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Author Topic: Having a WG girlfriend  (Read 5406 times)

Offline Matium

Could you cope with having a WG girlfriend?

Would you be able to accept what she does or would jealousy get the better of you?

Offline Daffodil

Depends how you're defining girlfriend. If it's in regards a relationship that is going somewhere then no, but "not coping" isn't the term I'd use for kicking her into touch. It's not a situation I'd be agonising other, trying to make the best of it.

However if we're referring to something non-serious, just a fuck-buddy type of thing, then I wouldn't have a problem with it.


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Most "boyfriends" of pro$$ies are more interested in the £££££ they bring in and as such jelousy is not a factor, and of course they can spend the money she earns shagging other pro$$ies   :hi:

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

I don't think itd bother me unless something happened like she got beat up by a violent prick, at which point id probably partially blame myself.

Offline HappyandLucky

WG as girlfriend would become nothing but a head fuck. You will either get jealous or not give a shit about her so why see her anyway. I have had a WG that turned into a fuck buddy. Obvious benefits but even as a fuck buddy I and she could both get jealous, so we had drifted towards girlfriend  :dash:   free fucks were ended after a right bust up over me being caught fucking another Prossie who it turned out was mates with my fuck buddy. I did tell my fuck buddy that we did not meet in a Library as i paid her for sex in the early days. Seemed for her it was ok to fuck others as this was her job but went mental when she found out i was continuing with my hobby.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

So where do the retired Ladies go?.

Suppose its which way the wind blows;-?..

Offline dandaley

 having been in swinging scene in the past with long term gf wouldn't bother me in the slightest as with swinging its not emotional it's just physical and she's making money too.

Offline Stiltskin

Seemed for her it was ok to fuck others as this was her job but went mental when she found out i was continuing with my hobby.

The difference was, you were enjoying it. Most prossies are numb from the waist down with their punters.

Offline SamLP

Weird question. It all depends on how emotionally attached you are to her, or whether the £££ mean much more. Funnily enough, one WG tried to convince me to become a pimp as it was good money when we were discussing jobs.


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I'd be fine as long as she was prepared to put the hours in, I got a decent cut of the takings, and always got the first pump in.

I'd be bit like most whore "boyfriends" then I suppose  ;)


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Plenty of  swingers do it for free

I see no difference

Offline akauya

Most "boyfriends" of pro$$ies are more interested in the £££££ they bring in and as such jelousy is not a factor, and of course they can spend the money she earns shagging other pro$$ies   :hi:

Isn't this what Mr Divine used to do?   :D


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I don't know. I went for lunch with an ex of mine who became a stripper, with the girls she worked with. Two of them brought there boyfriends, and both the guys were plain, dull, short guys who had jobs that paid well. I suppose they both got something out of it, the girls had a guy that paid for everything and adored them, the guys had a girl who (looks wise) was well out of there league.

I'm guessing that WG boyfriends are similar. If she was well out of your league, more interesting, etc then yeah you might be okay with it. But if it was a girl who was average, I don't think it would last.

If the relationship became serious, then there would be a big issue to deal with. If it were me, the girl would have to me a lot smarter than me. And we'd be moving to Vienna after we got married.


  • Guest
I've got no idea if I'd cope or not but I'd give it a good go for the right girl (probably a part timer with a real job too).  If they carried on workng then I'd get to carry on punting, depending how we were doing for money and whether I wanted to or not.  It would mean I didn't have to hide my punting history from my girlfriend forever and ever and ever and that I'd get a GF who liked lots of sex, but then if it goes wrong and you have a bad break up they might tell all your friends and family you punt.  Tricky one.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Could you cope with having a WG girlfriend?

Would you be able to accept what she does or would jealousy get the better of you?

What about you? Do you have an opinion? Why do you ask?

I could not cope with having a girlfriend, end of whether on the game or not.

Offline Misty

I could. I am into the cuckolding thing and would find it a turn on. I tried to persuade my partner awhile ago to try it but she wasn't playing

Online finn5555

Isn't this what Mr Divine used to do?   :D

He did and probably still does  :sarcastic: the blokes a cunt but with a Mrs like his you can hardly blame him  :drinks: he only stays with her for the ££££ I'm sure  :hi:

Offline CoolTiger

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Only if I got to fuck her bareback, first thing in the morning AND last thing at night..... and she allowed the first punter to lick her out   :scare:

CT grabs his jacket

Offline HappyandLucky

I've got no idea if I'd cope or not but I'd give it a good go for the right girl (probably a part timer with a real job too).  If they carried on workng then I'd get to carry on punting, depending how we were doing for money and whether I wanted to or not.  It would mean I didn't have to hide my punting history from my girlfriend forever and ever and ever and that I'd get a GF who liked lots of sex, but then if it goes wrong and you have a bad break up they might tell all your friends and family you punt.  Tricky one.
As I answered earlier, in my case and i think in the majority these are not to be and one or all get head fucked. Unless both parties agree the rules and what they want it ends up messy. I entered the arena thinking free fuck buddy. Perhaps both of us wanted more but For me I could never get too close to a prossie and would never have wanted to settle down with to build a future. Too much history to deal with and you'd have to be big enough to forget everything and start again. When I was challenged about seeing another prossie, it was like being caught by a wife. Enough said. Best to pay ur way and keep punting and normal life separate. WG as girlfriend no way, even as fuck buddy there were too many complications.


