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Author Topic: Warning - marty_mcfly aka columbo aka asianbeast  (Read 76483 times)


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I've no idea but just read the thread on saafe and it seems that the devious excitable, short arsed cunt linked people via social media etc. if this is true it does demonstrate the perils of using whatsapp, Facebook, twitter and of linking accounts in this game.

My family & friends take the piss out of me for not buying into this social media malarkey, I would love to state on here that I don't do it due to my punting habit but that's not the case........

In reality I have better things to do than tell every fucker what I've just had for my dinner.   


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You mean any job where the data protection act comes in to play which can be a large umbrella, everyone you speak to on the phone where you can pay a bill like Sky, phone company, energy bills, car insurance & so on

Exactly that is my point someone like this should not be allowed to do a job with information on people especially if the police do charge him eventually.


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In reality I have better things to do than tell every fucker what I've just had for my dinner.
What dis you have then ?

Offline con-a-ser

hopefully we have all learned from this & I have run ins with the punter outed but was more a difference of opinion in a thread that was debated in the thread & left on the board

So know the guy can be opinionated but this cunt Columbo wants castrated & Mcfly wants
Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Cuntminion

My family & friends take the piss out of me for not buying into this social media malarkey, I would love to state on here that I don't do it due to my punting habit but that's not the case........

In reality I have better things to do than tell every fucker what I've just had for my dinner.

I had Turkey dinosaurs and smiley faces

Social media is not a problem if you use it right

Only a tool would follow an escort on Twitter, plus you can be on social media and be private

Offline con-a-ser

Exactly that is my point someone like this should not be allowed to do a job with information on people especially if the police do charge him eventually.

But he might actually work with the police, Probation services etc

I think we should collectively stalk him on his social media, Basically do to him what he has done to others

Offline stevedave

There was me thinking (naively),that punting was about sex,certainly learned a lot over the last 5 years.

Precisely. As I said about 4 pages ago, punting should just be about having some fun! Some people seem to take it way too seriously.

Offline punk

Precisely. As I said about 4 pages ago, punting should just be about having some fun! Some people seem to take it way too seriously.

True,there are some lonely souls out there,both punters and prossies.


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It said on the SAAFE thread that he likes fluids being passed, that sounds a bit dodgy considering was he not the one going on about text messages to do with STD's. :vomit:

Offline EquusFerus

But the Kids photo. Why ? Not excusing anything. But the Kids Photo. Why?

Offline Cuntminion

It said on the SAAFE thread that he likes fluids being passed, that sounds a bit dodgy considering was he not the one going on about text messages to do with STD's. :vomit:

Very dodgy but now it seems his mo is that of a pragmatic fantasist
On the flip side he has.shown vindictive and malicious tendency to those that have done nothing to him , so his std claim is still in the wild

Offline tantric talents

I hope this doesn't affect the genuine Indian punters here by girls starting to refuse to see Asians.
l have sometimes seen this in refusal to see black guys.
I have noticed this is not uncommon in many Polish and other EE profiles for some bizarre reason!
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 09:38:43 pm by tantric talents »


  • Guest
Very dodgy but now it seems his mo is that of a pragmatic fantasist
On the flip side he has.shown vindictive and malicious tendency to those that have done nothing to him , so his std claim is still in the wild

Or he could be one of these sickos you hear about if he has something like an STI he could and probably would get great joy out of trying to pass it on to other' never know with freaks like him.

There is punters out there who have tried pin pricking condoms etc.

Offline Cuntminion

Or he could be one of these sickos you hear about if he has something like an STI he could and probably would get great joy out of trying to pass it on to other' never know with freaks like him.

There is punters out there who have tried pin pricking condoms etc.

Not to scaremonger but yes entirely possible


  • Guest
I hope this doesn't affect the genuine Indian punters here by girls starting to refuse to see Asians.
l have sometimes seen this in refusal to see black guys.
I have noticed this is not uncommon in many Polish and other EE profiles for some bizarre reason!

Well if it does it does suppose its up to them who they want to see. Some might just avoid older Asian men in the areas he has been...


  • Guest
Or he could be one of these sickos you hear about if he has something like an STI he could and probably would get great joy out of trying to pass it on to other' never know with freaks like him.

There is punters out there who have tried pin pricking condoms etc.

Scroll down to my modified post in off topic. Names changed for illustrative purposes
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 09:53:38 pm by SirFrank »

Offline NottsNylonLuvr

I remember 'MartyGate' and recall thinking that he was a little short on the proverbial marbles.

TBH, as this is in the hands of the authorities I'd recommend that any information at all on him is freely available here in the likelihood that somebody else who has  fallen victim to him may be encouraged to come forward.

Outing PUNTERS as well as Working Girls must be an offence of the highest order here & strictly (and publicly (as to make an example of))  punished.


