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Author Topic: What Triggered / Influenced you to start punting ?  (Read 3566 times)


  • Guest
As the topic name suggests, what was the first trigger/influence that made you decide to punt?

Not to be confused with another topic called 'Reasons for punting?' But rather what flipped that switch inside of you to decide punting is actually quite alright?

So to start this off I'm still fairly new to the punting scene (started a few months ago), before I got pulled in, I use to be one of those guys who believed punters/punting in general was vulgar, indecent, undignified yaknow that sort of thing, sorry gentlemen I was naive. But even though I use to believed in those sort of things, I was still a man with a libido at the end of the day. And due to work, I rarely ever get the chance to be able to socialise with others to the point where I can get into bed with them, and the ones that I'd be able to, aren't a good idea to do so - and I have a rule for myself NEVER start a romantic/sexual relationship with anyone at work, it never ends well.

Now this only leaves me with 2 choices, either go out to bars and clubs and try my luck, or have friends recommend me someone, but with friends like mine majority being typical mid 20s 'banter lads' yeah no, not a chance it's going to end well, too much rumors and drama to get involved in. So it's going have to be the 1st choice and as you all know the chances of going to bars/clubs, and succeeding in actually pulling someone is slim even for my age, if you're lucky you might get a snog but that's about it. The amount that I spend on nights out could literally pay for a hour or two with a lovely escort instead, this is probably the start of the trigger switching halfway, not fully yet.

So what partially triggered it furthered, was some guy on one of my social media sites leaked a bunch of nudes of girls from my local town and others nearby, being curious I checked out the link containing the leaks (now deleted) and noticed a watermark on some of the nudes, so I followed the watermarked link to another website, and from there on somehow got me onto Adult-Work and I recognised a couple of girls from the nudes. At this point I still never punted before, but started to get curious about it, and was at the back of my mind fantasying about it, but didn't really do anything with that thought. Few weeks passed since then, I'm on lunch at a coffee shop, and sure enough one of the girls from the nude and Adult-Work site, happen to be queuing up in the same coffee shop which I was in. At first I didn't recognise her instantly, but distinctively remembered her shoulder tattoo and hairstyle, and within seconds I recognised her, now i couldn't help but gaze at her and her body, and thought to myself wow I could literally phone that number up on her adultwork site and she could literally be wrapping her legs around me, but as per usual the thought played around in the back of mind until.

The final trigger was probably watching Wolf of the Wallstreet that did it for me, I know seriously watching a movie? I think just seeing Leonardo DiCaprio causally banging escorts openly and everyone's reaction and views towards it being generally acceptable with it, I just thought fuck it, why not and decided to do my research with the whole punting scene, the risks involved, the legal and whats illegal, what to expect, and how to stay safe etc. I finally decided to go along with it and had an amazing time. I have to say now a big thank you to Adultwork and UK Punting for providing informative details and reviews, and Leonardo DiCarpio for pulling me into the punting scene and losing my punting cherry!

so guys what was your trigger?

Offline SamLP

Hey Journo, so what newspaper do you work for?


  • Guest
Hey Journo, so what newspaper do you work for?

Guardian, the OP sounds fluffy  !   :D

Offline smiths

As the topic name suggests, what was the first trigger/influence that made you decide to punt?

Not to be confused with another topic called 'Reasons for punting?' But rather what flipped that switch inside of you to decide punting is actually quite alright?

So to start this off I'm still fairly new to the punting scene (started a few months ago), before I got pulled in, I use to be one of those guys who believed punters/punting in general was vulgar, indecent, undignified yaknow that sort of thing, sorry gentlemen I was naive. But even though I use to believed in those sort of things, I was still a man with a libido at the end of the day. And due to work, I rarely ever get the chance to be able to socialise with others to the point where I can get into bed with them, and the ones that I'd be able to, aren't a good idea to do so - and I have a rule for myself NEVER start a romantic/sexual relationship with anyone at work, it never ends well.

