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Author Topic: Trip to Dublin coming up. Recommendations needed please  (Read 1234 times)

Offline smit1234

I've never visited Dublin before put I'm coming over for a few nights in June. I don't think adultwork is an option in Ireland so I was looking for recommendations for SPs with big old tits. Not fussed on age but ideally not a big girl either

Thanks in advance

Offline Westender

Try Escort Ireland

Lots of choice there

Offline dewey

Agree - EI, for better or worse, is the only game in town. Make sure your choice is well reviewed - though be aware it is nearly impossible to leave a negative review - and for your type just filter down. The search filter is actually quite good.

Offline smit1234

Thanks anyone in particular I should book ?

Offline maxQ

External Link/Members Only

I might be in town next week, my plan will be to try and see a new girl, if that fails I will try to see Casandra, as far as I can see she's the only girl I can personally recommend right now. Nice girl, better looking than the pictures IMO, but no French kissing, YMMV

Offline smit1234

Thanks mate. No kissing is a no from me