avoiding it.

as for the girl Vivian is great really liked her. but if you wanted something you should of just asked her at the time and I'm sure she would of been fine.

Yes, there was one guy and two female voices in the flat. Vivian confirmed that when they are busier there are multiple people in the  flat at once. Very off putting.

The request had gone to the agency and they confirmed that it was sent on. They also confirmed after that they had sent on the request.

It's less of a British thing and perhaps more of a novice thing. I am very happy to complain at most things there and then, but with this, and it being new it was all a bit unfamiliar.

As I say a very nice girl, but unacceptable to only provide a service for 25% of the time but take 100% of the benefits I'm afraid.


  • Guest
Vivian is very good (it you know what you're doing) and I would be happy to see her again.

GEA is not a good place to start punting because it can be an expensive mistake.

Perhaps it was not a good place to start as you say and by the sound of things I needed more experience in this before meeting her to get the most from it. Oh well, it's done now. I am sure if we spent the majority of the time having fun it would have been a positive for sure. But it is what it is on this occasion.


  • Guest
She prob never got your request, not been the first time things not been passed on and wont be the last.  GEA just care about the money its a business to them and they not even based in Glasgow.  you should of said to her during the punt.

also for any future punts you do Id suggest you keep ur requests until you meet and say at the start what you like....  then that way I'm sure you will get a better experience.

bit harsh on the girl giving her a neg where sounds like your neg review is with GEA not Vivian   but they will argue you pay for time and what ever happens is between you and Vivian so you should always say at the start what you want when u hand over the cash.


  • Guest
She prob never got your request, not been the first time things not been passed on and wont be the last.  GEA just care about the money its a business to them and they not even based in Glasgow.  you should of said to her during the punt.

also for any future punts you do Id suggest you keep ur requests until you meet and say at the start what you like....  then that way I'm sure you will get a better experience.

bit harsh on the girl giving her a neg where sounds like your neg review is with GEA not Vivian   but they will argue you pay for time and what ever happens is between you and Vivian so you should always say at the start what you want when u hand over the cash.

I can appreciate your point re the agency but we will never know where the message broke down. I suppose regardless of that.... Chit chat for 45 mins is not on really. Which is why it's a negative. But hey, maybe your right and I do have to be  explicit about what I want. Although I do find that very strange as it's obvious why she would have been engaged by me.

It may seem harsh, as I say she is a very nice person. But I didn't pay money to hang out with a nice person. It was for the  other stuff. It's a real shame and I wish it had turned out differently. I really do.  By the sound of things I need to drive everything, but I still find this a bit odd... Are we not paying them for this!

Cheers for the  advice though. It's helpful. Perhaps I will try again in the future.

Offline bigmike32

We are paying for a service and if we dont get this service then its a disaster. Imo you need to be more vocal and take the lead because some wgs will try and deliver and a non sexual service and just take your cash.


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We are paying for a service and if we dont get this service then its a disaster. Imo you need to be more vocal and take the lead because some wgs will try and deliver and a non sexual service and just take your cash.
Imo they're all completely useless at mind reading.


  • Guest
Imo they're all completely useless at mind reading.

You know as well as the  rest of us why they are being engaged. So nothing do to with mind reading at all.

But anyway lessons learnt indeed.

Offline auldie63

B4 you make the booking confirm what is on offer.
When you make the booking   "      "     "   "    "  .
When you meet the girl         "      "     "   "    "   .
B4 you part with the wonga   "      "     "   "    "   .
If at any stage of the above there is any prevarication or obfuscation WALK!


  • Guest
Prof. I was unsure if the review was possibly just to put the agency down. But I'll accept it.
Personal opinion, avoid agencies all together. Do yourself a favour, book a good independent girl.
No worries about other people being there. More importantly, no worries about your requests not being passed on.

Book either jasmine4hotfun , sexy loving Jess or horny hottie , I promise you'll never waste money on an agency again.


  • Guest
Prof. I was unsure if the review was possibly just to put the agency down. But I'll accept it.
Personal opinion, avoid agencies all together. Do yourself a favour, book a good independent girl.
No worries about other people being there. More importantly, no worries about your requests not being passed on.

