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Author Topic: Thai Orchid Sunderland  (Read 3058 times)


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Been to Thai Orchid on Foyle street in Sunderland a fee times now but havnt had any luck with Benz, the owner.
She's so sexy and loves playing with my arse. Get the impression she will never offer a HE though
Anyone manage to get anything from her?
Her massaged are top notch and she looks so hot in those black leggings she always wears.

Offline groovy

Been once, no joy.

She is hot, tho !

Offline portable


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damn haha. I can tell she fancies me too, i'm a young lad with a pretty good size cock and I catch her staring when she moves the towel :P
I'm gonna slowly try and work something out of her though.
Would go to the chinese barbers but its never that good. Takes me a while to cum and they're always so rushed.

Online daviemac

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damn haha. I can tell she fancies me too, i'm a young lad with a pretty good size cock and I catch her staring when she moves the towel :P
I'm gonna slowly try and work something out of her though.
Would go to the chinese barbers but its never that good. Takes me a while to cum and they're always so rushed.

Who the fuck's interested in that.   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Still your school holidays start soon, hope santa's good to you.


damn haha. I can tell she fancies me too, i'm a young lad with a pretty good size cock and I catch her staring when she moves the towel :P
I'm gonna slowly try and work something out of her though.
Would go to the chinese barbers but its never that good. Takes me a while to cum and they're always so rushed.

And that's why you are going for an assisted wank? :timeout:

Your forum name says it all really :wacko:
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 08:13:23 am by FLYING BLUE »

Offline Knight Templar

Who the fuck's interested in that.   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Still your school holidays start soon, hope santa's good to you.

 :D :D

Offline itsjustme

I've been here 3 or 4 times and asked her "do people ever ask for extras" and she said yes but she tells them to go elsewhere.

After the massage I usually stand up (to get ready) naked and ask for the towel and "try" to dry my back ,, she usually comes over in a here-let-me-do-it-ffs fashion and starts to rub me down, every time I got a semi and every time she kinda giggled but never had and hint of an extra ,, was going to try to do a tactful DIY but I've lost my bottle every time ha

(ps, i know the original poster is banned, just posting for the other members ;) )


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Is Benz the only masseuse who works there or do you have to book her?

When you say she is hot can you be a bit more specific on her face and body shape etc?

Offline Diamonddog

Is Benz the only masseuse who works there or do you have to book her?

When you say she is hot can you be a bit more specific on her face and body shape etc?

Why it's legit  :dash: Go an look through the bloody window
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 11:22:32 am by Diamonddog »


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Why it's legit  :dash: Go an look through the bloody window

I guess it would be whole lot less hassle to just ask on a forum for someones thought and opinions.

Why would I want to waste 2hrs and £30 in fuel to look like a pervert gazing through a massage shop window  :wacko:

Offline jarrovian

What he's trying to say is what does it matter what she looks like, your only going to get a massage