Now this only leaves me with 2 choices, either go out to bars and clubs and try my luck, or have friends recommend me someone, but with friends like mine majority being typical mid 20s 'banter lads' yeah no, not a chance it's going to end well, too much rumors and drama to get involved in. So it's going have to be the 1st choice and as you all know the chances of going to bars/clubs, and succeeding in actually pulling someone is slim even for my age, if you're lucky you might get a snog but that's about it. The amount that I spend on nights out could literally pay for a hour or two with a lovely escort instead, this is probably the start of the trigger switching halfway, not fully yet.

So what partially triggered it furthered, was some guy on one of my social media sites leaked a bunch of nudes of girls from my local town and others nearby, being curious I checked out the link containing the leaks (now deleted) and noticed a watermark on some of the nudes, so I followed the watermarked link to another website, and from there on somehow got me onto Adult-Work and I recognised a couple of girls from the nudes. At this point I still never punted before, but started to get curious about it, and was at the back of my mind fantasying about it, but didn't really do anything with that thought. Few weeks passed since then, I'm on lunch at a coffee shop, and sure enough one of the girls from the nude and Adult-Work site, happen to be queuing up in the same coffee shop which I was in. At first I didn't recognise her instantly, but distinctively remembered her shoulder tattoo and hairstyle, and within seconds I recognised her, now i couldn't help but gaze at her and her body, and thought to myself wow I could literally phone that number up on her adultwork site and she could literally be wrapping her legs around me, but as per usual the thought played around in the back of mind until.

The final trigger was probably watching Wolf of the Wallstreet that did it for me, I know seriously watching a movie? I think just seeing Leonardo DiCaprio causally banging escorts openly and everyone's reaction and views towards it being generally acceptable with it, I just thought fuck it, why not and decided to do my research with the whole punting scene, the risks involved, the legal and whats illegal, what to expect, and how to stay safe etc. I finally decided to go along with it and had an amazing time. I have to say now a big thank you to Adultwork and UK Punting for providing informative details and reviews, and Leonardo DiCarpio for pulling me into the punting scene and losing my punting cherry!

so guys what was your trigger?

Pussy innit. :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Guardian, the OP sounds fluffy  !   :D

Hahaha!  :D

I should've seen these kind of comments coming, maybe I should've just done a short version but didn't want to come off as a troll if I did. I'm actually curious as to how I sounded fluffy, not that I mind, I'll even admit I am a bit of a fluffy person :P was it the long post?

Offline sonyvaio

Surely to be truly fluffy you should have your film choice be Pretty Woman instead :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Surely to be truly fluffy you should have your film choice be Pretty Woman instead :thumbsup:

Hahahaha!  :lol:

I was actually watching Pretty Woman earlier today as well! might be my next topic of post too :D  I'm joking
Haha well I never said I was truly fluffy, I did say I was a bit of one, but I'm not that fluffy, give me some credit!  :angelgirl:


  • Guest
I  asked a stripper as I withdrew my fingers from her pussy if she would care to meet me in a hotel some time ... and she said yes

Offline Nagilum

And who did you lose this punting cherry to?


  • Guest
And who did you lose this punting cherry to?

if you're asking whether I saw the coffee shop escort girl, it wasn't her but she is on my list for the future  :P
I saw another one instead, an escort called kitty - shes like this alternative styled kinky slim/pert college girl.

I'm going to do a review of her in the future after I've seen a few more ladies so I can accurately compare her  :cool: be on the lookout.


  • Guest
if you're asking whether I saw the coffee shop escort girl, it wasn't her but she is on my list for the future  :P
I saw another one instead, an escort called kitty - shes like this alternative styled kinky slim/pert college girl.

I'm going to do a review of her in the future after I've seen a few more ladies so I can accurately compare her  :cool: be on the lookout.

Link would be nice, so we can put a name to her face !

