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Author Topic: Love for Sale with Rupert Everett - Channel 4  (Read 20368 times)

Offline socks

  When will these stupid twats realise that will never stop it, merely drive it ever more underground and make it increasingly dangerous for the women they are allegedly trying to protect.  :angry:

...and indeed when will these stupid twats realise that their morality isn't the only morality. I see absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with anyone choosing to sell sex, or buy sex. There's plenty wrong with forced labour, trafficking, exploitation, pimps, abuse and slavery but that's got nothing to do with prostitution, other than the fact that it exists in the industry, to a greater or lesser extent than it exists in every industry. We are all prostitutes. We only differ by that of ourselves which we are willing or able to sell.  :dash:

Who'd like the soap box now?

Offline Jimmyredcab

Just finished watching it.

Firstly I actually didn't know Rupert Everett before. I'd heard of his name, but didn't know him. He's certainly posh!

To be honest I found it a bit boring.

I turned off when he got talking to the tranny hookers in France.     :vomit:


  • Guest
Well Jimmy you missed a good programme I thought.

Who is the woman in Exeter(?) who claims to orgasm with each client-would like to meet her-what does she charge?

And who is the Brazilian at £700ph-can she possibly be worth it-even for those with money to burn?


  • Guest
Just watched it with my wife. She wanted someone to talk to about R. Everett's botox and cosmetic surgery.

Well, better that than "How come you know so much about prostitutes?"

Offline maxQ

there is no way she is making 700 an hour

Offline Johny Stone

she had blisters and was a bit hairy..

Offline Jimmyredcab

Well Jimmy you missed a good programme I thought.

He also came out with statistics that he had no way of proving ----------------- he said that 15% of UK pro$$ies work off the streets -------------- there are no records kept of how many pro$$ies are in the industry.    :crazy:

Tony Montana

  • Guest

Who is the woman in Exeter(?) who claims to orgasm with each client-would like to meet her-what does she charge?

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External Link/Members Only

Offline akauya

I liked one thing Rupert said near the end of the programme, that sex has always been sold, even in marriages. That is very true, sex has been used as a commodity throughout history and in all walks of life. A lot of people tend to ignore that fact.

I'm looking forward to the next episode about punters... oh by the way Hi Rupert, I bet you're been reading this forum, or at least your researchers have ;)

Offline valdishere

Just watched on Ch4+1 playback.

Agree with NIK not overly impressed and when at end the Irish bint who whored herself for 7 years now is a sanctimonious cunt.

She now wants the so called stigmatism of suppressed women righted by criminalising the men who pay these often devious scheming ladies who don't always give great service but later cry wolf if anyone dare complain.

I'll give next weeks show a look but it will need to improve greatly to keep my attention and interest.


  • Guest
The fool from Dublin is Rachel Moran. Claims to have worked the scene there but others don't recall her being around when she says she was.

Offline NIK

The fool from Dublin is Rachel Moran. Claims to have worked the scene there but others don't recall her being around when she says she was.

Her fucking accent would be enough to put me off!  :scare:

Rochdull lad

  • Guest

External Link/Members Only

I love the way this one's website says she's "Sex worker of the year, 2013"!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Who awarded that title?!

I've not seen the programme yet [fell asleep on the sofa before it began! :wacko:]; will catch it on 4OD later this week.


  • Guest
I love the way this one's website says she's "Sex worker of the year, 2013"!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Who awarded that title?!

External Link/Members Only

Offline mcardle464

I thought it was a good programme.  The audience for this isn't us punters.  It is the general public, many of whom think most sex workers are the drug-addled coarse sluts of popular discourse. That is what allows the new puritans like the Irish woman on the show, and more importantly the authoritarian legislators to try to impose their rules on this activity.

It is a battle between the likes of "belle de jour" and the Mary Whitehouses of today and we ought to be appreciative of an attempt to show the reality.

Offline CBPaul

I thought it was entertaining, Rupert Everett can clearly speak with experience and authority and is plain talking and very matter of fact, unlike the titillating programmes recently by the Stacy bird and the other one. - so memorable that I can't remember her name.

At least it tried to explore as many different types of prostitute in a short amount of time - the type most of us partake in plus street girls, high class, gay, tranny and so on. It's an important distinction to make and the Irish girl at the end, if she had really been on the game, evidently started young and would no doubt have been coerced / forced. She's a classic example of people thinking that all prossies are trafficked, groomed, forced and so on.

Offline YouOnlyLiveOnce

Given that only an estimated 15% of British prostitutes are streetwalkers, I think they had maybe too much airtime.  Abolitionists like to claim that former "happy hookers" like Brooke Magnanti are "unrepresentative" whereas it's actually the streetwalkers who are unrepresentative of most prostitutes.

But I expect the second programme will be better in that regard.  The focus will be on clients, and I doubt that manny who pick up streetwalkers will be available for interview, so I expect to see more guys like us: clients of indies and parlours etc.

