Sugar Babies

Author Topic: juicy lucy 19 in Leicester  (Read 2749 times)

Online Buchhalter

Anyone had the pleasure of meeting this girl in Leicester: External Link/Members Only
She looks very sexy and has some face pictures in the private gallery.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Offline kingkong69

There is photo of her somewhere on this forum..Not as nice as the profile photo..

Offline lborocd1

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the person she does duos with.... cheap for a reason I wouldn’t go back

Offline CoolTiger

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I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the person she does duos with.... cheap for a reason I wouldn’t go back

Name and link of this 2nd girl??

Offline Moreish

Name and link of this 2nd girl??

I'm not to sure but I think it this one , External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
I think she just finish  Panto ,  cinderella not sure which port can you guess ?

Offline lborocd1

That was the one. Hers was an older profile and it wasn’t one of my finer punting choices. 10 years out of date minimum the photos......

A cheap pump and dump into a receptive girl . 15 minute quickie

Offline CoolTiger

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Cheers Moreish and lborocd1  :thumbsup:

Offline jc1971

Oh my gawd! I booked Kez around a decade ago: and walked as soon as I saw the black, splintered stumps that passed for teeth. One of my shocking punting memories.
She has had more than one profile on here and a profile on Fab. Bareback was available.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 10:39:42 pm by jc1971 »

Offline Formicahunt

Kezza, bloody hell she's a legendary munger.

Offline lborocd1

Kezza, bloody hell she's a legendary munger.

Legendary ? In what way....

Offline jc1971

As in horrific/horrible/vile etc......

Offline kingkong69

Hi lborocd1 did u do review on jucy lucy if not can u give more details of bad punt..

Offline lborocd1

Not some juicy Lucy - just her duo partner.... but they work out of the same property ( could even be mother and daughter )

Offline pj50

I emailed  Lucy while the ago on aw.. Was given her number. called her  told me not working for few days.  Then on her profile said  hurt  her knee not working for a while. Her  number was shown on  her  profile the  other day. called number told fully booked until new year. Deletes emails with out reading.  Did tell me through that other girl  is who she works with. And has bloke in another room for her safety.

Offline lborocd1

Flat in Enderby I believe. I’ve got some photos of kez somewhere from before I booked her. Like I said found out she was significantly older at the door....

Offline Formicahunt

Legendary as in 'who the fuck would book that?"

Offline kingkong69

Deffo wont see u Kez Lucy looks ok cheap prices too

Offline jayuk99

bloody hell that caused me to projectile vomit.

Offline Anonyfuck

I've just booked her for a 20 quid bj. Drive all the way to energy, post code shed given me, when I got there her phone was off, not answering text and number disappeared from AW. Wont be attempting that again.

Offline lborocd1

That’s not a bad price.... if you can get hold of her


I would rather fuck the pantomime dame (the man in drag) even Emily Howard from little Britain would be better.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2020, 11:03:07 pm by EYEPUNT »

Offline kingkong69

Are we talking about Kez or juicy Lucy?

Offline Conviolo

I have fired off a few emails / texts to Juicy Lucy, as she looks like she could be good fun.

Having major second thoughts after this thread, her verification picture is not too bad in my opinion.

She just seems to be a working girl, who hardly works. Frustrating when girls have such poor communication and organisation, it's literally a third of the job.