Offline HughJardon

Did the Wolf of Wall street really make that much of a cultural impact to you and the many newbie/virgins first time punters we are seeing. I think mine was Porkys (the movie) which didnt end that well

be on the lookout.
In the Guardian or Times   :bomb:


  • Guest
Did the Wolf of Wall street really make that much of a cultural impact to you and the many newbie/virgins first time punters we are seeing. I think mine was Porkys (the movie) which didnt end that well
In the Guardian or Times   :bomb:

It wasn't necessary all because of the Wolf of Wall Street, but it did further push my switch which was already over half way to being flipped anyways, just seeing Leonardo DiCaprio causally doing a bunch of escorts and everything else, kinda made me think more open-minded about the whole punting scene, that it wasn't just for shady perverts. I know the movie is somewhat fictional, and he's acting, but it's still based off a real story to a certain extent.

Plus due to work commitments, and the many tiresome bar crawls resulting in nothing but drunken nights and no sexual socializing available, and partially the excitement of being able to pick through an almost catalog like website of ladies who will have fun with you at the push of a button. The whole punting scene seemed quite alright to me from then on.

I can't say if other first time punters were also influenced by the movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did influence them even a tiny little bit :P

For those wondering what kitty looks like here's the link External Link/Members Only also my review of her will be in the Guardian  :cool:


  • Guest
I can't say if other first time punters were also influenced by the movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did influence them even a tiny little bit :P

Do those same people also end up snorting cocaine out of a prostitute's bum-hole? :lol:


  • Guest
I was home for ten days and being curios in a news agents noticed on the top shelf a small mag ,name of pheonix it said on the cover direct contacts. So I purchased had to it was shrink wrapped, so after looking through it and being bored decided to ring a fairly local number, those days it was landlines so you used a public phone box. Rang and made the arrangements and went for the visit with a reasonably attractive 30 year old, enjoyed the experience and once you try the delights and anticipation , you're hooked and sucked in and once you get the taste there's no escape.and before anyone asks for a link she's probably retired with grand kids.
Welcome to punting you'll find its alifelong commitment :drinks:
So the actual reason in a word boredom!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 10:07:00 am by seward »

Offline socks

I wanted to get my brown wings

Offline socks

And splat my muck all over a pretty girl's face


  • Guest
Going out to clubs in London, splashing cash around = virtually guaranteed shag, regardless of your age/looks - very expensive, no guarantee of quality of service + if you are in a marriage or relationship and get caught you are fucked - do proper research, book a hooker, cheaper, virtually certain you'll get what you paid for, little chance of getting caught, unless you're a daft cunt like Vernon Kay.


  • Guest
Going out to clubs in London, splashing cash around = virtually guaranteed shag, regardless of your age/looks -

That's great when young but it all changes with age and responsibility's ,as you say it's guaranteed service at a set cost. It would be nice to be young again, oh for the days when we used to out on the town in dress blues and you were more or less guaranteed a civie shag , oh well happy days long gone, still puntings a good although expensive substitute that new members will long enjoy. :thumbsup:

Offline Bangers and Gash

The first couple of lines in and I'm thinking student journo.  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
From a young age, I wanted be interviewed by the newspapers and figured if I started punting, sooner or later a journalist would get round to asking me about it.  :dash:

Offline getin

Can we have the AW link of the girl in the coffee shop please!


  • Guest
The first couple of lines in and I'm thinking student journo.  :rolleyes:

Is your nose telling you something about this post , mmm think you may be right,useful to have people with experience.

Offline Moresomes

I wasn't getting any.

If you need any further info please let me know.    :hi:

Noah Hope

  • Guest
It wasn't necessary all because of the Wolf of Wall Street, but it did further push my switch which was already over half way to being flipped anyways, just seeing Leonardo DiCaprio causally doing a bunch of escorts and everything else, kinda made me think more open-minded about the whole punting scene, that it wasn't just for shady perverts. I know the movie is somewhat fictional, and he's acting, but it's still based off a real story to a certain extent.