  • Guest
Could you cope with having a WG girlfriend?

Would you be able to accept what she does or would jealousy get the better of you?

I could never accept a WG girlfriend.

A woman nobbing several guys a day isn't really my type of girlfriend  :vomit:


  • Guest
It will never work. I had a relationship with a WG and although she gave up escorting to get a 'proper' job the difference in income was something she couldn't get used to. Eventually after much discussion we broke up and she eventually left her real job to go back to escorting.

May have also been my fault because it's one thing to fuck an ex WG for a year or 2 but settling down to have kids/marriage is a whole different game. I certainly wasn't prepared to do that with her so we really had nowhere to go and although it ended amicably we agreed that there was too much baggage to go forward with the relationship. Fun while it lasted but really not a long-term proposition in any way.

Offline ashleynotts

I was with my ex girlfriend for 3 years and for 2 and a half of those she was working as a cammer, that was bad enough.


  • Guest
It will never work. I had a relationship with a WG and although she gave up escorting to get a 'proper' job the difference in income was something she couldn't get used to. Eventually after much discussion we broke up and she eventually left her real job to go back to escorting.

May have also been my fault because it's one thing to fuck an ex WG for a year or 2 but settling down to have kids/marriage is a whole different game. I certainly wasn't prepared to do that with her so we really had nowhere to go and although it ended amicably we agreed that there was too much baggage to go forward with the relationship. Fun while it lasted but really not a long-term proposition in any way.
That's got to be the key analysis, hasn't it? - "It's not surprising I feel so shit about you, you used to be WG ..."


  • Guest
Could you cope with having a WG girlfriend?

Would you be able to accept what she does or would jealousy get the better of you?

No way...and, yes, I would be a jealous bastard. I ain't that perfect  :(

Offline MDB72

Once emotions enter a relationship things get complicated. I can only imagine that it would be immensely difficult having a WG as a partner. I would be more worried about their safety than anything else.
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Once emotions enter a relationship things get complicated. I can only imagine that it would be immensely difficult having a WG as a partner. I would be more worried about their safety than anything else.

Odd thing is most violence pro$$ies experience tends to be from their partner / pimp  :music:


  • Guest
What a crazy idea.

I can't think of anything positive, but loads of negatives.

nova painted floozie

  • Guest
I've got no idea if I'd cope or not but I'd give it a good go for the right girl (probably a part timer with a real job too).  If they carried on workng then I'd get to carry on punting, depending how we were doing for money and whether I wanted to or not.  It would mean I didn't have to hide my punting history from my girlfriend forever and ever and ever and that I'd get a GF who liked lots of sex, but then if it goes wrong and you have a bad break up they might tell all your friends and family you punt.  Tricky one.
I think this would b the way to do it if you did do it. Have an open relationship and be totally honest with each other. If jealousy rears it's ugly head, acknowledge it and work through it.
If you had a bad break up though, surely neither of you would break out the ammo in case the other one did?

Offline Matium

I think if you meet a WG and form a relationship with her when you know perfectly well what she does for a living then you passively have to accept what she does.

I wouldn't want to know what she did during the day and would set rules, namely that her activities are not talked about and I would give up visiting all punting forums since to read reviews on what she actually does would kill me.

I would also not touch a penny of the money she'd make as that, to me, would be tainted money so I'd rather not know about it.

Ignorance would be bliss in having a WG as a girlfriend.


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I think if you meet a WG and form a relationship with her when you know perfectly well what she does for a living then you passively have to accept what she does.

I think it goes beyond being passive. You have to actively accept it until such time as it becomes second nature. It takes a lot of work I reckon and requires a lot of love and trust, let alone having to deal with jealousy, which is probably the most destructive human failing of all. 

She is going to fuck guys who satisfy her better than you do and the risks are that much higher emotionally, physically and health wise.  Can someone show me any upside here?


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She is going to fuck guys who satisfy her better than you do and the risks are that much higher emotionally, physically and health wise.  Can someone show me any upside here?


You'd have to have very low self esteem to get yourself into a situation like that.

Offline Daffodil


You'd have to have very low self esteem to get yourself into a situation like that.

That's my thought.


  • Guest
If you had a bad break up though, surely neither of you would break out the ammo in case the other one did?

Yes that's how it would work in theory, if everyone behaves reasonably.  But ex partners who feel scorned (jealous or desperate ex BFs included) don't always act reasonably or discretely following break ups. 

