Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Olivia - Queensbury (Now Surrey)  (Read 1562 times)

16 review(s) for Olivia* (16 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Tony_Red

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I have a short window available tonight to publish some reviews for some recent punts.

Overall, my best punt of 2015. Will keep it short as she has many reviews.
Place: (Now old) place in Queensbury. Looked a bit shit from outside, but perfectly fine inside. She’s a smart cookie as she said she prefers to pay for a cheaper pad and pocket the savings than shell out for a fancy place.
Looks: Solid 8-8.5/10 face and body – rare combination. Gorgeous beaming smile, lovely eyes. Dressed to impress and lovely soft speech. I would say her ages is early 30’s but can pull off younger. She makes you feel good and offers a perfect GFE. Photos have been ‘glossed over’ but it is the girl in the pics. Taller than the average girl.

Plenty of FK all over, Great OWO. Even during the OWO she positions herself in a way so you can have a play with her. Responsive to RO but not over-doing it. Good Sex. Allowed fingers and was very clean. No rush to move you after popping.
Paid £130/hr.

She keeps an eye on the time and told me when we had 10mins left. I believe the same ‘management’ looks after her and a few other girls. I have previously visited Elena who gives the same care and attention as Olivia (perhaps more so), but I fancied Olivia more.

Would I return? Yes, but I don’t see our paths crossing as she has now moved to Surrey. I’m in no rush to drive that far as there are still plenty of ladies to see that are closer.

Offline Kocky

Did you manage to get CIM swallow?


  • Guest
From recent experience she is no longer offering this as her braces chafe and can make her mouth bleed - risk of infection. 


Offline Tony_Red

Yep, no CIM.

I can only cim if the WG s very good at OWO. Olivia's was good but it wasn't enough to make me cum.

Offline Kocky

I'm not sure some people seem to still get the service