Plus due to work commitments, and the many tiresome bar crawls resulting in nothing but drunken nights and no sexual socializing available, and partially the excitement of being able to pick through an almost catalog like website of ladies who will have fun with you at the push of a button. The whole punting scene seemed quite alright to me from then on.

I can't say if other first time punters were also influenced by the movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did influence them even a tiny little bit :P

For those wondering what kitty looks like here's the link External Link/Members Only also my review of her will be in the Guardian  :cool:

I really hate to be the sad old bastard that complains that their previously underground scene is being ruined by hipsters, but no, it is for shady perverts. Have a read of today's Re:Why do prostitutes think men pay for sex? thresd on Saafe. One of the members there nails it. She gives 3 punter types:

(A)  Young and relatively good looking men,too lazy to get a GF.
(B)  Married men too wary of the complications /risk of discovery of an affair.
(C) Men with psychological problems, poor social skills, control issues/fear of intimacy issues etc

I think that was roughly it . I'm on my moby so cant check Saafe (it's blocked byvodafones content control, UKP isnt, strangely.)
Personally, I'm a bit suspicious of (B) as a motive..That might be what punters have told the poster on the Saafe thread, but let's be honest , could married punters get someone as young/hot for a mistress as can be found on AW? Maybe they could, Imight not have the best judgement ,I'm in category [C] :drinks:

Offline RedKettle

(A)  Young and relatively good looking men,too lazy to get a GF.
(B)  Married men too wary of the complications /risk of discovery of an affair.
(C) Men with psychological problems, poor social skills, control issues/fear of intimacy issues etc

B & C for me - plus the last few words of A  :hi:


  • Guest
I really hate to be the sad old bastard that complains that their previously underground scene is being ruined by hipsters, but no, it is for shady perverts. Have a read of today's Re:Why do prostitutes think men pay for sex? thresd on Saafe. One of the members there nails it. She gives 3 punter types:

(A)  Young and relatively good looking men,too lazy to get a GF.
(B)  Married men too wary of the complications /risk of discovery of an affair.
(C) Men with psychological problems, poor social skills, control issues/fear of intimacy issues etc

I think that was roughly it . I'm on my moby so cant check Saafe (it's blocked byvodafones content control, UKP isnt, strangely.)
Personally, I'm a bit suspicious of (B) as a motive..That might be what punters have told the poster on the Saafe thread, but let's be honest , could married punters get someone as young/hot for a mistress as can be found on AW? Maybe they could, Imight not have the best judgement ,I'm in category [C] :drinks:

Some would say both a and b is part of C.

What a laughable pile of crap anyway !
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 09:32:01 pm by vw »

Noah Hope

  • Guest
B & C for me - plus the last few words of A  :hi:

I'm envious!
Actually, I just have the second one of [C].
Maybe a bit of the first one of [C] as well, but then if you have no psychological problems at all you aren't human!

Noah Hope

  • Guest
Some would say both a and b is part of C.

What a laughable pile of crap anyway !

Let me guess... cat. (B ) ? :hi:
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 09:36:47 pm by Noah Hope »


  • Guest
Let me guess... cat. (B ) ? :hi:

None of your poorly compiled list, always something missing !

Offline EricJ

Someone posted a link to adultwork on a forum I was on. And My imagination went nuclear.

Offline howrude

I originally started out with a few street girls in the early 90s. This came from when my
first job was  located in the red light district of town. I would see the girls plying
their trade and some of them weren't too bad. But there was only a few as the street
experience didn't suit me: the risk of arrest, being coupled up in a car, etc wasn't
erotic. I always thought that if there was somewhere warm and discreet with plenty of
space where we could strip nude, that would be much more preferable.

During late 1995, a friend told me that there was a brothel above the shop where he worked
I went past it a few times and noticed the massage parlour. Not long after, I was visiting
a friend and we drove past another massage parlour which he told me was a brothel. I has
noticed advertisments for massage parlours in the classified sections of the Daily Sport,
porno mags and the local paper. I just assumed that these establishments just offered
massage. But I started to wonder if they did like the places I'd had pointed out to me. So
I started to phone a few up just to enquire. And sure, they were just what I'd suspected.
After a few months of thinking it through, I went to one after visiting a lap dancing bar.
Never looked back since.

