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Author Topic: carlisle  (Read 376 times)

Offline Badvicar

On business next week in Carlisle. Looking at AW it looks pretty bleak. Any suggestions for a decent punt, for a southerner outside of his patch?


  • Guest
Just had a look, I would pray for you but sure you know some better ones !


  • Guest
 There is some classifieds in the northwest section on UKE regarding Carlisle  , not saying it looks great but it's an option maybe ;)

Offline Badvicar

Thanks Beano. Not alot there to be cheerful about unfortunately!


  • Guest
Sorry Bv, it is close to my stmping ground so I do keep an eye out but it tends to be just touring EE's. This Polish lass is usually there and I have seen her and was ok. At the moment though she's in Dundee which is no fekkin good to you I know.

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Keep a lookout as she may return...she usually does.


Offline Badvicar

Thanks for that Jay. She looks a vast improvement to what my search threw up. Shame she's away. Decent girls touring must make a fortune in Carlisle!