  • Guest
Just read this thread and at a loss for words. The guy's gone insane. Especially looking at the message to Lindsey. I suppose he doesn't see the irony in calling everyone else a bully. What a nut! :crazy: :wacko:

Always best for WGs/punters to keep a separate phone in this line. Never give out any personal details


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Scroll down to my modified post in off topic. Names changed for illustrative purposes

The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.


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Scroll down to my modified post in off topic. Names changed for illustrative purposes

Just seen that, fits that prick perfect :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Or he could be one of these sickos you hear about if he has something like an STI he could and probably would get great joy out of trying to pass it on to other' never know with freaks like him.

There is punters out there who have tried pin pricking condoms etc.

Not to scaremonger but yes entirely possible

The guy is clearly a grade A psycho, however, in the interests of keeping calm, all the girls I have ever visited have provided the condoms themselves. I'm sure any girls he visited will have done the same. Presumably they do it with everyone to cover the off chance they get some nutter of a client who might try something like that.

Offline hungrypunt

My family & friends take the piss out of me for not buying into this social media malarkey, I would love to state on here that I don't do it due to my punting habit but that's not the case........

In reality I have better things to do than tell every fucker what I've just had for my dinner.

Youve just read out my situation exactly ...and also my response


  • Guest
Not to scaremonger but yes entirely possible

The guy is clearly a grade A psycho, however, in the interests of keeping calm, all the girls I have ever visited have provided the condoms themselves. I'm sure any girls he visited will have done the same. Presumably they do it with everyone to cover the off chance they get some nutter of a client who might try something like that.

I have heard of WG's keeping condoms in the bedroom and in a draw and heard of a punter trying to tamper with them when girls gone out of room and came back and caught him so it does go on and with punters trying to take condom off when fucking from behind.

But hopefully a lot of the escorts are careful of this.


  • Guest
I just saw this thread. I'm really sorry for anyone caught up in this mess. Has he actually carried out his threats??


  • Guest
Has he actually carried out his threats??

Outing to family, yes he has.
Publishing personal details, yes he has.
Read SAAFE posting, it's accurate: External Link/Members Only

Offline punk

Really nasty business,this and some of the other shit,these women suffer.

And no i am not a fluffy.

Offline Tiger63

was chatting to a WG recently post punt, and some of the shit she`s gone through over the years defies belief.
Dont understand why someone would deliberatly try to impregnate a WG or try to anal rape them ....WTF type of world are we fckin living in


  • Guest

"I am taking a heavy dose of Valium and Xanax ..."

He probably mistook a heavy dose of Laxative for Valium / Xanax and shat his brains out


  • Guest
Really nasty business,this and some of the other shit,these women suffer.

And no i am not a fluffy.

Just looking through the SAAFE site at all the dangerous punters and timewasters shows you they have to be on there guard at all times especially when they do incalls and are alone. And with a punter being dragged into this and his wife just highlights it more what type of people you can get in the secret hobbie :scare:

Offline Cuntminion

Really nasty business,this and some of the other shit,these women suffer.

And no i am not a fluffy.

Well he is just a cunt monkey, I'm all for equality but I don't like it when people suffer especially women, kids etc

One thing is it will go full circle on him , the calculating nature tells me he has something to loose though he thinks his untouchable

If he had nothing to loose coupled with his full retard traits he would of imploded fully already and hurt himself or someone else physically


  • Guest
was chatting to a WG recently post punt, and some of the shit she`s gone through over the years defies belief.
Dont understand why someone would deliberatly try to impregnate a WG or try to anal rape them ....WTF type of world are we fckin living in

I have heard so many bad stories from escorts about nut jobs doing stuff to them, it comes with its risks if you choose to do this type of job, but also its risky for punters too with more scams and thefts out there too.


  • Guest
The most recent comments on the thread on Saafe are interesting. The last post (as I write this), from brand new member there, curveygirl6768 defends him, in a sneaky, speculative, manipulative kind of way. It's as if Marty has signed up there posing as a prossie.

Offline Cuntminion

I have heard so many bad stories from escorts about nut jobs doing stuff to them, it comes with its risks if you choose to do this type of job, but also its risky for punters too with more scams and thefts out there too.

Don't know there mate I would hope most have more sense than to get embroiled in a scam/drawn out affair

Theft basically fight or flight depending if it's a Sergei


  • Guest
The most recent comments on the thread on Saafe are interesting. The last post (as I write this), from brand new member there, curveygirl6768 defends him, in a sneaky, speculative, manipulative kind of way. It's as if Marty has signed up there posing as a prossie.

Yes saw that, that is why Amy probably was saying if you take it to pm don't give out personal details to each other, She probably thinks he is either on there or will be on there pretending to be one of them to gain more info.

Offline portable

I am taking a heavy dose of Valium and Xanax and will drive at 100mph and kill myself. You will have guilt for the rest of your life."

Bullshit. He knows full well that when he gets to 88mph he'll travel back in time and will be fine.

Offline cueball

This hobby has and always will attract the nutters and the unhinged.

Most of us are just thrill seekers looking for a good time with no problems, but there's a minority that's always been here and always will.

Shocking, scary but not surprising.

