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Author Topic: Premier inn summer sale 50,000 rooms for £25 from tomorrow  (Read 1545 times)


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Offline Jimmyredcab

These offers always sound good --------------- until you put in your dates and location, same with Travelodge.   :(


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As Jimmy says it is just marketing to get traffic onto their site. :rolleyes:

If they really wanted to help the customer they would advertise the available rooms by location and date. You would then click through the link which would take you to the room and then through to the payment. :dance:

In reality what happens is you spend a stupid amount of time using their search engine and I know despite trying many times I've never found a room at the advertised rate to suit my location/time. :angry:

But the public are there to be conned, so it's all ok  :hi:


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I'll check it out - I expect the Central London ones will be £100+ though.

I'm sure some people get good deals. I seem to be the mug who books last minute, pays through the nose, and is kept awake by a group of lads on the lash who got a cheap deal.  :sarcastic:

Offline Bangers and Gash

Prem Inn have become rip-off merchants. Everytime I try and get a quote the price jumps from and average advertised price of £49 up to £120+. Feck off, I'd rather sleep in my car than pay that.  :thumbsdown:

Offline hockogrockle

I've had some fantastic deals out of Travelodge by booking well in advance. But you have to be very flexible indeed about where you want to stay. If you are happy to stay at Stafford North services on the M6, or somewhere else in the middle of nowhere, then you will get a good price. Fairly useless for punting, though, unless you're just after some "post punt" shuteye.


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Many thanks on the info, will save a few bob

Offline AnthG

Can I just say thanks for this topic too. These premier inn discount topics are a godsend for me as in Newcastle all of them seem to drop down to £25 and its good for planning an in advance outcall.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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Travelodge are generally shite and I won't stay in them anymore. Premier inn tends to be my budget hotel of choice but when I'm away with work I've yet to get one of these cheap gigs. Last time I stayed in a premier inn and had a bird round off AW she left some of her fake tan on my duvet cover. Either that or I shat the bed while sleeping. Still I don't live there so what the fuck. Serves them right for scamming me out of £80. No one gets one over on me.

A bit like the time ford of Bridgend repaired my car (someone crashed into me and they were the insurers gig of choice). Claimed part of the damage was old and not caused by the accident so the bastards wouldn't do all the work. I went to pick the car up after a very busy day at work and was suffering from LDAC - long day arse crack - syndrome. Anyhow I got into some weird positions on the industrial estate on the way and liberally wiped my brown eye around the steering wheel of the curtesy car. I'm pretty sure after I returned the motor the valeters were never able to get rid of the smell of stale shit and the trainee technician came down with swamp fever after driving the car round the back with no gloves on. Anyway fuck em
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 05:42:28 pm by SirFrank »


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Found out yesterday that in away with work in September so check out premier inn and guess what? Full fucking price. What a load of shit

Offline Bangers and Gash

Found out yesterday that in away with work in September so check out premier inn and guess what? Full fucking price. What a load of shit

Exactly. It's all bullshit.

They were fairly cheap, once upon a time, but now they've got to pay Lenny Henry's wages they've started taking the piss.

Also, not having free wifi to scan for your next punt is a complete joke.  :wacko:

Offline Taggart

The rooms are just like train tickets and airline tickets - quota controlled.

Put simply, that means there are one or two for some, but not all hotels at the lowest price, then a couple more at the next band, after that you're heading towards rack rate. You seldom get cheap rooms in London as they can generally sell all they have.  As someone said it drives traffic to their site. That said, I have a room for next Wednesday in Grantham that cost £29. Shame there's no decent WGs nearby.

Train companies, airlines and hotels have complex yield management systems and help them make such offers, albeit with limitations.

And how do we really know they have 50,000 rooms?  I suspect it's all marketing bollocks.

@ bangers & gash - they give you 30 mins free wifi which is a really big deal. One way around the 30 mins is to use a second browser, and you can also try deleting cookies and data then use an alternative email to re-register. That way I've have a couple of hours free wifi from PI. Shit, given the game away.......