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Author Topic: Pimp Career  (Read 2549 times)


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Anyone ever applied to be a pimp? Or escort co-ordinator?

I have a postgraduate degree but getting frustrated looking for a job :angry:

Offline CatBBW

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Anyone ever applied to be a pimp? Or escort co-ordinator?

I have a postgraduate degree but getting frustrated looking for a job :angry:

You do realise it's illegal?

Why you so angry? Have you ever had a job? Did you work during uni? Easier to get a job if you're already in one than it is getting a job straight from uni/the dole.

What happened to the job you had a couple of years ago?

« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 01:36:39 pm by CatBBW »


  • Guest
Anyone ever applied to be a pimp? Or escort co-ordinator?

I have a postgraduate degree but getting frustrated looking for a job :angry:

I am not really sure why you think having a post grad degree is going to help unless its languages

more important would be the quality of your drug connection and how handy you can be with your fists


  • Guest
I am not really sure why you think having a post grad degree is going to help unless its languages

more important would be the quality of your drug connection and how handy you can be with your fists

+ 1


  • Guest
Anyone ever applied to be a pimp? Or escort co-ordinator?

I have a postgraduate degree but getting frustrated looking for a job :angry:

Who on earth do you make your application to? What a strange thread.

Perhaps you are like many of the thousands of graduates and post-graduates out there who are brilliant at regurgitating information to pass an exam, yet lack any other discernible skills?


  • Guest
Who on earth do you make your application to? What a strange thread.

Perhaps you are like many of the thousands of graduates and post-graduates out there who are brilliant at regurgitating information to pass an exam, yet lack any other discernible skills?

once again another +1


  • Guest
Strange, but atleast it's something different from your typical Romanian prosie bashing threads

Looks like ive been sold the 'get a good degree = good job'

Yeah I did work before , but wanting to change direction into more relevant to my degree.

Pimping sounds good, just like a recruitment consultant or estate agent....but for escorts

How am I supposed to get discernible skill, without a job to gain that skill?


  • Guest

How am I supposed to get discernible skill, without a job to gain that skill?

Ignoring the rest, this the classic Catch 22.

Get an internship, ok no/little money, but you get some experience. And fight like mad for the position you want. If it's degree/PhD related then you must have picked up transferable skills. If not you're a retard who doesn't deserve the job.

And the job centre (or whatever they're called these days) can get you lined up with various things to help, even if you don't qualify for dole money.


  • Guest
No offence and all that but you sound like a right Mug and people have taken advantage of your stupidity, anyway moving forward I think I can help you, I have these magic beans that will grow into money trees, an dyou can simply pick your income off the trees as and when you need it.

PM me if you're interested  :hi:

Looks like ive been sold the 'get a good degree = good job'

I have a postgraduate degree but getting frustrated looking for a job


  • Guest
No offence and all that but you sound like a right Mug and people have taken advantage of your stupidity, anyway moving forward I think I can help you, I have these magic beans that will grow into money trees, an dyou can simply pick your income off the trees as and when you need it.

PM me if you're interested  :hi:

ignore the. magic beans dont exist. but i can invest £1000 for you and make it grow tenfold in a month. pm me and i can tell you where to send the cheque. oh, which university did you go to and what was you degree in


  • Guest

ignore the above. magic beans dont exist. but i can invest £1000 for you and make it grow tenfold in a month. pm me and i can tell you where to send the cheque. oh, which university did you go to and what was you degree in

Offline fairfield

None of the WGs i've met ever used the word pimp - they are all respectable "agents" now. Except for the Thai and Chinese  who insisted on the term "friend.
But aren't pple being too negative? Why cant Jvosta apply to be an "intern" at a brothel - surely no pay = not illegal? - and then work his way up?
And if the constant whingeing by prossies on AW about stop asking to be their drivers or photographers is anywhere near true - there must be dozens of applicants like himself everyday.
Oh, the dreams of youth - Jvosta, the worlds your lobster, go for it!   


  • Guest
I think some of you are pulling my leg

Offline Horizontal pleasures

You will have to be prepared to screw a number of immigrant ladies bareback before they start work in earnest, as part of their training.


  • Guest
You will have to be prepared to screw a number of immigrant ladies bareback before they start work in earnest, as part of their training.

You've been rumbled HP or should i call you Sergei Pleasures....


  • Guest
Anyone ever applied to be a pimp? Or escort co-ordinator?

I have a postgraduate degree but getting frustrated looking for a job :angry:

1. What is your undergraduate and postgraduate degree in, and why are you struggling to find a job suited to your academic qualifications?

2. What makes you think being frustrated and unemployed makes you a suitable pimp? Do you know any pimps or know what the job entails? Do you have an aptitude for it?