I never really had any inhibitions about it being vulgar, etc. As long as it was discreet
and I got something out of it, then it doesn't matter what others think.


  • Guest
(A)  Young and relatively good looking men,too lazy to get a GF.
(B)  Married men too wary of the complications /risk of discovery of an affair.
(C) Men with psychological problems, poor social skills, control issues/fear of intimacy issues etc

I'm category (D) . Men with an extreme dislike of being lumped into simplistic categories. Lots of girls on the saafe thread are saying that it is just as stupid to oversimplify punters reasons for being punters as it is to do the same with WGs.

Noah Hope

  • Guest
I'm category (D) . Men with an extreme dislike of being lumped into simplistic categories. Lots of girls on the saafe thread are saying that it is just as stupid to oversimplify punters reasons for being punters as it is to do the same with WGs.

I didn't get that from the thread. I got that one poster found it offensive that prossies ( or punters) try to second guess the others motives, for the reason that they havent had the same experience. More posters said it was a pointless thread. And other posters came up with some interesting views. Which to me isn't that surprising, they must have some view on what makes punters tick otherwise how would they know how to pitch their advertising.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 01:38:08 am by Noah Hope »


  • Guest
I really hate to be the sad old bastard that complains that their previously underground scene is being ruined by hipsters, but no, it is for shady perverts. Have a read of today's Re:Why do prostitutes think men pay for sex? thresd on Saafe. One of the members there nails it. She gives 3 punter types:

(A)  Young and relatively good looking men,too lazy to get a GF.
(B)  Married men too wary of the complications /risk of discovery of an affair.
(C) Men with psychological problems, poor social skills, control issues/fear of intimacy issues etc

Being relatively new to the scene, I'm actually interested to know, how is the underground punting scene being ruined by hipsters? is it even possible for that to happen? I don't see escorts wearing more ray ban glasses and getting ironic haircuts than the average does  :unknown: kidding aside is it possible?

Unless you're speaking of the underground scene being viewed differently now? but wouldn't that be a good thing that it's viewed less as a shady pervert business, but a normal but unconventional discreet business? I mean back in the days a lot of things we do now would've been considered shady and shun by the public like going to rave clubs and drinking alcohol.


  • Guest
I didn't get that from the thread. I got that one poster found it offensive that prossies ( or punters) try to second guess the others motives, for the reason that they havent had the same experience. More posters said it was a pointless thread. And other posters came up with some interesting views. Which to me isn't that surprising, they must have some view on what makes punters tick otherwise how would they know how to pitch their advertising.

Quite how you relate reasons to punt with advertising methods is beyond me.  They are nearly all the same pictures, list of services, waffle and creeping in is a list of ever growing rules on most profiles !

Think there is quite a bit of worship coming from your postings which is quite concerning !

It doesn't matter one bit why punters punt have heard 100's of reasons over the years, not your 3 categories you stole form another website !   :wackogirl: :wackogirl:


  • Guest
Being relatively new to the scene, I'm actually interested to know, how is the underground punting scene being ruined by hipsters? is it even possible for that to happen? I don't see escorts wearing more ray ban glasses and getting ironic haircuts than the average does  :unknown: kidding aside is it possible?

Unless you're speaking of the underground scene being viewed differently now? but wouldn't that be a good thing that it's viewed less as a shady pervert business, but a normal but unconventional discreet business? I mean back in the days a lot of things we do now would've been considered shady and shun by the public like going to rave clubs and drinking alcohol.

Anyone with enough money to pay is welcome to punt, the more people that punt the longer the queues are which ruins it for me, so not just the hipsters, the fluffs, the leeches and the lurkers all ruin it as they give nothing back!

