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Author Topic: Seeking vs Secret Benefits  (Read 3915 times)

Offline GoodLookinGuy

I've been debating subscribing to Seeking again however unlike previously there weren't really that many girls in my area really jumping out at me. I was looking at Secret Benefits and notice a few of the girls I'd known from Seeking had moved over to this site instead and on the whole there seemed to be more girls I'd be really interested in. However I went on once previously, bought the minimum amount of credits. Messaged a couple of girls, then thought I'd wait and just reply to messages so I'd only use credits on girls that were actually interested. I would often reply to a message, nothing that could be seen as rude, but then got no further reply. I was suspicious of some of the accounts. I saw a very pretty girl listed as Cardiff that was actually an influencer from Liverpool that I follow on Insta. I did have a couple of brief conversations but no meets from it. When I'd used the last of my credits I remember coming off the site feeling I'd been borderline scammed. However I'm debating giving it another go. With experience I'd only reply to girls with verified accounts, something I didn't really look at when I was last on there.

Anyone go much experience of this site in our area. Interested in hearing experiences and opinions if it's better or worse then seeking ?

Offline southcoastpunter

have you done a search on here?

if you did you will see that it has been discussed before - there was a huge thread on it last year by one member who did a LOT of research and analysis of the site*. worth read rather than starting another, almost duplicate thread!!

From memory it was Vice Admiral who did the research and started the thread (apologies to VA if not him).

but that is not to say there aren't any gems on there. My current SB was on there before I met her on Seeking
« Last Edit: February 26, 2024, 11:56:24 am by southcoastpunter »

Offline updownandaround

I've been debating subscribing to Seeking again however unlike previously there weren't really that many girls in my area really jumping out at me. I was looking at Secret Benefits and notice a few of the girls I'd known from Seeking had moved over to this site instead and on the whole there seemed to be more girls I'd be really interested in. However I went on once previously, bought the minimum amount of credits. Messaged a couple of girls, then thought I'd wait and just reply to messages so I'd only use credits on girls that were actually interested. I would often reply to a message, nothing that could be seen as rude, but then got no further reply. I was suspicious of some of the accounts. I saw a very pretty girl listed as Cardiff that was actually an influencer from Liverpool that I follow on Insta. I did have a couple of brief conversations but no meets from it. When I'd used the last of my credits I remember coming off the site feeling I'd been borderline scammed. However I'm debating giving it another go. With experience I'd only reply to girls with verified accounts, something I didn't really look at when I was last on there.

Anyone go much experience of this site in our area. Interested in hearing experiences and opinions if it's better or worse then seeking ?

I've had a couple of subs to Secret Benefits over the years and to me it doesn't feel legit. I did not get even similar results to those that I get on Seeking and the credits system just feels scammy and similar to the early days of online dating with things like AFF.

The only amusing thing about Secret Benefits are the "no makeup/no filters" introduction videos which are often truly horrific! Give it a go, YMMV.

Offline GoodLookinGuy

have you done a search on here?

if you did you will see that it has been discussed before - there was a huge thread on it last year by one member who did a LOT of research and analysis of the site*. worth read rather than starting another, almost duplicate thread!!

From memory it was Vice Admiral who did the research and started the thread (apologies to VA if not him).

but that is not to say there aren't any gems on there. My current SB was on there before I met her on Seeking

I did think about that. However it's a very fluid thing. Sites change. What i would have said about Seeking 4 years ago would be different to what I'd say about it now. SB even in the last few months seems to be evolving. I see more girls on there now that used to be on Seeking. So I was really hoping for some up to date information.

Offline GoodLookinGuy

I've had a couple of subs to Secret Benefits over the years and to me it doesn't feel legit. I did not get even similar results to those that I get on Seeking and the credits system just feels scammy and similar to the early days of online dating with things like AFF.

The only amusing thing about Secret Benefits are the "no makeup/no filters" introduction videos which are often truly horrific! Give it a go, YMMV.

Yes, I love the verification videos. Does show what a difference a good filter/app/editing tool will do. Give you an idea of what you will wake up next to.

I think for the sake of 80 quid I might give it one more go.............Will report back.

Offline madmania

Yes, I love the verification videos. Does show what a difference a good filter/app/editing tool will do. Give you an idea of what you will wake up next to.

I think for the sake of 80 quid I might give it one more go.............Will report back.