Offline tazz

This topic has been debated on here a number of times, some guys whove done this have said that the prossie didnt have much sex with them as she was knackerd from all the sex shed been having. I also once met a prossie who told me she had a boyfriend who was married so she only saw him once a week, hed been a punter. She wasnt happy with him being married despite working 5 to 6 days a week.

nova painted floozie

  • Guest
She is going to fuck guys who satisfy her better than you do...

Doubtful. Real life sex is always tons better than work sex as you can get what you want out of it too rather than having to be completely focussed on the guy's pleasure.


  • Guest
She is going to fuck guys who satisfy her better than you do

I think you must be a bit fluffy mate! When a pro$$ie tells you "oh baby, you're the best" and "you make me cum everytime" etc etc...she is just flattering your ego.


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No, because whores attract drama and I can't stand drama.

A new world

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I started a thread similar to this last year and the more I think about it the more I think this would be the worst idea ever, I mean really do you really want to date someone whose sole purpose is to fuck for money? How could you ever trust them or wonder what goes on during work hours? In fact it wouldn't be the fucking that bothered me it would be the after talking and in between meeting texting that would wind me up.

Call me old fashioned I could handle my girlfriend getting fucked by other men or even watch her but the thought of anything social would drive me insane.


  • Guest
Doubtful. Real life sex is always tons better than work sex as you can get what you want out of it too rather than having to be completely focussed on the guy's pleasure.

Posts on SAAFE suggest otherwise. But the point is that the boyfriend will suspect that is the case and just adds to self inflicted suffering.


  • Guest
Doubtful. Real life sex is always tons better than work sex as you can get what you want out of it too rather than having to be completely focussed on the guy's pleasure.

I don't doubt real life sex for professional sex workers is amazing but as a punter I've found quite the opposite.  I'm hoping more civvy women my age have a clue what they're doing now I'm got older.  Also unless a WG is willing to do DFK, rim me, pee on me, deep throat me, take a facial, do a particular position I like, let me tie them up or squirt in my mouth (I won't add my whole likes list and bucket list), they really shouldn't bother trying to focus on my pleasure because it'll take too long to explain everything and try out all the options during tic toc tic toc.  The best WGs convince you they're having a good time too.

nova painted floozie

  • Guest
I mean really do you really want to date someone whose sole purpose is to fuck for money?
They do have a life outside of their job just like everyone else does. If you meet someone whose job is a very small part of their life and they do lots of other thyngs as well then hopefully you stop thinking of them as 'just a WG' and start thinking of them as a rock-climber/cat owner/avid sci-fi fan/nail artist/WG/baker of the most amazing strawberry cheesecake/spider phobic/Spanish speaking brilliant person who you really like.

But the point is that the boyfriend will suspect that is the case and just adds to self inflicted suffering.

That particular boyfriend either has to deal with these feelings and leave them behind or just accept that he personally is not able to date WGs.

Also unless a WG is willing to do DFK, rim me, pee on me, deep throat me, take a facial, do a particular position I like, let me tie them up or squirt in my mouth (I won't add my whole likes list and bucket list), they really shouldn't bother trying to focus on my pleasure because it'll take too long to explain everything and try out all the options during tic toc tic toc.

The best solution to this is to tell them at the tyme of booking what you want (just list those thyngs right there) then you don't waste tyme explaining it during tyme you are paying for. Do a few of them every tyme you book - presumably you already do this.
The bit in red sounds odd. What would they be focussing on if not the pleasure of the punter?

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

"Doubtful. Real life sex is always tons better than work sex as you can get what you want out of it too rather than having to be completely focussed on the guy's pleasure".

Dunno Floozie, the fun for me is getting the woman I'm with to have a good time, the logic is if she's having a good thime, then I will be having a good time too:)

Thats of course if shes not one of the Romans round this way, don't touch, no kissing, no fingers anwyhere and no nothing else either;!..


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What would they be focussing on if not the pleasure of the punter?

I don't know right now, I'm not sure what goes through the minds of the best girls whether they're erotic, sensual companions or filthy little sluts.  And you never know what the dynamic will be between you both, communicating in advance is always helpful though, I just don't know at what stage into the emailing and confirming the services/price, I should decide and write down what I want in a way that's appealing to her too - generally it's more important to keep comms going so they don't think you're a time waster.  Best to just focus on being in the moment?  I like to be used, but I know sometimes it's asking a bit much.  If I just wanted to cum I'd stay at home.  Come to think of it I've had a couple of bookings where the WG didn't focus on much at all (apart from maybe the clock) so focussing on the pleasure of the punter is a pretty good place to start.  One of them was just quite happy to lie back and bend over and take it which I didn't mind at all because of the lack of pretence and it was good value, but she's not popular with everyone else.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 08:29:41 am by JV547845 »