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Author Topic: Best girls for tie and tease  (Read 3166 times)

Offline Mr_oizo

Who's the best girls in Scotland for a bit of tie and tease?


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Helps if you say who you want tied? You or her?


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Offline myothernameis

If you want tied up, how far do you want things to go

Offline The Man With No Name

Or what town or city.....

If it's Glasgow, from what I've read, probably Gabriella (External Link/Members Only), SophieThomas (External Link/Members Only) or both at the same time.  :dance:

Offline Poopster

My wife, about 12 years ago. 


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wouldnt even let someone i knew tie me, withoot payin for the pleasure :hi:


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If it's Glasgow, from what I've read, probably Gabriella (External Link/Members Only), SophieThomas (External Link/Members Only) or both at the same time.  :dance:

+1 I've done each option you have described but only done tie and tease with Gaby; she is excellent at this sort of stuff for novices and experienced guys alike. I have no reason to doubt Sophie won't be equally good, but my meets with her, including the duo, took a different route.


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Gabriella although does tnt is the same routine.

It was described in one of her reviews on ukp.

Personally tnt is a slow time wasting tactic and your better off on other things unless its witj a regular.

If its your first booking and you opt for tnt. Look at gabriellas review as it will be exactly the same. Its rehearsed, samr routine and done 20x a week

Your better with tnt with a regular

I dont think there is any tnt specialist in Glasgow


  • Guest
Gabriella although does tnt is the same routine.

It was described in one of her reviews on ukp.

Personally tnt is a slow time wasting tactic and your better off on other things unless its witj a regular.

If its your first booking and you opt for tnt. Look at gabriellas review as it will be exactly the same. Its rehearsed, samr routine and done 20x a week

Your better with tnt with a regular

I dont think there is any tnt specialist in Glasgow

Interesting perspective. I've come across some TW tactics before and I never felt that was Gabby's intention with her T&T. I suspect mine is one of the reviews you are referring to. In my case it was something discussed at the beginning of my first meeting with her and I saw it very much as a new experience that was worth exploring, particularly as the whole BDSM Dom/Sub scene is something I've started to dabble in. As for TW; it took no longer than about 5 mins and 'normal service' was excellently incorporated into the experience.

It may be that the OP is looking for a more extensive experience and the girls already mentioned are very capable of providing this. But if it's just a taster, as it was for me, I don't think Gabby's version can be faulted, and she certainly can't be accused of short changing anyone time wise.  :hi:

I'm sure there are plenty of things that WGs do '20 times' a week, so not sure why you would single this one out? Surely you're not suggesting that once a girl has given a BJ, she shouldn't repeat the experience with another client?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 03:25:23 pm by DG »


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When you mentioned a personalised tnt service.

Gabbys was the same with me which says it was rehearsed. I havent seen her for 2 years or so. I asked her to take the lead in the booking and she reccomended it.

Not singling out the service but if hes looking for someone who excels at tnt then imho he will be dissapointed.

As for it being 5mins, I guess yours was short lived.

As for her offering it 20x a week was just my way of it being rehersed. While it may satisfy some im not a fan of tnt unless its done right and its never been done with a wg on the first meet.

My point was clear.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 03:55:07 pm by bensonhedges20 »


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When you mentioned a personalised tnt service.

I've got no desire to make more of this than necessary, but when did I say it was a 'personalised service'?

Sounds like you have an unhealthy interest in this; yet you haven't seen her for two years? I merely gave the OP my opinion and he's more than welcome to read my review, and others, and form his own view  :hi:


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Not to be tried with a new wg. I have done this a number of times with prozzies ive seen regularly and have enjoyed the heightened experience of being tied while teased. Jasmine4fun would be my tip for you.


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I've got no desire to make more of this than necessary, but when did I say it was a 'personalised service'?

Sounds like you have an unhealthy interest in this; yet you haven't seen her for two years? I merely gave the OP my opinion and he's more than welcome to read my review, and others, and form his own view  :hi:
There is something sinister going on with fagbreath Ill maybe illuminate later.  But for the avoidance of doubt and although I am no expert in this field I have tried tie and tease with Gabriella once or twice she always talks to you before hand and comes up with loads of suggestions of what you might like to try. She appears to me very knowledable and expert  in the field. She has got zillions of equipment which she is happy to show to all kinds of punters.
  As far as time wasting is concerned that is as far away from her mind as a Scottish Summer.  The only time wasting she does is her own time.  I am 100% certain that genuine punters who have met her will back me up on that one.
This is not an advert there is other BDSM TNT providers available in Glasgow.  I would list them but have not been tied up by anyone else as far as I know.

Offline auldie63

+1             had the same from Gabs and thoroughly agree.

