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Author Topic: Telling an escort up front that you will review them  (Read 7073 times)

Offline daviemac

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Now you're just making assumptions.
No, I'm saying I don't believe it's the escorts that bring up the subject of other punters or UKP and I think it's you who does it.

"seems like you want me to grass up other punters who try to exchange reviews for favours with escorts. That information is readily available on here"

Now can you link to where that information is, for you to make that statement you must have seen it therefore you must know where it is.

Offline nuckingfuts

Give your head a wobble.

Coercion or indeed blackmail or manipulation using a review to influence their service removes their ability to consent appropriately for the engagement.

Don’t be the turd your “brilliant idea” has lead people to perceive you to be.

Offline Fuzzyduck

I find it difficult to believe that UKP comes up a lot during punts unless the punter is pursuing/encouraging a line of conversation.

I've punted quite a bit over the years, not as much as many but certainly more than a lot of people on here, and UKP has rarely been mentioned. Now I quite like a chat (builds rapport, fills the gap between pops etc) and it's only come up 3 or 4 times: on all occasions the SP was ranting about the site. I've never been asked to leave a UKP review.

However, I can believe that SPs (particularly new ones) ask for AW feedback to build their profiles and there is a quid pro quo here. That conversation only ever happens at the end of a punt (never prompted by me). Anyone who discusses any sort of "review" at the beginning of a meet is a cunt IMO.

Offline RedKettle

Long time ago i walked into a meeting with a regular and as she smiled a greeting she said “Hi Redkettle” and I of course fell for it.  Turns out she had greeted every regular client she suspected like that since the review.  :dash: :dash:

Anyway she had been happy with the review and the blow job was a great as always…….

Offline PepeMAGA

However, I can believe that SPs (particularly new ones) ask for AW feedback to build their profiles and there is a quid pro quo here. That conversation only ever happens at the end of a punt (never prompted by me). Anyone who discusses any sort of "review" at the beginning of a meet is a cunt IMO.
Yes I've had that before, afterwards, usually when it's gone through the full process of booking on AW, email exchange etc.

The only time I can think of a SP bringing up UKP was Guilia that used to work in Leicester, I said I hadn't seen it and moved on

Offline Kool Keef

Long time ago i walked into a meeting with a regular and as she smiled a greeting she said “Hi Redkettle” and I of course fell for it.  Turns out she had greeted every regular client she suspected like that since the review.  :dash: :dash:

Anyway she had been happy with the review and the blow job was a great as always…….

Yep, similar thing, once went into a booking with a WG i'd seen a couple of times before & had recently positively reviewed, one of the first things she asked me was if I was Kool Keef, I feigned ignorance & it was quickly dropped thankfully.
Since then i've left it longer to review girls I intend to see again.

Offline Chazz

Don't threaten SPs with a review, unless of course you are a total cunt.


Offline southern punter

SPs tolerate this site. None of them are big fans.

I had one SP ask if I knew this site, she said she was so chuffed when she got her first review (which was very positive) she forwarded the link to a friend.  she even proudly quoted part of it to me and it was written months ago  :D

But I just mention this as a funny story.  Not to disagree with the consensus, she's clearly an exception that proves the rule.

Offline Colston36

Don't threaten SPs with a review, unless of course you are a total cunt.


Oh God. Simpletto reminds me of that awful Tarzan man who I understand was a rogue as well as a bore.

Offline bops909

I can’t believe I’m the first to have this ‘brilliant idea’, so there may be another thread on this, but I couldn’t find it.
If before you hand over the cash and get down to business would mentioning that you would review them on here be a good way of improving their service level ?

It sounds like a good idea to me but it also sounds like something that may  have unintended / unforeseen consequences ?
Or is it somehow unethical or simply not good form ?

Thanks for any thoughts / advice

Socrates, for your benefit, I'd say please don't do this.

In what way do you imagine it would improve their service level?

Are you hoping for something "off the menu" or something lasting longer than you've paid for?

I assume you are aware of SAAFE and ClientEye?  Clients aren't the only ones who write reviews. You would be asking to get written up.

Your behaviour already has a label. "Boundary pusher" is already a well-established red flag for WGs.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 12:16:32 pm by bops909 »

Offline rebelscum

Oh God. Simpletto reminds me of that awful Tarzan man who I understand was a rogue as well as a bore.

Ironically, he was banned for promising to give positive reviews on here in exchange for freebies, wasn't he?

Offline rebelscum

Nothing much to add that everybody hasn't said already, but yeah, don't do this. 