Looking forward to hearing what you discover - I’m not quite disillusioned but I’m certainly disappointed with Seeking for Bristol at the moment. Just finished a month there and I can count on one hand the number of promising girls I’ve found, let alone ones which lead to quality meets. I doubt I’ll bother resubscribing, I’ll just work through the handful of girls I have at the moment and then call it quits!

Offline Danj89

On it as member but I'm sure it's all bots as have had messaged from girls on it whose number I already have. I text when asking why they messaged on there and got responses saying they didn't showing me their sent messages. A few weeks ago I raised a ticket if the daily influx of messages I got were genuine with evidence. They didn't respond but since raising the ticket no new messages and before I used to get like 5 a day, they are just baiting you to subscribe
 Found a few girls insta and socials based off username and when messaging about an arrangement they are not serious about it even with verification vids. Had a meet set up with one and she blanked and another wanted payment upfront to prove I was genuine so seems to be a worse flake rate than seeking (if that was even possible)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 01:15:39 pm by Danj89 »

Offline Hantsolo

Yes, I love the verification videos. Does show what a difference a good filter/app/editing tool will do. Give you an idea of what you will wake up next to.

I think for the sake of 80 quid I might give it one more go.............Will report back.

Paid once, complained about the number of fake messages and got a refund and my profile deleted. Have rejoined on a different email and a pretty blank profile just to see the verification videos and compare with anyone I meet on SA.

The videos are the only benefit of the site and as you and others have said, there sure are some differences!!!

Offline updownandaround

Yes, I love the verification videos. Does show what a difference a good filter/app/editing tool will do. Give you an idea of what you will wake up next to.

I think for the sake of 80 quid I might give it one more go.............Will report back.

Good luck!

Offline Pawgylove

Looking forward to hearing what you discover - I’m not quite disillusioned but I’m certainly disappointed with Seeking for Bristol at the moment. Just finished a month there and I can count on one hand the number of promising girls I’ve found, let alone ones which lead to quality meets. I doubt I’ll bother resubscribing, I’ll just work through the handful of girls I have at the moment and then call it quits!
I’m with you on that. My month finished a few days back and it’s been extremely underwhelming. Worse than 2 years ago, didn’t think that was possible

Offline Danj89

I'm surprised to hear this when I used to live in Wiltshire majority of my meets were bristol uni students and it used to be quite easy to get them to train it,meet at the pub have good vibes and back to mine for a ppm . To be fair though this was up to mid 2019.

Offline madmania

I'm surprised to hear this when I used to live in Wiltshire majority of my meets were bristol uni students and it used to be quite easy to get them to train it,meet at the pub have good vibes and back to mine for a ppm . To be fair though this was up to mid 2019.

A lot has changed in those 5 years it seems  :hi:  It’s not that there’s not anyone good out there, just the ratio of gems to wasters is heavily skewed.

Offline Pawgylove

Can see how it would be different 2019 as that was pre lockdown when most would have probably been up for meeting up, as opposed to online/selling content.
Most on seeking dont reply anyway, but there are also really nice ones who are down to earth

Offline Danj89

Like I haven't been premium for ages as I got a stable long term one who can accommodate. But still like seeing what is out there and in the last 2/3 weeks it seems to be popping but the flake rate is so high it's unreal. Had two M&Gs planned today both cancelled. Another one lined up for Monday but chat gone a bit static so not getting my hopes up .

Offline Pawgylove

Yeah, a few new ones popped up in the last week, but def dont renew for that, especially if you have a decent long term

Offline PunterSthompson

I joined up to secret benefits after reading a thread on here.
After joining up I decided to read a second thread. Wish I read it first.
I have set approx 20 replies to people who initially messaged me and heard nothing.
Completely ignored.
I complained (like someone above) and had some credits refunded.
But I thinks it’s a bit of a scam. Polite, succinct messages which got me everywhere on seeking but nowhere here.
It’s a big thumbs down from me. 

Offline JoeFiddleSticks

I don't get that site.  I know some of the profiles are of real people but getting replies is almost impossible.  Occasionally on SA someone doesn't reply but on SB it seems 100 times worse.

Offline GoodLookinGuy

I think a lot are fake, the majority without a validation video. It also seems the site seems to generate fake messages from genuine accounts. Def something very shady with this site. The amount of times I received a message from someone that seemed keen, then sent a very inoffensive reply indicating I was interested, then got no further reply. Just all seemed odd.

