Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Scottish Marie Glasgow  (Read 1073 times)

4 review(s) for scottish marie (2 positive, 1 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Jock D

 External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only+

£60 30mins

In all honesty this was more of a plan G or H punt, due to a cancellation in my work diary, which allowed me the opportunity for a short notice punt. No one on my hot list was available or responding to my calls, so based on the profile pics I decided to try Marie and got through first time, however it wasn't actually her I spoke to it was her 'maid' pretending to be Marie, who took the booking and gave me the name of the street and the number in the Ibrox/Cessnock area. This senario immediately brought back memories of the early 1990's(I started young honestly!), and adverts in the Daily/Sunday Sport when I first started punting in flats around Glasgow, and all the flats had a 'maid'.

Anyway, decided just to go with it for auld times sake. Parked up, street is ok, and got a text with flat number, I was then greeted at the door by the sterotypical unattractive old maid and shown into the room, which was huge and a wee bit on the chilly side. Marie came in wearing the same dress/body stocking as in profile pics and paperwork was sorted. She is definitely a GILF rather than a MILF, in the 55-60 age range and has a face that could easily have worn out 2 bodies, her tits are fake(maid said they were natural), but they feel relatively realistic and overall her body is in good nick for her age and her hair looks like it should belong to someone half her age.

Started off with a massage, well actually a dry rub n tickle of the tackle, then some FK(not great) and fingering her pussy, before she tied up her hair, 'so I don't end up chewing it', for the oral finale. Now up until this point the whole experience had been pretty piss poor, but I have to say her oral skills were very impressive and enthusuiastic so much so that my planned facial finish turned into a scatter gun hiitting face, body and bed  :thumbsup:

All in all this punt was very much a blast from the past, the whole set up is from 20/25 years ago and I'm sure Marie was touting her tush back then too, in fact in retrospect her face seems vaguely familiar possibly from ether the St Enoch Club or the New Blythswood sauna?

However, we are now almost in 2016 and times have moved on and thanks to the internet and sites like UKP we as punters are better informed of who's out there and the plain truth is in my opinion there's better out there to choose from.