Book either jasmine4hotfun , sexy loving Jess or horny hottie , I promise you'll never waste money on an agency again.

Thanks, I will give them a try in the future perhaps and certainly won't be using an agency again. But yes, my review is of my time with her rather than a pop at the agency. If, from reading some of the replies that fault could be on the agencies side as well then fair enough.


  • Guest
Prof. I was unsure if the review was possibly just to put the agency down. But I'll accept it.
Personal opinion, avoid agencies all together. Do yourself a favour, book a good independent girl.
No worries about other people being there. More importantly, no worries about your requests not being passed on.

Book either jasmine4hotfun , sexy loving Jess or horny hottie , I promise you'll never waste money on an agency again.

I 100% disagree.
But each to their own.

I personally like to see new girls who have just started.
It's a gamble, maybe good, maybe bad, that's the excitement for me.


  • Guest
Thanks, I will give them a try in the future perhaps and certainly won't be using an agency again. But yes, my review is of my time with her rather than a pop at the agency. If, from reading some of the replies that fault could be on the agencies side as well then fair enough.

Go away.


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Go away.

You seem to be taking this all very personally Jazz Man haha settle down sweetheart. It will all be ok. You don't need to agree with someones review and that's fine.


  • Guest
Good afternoon YoungProf,

I got a text message this morning from another girl about some negative review, and my heart almost dropped when I saw this.
Well, I do understand why you would feel disappointed, but I want to share my side of the story/tips for your next adventure :angelgirl:

First of all,  I've never gotten your request or instruction from the agency. Actually, they did text me a few minutes later, and asked me to "be gentle", which I assumed that I shouldn't go crazy and scare you off. As a few gentlemen have already mentioned on replies, the best is to talk to the girl before handing over the money.

Secondly, I wasn't sure what else you wanted me to do after finishing the first round. Not many girls will ask the client for the second round, because the girls are worried that the client may not be ready(oh, and there are clients who get embarrassed, which they shouldn't be). Every gentlemen are different, and the girls don't know how fast your "magic stick" will be ready for the seconds after ejaculation. I am not a male expert, but I've heard from various men that it will take them: 20min, 1hour, 2hours, or even a full day to be ready to cum again. Unfortunately, you'll have to take initiative on this part :(
I know we were chatting, but please interrupt next time and poke the girl(maybe in the waist?) to notify/hint her that you are ready to go again.

I do appreciate your review, and I'll keep these in mind as a future reference.
Also, thank you very much for commenting so positive about my appearance. It really made my day even though it is a negative review :rose:. Haha

Anyways, good luck on your adventure. X


Please excuse the format and typos as I am writing on mobile :dash:
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 12:26:21 pm by ViviScotland »


  • Guest
You seem to be taking this all very personally Jazz Man haha settle down sweetheart. It will all be ok. You don't need to agree with someones review and that's fine.

Youngpoof - Jizzman, and the other two meatheads are pimped Glasgow agency fanboys.  Forget about any sort of rational neutrality coming from them  :lol:  Why'd anyone get precious and defensive over some blokes (?) pimped brothel?  Fuck knows, it's a strange one right enough  :unknown:

From the handful of posts you've made, you seem to be apologising and being submissive to some loser or other in almost every one?  Perhaps your not the most confident or assertive type of bloke?  Only saying ,as this may explain why this meet went tits up. A) Did she see you as a push over?  Did she take the easy lazy way out and give you fuck all knowing you were never likely to say anything?  B) She's new apparently - maybe she just didn't know wtf to do with you, and you certainly weren't for saying...

If I were you (and your in Glasgow) I'd pick one of the most raved/talked about British hoors in this section (avoiding the stinky skank gypo's they mistakenly started raving about :dash: out of sheer boredom, I presume) and you'll probably have a semi-decent punt!