The hipsters may give back to the community we don't know as everyone is anonymous !
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 03:06:05 am by vw »


  • Guest
(A)  Young and relatively good looking men,too lazy to get a GF.
(B)  Married men too wary of the complications /risk of discovery of an affair.
(C) Men with psychological problems, poor social skills, control issues/fear of intimacy issues etc

I'd also have to disagree with all three of these, apart from the first sentence in (A) being partially true, young? I'm mid 20s, good looking? nahh I'm just average Joe, who dresses well and has a good dress sense, now that's the truth. :hi: If I may, I'd create (D) looking to experience/explore sex further - which wouldn't have been possible in my previous vanilla relationship - with the added bonus of improving and learning new sex techniques, while also enjoying oneself with ladies you wouldn't normally necessary date or were able too  :thumbsup:

Offline socks

My D would be wanting to fuck and do all the pervy things I can think of with whichever woman takes my fancy at that moment in time. That prossie list is so stereotypically female in my view, linking sex to some emotional/relational level somewhere. It fails to account for those of us utterly disinterested in anything beyond the acts of getting our cocks sucked or prodding our tongues up some delightful young lady's crimper.


  • Guest
I think we go through stages at different times of our punting lives: We don't simply fit into category A, B, or C and stay there forever.  I started out as a d).  I was a late developer physically so teenage sex and girlfriends largely passed me by.  When I discovered I could pay for it, I simply stopped worrying about my lack of success and did that.

When I did finally develop and catch up with my age group, I was very successful with girls in my late teens and early 20s but the die was cast and while in those years my punting reduced and a succession of girlfriends became more prominent, I never stopped punting completely.  I'd learned to like the variety and excitement.  I also didn't see punting in the context of relationships; paid sex was in no way a reflection of my feelings for or commitment to a proper girlfriend.  It was like going to football; just a form of entertainment.

In my married years, the degree to which I punted tended to be somewhat related to the degree of marital sex I experienced.  As the former diminished and then more or less stopped, the latter increased.  Punting was a lifeline in some ways.  Affairs (I tried one but it was far too much like hard work and I ended it almost as soon as it began) held little appeal.

Now, single again and in middle age, I punt through choice.  If I happened to meet the right woman and things worked out I daresay I'd go for it and my punting would reduce (but not stop) again.  However, after a couple of bad relationships since the end of my marriage and finally having learned to enjoy my own company (a lesson that renders the bad relationships almost worth having gone through), I feel less and less need to even look beyond paid sex.  Living on my own, doing what I want, and engaging a WG when I feel the need for sex works just fine.  I'd accept more, but I'm not desperate enough to want to look for it.

Arley Hall

  • Guest
(A)  Young and relatively good looking men,too lazy to get a GF.
(B)  Married men too wary of the complications /risk of discovery of an affair.
(C) Men with psychological problems, poor social skills, control issues/fear of intimacy issues etc

A complete list of different types of punters would really just be a complete list of different types of men - full stop - so it would go from A to Z, and then some. Millions of years of evolution have planted in all men the desire to spread their genes as widely as possible among the female population.

It would be more interesting for WGs to discuss whether there is any type or category of man that they have never met as a client. I think they'd struggle to come up with anything other than 'skint ones'.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi: I got in to it after a day trip to London aged 15 I started shagging the walk up girls some of the older ones didn't want to see me but some did and gave me 2 for the price of one  :D :D ( I wish I could take them up on that but at 55 I am now a one popper :( )  all for £10 plus £1 tip :yahoo:

The best bit is you look and chose and spend and get what you pay for not having to be polite and talk shite for an evening and pay for a meal ect for girl that wouldn't put out..I discovered whores and have not looked back I have done diffrent types and sizes ect MMF `s gang bang bukkakes and swingers event with no strings ..yeah some times like yesterday I shagged a Rom  that just wanted the cash and me gone and gave shite service but I d say 80% of my choices where still in my minds wank bank ..Funny enough I often think of the fat 40ish Maltese lady from the late 70`s that used  let me do her twice every time for a tenner it was prob cause I was a skinny young chap...some of the ugly fucks I have had have been the dirty ones  :D I haven't met many like her since most are like one armed bandits ;) ;)
I try not to think of the cash ..however its good value compared to an old mates divorce he must of lost 1/2 millon house business and pension. :unknown:

Offline Sonny Crockett

Porn and boredom.