Ironic, for someone whose username is Socrates, the OP hasn't done much thinking over this.  Unless he chose his username based on his footballing ability...

Offline Doc Holliday

Ironic, for someone whose username is Socrates, the OP hasn't done much thinking over this.  Unless he chose his username based on his footballing ability...


Ever since online Field Reports (on the site we cannot mention) began to proliferate in great numbers between 2000 to 2005 and then beyond until the present here on UKP, there has been much skulduggery involved. Manipulation from both sides and for a spectrum of reasons.

So Socrates’s brilliant new idea is at least 20 years out of date  :D

Online big-al93

I have been identified from my reviews a couple of times, once it was openly mentioned and the other I'm 99% certain that she knows. Fortunately both were positive and didn't hinder me getting another booking. A couple of girls have asked me to review and mentioned this site, but I have not done so, and another (sadly now retired) lass was aware so I did not review.

What the OP is suggesting is obviously, as he's already been told, a terrible idea.

Offline Iloveoral

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The OP did admit it was a mistake in his questioning and learnt a lesson back on page 1, I’m guessing everyone missed the memo  :lol:

Offline cunnyhunt

10+ years ago when UKP was gaining significant traction over other sites I was asked if I knew/used UKP twice when visiting HoD in MK. My reply was something like ‘I cannot vote in the UK and don’t like Farage’ which was enough to change the subject. I put it down to the pimp running HoD trying to use UKP to further his marketing, he was ex police and a cunt.

Offline Trafalgarlaw17

Loads of escorts nows about this website

All you have to do is search on Google escorts reviews or something this will come up
This isn’t exact anonymous or plotted in the dark web were only members can access it.

Even one girl I seen few years ago said someone left her a bad review on ukpunting and she was pissed.

Offline Razor Boy

Wow FML...some people (OP) have no awareness of what is the right thing to do or the wrong thing not to do  :dash:

« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 02:43:41 pm by Razor Boy »

Online scutty brown

10+ years ago when UKP was gaining significant traction over other sites I was asked if I knew/used UKP twice when visiting HoD in MK. My reply was something like ‘I cannot vote in the UK and don’t like Farage’ which was enough to change the subject. I put it down to the pimp running HoD trying to use UKP to further his marketing, he was ex police and a cunt.

We do know that back then he was placing fake reviews on here. Maybe they were looking for someone to bribe

Offline Thephoenix

Members may remember the very popular large breasted blonde masseuse who provided a very sexy fbsm in an annexe adjoining her home in near Warrington.

She was really pissed off after hearing she'd been reviewed on UKP and concerned her neighbours would find out.

As a result she asked everyone making phone enquiries how they knew about her service.
Woe betide anyone mentioning UKP.
They'd receive a barage of abuse and and phone number blocked.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

We all know that this goes on. It goes on in many guises too! It should not but it does. You have guys that:

- Try and coerce / blackmail an SP as the OP and SoaG have indicated / implied they may do ( :unknown:) - which is just plain WRONG. Why would anyone think that is decent behaviour is beyond me but the average bloke in this country never surprises me now
- Tell SPs about reviews on here! This has happened to me in the Arlis saga which resulted in a) her disappearing from advertised work and b) her not seeing me again (and that was a positive review). Again this is just another way of trying to gain some kind of favour.

Both type of blokes are wrong'ns in my book. Scum the lot of them!

« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 03:14:57 pm by jamiekinkxxx »

Offline finn5555

There is a very well reviewed escort on here (20 plus positives) whom I was seeing on a FWB basis for well over a year. (I never reviewed her)

In that time she often mentioned UKP to me and showed me reviews on her and also other escorts she knew. I just pretended I knew nothing of this site, and she certainly never mentioned my alias on here, thank fuck.

She used to hate the site for many reasons so I kept stum  :sarcastic: She would tell me about some of her meetings but I did say I didn't want to know the details just that she was safe and had a good time (I can be caring  :P)

Anyway we stopped seeing each other and my alias is intact as she bid on my reverse booking late  last year  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Bottom line, deny any knowledge of UKP and keep yourself safe from any potential confrontations. 

Offline Doc Holliday

There is a very well reviewed escort on here (20 plus positives) whom I was seeing on a FWB basis for well over a year. (I never reviewed her)

In that time she often mentioned UKP to me and showed me reviews on her and also other escorts she knew. I just pretended I knew nothing of this site, and she certainly never mentioned my alias on here, thank fuck.