  • Guest
Good afternoon YoungProf,

I got a text message this morning from another girl about some negative review, and my heart almost dropped when I saw this.
Well, I do understand why you would feel disappointed, but I want to share my side of the story/tips for your next adventure :angelgirl:

First of all,  I've never gotten your request or instruction from the agency. Actually, they did text me a few minutes later, and asked me to "be gentle", which I assumed that I shouldn't go crazy and scare you off. As a few gentlemen have already mentioned on replies, the best is to talk to the girl before handing over the money.

Secondly, I wasn't sure what else you wanted me to do after finishing the first round. Not many girls will ask the client for the second round, because the girls are worried that the client may not be ready(oh, and there are clients who get embarrassed, which they shouldn't be). Every gentlemen are different, and the girls don't know how fast your "magic stick" will be ready for the seconds after ejaculation. I am not a male expert, but I've heard from various men that it will take them: 20min, 1hour, 2hours, or even a full day to be ready to cum again. Unfortunately, you'll have to take initiative on this part :(
I know we were chatting, but please interrupt next time and poke the girl(maybe in the waist?) to notify/hint her that you are ready to go again.

I do appreciate your review, and I'll keep these in mind as a future reference.
Also, thank you very much for commenting so positive about my appearance. It really made my day even though it is a negative review :rose:. Haha

Anyways, good luck on your adventure. X


Please excuse the format and typos as I am writing on mobile :dash:

Thanks for your response Vivian.

Well I suppose as RandyF noticed I am not the most assertive or confident person really, so its a shame my message was not forwarded by the agency. Although they have claimed multiple times that they did.

If I had known then I am sure I would have (awkwardly I bet) said at the beginning for sure to avoid disappointment, but oh well, hindsight is wonderful! I suppose for me I get used a lot by others and I was only looking for the fun side of things and to de-stress from work (not a conversation or to get to know someone or to connect with anyone. As lovely as you are). So it just felt as if I had been used/taken advantage of once again really! But I can appreciate your view if the message wasn't passed on.

Well yeah, I did spend weeks looking around sites and picking you, and you did tick all of the boxes (and then some) on arrival, I was a bit gobsmacked actually. So I thought great this could be the regular thing I was looking for. Certainly the most beautiful person I have met, but anyway. Such a shame it didn't turn out the way I was hoping, but fair enough on everyone's comments. Perhaps this isn't for me, back to having no sex haha! Atleast it was nice to break the 20 month block of no sex, even if just for 10mins.


Offline Courtney

First of all,  I've never gotten your request or instruction from the agency.

.....this is why I would never go near an agency. :hi:

Offline bigmike32

Just what vivian said you need to initiate a round 2 but its her fault aswell for chatting for 45 mins no punter in his right mind would find that acceptable on a 1 hour punt. In my experience it takes 5 mins or tem mins to get ready again. I have no experience of agency girls unless they are stunning i wouldnt go near an agency wg.


  • Guest
. Perhaps this isn't for me, back to having no sex haha! Atleast it was nice to break the 20 month block of no sex, even if just for 10mins.


 :rose:  :cry: Oh FFS steady on man. Read the reviews in this section, pick another. Almost any of the raved about British ones do the job...with little or no input from you.


  • Guest
Just what vivian said you need to initiate a round 2 but its her fault aswell for chatting for 45 mins no punter in his right mind would find that acceptable on a 1 hour punt. In my experience it takes 5 mins or tem mins to get ready again. I have no experience of agency girls unless they are stunning i wouldnt go near an agency wg.

I suppose I will never have the confidence to initiate though. It was part of the reason I used her services. Will need to work on that. It's a shame that it's just me that pays for the mistakes on both side. Maybe she is new too as others have said.

Anyway, cheers for the advice.


  • Guest
:rose:  :cry: Oh FFS steady on man. Read the reviews in this section, pick another. Almost any of the raved about British ones do the job...with little or no input from you.

Maybe I'm beating myself up too much about it! I had built so much expectation I think and I would have all been perfect if we had actually pumped haha completely used!

I will check out a few others as you say and stop being resentful/pissed off. I never loose at anything, but have a feeling of defeat with this. Usually I don't accept loosing under any circumstances, it's my key trait.