Had my 1st escort meet abroad. Then a few months later out of boredom, I was curious as to whether there were places where you could go and have sex. So I looked up at the internet for those places and found websites for a few massage parlours. From there I went for a punt in a local parlour, and that's where it started. I became a punter.


  • Guest

Offline uutarn

That banning reason!

Fucking hell, hilarious.


  • Guest
For me the trigger was two things happening at around the same time back in 1983: my then-wife had gone off anything but the most perfunctory sex and a local paper in Stoke helpfully named the area (Cobridge) and streets where local residents were demanding a crackdown on street prostitution. This was only 20 mins drive away for me and I quickly had three or four mainly positive kerb-crawling experiences.

It wasn't the best and busiest of red-light areas though, and things didn't really take off until I got a job in Liverpool. I knew the red-light area was in Toxteth and had driven round there a couple of times at night without seeing anything. But in the absence of any helpful newspaper stories with more specific info, and many years before the internet, I was a bit stuck. Then, driving along the M62 to work one day, I gave a lift to two mini-skirted hitchhikers who were illegally thumbing a ride on the hard shoulder just outside the Warrington services.

I had a good idea what they were from the start, and with a bit of prompting they told me they'd spent the night in the cells in Manchester and been bailed in the morning after deciding to have a street-walking awayday from their normal base in Liverpool. One was small, brunette and cute; the other was big, blonde, and frankly, a bit mentally retarded. They wanted dropping off in Toxteth, and when I asked about where they usually worked they told me precisely where to find girls on the street. They also offered their own services of course. The little one said if I put my seat back she'd sit in the front and suck me off while I could suck on her big dim friend's enormous tits at the same time (a scenario I later enjoyed with two different hookers).

This would only have cost about £15 and I was tempted, of course, but I was already running late for work and also a little nervous of doing it in broad daylight. But within a couple of days I had found a plentiful supply of street girls and that became the start of an incredible series of filthy adventures. I'd say the longest time I've gone between punts in the intervening 32 years has been four months. I try to give it up every so often but it never lasts for long.

Noah Hope

  • Guest
Quite how you relate reasons to punt with advertising methods is beyond me.  They are nearly all the same pictures, list of services, waffle and creeping in is a list of ever growing rules on most profiles !

Think there is quite a bit of worship coming from your postings which is quite concerning !

It doesn't matter one bit why punters punt have heard 100's of reasons over the years, not your 3 categories you stole form another website !   :wackogirl: :wackogirl:

Thank you virtualwaster it's probably not entirely healthy.
I'll probably just stay and lurk with the other voyeurs...pimps, masturbators ,gin guzzling rad fems and assorted other low lifes.

It is interesting though, this forum, apart from the sex depictions, rrading posters life histories..often you get the other side of the marriage hype.

Offline AgedCases

I took up punting because I've a high sex drive but could never get an alike girlfriend. Now I'm in my 40s and a lot fatter (and therefore less attractive) I cannot be arsed with relationships anymore or going out on the pull, which always results in me going home to my bed...alone.

I'd rather pay for a guaranteed shag with a like-minded hottie and I have no one to answer to at home. Bliss!

Offline BlackLuster

Nothing special really... I was 21, still a virgin and getting nowhere with women. After being rejected yet again and witnessing my peers shagging hot GFs on the regular I was fed up with it all. I had been eyeing the girls on AW for close to a year then and so when my birthday came around I convinced myself to finally take the plunge. Needless to say it was a great first time experience and I've continued to have many good punts (and some bad) since then.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 06:38:00 pm by redneon »