She used to hate the site for many reasons so I kept stum  :sarcastic: She would tell me about some of her meetings but I did say I didn't want to know the details just that she was safe and had a good time (I can be caring  :P)

Anyway we stopped seeing each other and my alias is intact as she bid on my reverse booking late  last year  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Bottom line, deny any knowledge of UKP and keep yourself safe from any potential confrontations.

From the information you have given she may now finally put two and two together?  ;)

Offline finn5555

From the information you have given she may now finally put two and two together?  ;)

No I am confident I am safe  :cool:

Offline Private Parts

Now you're just making assumptions.

This is beyond assumption- You are a dick.
IMHO :hi:

Offline jamiekinkxxx

This is beyond assumption- You are a dick.
IMHO :hi:

and not just this thread he comes across as one either!

Offline Fuzzyduck

Offline Mr Sinister

We all know that this goes on. It goes on in many guises too! It should not but it does. You have guys that:

There's a lot that goes on in the punting world it's pretty naive to think this type of behaviour doesn't go on. The only thing UKP can do is stamp it out and clamp down on punters trying to push boundaries and encourage this behaviour on here.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

There's a lot that goes on in the punting world it's pretty naive to think this type of behaviour doesn't go on. The only thing UKP can do is stamp it out and clamp down on punters trying to push boundaries and encourage this behaviour on here.


Offline JontyR

I've had two SPs make reference to this site, like others I vaguely acknowledged it's existence but feigned ignorance of being an actual member.

Back in the early days of AW and SPs used to use the booking / feedback system much more regularly I was twice asked I would mind writing a review AFTER the completion of a successful booking.

The only time I ever use the booking system now is seemingly when requested to by the SP after details had been confirmed. Presumably this was so I could be the subject of negative feedback if I no-showed.

Offline Chazz

Oh God. Simpletto reminds me of that awful Tarzan man who I understand was a rogue as well as a bore.

That was indeed my intention.  :hi:

Offline kingmg

Never even used aw reviews always made booking with phone

Offline alabama1

Never even used aw reviews always made booking with phone
Do you mean bookings ?

Offline spiralnotebook

Members may remember the very popular large breasted blonde masseuse who provided a very sexy fbsm in an annexe adjoining her home in near Warrington.

She was really pissed off after hearing she'd been reviewed on UKP and concerned her neighbours would find out.

As a result she asked everyone making phone enquiries how they knew about her service.
Woe betide anyone mentioning UKP.
They'd receive a barage of abuse and and phone number blocked.

Yeah, one of her neighbours ‘accidentally’ saw a review and the good news spread like wildfire. Sad cunts.

Offline rockharders

I've had girls ask me to write reviews for them after we've finished.
I've had some text back saying thanks for the review.

Not once have I ever mentioned UKP or any reviewing before or during a punt.
I've never threatened to write a bad review even if the punt sucked ass.
Reviewing should be discreet. Not a weapon of coercion or blackmail.

Offline stewpid

In all my punting I've only had UKP be brought up in conversation 3 times. I usually deny all knowledge of the site but one time a girl I was seeing for a 2nd time did recognise me from the review I had left from the first meet, luckily the review was positive and she had thanked me for it and also brought up the caveat I had mentioned in it and didn't do that again whenever we met.  :thumbsup:

I've had more girls asking me to leave positive feedback for them on Adultwork...

Offline GorillaWarfare

Second that I've had more girls ask me to review them on AW than review them on here. I don't bring up this site to them at all - it has came up in conversation but the girl was one of those that didn't hate the site, probably fair to say she tolerated it.

As for the OP, quite rightly getting negative responses to that. It's like when Yelp reviewers make a big song and dance about being a Yelp reviewer in a restaurant - except what OP suggested comes with coercing them to do things that they probably don't want to do on the promise of a good review and/or not posting a bad review.

They'd have every right to tell you to leave and keep your money but, like with punters walking on the doorstep when they don't like what they see, it's a lot easier said than done and naturally some girls won't do it despite wanting to.

Offline Cupid Stuntz

Socrates - great choice of name by the way.  But you didn't think this one through  :D :D

A very apt name as he seems to be a bit verminous........

External Link/Members Only)

"He befriends a colony of rats, especially a white rat named Socrates and a large rat named Ben, though the latter soon becomes an antagonist".

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline PepeMAGA

A very apt name as he seems to be a bit verminous........

External Link/Members Only)

"He befriends a colony of rats, especially a white rat named Socrates and a large rat named Ben, though the latter soon becomes an antagonist".

Hidden Image/Members Only
This looks like a good film to be fair

Offline Davey80

I think UKP has only come up (obliquely) twice in all my punts.

Both after the event and due to the WG requesting that I don’t review them “on any websites” or words to that effect.