I probably built things up to much, although I think the expectation of both oral and sex wasn't an unreasonable expectation to have. It was pretty simple really.

Cheers for the advice RandyF  :drinks:

Offline bigmike32

You will have the confidence if you punt again go for a half hour booking so this kind of thing wont happen. My first punt on aw went kind of the same there was no sex at all just a couple of handjobs but that was only 60 pound i learnt my lesson. I like the look of vivians pics but im sure this review will put a lot of people off from booking her now.


  • Guest
You will have the confidence if you punt again go for a half hour booking so this kind of thing wont happen. My first punt on aw went kind of the same there was no sex at all just a couple of handjobs but that was only 60 pound i learnt my lesson. I like the look of vivians pics but im sure this review will put a lot of people off from booking her now.

It won't put anyone off because they can see that "YoungProf" is just a wanker.


  • Guest
It won't put anyone off because they can see that "YoungProf" is just a wanker.

Well I suppose idiots exist on online forums too! Just an accurate review of my experience, don't let it affect your own emotions. You do seem rather worked up about it JizzFace. Everyone can have their own opinion. For me 10 mins of sex for £150 is not acceptable. Simple.  You'll get over it.

All the best to you!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 05:44:31 pm by YoungProf »


  • Guest
Well, that certainly entertained me at the end of a hard day.
I can't wait for your next review prof.


  • Guest
Well I suppose idiots exist on online forums too! Just an accurate review of my experience, don't let it affect your own emotions. You do seem rather worked up about it JizzFace. Everyone can have their own opinion. For me 10 mins of sex for £150 is not acceptable. Simple.  You'll get over it.

All the best to you!

I'm sorry to disappoint you "YoungProf" but you'll need to try much harder.  :lol:
You're punches aren't landing.
I believe after your first real sex for a while you were going back to wanking?
Maybe you could do us a review of one of your wanks.
Was it with your mother again.


  • Guest
I did not really want to continue on this topic, but I believe that I should clarify a bit. I apologize in advance as it may sound a bit brute.

1) "10 min of sex for 150 pounds" - I did not ask you to leave nor try to kick you out. I appreciate the clients who come to see me, and I would never check people out early. As you mentioned on your review, it was 15 min of kiss and oral. During oral, I did want to try something different, so I asked if you wanted me to go on top and ride you. You said no, and told me to continue with oral, then you came. I did offer to do something other than just oral, which may have been what you wanted when you were writing the review, but my suggestion was rejected. Maybe letting me do the girl on top and doing something else from there could have made it last longer than 15min.

2) "chatting for 45min" - I have a shy personality, and I am certainly not a chatty-type. I tend to answer only the things that are asked by the client normally. I am a bit upset by the fact that the reviews and comments made me look like a very chatty girl who likes to chat away the client's time.

3) Not initiating for a second - As I have mentioned before, clients have different recharging time. There is no way for me to know this as I have not had you as a client before. Just didn't want to make you embarrassed or uncomfortable by trying to make "it" hard again when it can't anymore for the day (sorry for the weird description DX ). Personally, I am always up for more than one. You'll have to let the girl know when you are ready to go again.

Once again, I am very sorry for mentioning it again and possibly creating friction. I just didn't want this review to hurt my credibility. Please feel free to PM me if you have anything else clarified.


« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 06:38:15 pm by ViviScotland »


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2) "chatting for 45min" - I have a shy personality, and I am certainly not a chatty-type.

You're coming across as inexperienced as YoungPoof Vivian...not necessarily a bad thing, but you are charging 150notes an hour for your time. Your declaring yourself to be a sex worker on that pimps site 'GEA'.  Some punters may naturally come to the conclusion you actually know a thing or two about fucking... :rolleyes:

Maybe ask some of the other GEA pimped bitches how to structure a 1hr meet?  Ask how to cope with ( that's cope with, not fleece) an inexperienced punter? After all, I'm sure they've already quite rightly given you tips on how to deal with arseholes/abusers.