I just hope there's a good selection, including those for whom punting is the only alternative to involuntary celibacy (those in sexless marriages, and the disabled).  That would help get the message across that prostitutes provide a useful service to society.


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Offline akauya

I thought it was a good programme.  The audience for this isn't us punters.  It is the general public, many of whom think most sex workers are the drug-addled coarse sluts of popular discourse. That is what allows the new puritans like the Irish woman on the show, and more importantly the authoritarian legislators to try to impose their rules on this activity.

It is a battle between the likes of "belle de jour" and the Mary Whitehouses of today and we ought to be appreciative of an attempt to show the reality.

I thought it was entertaining, Rupert Everett can clearly speak with experience and authority and is plain talking and very matter of fact, unlike the titillating programmes recently by the Stacy bird and the other one. - so memorable that I can't remember her name.

At least it tried to explore as many different types of prostitute in a short amount of time - the type most of us partake in plus street girls, high class, gay, tranny and so on. It's an important distinction to make and the Irish girl at the end, if she had really been on the game, evidently started young and would no doubt have been coerced / forced. She's a classic example of people thinking that all prossies are trafficked, groomed, forced and so on.

Well said gentlemen; that was my take on the programme too but I was waiting for someone to say it for me :D


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Offline mcardle464

@ pierrot

thanks for that, it does seem to point to Rachel Moran making things up to suit her agenda. I recommend people follow the link as it didn't seem to be possible to copy and paste from the document.


  • Guest
Bit slow I thought, but he's sympathetic to the cause which made it refreshing.  Not sure about Russell Brand in next week's episode but time will tell.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who paused to read the dodgy punters board at the agency.  Some of those guys - user names clear as day - are in for a surprise.

Offline maxQ

Bit slow I thought, but he's sympathetic to the cause which made it refreshing.  Not sure about Russell Brand in next week's episode but time will tell.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who paused to read the dodgy punters board at the agency.  Some of those guys - user names clear as day - are in for a surprise.

I doubt the dodgy punters were using their real names

Brand might be good, I assume he will admit to being a punter, most people think of the average punter as some kind of socal outcast, that most woman would never want to talk to, never mind shag, so having the likes of brand tell a different story is a good thing


  • Guest
I doubt the dodgy punters were using their real names

Yeah, I meant in terms of them finding out what the agency think of them.  If "Britain's most boring man" tuned in for example, it's a fair bet that he won't be using their services again.

Offline Convince Me

Bit slow I thought, but he's sympathetic to the cause which made it refreshing.  Not sure about Russell Brand in next week's episode but time will tell.

Russell Brands talks about his love for a 16yr old prostitute!


  • Guest
@ pierrot

thanks for that, it does seem to point to Rachel Moran making things up to suit her agenda. I recommend people follow the link as it didn't seem to be possible to copy and paste from the document.

You can save it.


  • Guest
Hi all

I just wanted to make it clear as I've been emailed stating that you and also saafe are not happy with me.

I can assure you I love my job and yes I do orgasm and love orgasming as much as possible.
I enjoy the company of all my clients and received my award last year in June and will be hoping to retain my title this year - and no I've not used the award on myself as it's made of wood and rather rigid.

I apologise if any of my comments made on the programme offending anyone and can assure I will be continuing with my work with just as much enjoyment as I do now.
I will be featured on the weight stuff next week to discuss this more.

Big hugs

Charlotte Rose

Offline akauya

Hi Charlotte,

Why is saafe not happy with you?

Is Rupert reading this forum?

Who emailed you?

Questions, questions :)

Offline YouOnlyLiveOnce

Welcome!  I don't think anyone here is "unhappy with you" particularly.  This is a straight-talking and somewhat sarcastic bunch, but I think you did a good job in representing the "happy hookers" whose opinions are so often neglected.


  • Guest
I enjoyed the programme, different to the usual drug + prostitution + feminist + trafficking combination. Because they are all very different issues. I especially like how it talk about male and transexuals which is eye opening.

I always think the banning of prostitution is feminist way to take power from masculinity, imagine if prostitution is legal and as acceptable as a sport massage as it once were (or if prostitutes have same respect as companions in firefly), woman would no longer have the power to keep man obey. Rupert talked about religion, this shift is similar to how the church used suppress woman. Funny thing is with our female conditioning in the past few decades, most men no longer aware of this.

I do wonder if it painted a rosier picture than reality that it really suggest tho, Charlotte-rose said everyone has beauty, true, and you can have orgasam with every client, but at the end of the day, it is a job, you will have good and bad days. But I glad you enjoyed it and thank you for being there for us :)

The street walker with a daughter made me sad, not because she is a street walker but because she lacks the education and knowledge to use internet service, manage clients, finance etc.

Personally I am very interest in a prostitues emotions, sex changes a woman's brain chemistry. I won't go into detail of dopamine, cortisol etc but how would all that sex affect them? Would it make them a sex addict? How would it affect their personal life? What do they live for? Do they feel any sense of accomplishments, moving forward with their life?