Inspector Gadget

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I think 2 different services are being confused here. The service I had with gabby was more like chiccos. The sensory play session service on her page, which was an actual stand alone service, no a g.f.e.  Consisted of a 10 to 15 min consultation, so deffo no rehearsed. Session started after the consult, so no Tw tactics either. In a 45 minute session I was tied to a cross, and around 30 implements are used on me. The idea was to focus on your senses to guess what was being used. As this was happening, I was blindfolded and gagged. Dom/fetish sessions were offered or more Pleasure ones, which is what I went for. An unusual set of things were used, including weird stuff like hairbrushes, the only thing I didn't enjoy was the ice. Everything else was excellent. Having your balls drained at the end on a giant cross was also a new one for me. I had been offered a cross, a bed or something called a throne for the session. I opted for the cross. I've been tied up by prossies before, but this was a whole different ball game. Would be interested to hear from anyone who tried the Dom version?


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My sensory play with Gaby was a 5 - 10 min session at the start of an hour meet and included some of the things you mentioned. I prefer my girl to be on the cross tbh, seemed to work out fine for us both, although it was probably not really a 'tease' session on the occasions I've done that. Although I might try being on the cross myself one day.

Inspector Gadget

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That's the point I was making. Tie n tease, and sensory play seem to be totally different things.  Did you have HER on the cross??  That certainly wasn't offered to me


  • Guest
That's the point I was making. Tie n tease, and sensory play seem to be totally different things.  Did you have HER on the cross??  That certainly wasn't offered to me

Being a gentleman and also so as not to spoil the surprise for future clients, I like to keep some details to myself.  ;)  Maybe I'm 'special' Inspector  :D
« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 10:30:52 pm by DG »

Inspector Gadget

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I'm no interested if your special, or the ins in oots, I just want to know if you managed to get her On the receiving end? She doesny strike me as the sort to relinquish control to a punter.


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I'm no interested if your special, or the ins in oots, I just want to know if you managed to get her On the receiving end? She doesny strike me as the sort to relinquish control to a punter.

Ok Inspector I give in. Now I could go all philosophical and tell you that a girl like Gaby never actually relinquishes control but, of course she was  :yahoo: Just call me José  :cool:

Inspector Gadget

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I'm confused as funk! So you had her on a cross, but she was still domming you from her weakened position?  Sounds a bit power mad to me. Jose?  Who's he?  Do you mean Don Jaun Demarco?  The spelling may be oot! 😀  Legendary lad that nae wuman, nor nae prossies could refuse?


  • Guest
I'm confused as funk! So you had her on a cross, but she was still domming you from her weakened position?  Sounds a bit power mad to me. Jose?  Who's he?  Do you mean Don Jaun Demarco?  The spelling may be oot! 😀  Legendary lad that nae wuman, nor nae prossies could refuse?

José Mourinho aka The Special One  :) Everyone knows Gaby is a Dom so it wouldn't do her reputation any good if I went about telling everyone I had her tied to a cross submitting to my will, would it?  :cool:


  • Guest
Sensory play and tnt go hand in hand

I have no loyalty to any escort or provide favouritism chico so your welcome to be 007 and investigate and spill some fluffy bs

 a proper tnt is a surprise. Sometimes after round one. Can involve sensory play but its supposed to get you aroused and feel edging to some degree. Anything rehearsed is not the same as you knowing whats coming. Its not the same.

A little bit of tickling even if your tied up isnt tnt. Not by any means.

Being tied to a cross is not tnt. Its domination to some extent with the escort being a little submissive

 a proper tnt involves restraints. An urge to want to fuck the escort who is teasing, tickling, playing with you but withholding or allowing you to fuck the prossie. Its a delay tactic to make you want to fuck her  and with enthusiasm. A good tnt allows you to get aroused and hard and leads to a good round two with any escort or civvy.
Icecubes, cream, strawberries, toys, feathers can all be used but its the 'tease' and delaying of yoir ability to hold her, fuck her, and touch which makes it a tie and tease.

You need a connection for this to occur. It simply wont be anything decent in the first meet

« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 12:27:40 am by bensonhedges20 »


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BH in my short time in this game it's clear that punting is not an exact science. There have been many threads debating; what does GFE mean?; how deep is deepthroat?; define rimming etc. etc. Seems to me we've hit upon another activity that is difficult to gain full consensus about. So rather than flogging it to death maybe just accept it for what it is.

I certainly wouldn't presume to disagree with your version of what T&T is but all I know is I was tied up and teased. The obsession with how a particular girl delivers this is unhelpful at best, and laughable at worst. So whereas your more general comments are welcome, ditch the angst and what seems to be a personal vendetta against certain SPs and give us all peace.