I've known some punters who've moved into the service side of the industry in the belief they can do a better job. That's not surprising since majority of WG can be better managed. But they got in by being a frequent punter and getting to know people in the trade, are you prepared to put in this effort and spend the money being unemployed? If not, how are you going to build your stable, will you hand out cards to girls in the clubs?
Best way forward is to gain some work experience, rent yourself out as a gigolo.

Offline cueball

How am I supposed to get discernible skill, without a job to gain that skill?

Easy, apply at jeopardy

I were reading the other day that there are over a thousand jobs there.

Offline Marmalade

I think some of you are pulling my leg
And I think you are either totally full of shit or totally lacking in the slightest bit of worldly common sense.

Offline stevedave

Pimping sounds good

It doesn't. It really doesn't!!

This ain't the job centre, but maybe you should go to grad degrees tend to equal a job in "research" in my experience.

Failing that, just train to be a teacher, that's what loads of people I went to uni with did. All those holidays, lucky bastards

Offline fairfield

totally lacking in the slightest bit of worldly common sense.
Isn't that the definition of a student?
And don't jobcentres send girls to strip clubs? (- in my day the labour exchange was never so racy,just sad shuffling old men in flat caps.) But shdn't these days of equal opportunity for all mean its Jvosta's yuman rite to be helped into the 'entertainment' industry? 


  • Guest
Isn't that the definition of a student?
And don't jobcentres send girls to strip clubs? (- in my day the labour exchange was never so racy,just sad shuffling old men in flat caps.) But shdn't these days of equal opportunity for all mean its Jvosta's yuman rite to be helped into the 'entertainment' industry?

love it. pishing masel :lol:


  • Guest
Sure there is money to be made being a pimp/whoremaster or whatever title you want to use
But do you realise the amount of shit you would have to deal with trying to establish the business
Everything from the authorities, pro$$ie’s, rival businesses trying to fuck things up, and criminal gangs wanting control/a cut,
Just A myriad of dodgy immoral types will all try and take advantage .a potential quagmire.

Putting aside morals, if it was easy hassle free money every fucking body would probably do it,
just look at some of the new parlours/clubs that spring up they usually don’t last long

Not only would you need a conniving business mind, contacts, a certain amount of money to begin with,
but also people behind, and in front of you, plus some willing to carry out violence if need be
.as it could come down to my gang is bigger/ more ruthless than yours at certain times
and not forgetting gift of the gab can go a long way in talking yourself out of trouble etc.

Since you had to ask such a silly question on here, would suggest to me that you stick to punting,
otherwise you could find yourself seriously regretting trying your hand at pimping :hi:


  • Guest
Yeah I did work before , but wanting to change direction into more relevant to my degree.

You'll how to come clean and tell us what kind of degree is pimping more relevant to. Did you take a MBA in entrepreneurship with a module on pimping?

Pimping sounds good, just like a recruitment consultant or estate agent....

Perhaps there are elements in common but these are legal professions in which it is not difficult to find an entry-level position. Pimping is a criminal activity and you will be dealing with criminals. If you have no past experience as a criminal and think it is easy, go watch Walter White's misadventures in Breaking Bad.

Offline punk

Strange, but atleast it's something different from your typical Romanian prosie bashing threads

Looks like ive been sold the 'get a good degree = good job'

Yeah I did work before , but wanting to change direction into more relevant to my degree.

Pimping sounds good, just like a recruitment consultant or estate agent....but for escorts

How am I supposed to get discernible skill, without a job to gain that skill?

Correct Education is not about quality,its all about Quantity and how much money they can make out of you.Like Prostitution,its a business pure and simple,with slick marketing.And it is all legal.


  • Guest
they let almost anyone in to uni nowadays and folk who are as thick as mince get a degree.


  • Guest
No offence and all that but you sound like a right Mug and people have taken advantage of your stupidity, anyway moving forward I think I can help you, I have these magic beans that will grow into money trees, an dyou can simply pick your income off the trees as and when you need it.

PM me if you're interested  :hi:

James those magic beans you gave me still haven't grown and i been watering them for a year.

don't fall for it op  :scare:
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 12:20:37 am by Ben4454 »

Offline mf_1101

Only postgraduate degree OP has is in trolling.


  • Guest
James those magic beans you gave me still haven't grown and i been watering them for a year.

don't fall for it op

Thats because you've not paid me, till you pay they don't grow, why not sell them on to the OP at double the price  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
It doesn't. It really doesn't!!

This ain't the job centre, but maybe you should go to grad degrees tend to equal a job in "research" in my experience.

Failing that, just train to be a teacher, that's what loads of people I went to uni with did. All those holidays, lucky bastards

Those who can't, teach!  :D