This wouldn't surprise me. If you google Newcastle beauty escort shame ,, brings up a good link via evening chronicle ,, nothing is surprising with Stacey. Sorry can not cut and paste on mobile

The link I found said she was kicked out from being a finalist on being crowned Miss England because they found out she worked as a £500 per night Escort. Its hardly Kimberley Dominick type stuff.
Plus in my eyes that says 2 things about her.
A. She is fit enough to be crowned Miss England; Which, how many escorts have you seen that could even just get past the first round of being crowned that.
And B. 'Working as a £500 per night'...bloody sensible rates she had.

With regards to the reviews on Amour though. I do think they are major self written by someone at Amour though. As the amount of xx's that get posted on all of the reviews is crazy. No guy on the face of this earth would ever put an xx' in a review. Plus he would want to appear 'tough' and non effeminate to the agency owner if she was a female so again no way would he do this.
I have wrote a lot of reviews on various agency sites and not once have I ever thought of putting an xx.
As an example of what I mean here is the first random girl I picked.
External Link/Members OnlyAnd this has it from Mark, Neil and Robin. They all have done the XX's thing.