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Author Topic: new to punting questions  (Read 1140 times)


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Hi, this is my first post on these forums and as to date I've never paid for any sexual services, in fact I've only ever had one sexual partner for 7 years but that ended, and I'm really not interested in dating women but like all men I still get an insatiable urge to have sex with beautiful women. My flatmate told me that he had once paid for sex and said it had been great because he could completely be himself, he knew who she was and why she was there and she knew exactly why he was there and there was no need for any bullshit chit chat pretending to be interested in one another like they might be wanting to start a relationship, just some good sex and good bye. So I thought I'd like to give it a try and came across this site, mainly because of the reviews for girls on AW.

So first does anyone have any recommendations for a good first timer in Sheffield/Leeds areas? (I was thinking about Suzie best or sweetascandii) one thing I'd like to know is does anyone know of many girls that are completely independent? I'd mainly like a woman that chooses to do this for herself if it was through a pimp or agency I'd always be concerned they might be being strong armed into it against their wishes.

2nd is anyone on here concerned about STIs? I'm quite a health/hygenie conscious person and I want to protect myself and the girls I'm with from infection, but whilst most girls on AW do say they don't do bareback for that reason those same girls and a lot of the guys on here seem to be very keen on OWO and CIM and FK which I can appreciate are all great for sexual experiences but just as open to infection spreading as barebacking is.

Also any major does and donts in the punting world? I guess there must be a few first timer threads on ukp?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 08:12:23 pm by leadstar »


  • Guest
I don't believe OWO,CIM or FK ( most certainly) are anywhere near the STI risk factor of BB. I speak as a punter with 28 years' experience enjoyment of all the foregoing.

You ask for recommendations then throw in 2 WGs you are considering

I may seem a tad cynical..........but something doesn't quite ring true about this post


  • Guest
That's a fair comment, I was asking for recommendations because I've not got any experience, but the 2 girls I listed have got positive reviews on here which is why I mentioned them, but I don't know if they'd be good for a first timer, isince I don't really know what I'm doing.

Offline Matium

That's a fair comment, I was asking for recommendations because I've not got any experience, but the 2 girls I listed have got positive reviews on here which is why I mentioned them, but I don't know if they'd be good for a first timer, i since I don't really know what I'm doing.

You've never had sex !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're a virgin?


  • Guest
Don't know what I'm doing when it comes to approaching wgs and paying for sex, I said I've had 1 sexual partner of 7 years, and for personal reasons I'm not interested in dating anymore I'd sooner try out paid sex and see if it is more to my liking

Offline johncee83

I don't really know what I'm doing.

Pick a prossie, search on here for favourable reviews etc, phone her and arrange  a time, turn up, pay her and pump her then away ya go!

Offline Stalinator

Pick a prossie, search on here for favourable reviews etc, phone her and arrange  a time, turn up, pay her and pump her then away ya go!

That is pretty much all there is to punting.


  • Guest
You might want to use the search function to your advantage and get savvy on the most cutting edge punting scams working girls can use but apart from that it is straight forward.

But the jist of it is

1. Never pay the girl unless she is with you in the room ( No paying random girls outside of the venue)

2. Never give working girls deposits on line.

3. Never give the working girl your exact location position before the punt while you're waiting for that call for her to tell you her flat number etc
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 09:09:55 pm by Ben4454 »


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Do you ever get stung very often with girls just grabbing the money and leaving? Also areif you pay for an hour gfe and you finish early into it do girls typically expect it to be over or is it OK to pop a few times in the hour?


  • Guest
Do you ever get stung very often with girls just grabbing the money and leaving? Also areif you pay for an hour gfe and you finish early into it do girls typically expect it to be over or is it OK to pop a few times in the hour?

It is rare but it does happen. Always pay the working girl when she is in the bedroom or in yours. If she says she wants to give the cash to her driver first then you should simply walk away and don't risk it.

You should probably clarify if she does more than one pop over the phone. Always clarify the services you want both over the phone and in person before handing over the cash. If you get any bad vibes at all then simply leave with this line ''I forgot my wallet be back in a bit'  - if the working girl wants to rip you off it is better to just listen to your head not your dick and just go to your plan B

- Another tip when you first meet the girl before handing over the cash you could come up close and kiss her on the cheek and see what kind of reaction you get. If its a pissed off 'no no  you give me the money first then you know you're in for a bad punt..

There is another scam that some working girls 'boyfriends' will enter the house and pretend to have a argument and then get you to leave. This is just a scam and they are robbing you. I haven't really found any solutions to getting out of this scam atm..
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 09:21:02 pm by Ben4454 »


  • Guest
Cheers, that was exactly the kind of advice I was looking for

Offline Wowgeek

So, new to punting but seem to have very easily assimilated the jargon. Have enough savvy to find two well reviewed girls in your area but not enough savvy to find the countless 'newbie' threads that would answer all your questions.

Just wondering.


  • Guest
Probably not after all of these security based advice responses but I think they are absolutely necessary to know when people first get into this game.

Also when first turning up to the location spend a minute casing the area and looking out for suspicious figures hanging out in cars and looking dodgy. Probably not necessary but quickly plan a escape route in your head in case you need to get out of there and back to your car as soon as possible. in the event the boyfriend scam has been used on you - don't hang around to find out if she is telling the truth - your safety is paramount.

Offline fettish008

Just go for it.i was nervous the first time but it was the best thing I've ever done.

Offline NIK

Hi, this is my first post on these forums and as to date I've never paid for any sexual services, in fact I've only ever had one sexual partner for 7 years but that ended, and I'm really not interested in dating women but like all men I still get an insatiable urge to have sex with beautiful women. My flatmate told me that he had once paid for sex and said it had been great because he could completely be himself, he knew who she was and why she was there and she knew exactly why he was there and there was no need for any bullshit chit chat pretending to be interested in one another like they might be wanting to start a relationship, just some good sex and good bye. So I thought I'd like to give it a try and came across this site, mainly because of the reviews for girls on AW.

So first does anyone have any recommendations for a good first timer in Sheffield/Leeds areas? (I was thinking about Suzie best or sweetascandii) one thing I'd like to know is does anyone know of many girls that are completely independent? I'd mainly like a woman that chooses to do this for herself if it was through a pimp or agency I'd always be concerned they might be being strong armed into it against their wishes.

2nd is anyone on here concerned about STIs? I'm quite a health/hygenie conscious person and I want to protect myself and the girls I'm with from infection, but whilst most girls on AW do say they don't do bareback for that reason those same girls and a lot of the guys on here seem to be very keen on OWO and CIM and FK which I can appreciate are all great for sexual experiences but just as open to infection spreading as barebacking is.

Also any major does and donts in the punting world? I guess there must be a few first timer threads on ukp?

Just for you.;topicseen#msg131966
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 10:59:11 pm by NIK »