Offline southcoastpunter

have you done a search on here?

if you did you will see that it has been discussed before - there was a huge thread on it last year by one member who did a LOT of research and analysis of the site*. worth read rather than starting another, almost duplicate thread!!

did you ever read back as suggested to:

lots and lots of comment and research there.

also as this is not a SW regional issue, i have moved this discussion to the national/general page for wider comment if anyone else wants to comment / add to it - but i would suggest that you read the previous thread first!

Offline ik8133

I took up Seeking's offer last year of a free hour, actually ended up getting a couple, had more success in that short spell of time, sending out messages with my WhatsApp number, than spending months on SB.

Offline Jazzy99

I tried Secret Benefits and WhatsYourPrice. Just put in £50 worth of credits on each. On SB I burned through the credits messaging ones I favourited and those who admired me. Only got one reply back. It seems scammy, designed to burn your credits with no real chance of meeting anyone.

WYP got a few replies selling me pictures and videos. But also ended up seeing someone though was platonic. Keen to try out SA and see what's that like.

Offline Al R

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If you get no replies to messages after girls have favourited or messaged it’s worth complaining to Secret benefits about the way things work on their site as you’ll likely receive a refund. I did after replying to their generic hard luck reply to my first email. I replied back questioning the authenticity of the site and they refunded me. They also closed my account but so what.

Offline Jazzy99

Honestly the site comes out as scammy. Even the verified videos, though authentic could simply be paid to read the one liner. The whole business model seems to be driven by burning your credits as quick as possible. With AI and shit sites like this only gonna get worse.

Offline Cheshuk

Just put in £50 worth of credits on each.

I subscribed to sugardaddymeet this month and sb, the former may be genuine but so few members and the latter get loads of messages a day (likely fake) I instantly delete as they're unattractive to me. Found 4 profiles that I like, but no replies.

I had read, to only message verified members, but due to limited attractive options/temptation.. only 1 member messaged was verified. The amount online at a time exceeds sa for my region, theres a lot about it that feels scammy but there have been legit sb's on there I've read around. 100% better options, but still got 60 credits so will play the lottery now and again if a decent profile pops up.

Offline Al R

  • Posts: 539
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Honestly the site comes out as scammy. Even the verified videos, though authentic could simply be paid to read the one liner. The whole business model seems to be driven by burning your credits as quick as possible. With AI and shit sites like this only gonna get worse.
And SB know it or they wouldn’t give out refunds so readily when they receive a complaint

Offline Jazzy99

And SB know it or they wouldn’t give out refunds so readily when they receive a complaint

Deactivated my profile from this site, shit don't sit right with me. You can't even "delete" your profile and once they got your CC you can't remove it. After watching the AM hack documentary on Netflix got me a bit nervous.

Offline Al R

  • Posts: 539
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Deactivated my profile from this site, shit don't sit right with me. You can't even "delete" your profile and once they got your CC you can't remove it. After watching the AM hack documentary on Netflix got me a bit nervous.
They deleted mine for me after they refunded me when I complained. What they did with the card details is another matter but ithe card has expired anyway

Offline southcoastpunter

Deactivated my profile from this site, shit don't sit right with me. You can't even "delete" your profile and once they got your CC you can't remove it. After watching the AM hack documentary on Netflix got me a bit nervous.

none of this should come as a surprise if you did what was suggested in reply 1 and 18. A member (vice admiral) did a lot of research which had previously pretty much proved what is being alleged / said on this thread. You could have saved yourself the bother!

And why not use something like a Revolut card - they do a virtual "one use only" card so it doesn't matter so much if they store it or it gets hacked etc.

Offline tazz

I subscribed to sugardaddymeet this month and sb, the former may be genuine but so few members and the latter get loads of messages a day (likely fake) I instantly delete as they're unattractive to me. Found 4 profiles that I like, but no replies.

I had read, to only message verified members, but due to limited attractive options/temptation.. only 1 member messaged was verified. The amount online at a time exceeds sa for my region, theres a lot about it that feels scammy but there have been legit sb's on there I've read around. 100% better options, but still got 60 credits so will play the lottery now and again if a decent profile pops up.

I subbed to sugar daddy meet yesterday. Messaged about 20 snd had a high response. On my profile placed a joke about sugar babby. Quite a few up for 300 a meet. A few wanting to go to telegram which tends to go no where. Others wanting 500 a meet. Got a 19 year old lined up for an overnight whose privately educated at 300 which suprised me. She's knew to this.

Offline Jazzy99

Well you gotta update us on how you get on.