Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Jessica - Admiral Escorts - anyone see this girl?  (Read 934 times)

Offline Neil197

I've keeping an eye on this girl for a few months, wouldn't normally drop £250 on a brass but I've just got a new job so I'm tempted (if you need to ask why, a trip to Specsavers is in order).

There's around 27 reviews on the website, and she's been working for them a long time, it all looks good but I'd be keen to get some independent feedback before taking the plunge. Thanks.

Online boardyhell

havent seen her but apparently she is stunning,she has been around for about ten years,not sure she is worth 250
better options out there for the money,think performance wise she is pretty average ,although i am sure some will disagree


  • Guest
Used to see her in 2007, 2008 - she had been working couple of years then. Yes she looked stunning, a real life Barbie type, pretty similar to the photos now actually and gives pretty good OWO and rides well!
She's  had multiple boob jobs and have gone from C/D to E it seems.

I'm guessing she's early to mid thirties now, but with good skincare and some's not inconceivable she still looks good...

Online boardyhell

i used to look in on captain69 for about ten years and the reviews didn't inspire me to part with major cash,
occasionally i did and have many happy memories
nothing wrong with her but got nowhere like some of the legends on c69 like shanaz ,chantel,leona,anna minx


  • Guest
I reviewed her on C69 ages ago, she was fit as fuck in a USA cheerleader type of way, but had a very strange girlie bedroom, the like of which you would expect a 14 year old to have.

As I said she was fit as fuck but not in the league of the others mentioned above, having said that, at £250 in todays money she is a hell of a lot cheaper than the others mentioned above !!

Online Topkat

Just posted a review, saw her last week
Highly recommended if a touch over my normal budget.
Working in London for a couple of weeks and aiming to enjoy myself, to spend that sort of cash in Glasgow Id get pelters from the guys there.