I look forward to you going indie, and getting your freedom back babes  :)

Offline Courtney

clients have different recharging time.

 :lol: :lol: :lol: ....Brilliant! :wackogirl: :coolgirl:

I always remember my USB super fast cock charger so there is never a problem with round 2. :D :cool:

I look forward to you going indie

+1 :angelgirl: :rose:
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 07:28:33 pm by Courtney »


  • Guest
I did not really want to continue on this topic, but I believe that I should clarify a bit. I apologize in advance as it may sound a bit brute.

1) "10 min of sex for 150 pounds" - I did not ask you to leave nor try to kick you out. I appreciate the clients who come to see me, and I would never check people out early. As you mentioned on your review, it was 15 min of kiss and oral. During oral, I did want to try something different, so I asked if you wanted me to go on top and ride you. You said no, and told me to continue with oral, then you came. I did offer to do something other than just oral, which may have been what you wanted when you were writing the review, but my suggestion was rejected. Maybe letting me do the girl on top and doing something else from there could have made it last longer than 15min.

2) "chatting for 45min" - I have a shy personality, and I am certainly not a chatty-type. I tend to answer only the things that are asked by the client normally. I am a bit upset by the fact that the reviews and comments made me look like a very chatty girl who likes to chat away the client's time.

3) Not initiating for a second - As I have mentioned before, clients have different recharging time. There is no way for me to know this as I have not had you as a client before. Just didn't want to make you embarrassed or uncomfortable by trying to make "it" hard again when it can't anymore for the day (sorry for the weird description DX ). Personally, I am always up for more than one. You'll have to let the girl know when you are ready to go again.

Once again, I am very sorry for mentioning it again and possibly creating friction. I just didn't want this review to hurt my credibility. Please feel free to PM me if you have anything else clarified.



Perhaps part is down to no communication being forwarded to you. You stated accurately in point 1) what was the first part of my request to the agency actually... so I did think you must have received that communication as it was playing out as I had requested. Hence why I didn't want to change position. Anyway, you didn't get the communication so the rest doesn't matter I suppose. But in my mind I was waiting for you to take the lead again after oral, I certainly would have got the "magic stick" going again as you say haha I really didn't have confidence and hence why I had sent everything in advance, but anyway.

I suppose we were both pretty shy in that case Vivian, perhaps that's a achievement in itself that we managed to chat for 45mins in that case haha (a bit tongue and cheek!). By the sound of things we were both waiting for each other to initiate round 2 as it is being referred to here. I'm glad you are up for more than one... I was too! :-( Part of me thinks this is just me being a nice guy again and just accepting what others are saying. In reality its only me that pays for the mistakes which sound like they have come from both sides in my opinion.

I think this thread has partly turned into more than it was originally meant to be through various posts coming through from bellends on this forum. I am not sure how to PM you if I am being honest Vivian, feel free if you know how to! Suppose not having direct contact with you could have been the main issue along with our combined shyness! Would have been easier to message you privately.

Anyway, thank you for your replies as well Vivian.


  • Guest
You're coming across as inexperienced as YoungPoof Vivian...not necessarily a bad thing, but you are charging 150notes an hour for your time. Your declaring yourself to be a sex worker on that pimps site 'GEA'.  Some punters may naturally come to the conclusion you actually know a thing or two about fucking... :rolleyes:

Maybe ask some of the other GEA pimped bitches how to structure a 1hr meet?  Ask how to cope with ( that's cope with, not fleece) an inexperienced punter? After all, I'm sure they've already quite rightly given you tips on how to deal with arseholes/abusers.

I look forward to you going indie, and getting your freedom back babes  :)

YoungPoof... Only just noticed that  :lol: looks like I picked a bad user name.... Not off to a good start on all accounts hahaha


  • Guest
In reality its only me that pays for the mistakes which sound like they have come from both sides in my opinion.

The perfect gentleman YoungProf!  Both partly to blame, yeah that seems fair enough.  Your the paying customer as you say though, it's you that lost out...