If Rupert is reading this, I think they would be very interesting topics.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 12:51:14 pm by brislex »


  • Guest
I received an email stating that people weren't happy with me.
All I can be is me, I love what I do and love the people I see.

I do have good and bad days like everyone else and yes this is my job but I genuinely love it.

I choose to do this and honestly say it's been the best decision I've ever made.

I do have a BSc hons and could get a 9-5 job but I would probably be board to death!

I love the people I meet and love the new experiences I have every day.

Sorry if it offends but all I am is me, Charlotte Rose-Sex worker



  • Guest
I received an email stating that people weren't happy with me.
All I can be is me, I love what I do and love the people I see.

I do have good and bad days like everyone else and yes this is my job but I genuinely love it.

I choose to do this and honestly say it's been the best decision I've ever made.

I do have a BSc hons and could get a 9-5 job but I would probably be board to death!

I love the people I meet and love the new experiences I have every day.

Sorry if it offends but all I am is me, Charlotte Rose-Sex worker


Don't think anyone here is offended :) we will so have to arrange a meet ...

Offline Jimmyredcab

I received an email stating that people weren't happy with me.

This forum has lots of enemies, they hate us because we tell it as it is, it does not surprise me that one of them contacted you.  :hi:


  • Guest
how can they call a degree in hospitality a science degree, it a posh waitress is it not ?

Offline Matium

Charlotte Rose must have been reading UKP and now she's a member and is posting. Rupert Everett probably reads UKP as well, Nick says he was contacted to appear on "Love for Sale", so perhaps Rupert Everett might join and post as well. UKP is becoming famous. :)


  • Guest
how can they call a degree in hospitality a science degree, it a posh waitress is it not ?

No it is a 4 year degree in hospitality, management, front of house, facilities management, customer service, yield management, food and beverage management, marketing, business finance plus more. Have a look at your local university if you are interested.



  • Guest
sorry but none of that has anything to do with science, it's a BS degree

Offline dandaley

I do have a BSc hons and could get a 9-5 job but I would probably be board to death!

Obviously you were never taught the difference between board and  b.o.r.e.d  lol  :sarcastic:

Offline Matium

I will be featured on the weight stuff next week to discuss this more.

What time and day, Charlotte?

Offline akauya

OK I just went back and read the thread again and I really can't find anywhere that says UKP is "not happy" with Charlotte Rose. Apart from a few comments about her sex worker award and her multiple orgasms nothing there indicates that we are "not happy"...



  • Guest
OK I just went back and read the thread again and I really can't find anywhere that says UKP is "not happy" with Charlotte Rose. Apart from a few comments about her sex worker award and her multiple orgasms nothing there indicates that we are "not happy"...


I'm happy with her  :cool:


  • Guest
sorry but none of that has anything to do with science, it's a BS degree

I depends on the what creditation the uni had isn't it.

Anyway I would love to be a researcher on that programme :) 

Offline CBPaul

I received an email stating that people weren't happy with me.
All I can be is me, I love what I do and love the people I see.

I do have good and bad days like everyone else and yes this is my job but I genuinely love it.

I choose to do this and honestly say it's been the best decision I've ever made.

I do have a BSc hons and could get a 9-5 job but I would probably be board to death!

I love the people I meet and love the new experiences I have every day.

Sorry if it offends but all I am is me, Charlotte Rose-Sex worker


I don't find anything you've done / said offensive Charlotte. It was refreshing to see a WG I can actually associate with who is happy with what she does being presented on TV rather than the usual misconception that all working girls are forced into it against their will.

From what has been said on here, if you happen to orgasm with most punters then bonus. Your price is above what I am willing to pay but then again your choice and Exeter is too far away for me anyway so that makes sod all difference.


  • Guest
May be time for you branch out too Charlotte, write a book, do a tour etc :)


  • Guest
Obviously you were never taught the difference between board and  b.o.r.e.d  lol  :sarcastic:

Thank you for pointing out that spelling mistake to me

I don't have time to sit at my PC all day so I do write forums and blogs on my phone

But thanks again for the critique


  • Guest
sorry but none of that has anything to do with science, it's a BS degree

My certificate states BSc Hons first so maybe if you write to the board of educators you could correct them direct

Hope that helps


  • Guest


  • Guest
The email wasn't from ukp direct but from a gentleman stating this thread link and group.

I am more than happy to talk about anything I have passion about and thank you all for being so great to communicate with.

Big hugs xx


  • Guest
My certificate states BSc Hons first so maybe if you write to the board of educators you could correct them direct

Hope that helps

I'm not doubting what your certificate says,  but im having trouble linking running a hotel with science

I received an email stating that people weren't happy with me.

did you not read this thread before making this comment, if so where did you see anything that implied that anyone was not happy with you?