Inspector Gadget

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Every time fag breath opens her mouth it becomes more apparent she's no had a punt with G.  The events she says are essential, such as edge play, denial, no kissing, touching, etc are all included in Gs sensory play session. Climax was not a given, but had to be earned based on tasks guessed correctly. As far as there no bein enough of a connection in a first punt to achieve this level of sensation, I'd disagree, because it's exactly what i experienced. Or perhaps G is just a far superior escort to you, and you canny accept that 😀 As far as punting more than once goes, you have said at least 5 times, you'd never see the same lassie more than once, so presumably that 'level' is no achievable for you, but don't be presumptuous and assume that's the case fur every punter.


  • Guest
The notion that im angry comes from your fluffy nature. I have no problems being questioned on my comments but you seem to have the vibe that someone is perfect. Im just explaining reality from your taz like experiance of everything being 'amazing'.

I dont have a vendetta against anyone. I dont get angry and make post after post slating someone. Ill happily say it as it is in my experiance of the said escort.

Inspector Gadget

  • Guest
Every time fag breath opens her mouth it becomes more apparent she's no had a punt with G.  The events she says are essential, such as edge play, denial, no kissing, touching, etc are all included in Gs sensory play session. Climax was not a given, but had to be earned based on tasks guessed correctly. As far as there no bein enough of a connection in a first punt to achieve this level of sensation, I'd disagree, because it's exactly what i experienced. Or perhaps G is just a far superior escort to you, and you canny accept that 😀 As far as punting more than once goes, you have said at least 5 times, you'd never see the same lassie more than once, so presumably that 'level' is no achievable for you, but don't be presumptuous and assume that's the case fur every punter.


  • Guest
The notion that im angry comes from your fluffy nature. I have no problems being questioned on my comments but you seem to have the vibe that someone is perfect. Im just explaining reality from your taz like experiance of everything being 'amazing'.

I dont have a vendetta against anyone. I dont get angry and make post after post slating someone. Ill happily say it as it is in my experiance of the named escort.


  • Guest
Every time fag breath opens her mouth it becomes more apparent she's no had a punt with G.  The events she says are essential, such as edge play, denial, no kissing, touching, etc are all included in Gs sensory play session. Climax was not a given, but had to be earned based on tasks guessed correctly. As far as there no bein enough of a connection in a first punt to achieve this level of sensation, I'd disagree, because it's exactly what i experienced. Or perhaps G is just a far superior escort to you, and you canny accept that 😀 As far as punting more than once goes, you have said at least 5 times, you'd never see the same lassie more than once, so presumably that 'level' is no achievable for you, but don't be presumptuous and assume that's the case fur every punter.

Or your easily satisfied?
That right there is an aw rwview.

You have your escort of choice. No need to try anyone else. They wont come near to Gs level.

Go go gadget...
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 01:30:46 am by bensonhedges20 »

Inspector Gadget

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Probably no. Certainly no you Dee!  And I think you'll find, the phrase is: Go Gadget Go!  You managed to out any Ukp punters on your secret blog recently? :coolgirl:

Online webpunter

My wife, about 12 years ago.
Is she still in the chest freezer in the garage ?  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Probably no. Certainly no you Dee!  And I think you'll find, the phrase is: Go Gadget Go!  You managed to out any Ukp punters on your secret blog recently? :coolgirl:

Ughh fuck look at this snivelling hoor gimp Gadgey's, shite.  He's righty out the closet now  :lol:

You've got accusations to make, spit them out AND tell us the source.  Tell us what hoors been filling fluffy heads with tittle tattle about punters, then anyone reading can assess whether or not it has any credibility.

Inspector Gadget

  • Guest
All in good time mate. All in good time. Let her keep hanging herself wae rope for a while first.

Offline WeeTodger

Anyone know of any decent girls that do this is Aberdeen? Been wanting to try this for a while, dabbled into with naughty sexy nikola but that was more kinky hand job than dom session.
Been looking for but can't seem to find anyone that stands out for light dom.

Online webpunter

Just reading this thread & noticed the location.  Scoootland.  Should it have read 'tight & tease' [& i'm not referring to the vag dept !  :lol:]


  • Guest
Just reading this thread & noticed the location.  Scoootland.  Should it have read 'tight & tease' [& i'm not referring to the vag dept !  :lol:]

What about sophieora? Seems to have updates that suggest shes into mild dom? Does enough cam too judging by her profile?

Offline myothernameis

Who's the best girls in Scotland for a bit of tie and tease?

I see Mr_oizo  hasnt replied since posting this thread, maybe he a little tied up   :D :D :D
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 10:53:33 am by myothernameis »


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I see Mr_oizo  hasnt replied since posting this thread, maybe he a little tied up   :D :D :D

Love it. pished masel. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D