Just imagine what'd it'd be like if you WERE to meet again though....fuck me.  You'd be like fucking wild animals in heat, pumping away like beasts Hnnnnnnnnnngg  :scare: 

Hit her up on the PM....I'd say your due a discounted return visit  :coolgirl: :wackogirl:   Wouldn't that be a wonderful gesture, under the circumstances Viv?

Offline bigmike32

Cut out the agency bullshit young prof and find a wg on aw theres cheaper options too. And vivian you come across quite well and raise some points. But the op is down 150 notes and that will damage your reputation. If you went indy and slashed your rates to 120 notes you would be popular.

Offline Courtney

I am not sure how to PM you if I am being honest Vivian, feel free if you know how to!

You should be able to PM if your have this:    Home   Search   Profile   My Messages

Please do if you can, I don't think I can take much more of all this heartache! :D :dash: :blush: :rose: :wackogirl: :wacko:

I suppose we were both pretty shy in that case Vivian
By the sound of things we were both waiting for each other to initiate round 2 as it is being referred to here.
I'm glad you are up for more than one... I was too! :-(
I think this thread has partly turned into more than it was originally meant to be
Suppose not having direct contact with you could have been the main issue along with our combined shyness! Would have been easier to message you privately.

...just gone through a whole box of tissues. :cry: :cry: :cry:


  • Guest
Cheers Court... I definitely don't have those options available to PM however. Pity.


  • Guest
I think I'll book Vivian later this week.
You've reminded me how good she was.
My last visit over ran by about 15 minutes.

Offline auldie63

FFS  He's new to it!   She's new to it!   They would have done this if the other had done that!

       GET TOGETHER AND FUCK LIKE BUNNIES or fuck off and give us all peace!

       Reading this Mills & Boone pish is making me lose the will to live and that would please just too many people.
       Seriously prof shit or get aff the chanty.


  • Guest
You're coming across as inexperienced as YoungPoof Vivian...not necessarily a bad thing, but you are charging 150notes an hour for your time. Your declaring yourself to be a sex worker on that pimps site 'GEA'.  Some punters may naturally come to the conclusion you actually know a thing or two about fucking... :rolleyes:

Maybe ask some of the other GEA pimped bitches how to structure a 1hr meet?  Ask how to cope with ( that's cope with, not fleece) an inexperienced punter? After all, I'm sure they've already quite rightly given you tips on how to deal with arseholes/abusers.

I look forward to you going indie, and getting your freedom back babes  :)

Arseholes/abusers who would that be then Manders.  Seriously I actually agree with him why don't you go Indi and cut out the middle man and offer a more competitive rate to us agency adverse punters.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 08:54:32 pm by chico1000 »

Offline bigmike32

I said that aswell. Her pics are good although cant see a face pic. If she goes indy slashes her rates to 120 and stop paying the agency/pimp she would be a lot better off.

Offline the fitter

. I just didn't want this review to hurt my credibility.

   Your credibility is still intact. Experienced punters on here will fully understand what has gone on

Offline Name Not Found

...just gone through a whole box of tissues.

Really? Personally, I didn't find the story that exciting, but whatever turns you on...  :hi:

Offline Courtney

Really? Personally, I didn't find the story that exciting, but whatever turns you on...  :hi:

:lol: :lol: ...tissues for my tears!  :blush: :blush:


  • Guest
Ok chaps time to put this baby to bed.... What an initial post! Any chance either ViVi, Courtney or any other interested parties! Haha could request Admin to provide me with PM facilities? I believe an established member has to request this for a new member.

Will there be  a round 2.....


  • Guest
Ok chaps time to put this baby to bed.... What an initial post! Any chance either ViVi, Courtney or any other interested parties! Haha could request Admin to provide me with PM facilities? I believe an established member has to request this for a new member.

Will there be  a round 2.....

You seem to know a lot about this site for someone who has just joined?
I'm assuming you have been banned in the past and re-joined as YoungProf.


  • Guest
You seem to know a lot about this site for someone who has just joined?
I'm assuming you have been banned in the past and re-joined as YoungProf.

Nope, just been advised on another thread that I needed to request this in the thread.