I completely respect that - a shame in one sense as one was a Glasgow based escort I would have given a glowing review to.

Online webpunter

I've had girls ask me to write reviews for them after we've finished.
I've had some text back saying thanks for the review.

Not once have I ever mentioned UKP or any reviewing before or during a punt.
I've never threatened to write a bad review even if the punt sucked ass.
Reviewing should be discreet. Not a weapon of coercion or blackmail.

We're on the same page
A different situation entirely on AW with a review being broached, either way SP to punter or vice versa
Especially for example when both the SP & punter are new / relatively new on AW
Both can benefit from some feedback

I've never done a review on AW tho have done feedback
Which is brief so not a lot of info provided, only the basics
I've had the subject of an AW review come up in convo post shoot when getting my clobber on
If its been a good session i've agreed & then create a dummy booking request a bit forward in time which is accepted then after feedback can be left
I havent done a review on AW for donkeys ages, tho i'm sure that ⬆️ works

I've never done an online booking prior to a meet, coz this allows the SP to nail you if she so wishes
A couple of times the SPs have been too keen for an online booking pre meet, time to move on & find another

As this thread rolls on i'm not convinced by the OP's apology
The thought process & motivation to do a clueless post in the first place is there
Leopards & spots
A brilliant idea no less  :rolleyes:
Its like when some celeb gets caught out & makes some fawning bollox apology, too late to close the gate when the horse ....

Anyways @rh, congrats on the recent ton up  :hi:

Offline James10

Members may remember the very popular large breasted blonde masseuse who provided a very sexy fbsm in an annexe adjoining her home in near Warrington.

She was really pissed off after hearing she'd been reviewed on UKP and concerned her neighbours would find out.

As a result she asked everyone making phone enquiries how they knew about her service.
Woe betide anyone mentioning UKP.
They'd receive a barage of abuse and and phone number blocked.

I’m scratching my head trying to work out who this is. If there’s a busy blonde doing massage near Warrington I need to know about it - ha ha. Any more clues, or has she stopped working?

Offline Thephoenix

I’m scratching my head trying to work out who this is. If there’s a busy blonde doing massage near Warrington I need to know about it - ha ha. Any more clues, or has she stopped working?

Unfortunately she stopped advertising a few years ago.

If she still sees old regulars, they're keeping it to themselves.

I can't remember her name.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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More likely named after the Brazilian footballer rather  than the philosopher  :D
Oh I don't know. Socrates the footballer was a medical doctor and regarded as cerebral both on and off the pitch.
Socrates the philosopher was apparently mocked for his looks being regarded as short and ugly.

Offline LauraHoD

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Most guys who mention reviewing before the service have no intention of actually writing one. They just think it's a tactic to get a better service. I just tell them I don't care if they write a review or not. It won't have any bearing on the service they receive. Same when guys say "If you do a good job I will come back and see you again" I'm thinking I should do a shit job so I don't have to see you again!!

Also I never request reviews from clients. If they ask me if they can review me(after the booking) I just tell them it's entirely up to them. I have loads of reviews already so it won't make a big difference. Cos I post on here guys do ofter mention the site but I never tell them to write anything about me unless they want to. It think it comes across a bit desperate.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 10:36:12 pm by LauraHoD »

Offline alabama1

Most guys who mention reviewing before the service have no intention of actually writing one. They just think it's a tactic to get a better service. I just tell them I don't care if they write a review or not. It won't have any bearing on the service they receive. Same when guys say "If you do a good job I will come back and see you again" I'm thinking I should do a shit job so I don't have to see you again!!
How could you possibly know that  :unknown:

Offline LauraHoD

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Because I would see if they had written a review.  The amount of men that say they will write a review is much higher than the reviews that are written. Plus I can just tell by the way they say it.

Online webpunter

How could you possibly know that  :unknown:

Whatever you happen to do [as a job / run a business] i'm presuming that you get a feel for whatever situation it is ?
To a certain extent can second guess what the other party is thinking of / are likely to do
There are various pointers
Why should an SP be any different ?
Especially an experienced one & judging by stuff on here an insightful one @ that

Offline alabama1

Because I would see if they had written a review.  The amount of men that say they will write a review is much higher than the reviews that are written. Plus I can just tell by the way they say it.
Ok, fair enough. If you identify any of these guys as UKP members, i hope you would report them here

Online webpunter

Because I would see if they had written a review.  The amount of men that say they will write a review is much higher than the reviews that are written. Plus I can just tell by the way they say it.

On the InBetweeners there is bus wanker
You can think of these punters as review wanker