As punters, if we do our track covering properly then we're in a reasonably safe position.

Any lasses reading this thread need to make sure they're on top of their game with their security.

Today's punting I see a lot of sloppy security with the lasses, the lasses  today are nowhere near as cagey as the indies of old.

Offline punk

The most recent comments on the thread on Saafe are interesting. The last post (as I write this), from brand new member there, curveygirl6768 defends him, in a sneaky, speculative, manipulative kind of way. It's as if Marty has signed up there posing as a prossie.

Writes like a man.

Offline Dani

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Making threats can be ignored as people who make threats rarely carry them out however this guy went further and outed a punter to his wife ffs and then to make things worse he then posted a private photo of a prossie with her child. To me this is the one that takes it just too far.  An innocent child who has done duck all wrong get his photo online with his 'prossie' mum. So any sick fucker who likes kids can ring his mum for a booking in the hope the child is in the home and could the very well have his home address making it much easier to contact and groom.  Photos of kids should NEVER be posted online as it gives predators all the details they need

I have seen people on facebookshowing pics of their kids in new school uniform with school name across the front so any perve knows which school to watch. They put their lives online and give away so many details of their lives without realising some sicko can use it all to their advantage

Finding someone's details is easy if they have not Been extremely careful so it's no surprise Marty managed to do so

Whilst we start to trust people on forums you have to remember that the person you are chatting too might have an ulterior motive.  It's like when people say they have a booking with xxxx tomorrow at 2pm. Easy stand outside and take photo of you going in just before 2pm then again coming out after. Now he has your photo and proof of how long you stayed at a prossies place so now all he needs is a bit more info On where u live. He could follow you home or to your car as there are a coupje of websites where you pay between £2.50-£5 and you can get the address for a car registration so he now has your name and address your car and photos of you so very easy to either out you it blackmail you

Trust no one as being outed is bloody horrible I can tell you especially when it is to everyone in your area. So not only your family but all your neighbours too. It makes it harder to save your marriage if your wife knows that everyone knows as it makes her look foolish for staying

There is only one good thing about being outed and that is no one can threaten it anymore as its already put but I don't recommend it. I do however recommend some if you not post so much details about yourselves as its the little things the psychos pick up on. Your job your hobbies the women you see regularly etc. Don't trust anyone with any of your real details be it punter or prossie as both seem to like to chat about others when they get together


  • Guest

Bullshit. He knows full well that when he gets to 88mph he'll travel back in time and will be fine.

Easy enough - throw him out of a tall enough building and he'll hit 88mph in freefall and then go Splat! To No Future!  :lol:


  • Guest
Any lasses reading this thread need to make sure they're on top of their game with their security.

Today's punting I see a lot of sloppy security with the lasses, the lasses  today are nowhere near as cagey as the indies of old.
Have taught 2 newbies about prossie phones, I was 1st and 2nd client respectively.  They were shocked googleing their phone number !

Offline Cuntminion

Bullshit. He knows full well that when he gets to 88mph he'll travel back in time and will be fine.

I might feel guilty if he done that, depends how nice the car was

Offline cueball

Have taught 2 newbies about prossie phones, I was 1st and 2nd client respectively.  They were shocked googleing their phone number !

That's nothing, a lot of the lasses I see have never set eyes on me until they open the door, indies of old used to make you call from a pre determined point where they had eyes on you but you didn't see them, an habit that made sense to me by the way.

Too late when mr nutjob is stood in your doorway girls

Offline punk

That's nothing, a lot of the lasses I see have never set eyes on me until they open the door, indies of old used to make you call from a pre determined point where they had eyes on you but you didn't see them, an habit that made sense to me by the way.

Too late when mr nutjob is stood in your doorway girls

Some or the maid still do.But its rarer now a days than 5 years ago.


  • Guest
And another saafe white knight rides in! Daisy Flowers, what's the bets he has said I will book a long on if you white knight me !

Offline Happyjose

The most recent comments on the thread on Saafe are interesting. The last post (as I write this), from brand new member there, curveygirl6768 defends him, in a sneaky, speculative, manipulative kind of way. It's as if Marty has signed up there posing as a prossie.

Well spotted. Sneaky cunt that he is

Offline Happyjose

And another saafe white knight rides in! Daisy Flowers, what's the bets he has said I will book a long on if you white knight me !

Probably also him


  • Guest
The most recent comments on the thread on Saafe are interesting. The last post (as I write this), from brand new member there, curveygirl6768 defends him, in a sneaky, speculative, manipulative kind of way. It's as if Marty has signed up there posing as a prossie.

Another member 'Daisy flowers' just registered and in the first post is defending him. I can't imagine any girl however close to him would defend him under these circumstances. Appears as though crazycolombo is sneaking into saafe

Daisy flowers

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Omg, what the hell. I have seen and spoke to this man so many times online, always been nice, what is going on??


  • Guest
Omg, what the hell. I have seen and spoke to this man so many times online, always been nice, what is going on??

Sup marty